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2011高考英语模块新课标 北师大英语阶段验收四(UNITS 10-12)(带解析).doc

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1、阶段验收四(Units 1012)第一卷第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1What does the man mean?A. They arent difficult at all.B. He doesnt want to say.C. He cant compare the two games.2What does the man want?A. Juic

2、e.B. Water.C. Beer.3When should the man have arrived?A. At 600.B. At 630.C. At 700.4What day is it today?A. Friday.B. Saturday.C. Monday.5What does the woman feel about the mans smoking?A. She doesnt dislike the mans smoking.B. She doesnt mind the mans smoking.C. She doesnt allow the man to smoke.第二

3、节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6Why did the man refuse to have fish at first?A. He disliked fish.B. He thought the fish was too expensive.C. He thought it would make him put

4、on weight.7What did the man think of the fish when he tasted it?A. Horrible.B. Delicious.C. Salty.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8What is the boy doing?A. He is drawing a roof.B. He is painting the house.C. He is painting the fence.9What is the woman going to help the man with?A. She is going to clean the house.B.

5、 She is going to paint the wall.C. She is going to make some curtains.10Why does the boy say sorry to the woman?A. Because he made the house a mess.B. Because he dropped some paint on the wall.C. Because he used a color that the woman doesnt like.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11Whats wrong with the man?A. He can

6、t speak freely.B. He cant eat food easily.C. He cant sleep well.12How often should the man take the medicine?A. Three times a day.B. Twice a day.C. Once a day.13What do we learn from the conversation?A. The man ate a lot of sugar yesterday.B. The man drank little water yesterday.C. The man ate a lot

7、 of salt yesterday.听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14What does the woman think about cardplaying?A. Its healthy.B. Its relaxing.C. It makes people fat.15What is the womans suggestion?A. Play basketball.B. Play cards.C. Go out for a walk.16Where did the mans classmate break his leg?A. In the street.B. At school.C.

8、In the gym.17What do the two speakers decide to do finally?A. Play table tennis.B. Play basketball.C. Meet some friends.听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18Who was Queen when William Shakespeare was born?A. Elizabeth .B. Elizabeth .C. Elizabeth .19What did William Shakespeare study at the Stratford Grammar School?A

9、. Latin and drama.B. Latin and mathematics.C. Latin and history.20How old was William Shakespeare when he married?A. Eighteen.B. Nineteen.C. Twenty.听力材料(Text 1)W:Which game do you think is more difficult to learn, chess or bridge?M:I cant say. They are like apples and oranges.(Text 2)W:Would you lik

10、e some water or juice?M:No, thanks. Id prefer to have some beer. Is that OK?W:All right.(Text 3)M:What happened to you? Its almost 7 oclock. Youre half an hour late.W:Sorry, but my car was stuck in traffic.(Text 4)W:My son hasnt felt like eating anything recently.M:How long has this been going on?W:

11、Let me see. Four days. Oh, yes, it started on Wednesday morning.(Text 5)M:Do you mind my smoking here?W:Will you please look at the sign there? No smoking is allowed here.(Text 6)W:Why not take some fish, dear?M:Im afraid I have to lose weight, Mum.W:You wont get fat eating fish, and besides its goo

12、d for you.M:Really?W:Yes, try some.M:OK. Ill try. Ah, its delicious!(Text 7)W:Oh, its lovely. I like the roof. What a beautiful red!M:I havent painted the front door yet. What colour do you think it should be?W:I think green would be nice.or yellow.or perhaps blue.Oh, I dont know. Would you like me

13、to make some curtains for it?M:Oh, that would be great, Mum. Oh. by the way. Im afraid I got a bit of paint on the wall over there. Im terribly sorry.W:Oh, cant it be removed?M:I think so. If not. Ill just paint the rest of the wall the same colour.(Text 8)W:Please have a seat. What can I do for you

14、?M:I dont feel well. There must be something wrong with my throat. It felt painful when I was eating.W:How did it happen?M:I dont know how it happened. Maybe I ate too much salt yesterday, and I didnt drink enough water.W:You mean that your throat started feeling bad yesterday?M:Yes, yesterday eveni

15、ng.W:Now, open your mouth. Let me have a look.M:What do you see? Is it very serious?W:Dont worry about it. Its nothing serious. Take this medicine three times a day. Youll be OK soon.M:Thank you very much!W:Dont forget to drink plenty of water. Bye.(Text 9)M:Say, Lucy, how about playing cards after

