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2011高考英语一轮复习教学案大纲版:BOOKI UNIT19.doc

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1、2011高考英语一轮教学案大纲版Unit 19-Unit 20提约见挈领单元考查重点及热点Unit 19单词protection technique irrigation pump seed technical import production method root insect tobacco golden tie discovery garden gardening gardener wisdom practical guide firstly sow condition soil weed remove sunflower短语depend on and so on take note

2、s of stand for go against year after year in the direction of in surprise to ones joy句型插入语Unit 20单词humour humourous bitter chalk couple minister circus intend stage nationality certain amuse laughter accent actually typical tradition rapid appreciate exist phrase suffer operate direction brake cycli

3、st fortunately bicycle silence rude confuse confused短语make fun of date back make use of be on good terms with sb. drive off look on.as句型no matter+疑问词引导状语从句Unit 19理解:要点诠释单词1.condition讲: n. 状况;状态;环境;情况;形势;条件v.决定;调整状态;使适应;训练例:Ability is one of the conditions of success in life.能力是人生成功的条件之一。Her parents

4、allowed her to go,but made it a condition that she should get home before midnight.她的父母准许她去,但是有一个条件,那就是她在午夜以前必须回家。Well let you use the room on condition that you keep it clean and tidy.只要你能保持整洁,我们可以让你使用这个房间。You should on no condition visit that place.你绝不能去那个地方。The condition of my health prevents me

5、from working.我的健康状况不允许我工作。He conditioned himself for the race.他为赛跑而调整体能状态。链接提示 (1)in good condition情况良好 (2)in/out of condition健康良好(不佳) (3)on condition that在条件下 (4)on this/that/no/what condition在这种(那种,没有的,什么)条件下练:(1)Scientists have not so far found a better condition _ this new rice can be developed.

6、A.that B.in which C.by which D.how提示:本题考查定语从句。“在环境下”用介词in。故选B。答案:B(2)Though bought ten years ago,the car is still in good _.A.situation B.condition C.position D.station提示:in good condition在此处表示“车况很好”。答案:B(3)I dont mind what time tomorrow you arrive at my place_you promise to come and help me.A.on co

7、ndition that B.so far as C.as well as D.as good as提示:on condition that=so long as,意思是“在的条件下”。答案:A2.cause讲:n. 原因;起因v.引起;导致;使发生;造成例:Drunken driving is one of the most common causes of traffic accidents.酒后驾驶是导致交通事故的常见原因之一。Do you know what caused the fire?你知道火灾是怎么引起的吗?链接提示 The bad weather is causing pro

8、blems for many farmers. 恶劣的天气给许多农民造成了困难。 (1)cause sb.sth.=cause sth.to sb.给某人造成 (2)cause sb.to do使某人干练:(1)According to the recent research,heavy coffee drinking and heart attack is not necessarily _and effect.A.reason B.impact C.fact D.cause提示:句意为:最新研究表明,多喝咖啡和心脏病发作并没有必然的因果关系。cause强调导致某事发生的原因,reason强

9、调说明某事的理由。答案:D(2)The horrible noise from the mans room simply _ her to tremble.A.put B.caused C.drove D.turned提示:句意为:从那个男人房间里传来的可怕的声音使她吓得浑身发抖。cause sb.to do使某人干某事。答案:B短语1.go against讲:该短语的义项有“违反;不利”。例:If you go against nature and do things at the wrong time of year,you will have to do more work and th

10、e results will not be so good.如果违背自然规律,不按农时耕作,就会事倍功半。Dont go against your father.不要反对你的父亲。The war is going against them.战争似乎对他们不利。链接拓展 (1)go ahead 进步;前进;可以 May I start now? 我可以动身吗? Yes,go ahead. 是的,动身吧。 (2)go away离开;走开 Did you go away or stay at home in the vacation? 假期你是在家还是外出了? (3)go by走过;时间流逝 Sev

11、eral years went by before we met again. 我们过了好多年才再见面。 (4)go down 下降;落下;平静下来 The wind has gone down a little. 风势减弱了。 (5)go in for从事;参加 He goes in for sports every day. 他每天都从事体育锻炼。 (6)go off离去;进展;变坏;熄掉 The meeting went off very well. 会议进展地很顺利。 The milk has gone off. 牛奶变质了。 (7)go over 调查;复习 She went ove

12、r the lines time and again. 她反复练习台词。 (8)go through经过;经历;调查 The poor girl has gone through such a lot since her parents died. 那可怜的少女自从父母去世后经历了许多痛苦。练:(1)Unless you _ nature,you are sure to be punished by nature.A.go against B.go across C.go by D.go over提示:此题A项干扰性较强,如果用go against,必须将unless换成if。go again

13、st意为“违反”;go by sth.意为“遵循(或依照)某事物、以某事物来判断”。例如:Thats a good rule to go by.(那是要遵守的好规则)。因而正确答案为C。unless you go by nature=if you dont go by nature。go by还可以表示“(时间)逝去、过去”。答案:C(2)What you did _the school rule.So next time you are late,dont try to slip into the classroom without _ by the teacher.A.go against

14、;being noticed B.goes against;being noticedC.went against;noticing D.went against;noticing提示:you和notice之间有被动关系,应该使用动名词的被动式,排除C、D两项;what you did是主语从句,谓语动词应该用单数,故选B。答案:B2.year after year讲:该短语的义项有“年复一年;年年;每年”。例:Year after year the boy goes to see his grandpa on his birthday.每年小男孩都在他生日的那一天去看他的爷爷。We used