16、dinner?W:You know, playing cards is interesting but its really not healthy.M:What do you mean? It helps one relax.W:Do you really think so? I dont. It just makes you fat.M:I guess youre right. But what shall we do? I dont feel like staying at home.W:I suggest a walk over to the school to play basket

17、ball and meet some of our friends.M:Thats a good idea. I hear Mary and Sally often go there to play. But it can be dangerous.W:What do you mean?M:Well, a classmate of mine broke his leg playing basketball last weekend.W:Sorry to hear that. But what do you think we should do?M:How about going to the

18、gym to play table tennis?W:Sounds good. Lets go right after dinner.M:OK.(Text 10) William Shakespeare was born in 1564 in StratfordonAvon,England. At that time Elizabeth had been Queen for six years. We do not know much about Shakespeares life. However, we do know that his father was a shopkeeper an

19、d that his mother was a farmers daughter. William Shakespeare went to Stratford Grammar School, where he studied Latin and mathematics. When he left school, William was employed by his father. He married a local girl, Anne Hathaway, when he was eighteen. Three years later he left Stratford and went

20、to London. We dont know anything about Shakespeares life between the years 1585 and 1590. We are certain, however, that by the end of 1590 he had joined a group of actors and had started writing plays. He may have written more plays than the ones we have, but he did not have some of them published o

21、r performed.答案:15CCBBC610CBBCB1115BACCA1620BAABA第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。21Almost everyone, teenagers in particular, enjoyed using text messaging, and they began to create a new language for messages _“texting”Ato callBcallingCcalled Dhaving called答

22、案与解析:C考查非谓语动词形式作定语用法。language与call(称为)之间是动宾关系,因此call应使用被动式,表示“该语言被称为”,故选C项。22Very kind of you to have come to my party, Mr. Obama._ADont mention it.BNever mind.CI see. Bye!DYou neednt thank me.答案与解析:A考查交际用语。第一个人说的是感谢对方的话,第二个人用“别客气;不用谢”来回答。never mind是对道歉的回答。D项是汉语式思维,不得体。23Using the programmes of the

23、Olympic Ceremony we Chinese made _ clear to the world that China has a long history and brilliant culture.Athis BthatCit Dthese答案与解析:C考查it作形式宾语的用法。分析句子结构可知,本句的真正宾语为that China has a long history and brilliant culture这个从句,clear为宾语补足语,前面需要一个形式宾语,所以选C项。24I was totally shocked that that child _ have said

24、 such a thing to his parents.Amight BcouldCwould Dshould答案与解析:D考查情态动词较为特殊的用法。句意:我十分震惊,那个孩子竟然对他的父母说了那样的话。由此可知所缺情态动词表示“竟然”之意。25All the doctors in the hospital insisted that the wounded passerby _ at once.Abe operated on Bwas operatedCwas operated on Dbe operated答案与解析:A同时考查语态、词组及虚拟语气的用法。当insist表示“坚持要求做

25、某事”时,其后的宾语从句的谓语形式应该使用should do,其中should可以省略;“对某人动手术”应该用operate on sb.表示;因为主语为过路人,所以他是动作施与的对象,故operate要用被动式。26Darling, dont you think we should buy _ new machine? The old one has been damaged _ repair.Aa; within Ba; beyondCthe; within Dthe; beyond答案与解析:B同时考查冠词与介词用法。一方建议另一方买一台新机器,此时泛指机器中的任意一部,故用不定冠词a;

26、第二空表示老机器坏得不能修理了。介词beyond表示“超出之外”,其反义词为within。27The news that Obama was elected _ president of the United States is not _ mystery.Athe; the Ba; /C/; a Dthe; a答案与解析:C表示官衔、职位的名词作表语、宾语补足语、主语补足语、同位语时,其前不用冠词;第二空mystery是抽象名词具体化,表示“神秘的事”。28The nurse treated the boy very kindly, but he was so naughty that he

27、r patience _ at last.Aused up Bgot awayCwent down Dgave out答案与解析:Dgive out表示“用尽”,句意是“她失去了耐心”。use up用完,为及物动词短语;get away走开,逃离;go down下去,(价格)下降;give out释放,散发出,分发耗尽。29Thank you for all your hard work during the disaster. I dont think we _ it without you.Acan survive Bcould surviveCcould have survived Dm

28、ust have survived答案与解析:C用“could not have过去分词”表示对过去情况的否定推测,意为“不可能已做了某事”。30When Chinese people talk about American cities, the first _ comes into their minds is San Francisco.Acity BoneCthat Dof them答案与解析:C先行词是序数词first,关系代词在从句中作主语通常用that。31Some miners were trapped when the local mine was flooded, but

29、luckily, 400 kilograms of milk _ to them during the rescue.Agot through Bbrought downCgave away Dgave out答案与解析:Aget through表示“到达(某人处)”;bring down降低的价格;give away分发(在此句中应用被动语态),赠送,泄露(秘密);give out发布,耗尽,发出(光、热、气味等)。32How long have you been in Tanggou Senior Middle School?More than two years.So it will b

30、e less than one year _ you graduate from this school.Awhen BthatCbefore Dsince答案与解析:CIt will be一段时间before.过(多长时间)就;It is一段时间since sb. did sth.自从某人做某事以来有时间。33_ into a famous university made his parents happy.ATom was admittedBTom being admittedCIf Tom was admittedDToms being admitted答案与解析:D此处为动名词复合结构

31、作主语。34I want someone to write the composition for me.No. As a student, you _ depend on yourself.Amust BwillCcan Dmay答案与解析:A表示主观上“必须”做某事要用情态动词must。35Tony said he could fix my bicycle, but I really doubt it._. Hes good at that sort of thing.ADont worryBOf courseCA piece of cakeDI couldnt agree more答案与

32、解析:ADont worry.表示“别担心”;Of course.表示“当然”;A piece of cake.表示 “容易的事”;I couldnt agree more.表示“我非常赞同”。根据句意,用“Dont worry.”来安慰对方。第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I can honestly say that it was the best of times and also the worst of times in my life. I was _36_ exp

33、ecting my first child but my once energetic mother was losing her _37_ with a brain disease. For ten years, my mother had fought against the disease, but _38_ of the treatment had been successful. Unfortunately, she became totally _39_, unable to speak, walk, eat or dress _40_ her own. As she grew c

34、loser and closer to _41_, my baby grew closer and closer to life inside me. I was sad not only for the upcoming _42_ of my mother, but also that she and my baby would never know each other. A few weeks _43_ my due date, Mother _44_ a deep coma(昏迷). Her doctors did not hold any hope and said that it

35、was _45_ to put in a feeding tubeshe would never wake up. We brought Mother home, and tried our best to keep her _46_. I sat beside her and talked to her about the baby moving _47_ me. I hoped that somehow deep inside, she knew. On February 3,1989, just as I gave birth to my baby, Jacob, something i

36、mpossible occurred: Mother was sitting up,her oxygen tubes _48_. When I brought Jacob home,Mother was sitting in her chair, _49_ to welcome him. Tears of joy filled my eyes as I _50_ my son in her arms. They just _51_ at each other. For two weeks, Mother smiled and held Jacob. She spoke to my father

37、, her children and grandchildren in complete _52_. She gave us _53_. Then she quietly slipped back into a coma and, after _54_ from all of her children. She was finally free of the pain and _55_ away. Believe it or not, love can last forever.36. A. joyfully B. sadly C. surprisingly D. bitterly37. A.

38、 hope B. ability C. battle D. game38. A. all B. some C. none D. any39. A. helpful B. disabled C. unhappy D. healthy40. A. with B. by C. in D. on41. A. death B. life C. smile D. fear42. A. recovery B. loss C. arrival D. miss43. A. after B. before C. until D. past44. A. carried away B. kept up C. fell

39、 into D. took off45. A. impossible B. careless C. hopeful D. useless46. A. comfortable B. relaxed C. happy D. excited47. A. beyond B. inside C. with D. towards48. A. recovered B. rebuilt C. removed D. recharged49. A. willing B. ready C. free D. astonished50. A. dropped B. laid C. lied D. threw51. A.