15、 to go to the mountain village for a holiday year after year.我们以前年年都去那个山村度假。链接拓展 (1)year by year逐年;一年一年地 year after year强调重复,year by year强调变化 (2)类似的结构 day after day day by day month after month month by month练:_,those college students come to see the old man who has no son or daughter.They find he g

16、rows weaker _.A.Year after year;year by year B.Year by year;year after yearC.Year after year;year after year D.Year by year;year by year提示:句意为:每年这些大学生都来看望这个无儿无女的老人,他们发现这个老人在逐年变老。答案:A句型插入语讲:注意观察下面教材原句:Why do you think this happens?你认为为什么会发生这些变化?What do you think caused these changes?你认为是什么(原因)引起这些变化的

17、?do you think是插入语,经常位于疑问词(组)后,在这种情况下,原句的主要部分变成从句,因而使用陈述句的语序。有时也可以放在句尾,此时,原句的主要部分的语序不变。例:What does he think we should do to learn music?他认为我们应该如何学习音乐?(比较:What should we do to learn music?)When do you think he will get up?你认为他什么时候起床?(比较:When will he get up?)What is it,do you think?你认为这是什么?(比较:What do

18、you think it is?)链接提示 插入语的类型: (1)副词作插入语 You play basketball very well,indeed. 你打篮球打得确实好。 (2)形容词(组)作插入语 Sorry to say,Mary is late again. 说来遗憾,玛丽又迟到了。 (3)介词短语作插入语 By the way,whats your name? 顺便问一句,你叫什么名字? In a word,your job is well done. 总之,你的工作做得很好。 (4)分词短语作插入语 Generally speaking,boys are taller than

19、 girls. 一般来说,男孩比女孩高。 (5)不定式短语作插入语 To tell the truth,I dont like this car,especially its colour. 说实话,我不喜欢这辆车,特别是车的颜色。 (6)插入句作插入语 He wont pass the exam,I suppose. 我猜他考试不会及格。 Who do you think the old lady is? 你认为那老太太是谁?练:_ is the top player in this football team?A.Who do you think B.Do you think whomC.

20、Whom do you think D.Do you think whose else提示:do you think是插入语,应该放在疑问词后,排除B、D两项;疑问词在句中作主语,故选A。答案:A辨析1.way,method,meansway可指一般的方法,也可指个人的或特殊的方法或方式。如way of life(生活方式)。另外,当way作为先行词时,定语从句的引导词可以是in which也可以是that,也可以不用引导词。常用短语:in this way用这种方式;by the way顺便说;in a way在某种程度上;in no way决不;in the way妨碍某人;lose on

21、es way迷路;on the/ones way在路上;make ones way前进。method指理论的或系统的方法。means指具体的“方法、手段、工具”,其单复数形式相同。常用短语:by this means用这种方式;by all means无论如何;by means of以;by no means一点也不。即时练习:(1)I think this is the best _ to deal with the waste.(2)Now teaching the text is done in a very lively _ in English classes.(3)He intro

22、duced the western _ of teaching in class.(4)Follow her _ of cooking.(5)Every possible _ has been adopted.答案:(1)way (2)way (3)method (4)method (5)means2.used to,be used to,be used for,be used as(1)used to中的to是不定式符号,后接动词原形,意为“过去常常干某事”。(2)be used to中的to有两种含义:to为不定式符号后接动词原形,意为“被用来做”;to为介词,后接名词或动名词,意为“习惯

23、于某事或做某事”。(3)be used for sth.意为“被用来”。(4)be used as sth.意为“被作为使用”。即时练习:(1)A new building has been built where there _ be a row of old houses.(2)Since his graduation he has been _ this sort of things.(3)Bamboo,which can _ build houses,can be made into fine paper now.(4)Jack _ smoke,but now he isnt _ sm

24、oking.(5)What will the money be _?(6)In this country English is _ the second language.答案:(1)used to (2)used to (3)be used to (4)used to;used to (5)used for (6)used as诱思:实例点拨【例1】 (2010全国模拟) The storm left,_ a lot of damage to this area.A.caused B.to have causedC.to cause D.having caused提示:句意为:暴风雨过去后,

25、给这个地区造成了巨大损害。从上下文逻辑意义看,此处表示自然而然的结果,应该用现在分词作结果状语。答案:D讲评:作结果状语时,动词不定式表示出乎意料的结果,而现在分词表示自然而然、顺理成章的结果。【例2】 (2010山东模拟) Modern plastics can _ very high and very low temperatures.A.stand B.hold C.carry D.support提示:stand承受,接受,忍受;hold握,拿;carry携带;support支持。A项符合句意。答案:A讲评:在平时的学习中要牢记动词的词义和用法,这是解此类题的基础。【例3】 (2010天

26、津模拟) It is what you do rather than what you say _ matters.A.that B.what C.which D.this提示:本题考查强调句型。从结构看本句强调的是主语从句,去掉强调结构剩下的是 “What you do rather than what you say matters.”。所以选用A项。答案:A讲评:解题时,碰到以“It is/was”开头的句子,应首先考虑是否是强调句。去掉It is/was.that.,如果剩余部分是完整的句子,则是强调句,否则就不是。【例4】 (2010山东模拟) The country life he was used to _ greatly since 1992.A.change B.has changedC.changing D.have changed提示:解本题时要分清结构。he was used to是定语从句,he前省略了关系代词that/which;主句的主语是the country life,选项作主句的谓语,依据since 1992判断,应该用现在完成时,故选B。答案:B


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