40、 glared B. glanced C. stared D. noticed52. A. regards B. sentences C. silence D. words53. A. joy B. sorrow C. trouble D. anger54. A. concerns B. sighs C. visits D. sights55. A. drove B. ran C. moved D. passed答案与解析:36A考查副词的词义辨析。由文中语境知,“我怀着喜悦的心情期待着第一个孩子的出生”。A项joyfully“欢乐地,高兴地”;B项sadly“伤心地,痛心地”;C项surpr


42、;C项unhappy“不幸福的,不开心的”;D项healthy“健康的”,故B项符合文意。40 D句意为“(母亲)不能说话,不能走路,不能吃饭,也不能自己穿衣服。”on ones own为固定搭配,意为“独自,主动地”。41A句意为:当母亲越来越靠近死亡时,我腹中的孩子越来越接近出生。death“死亡”;life“生命”;smile“微笑”;fear“恐惧”,故A项符合文意。42B句意为:我不只是为了即将失去母亲而伤心,也为她和我的孩子永远不会相识而悲伤。此处考查名词辨析。recovery“恢复,复得”;loss“失去,丧失”;arrival“到达”;miss“错过,怀念”,故B项符合文意。4

43、3B句意为:在我预产期前几星期,母亲陷入了深度昏迷。before在之前,符合文意。44C考查动词短语辨析。carry away运走,拿走;keep up保持,继续;fall into陷入,落入;take off起飞,脱掉。故C项符合文意。45D句意为:医生们不抱任何希望了,说插入进食管已没有用。impossible“不可能的”;careless“粗心的”;hopeful“有希望的”;useless“无用的”,故D项符合文意。46A句意为:我们把妈妈接回家里,尽量让她舒适些。comfortable舒适的;relaxed放松的;happy高兴的;excited兴奋的。故A项符合文意。47B句意为:

44、我坐在她身边,告诉她我腹中胎儿的胎动情况。beyond“超出,在的那边”;inside“在里面”;with“与在一起”;towards“朝,向”。其中C项混淆性较强,但上文“my baby grew closer and closer to life inside me”已提到过相关用法,故选B项更准确。48C句意为:妈妈坐起来了,她的氧气管已拿掉。A项recover“恢复,痊愈,补偿”;B项rebuild“重建”;C项remove“移动,迁移,挪开”;D项recharge“恢复体力,充电”,故C项符合文意。49B形容词作伴随状语,表示“准备迎接”。50B考查动词词义辨析。drop“(使)落下

45、,掉下”;lay“安置,安放”;lie“撒谎”;throw“扔,抛”,故B项符合文意。51C考查动词短语辨析。glare at“怒目而视”;glance at“瞥一眼,匆匆一看”;stare at“注视,目不转睛地看”;notice“注意到”,及物动词,故选C项。52B句意为:她用完整的句子和丈夫,孩子,外孙聊天。故选B项。53A名词辨析。joy“欢乐”;sorrow“悲伤”;trouble“麻烦”;anger“气愤”,故A项符合文意。54C句意为:当看过所有的孩子后,她再度陷入昏迷。此处考查名词辨析。concern“担心,忧虑”;sigh“标志,征兆”;visit“看望,拜访”;sight“

46、视力”,作“看见”讲时,与of连用。55Dpass away,固定短语,意为“去世了,故去了”。第三部分阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A I am trying to muster(鼓起) the courage to toss_away my mobile phone to enjoy a more peaceful and ringfree life. Can you imagine not having your mobile phone? In our hightech,

47、inahurry age, a cellfree life is a hard concept to swallow. Our mobile phones can now access the Internet, and many people feel the need to express their every thought on their blog pages. If I gave up my cellphone, people would think I was mad. I wish I had the strength to toss away my technology.

48、I have an office phone, a home phone, an email and if people want to contact me, they can. If Im out, people can leave a message. Do they really need to find me 24/7? However, Im a bit like Frodo in the movie Lord of the Rings. The power of the ring is too strong and I cant let it go. Mobile phones

49、have become necessary tools in our busy life. For most people, they hold all contacts and many of us dont write up address books any more. The latest phones carry our music, pictures, movies and everything else. We feel lost without this device and when we do misplace it, we feel cut off from our fe

50、llow. “Where have you been?” said a friend, who saw me a week after I lost my cellphone, “I tried calling you, but you disappeared. You disappeared off the face of the Earth.” See, when you dont have a mobile phone, you dont exist. Im not really going to toss my mobile phone away, in fact. We humans

51、 are such social animals and mobile phones serve us well. So in 2009, Ive decided not to serve my mobile phone. Like all machines, I can always turn it off.56What does the underlined phrase “toss away” mean?A. give away B. get awayC. break away D. throw away答案与解析:D词义猜测题。根据第一段中的“ enjoy a more peacefu

52、l and ringfree life”可知,如果我们想要过没有手机干扰的平静的生活,我们需要把手机扔掉。故短语toss away此处意为“扔掉”,与throw away同义。57. The writer mentions Frodo to _.A. show it is difficult to get rid of the mobile phoneB. show how much he likes FrodoC. suggest a cellfree life is what he wantsD. introduce a film character to us答案与解析:A推理判断题。第

53、三段中的“However, Im a bit like Frodo in the movie Lord of the Rings. The power of the ring is too strong and I cant let it go.”表明作者认为自己就像指环王中的人物Frodo,他无法摆脱指环,而作者也不能摆脱手机。这个例子是用来证明摆脱手机有多么困难。因此答案为A项。58What do we know about mobile phones in the 4th paragraph?A. Mobile phones can do anything for us.B. Mobil

54、e phones have become very important in our life.C. We could not live without mobile phones.D. We would be cut off by our fellow without mobile phones.答案与解析:B段落大意题。文章的第四段紧紧围绕主题句“Mobile phones have become necessary tools in our busy life”来写,阐述手机在我们生活中的重要性。59What can be inferred from the last paragraph

55、?A. The writer is not really going to toss his mobile phone away.B. When you dont have a mobile phone, you dont exist.C. The writer decides not to serve his mobile phone.D. We humans can control ourselves and machines.答案与解析:D推理判断题。在最后一段作者表明,我们不能扔掉手机,因为人类有交际的需求,而手机又能很好地为人类服务。所以在2009年,“我”决定不为手机服务,而是该关

56、闭的时候关闭手机,让它为“我”服务。最后一句“Like all machines, I can always turn it off”暗示答案为D项。B Two thirds of teenagers in the US and Australia intend to work abroad in Europe or Asia when they leave school even though most of them speak no foreign language.Most young people think they can get by in a foreign country

57、by speaking English. However, just weeks ago data from official GCSE(General Certificate of Secondary Education) showed the number of children taking formal exams in foreign languages had fallen yet again.Although there is no intention among ministers to make foreign languages compulsory again at GC

58、SE they are trying to encourage more language teaching in primary schools, in the hope that it will make children want to continue to GCSE level.Nine out of ten youngsters intend to work abroad, 66% saying they want to go to countries where another language is spoken, Italy, France and China were th

59、e most popular destinations with teenagers saying they were attracted to the warmer climate and lower cost of living.The government will launch a new campaign to try and persuade more school pupils to take languages to GCSE, It hopes they will have been inspired by their summer holidays in Europe on

60、 beyond.Living or working abroad is a great way to broaden your horizons, make new friends and have experiences that will benefit you throughout your life. But to really make the most of being in new and exciting places, its important to adapt yourself to the culture,so learning the language is real

61、ly a key. Having language skills will be a huge advantage when finding your feet in another country.60From the first two paragraphs, teenagers in the US and Australia have low interest in _.Aworking abroad Btaking formal examinationsCspeaking English Dlearning foreign languages答案与解析:D由文章前两段内容知美国年轻人对

62、学外语兴趣不大,故选D项。61We can infer that youngsters intend to work in countries like China to _.Alive more comfortably Btake languages to GCSEClearn another language Dkeep themselves warm答案与解析:C由文章第四段首句知答案选C项。62According to the author, to live well in another country, it is necessary to _.Abroaden your hori

63、zons Bmake more new friends thereChave more experiences Dget familiar with its culture答案与解析:D由文章最后一段“. make the most of being in new and exciting places, its important to., so learning the language is really a key.”知答案。63In the passage, the author tries to _.Aadvise youngsters to learn foreign langu

64、ages for future needsBexplain why most of young people have intentions to work abroadCsuggest government should inspire pupils to take formal examsDshow that language skills are necessary when we work abroad答案与解析:A由全文知学好外语十分重要,因此作者建议年轻人为了自己的将来,十分有必要学好外语,这一点贯穿全文,尤其是文章的最后一句“Having language skills will

65、 be a huge advantage when finding your feet in another country.”体现更为明确。C Age has its special advantages in America. And one of the more impressive of them is the senior citizen discount. Anyone who has reached a certain agein some cases as low as 55is automatically entitled to plenty of price reduct

66、ions at nearly every level of commercial life. Eligibility(资格)is determined not by ones need but by the date on ones birth certificate. Practically the discounts in motel rooms and free coffee on airliners. People with gray hair often are given the discounts without even asking for them; yet, millio

67、ns of Americans above age 60 are healthy and solvent(有支付能力). Businesses that would never dare offer discounts to college students or anyone under 30 freely offer them to older Americans. The practice is acceptable because of the widespread belief that “elderly” and “needy” are synonymous(同义的). Perha

68、ps that once was true, but today, to be sure, there is economic variety within the elderly, and most of them arent poor. It is impossible to determine the effect of the discounts on individual companies. For main firms, they are a stimulus to income. But in other cases the discounts are given at the

69、 expense, directly or indirectly, of younger Americans. Moreover, they directly annoy some politicians and scholars who consider it a coming conflict between the generations. Generational tensions are being fueled by continuing debate over Social Security benefits, which mostly involves a transfer o

70、f resources from the young to the old. Employment is another point. Supported by laws and court decisions, more and more older Americans are refusing the retirement dinner in favor of staying on the jobthereby lessening employment and promotion opportunities for younger workers. Far from a kind of c

71、harity they once were, senior citizen discounts have become a powerful economic privilege(特权) to a group with millions of members who dont need them. It no longer makes sense to treat the elderly as a single group whose economic needs deserve priority over those of others. Senior citizen discounts o

72、nly enrich the myth that older people cant take care of themselves and need special treatment; and they threaten the creation of a new myth, that the elderly are ungrateful and taking for themselves at the expense of children and other age groups. Senior citizen discounts are the heart of the very t

73、hing older Americans are fighting againstdiscrimination by age.64We learn from the first paragraph that _.A. offering senior citizen discounts has become routine commercial practiceB. senior citizen discounts have enabled many old people to live a good lifeC. giving senior citizen discounts has incr

74、eased the market for the elderlyD. senior citizens have to show their birth certifications to get a discount答案与解析:A第一段中可以看出:在美国,给老年市民提供打折优惠已成为一种商业惯例。65The reason to offer the senior citizen discount is that _.A. the elderly need humane help from societyB. businesses should do something for society i

75、n returnC. old people are entitled to special treatment for their contribution to societyD. the senior discounts can make up for the lack of the Social Security system答案与解析:A第二段提到,老年人享受打折优惠是基于一个广泛的认同:高龄拮据。66What does the author think of the Social Security system?A. It encourages elderly people to r

76、etire in time.B. It opens up broad career chances for young people.C. It benefits the old at the expense of the young.D. It should be strengthened by laws and court decisions.答案与解析:C第四段中说,社会安全系统将年轻群体的资源转移给老年群体,因此选择C项。67What does the author mainly argue in the passage?A. Senior citizens should fight

77、hard against age discrimination.B. The elderly are selfish and taking senior discounts for granted.C. Senior citizen discounts may well be a type of age discrimination.D. Discounts should be given to the economic needs of senior citizens.答案与解析:C最后一段提到,没必要把老年人作为一个单独群体来提高补贴。这种做法在现在已被视为一种老龄歧视。DBalancin

78、g Work & LifeRobert Holden,Ben Renshaw9.70Balancing Work & Life focuses on the key challenge of our generation. It is a mustread for anyone who is trying to balance work success, family joy and life fulfillment.Practical techniques show you how to identify your goals and make choices.Clear text and

79、illustrations cover every aspect of defining success, making changes and achieving balance.Simple checklists enable you to take control and stay motivated. Accessible flow charts and diagrams explore different opinions for taking action and provide useful examples.Happiness NowRobert Holden7.00Happi

80、ness Now is a powerful journey of exploration and insight into one of life most treasured goals. Using a highly original mix of stories, exercises, meditations(思考) and poetry, it offers a message of profound hope. Radical and sympathetic, challenging and practical. Happiness Now delivers keys to tru

81、e happiness, inner confidence, loving relationships and peace of mind. This book is the key text for the public seminars of The Happiness Project.The Secrets of RelationshipsBen Renshaw9.50Are you looking for a fulfilling relationship? If so, The Secrets is required reading whether you are single or

82、 attached. Here is a book that reveals the real answers to the relationship roller coaster. Read this book and discover: The secret of finding the right partner The secret of communicating successfully The secret of getting along The secret of having what you wantHonest and essential? The secrets is

83、 your passport to a whole new relationship experience.Order now on line, you can get a 10% discount. More information, please click here.68.If you are always annoyed by endless overtime work, which book can probably offer you help?A. The Secrets of Relationships.B. Happiness Now.C. Balancing Work &

84、Life.D. None.答案与解析:C从题干中如果你被无休止的超时工作弄得很烦,哪本书会提供帮助呢?从文章中可知Balancing Work & Life是告诉人们怎样协调工作和生活关系的,Happiness Now传达了真正的幸福,内在的信心,爱的关系和头脑中的平静等内容。The Secrets of Relationships是关于如何与人相处的。因此选C项。69The Secrets of Relationships gives you tips on how to _.A. get on with othersB. build up confidenceC. find a right

85、 partnerD. make good choices答案与解析:A读这本书你会发现4点找到合适搭档的秘诀,交流成功的秘诀,相处的秘诀,拥有你想要的东西的秘诀。综合来看是教你如何与他人相处。70If you buy the three books on line, how much should you pay?A. 26.20. B. 2.62.C. 28.82. D. 23.58.答案与解析:D每本书的价钱相加,三本书共26.2,有10%的折扣,减去2.62,得到结果是23.58。第二节七选五(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选

86、项中有两项为多余选项。There are many factors which may have an influence on adults and children being able to lead a healthy life. _71_ Often, both parents work outside the home. Children are expected to take on more responsibility at home to help their parents. They also have sporting and leisure activities a

87、s well as school expectations. The business also adds another factor. The need to use cars to get from one place to another quickly._72_ Computers, DVDs, CDs, television, PlayStations and Xboxes have become major leisure activities, rather than traditional more active pursuits. This has led to a lif

88、estyle of less exercise. _73_ Unfortunately, they also promote fast food which fits easily into busy lifestyles. It is much more convenient at times to buy a quick takeaway rather than prepare a meal. The media constantly bombard(轰炸) their audience with “perfect” body images, the need to buy the mos

89、t fashionable clothes, the most uptodate computer games, the best places to visit and the best things to do. Environments vary, _74_ This can be harmful to people who suffer from breathing difficulties. Environments where passive smoking is unavoidable make it difficult to lead a healthy life._75_ A

90、ny person who wants to be healthy will find a way to be healthyif he/she is motivated enough!A. The media provide entertainment and information.B. Advertisements play an important role in peoples life.C. We may be exposed to pollution, such as cigarette smoke.D. Nowadays, people are very busy.E. Peo

91、ple are living in a bad air environment.F. The important one is motivation or the desire to be healthy.G. Today, society places a lot of emphasis on technology.71_72._73._74_75._答案:71D72.G73.A74.C75.F第二卷第四部分写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节短文改错(满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增

92、加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Dear Editor,I am a student from a key middle school. Therefore, I find myself tiring of studying all these days, which worries me quite a lot of. Though I often get high marks in

93、 exams, I dont like them at all. I often think all the subject will become useless while I grow up except English. So I eager to learn and practise English in my spare time. But I have to spend most of my time solve problems in maths and chemistry to prepare the college entrance examination. I cant

94、afford live up to my parents high expectations either either. How do you think I should do with this situation?答案:Dear Editor,I am a student from a key middle school. Therefore(However ), I find myself tiring(tired ) of studying all these days, which worries me quite a lot of/. Though I often get hi

95、gh marks in exams, I dont like them at all. I often think all the subject(subjects) will become useless while(when) I grow up except English. So I(Im) eager to learn and practise English in my spare time. But I have to spend most of my time solve(solving ) problems in maths and chemistry to prepare

96、(for ) the college entrance examination. I cant afford (to ) live up to my parents high expectations either. How(What) do you think I should do with this situation?第二节书面表达(满分25分)假如你是Jay,你的好友Jack因两次考试成绩不理想而烦恼,发来email向你倾诉。请根据下列内容写一封email作为答复。1不必沮丧,认真分析失败原因。2增强自信心,避免犯同样的错误。3失败是成功之母,只要努力,不放弃,迟早会成功的。要求:1

97、.不要逐字翻译;2词数100左右。Dear Jack,_ Best wishes and good luck.Yours,Jay范文:Dear Jack, Ive received your email and know that you are in a bad mood now. However, I dont think it necessary for you to be so disappointed for failing twice. You see, we still face many more exams in the future even if we leave sch

98、ool. So try the following: Collect the mistakes you made in the exams or in the exercises you did before, and analyze them carefully. Try to avoid making them again in the next exam. Make good preparations and be confident. As we all know, failure is the mother of success. Let every failure be your stepping stone. If you try your best and don t give up, you are sure to succeed in time. Best wishes and good luck.Yours,


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