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1、考点训练33 S2 B2 Unit 11 Scientific achievements.句子填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)1.When I first_(踏上) Canada,I didnt know what the future might have in_ (发生) for me.答案:set foot in;store2.Our school _ (坐落在) the centre of the town.答案:is located in3.Hosting the 2008 Olympic Games is a_ (重大的) event for our country.

2、答案:significant4.He _ (安排) to meet us at his office at 3 oclock.答案:arranged5.Xiao Ming didnt work hard enough,so he ended in_ (失败) in his final-term examinations.答案:failure6.An accident is_ (很可能) to happen if you dont follow the traffic rules.答案:likely7.Hard work and self-discipline will make you _ (

3、达到) your goals.答案:achieve8.“Practice makes _ (完美)” is a practical proverb for English learners.答案:perfect9.At college as he has been,he still works hard_(目的是) gaining more knowledge in all aspects.答案:aiming at10.He isnt the kind of friend to be _ (信赖).答案:relied on.单项选择(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)1.Many worki

4、ng women rely on their parents_ look after their children.A.helps B.help C.to help D.for helping答案:C提示:rely on (upon)sb.to do“指望某人做某事,相信某人会做”。2.Zhongguancun is _ many hi-tech companies.A.centre in B.home to C.aim of D.home for答案:B提示:home to sth.意为“某物的生息地”。3.They _ a lot of suggestions for improving

5、the living conditions.A.put down B.put forward C.put on D.put up答案:B提示:put down放下,记下,镇压;put forward提议,提出;put on穿上;put up举起,张贴。4.Tom is _ to have been on a trip,for I havent seen him for several days.A.likely B.probable C.probably D.possible答案:A提示:possible,probable作表语时不能用人作主语,常用it作形式主语;likely既可用it作形式

6、主语,也可用人和物作主语。5.The good student dropped out of school for _ reasons.A.economical B.economic C.economics D.economy答案:B提示:economical节约的,廉价的;economic经济的,经济上的;economics经济学;economy经济,财政,是名词,一般不作定语。6.Ive _ for my assistant to meet my mother at the airport.A.arranged B.fixed C.set D.ordered答案:A提示:arrange f

7、or sb.to do sth.意为“安排某人做某事”。7.My parents encouraged me to _ the precious opportunity to gain more knowledge.A.escape B.ensure C.grasp D.master答案:C提示:我的父母鼓励我抓住这一宝贵机会来获得更多的知识。8.The president is on a visit to our country, _ at developing trade relations between us.A.aims B.aimed C.to aiming D.being aim

8、ed答案:B提示:be aimed at doing sth.是习语,在此作伴随状语,故用过去分词形式。9.This project turned out to be_failure,but,as we know,success often comes after_failure.A a;a B./;/ C.a;/ D./;a答案:C提示:failure指”失败的人或事”时是可数名词;泛指“失败”时是不可数名词。10.You are smart,diligent and determined which Im sure will _ this plan a success.A.get B.le

9、ad to C.cause D.make答案:D提示:“使该计划成功”。四个选项中只有make后可接复合宾语。11.To my delight,I found the new flat _ in excellent surroundings on the first day at college.A.located B.locating C.to locate D.being located答案:A提示:be located in坐落于,此处用过去分词短语作宾语补足语。12.This will enable the company to sell more, greater success_.

10、A.get B.achieve C.succeeding D.achieving答案:D提示:首先应确定本题选分词作状语,排除A与B两项。achieve表示“取得、获得”,合乎题意。13.When he _,he found himself lying on the ground with his hands tied behind his back.A.came back B.came to C.came by D.came up答案:B提示:come to为固定短语,表示“苏醒过来,恢复知觉”,也可以用come to oneself。14.The _ _the news to the pu

11、blic on the radio.A.announcer;announce B.announcer;announcedC.announcement;announce D.announcement;announced答案:B提示:此句缺少主语和谓语,所以第一空应填名词,第二空应填动词。15.Later I want to return home but couldnt find a company _I could use_I had learnt.A.where;that B.where;whatC.when;what D.that;that答案:B提示: where引导定语从句,what引

12、导宾语从句。“在公司里我可以用到我所学的知识”。.完形填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) Anthropology is a science which deals with man and his social habits.I think of anthropology here as “being interested,without 1 ,in the way other people choose to live and 2 .”When you are curious about the way someone behaves or the way 3 feel about

13、 something,its 4 that you will be annoyed(恼火). When someone acts in a way that seems 5 to you,rather than react in your usual way,such as “I cant believe they would do that,” 6 say something to yourself like “I see,that must be the way they 7 things in their world.Very interesting.” In order in this

14、 8 to help you,you have to be genuine(真诚的). Recently I was at a shopping mall with my six-year old daughter 9 a group of punk rockers walked by with orange spiked hair and tattoos(文身) covering much of their bodies.At the sight of them,my daughter immediately asked me,“Daddy,why are they 10 like that

15、?”Years ago I would have felt very 11 with such young people.I would have given a judgmental explanation and passed along to her my 12 .Pretending to be an anthropologist,however,has 13 my perspective(看法) a great deal,so its made me 14 .I said to my daughter,“Im not really sure,but its interesting h

16、ow 15 we all are,isnt it?” she said,“Yeah, 16 I like my own hair.” When you are interested in other perspectives,it doesnt mean youre 17 them.I certainly wouldnt choose a punk rock lifestyle or 18 it to anyone else.At the same time,however,its really not my 19 to judge it either.One of the most impo

17、rtant rules of joyful living is that judging others takes a great deal of energy and 20 you away from where you want to be.1.A.agreement B.judgmentC.improvement D.entertainment答案:B提示:without judgment的意思是“不加判断地”,相当于下文解释该句的curious。2.A.behave B.speak C.grow D.eat答案:A提示:B、C、D三项表示的都是behave(行为)的具体表现,此处的A项

18、正好和下文的解释相吻合。3.A.you B.they C.I D.we答案:B提示:英文中常用they来指代someone。4.A.natural B.certain C.obvious D.impossible答案:D提示:既然你对别人的生活和行为感兴趣,那么你也就不可能感到不安了。5.A.normal B.common C.strange D.passive答案:C提示:从下文“rather than react in your usual way”来看,此处是“别人的行为方式使你感到奇怪”。6.A.just B.also C.still D.never答案:A提示:可由when引导的从句

19、到“.they would do that”为止,say是祈使句中的谓语,由此开始是告诫自己的话,因此,say之前用just。7.A.make B.find C.see D.get答案:C提示:see在此相当于regard(看待)。make things表示“制造物品”;find things表示“(丢失后)找到物品”;get things表示“得到物品”,均与题意不符。8.A.person B.way C.interest D.word答案:B提示:第二段谈论的都是别人或者自己的“行为方式”,因此此处表示的是“为了让这种方式对你有益”。9.A.while B.until C.since D.

20、when答案:D提示:when在此处是并列连词,相当于and suddenly。10.A.tried on B.grown up C.acted out D.dressed up答案:D提示:在这四个选项中,只有D项可以用于被动语态,表示“打扮”,和上文描述的那群人发型相吻合。11.A.pleased B.interested C.bored D.excited答案:C提示:其他三项都表示积极意义,只有C项表示消极意义。从下文看,作者对那群人的穿衣打扮是“厌烦的”。12.A.views B.questions C.advice D.plan答案:A提示:views在此相当于opinion,表示

21、“意见,看法”。13.A.blocked B.changed C.enlarged D.raised答案:B提示:上文谈论的是以前的看法,此处谈论的是现在不同的看法,因此说,看法已有了改变。14.A.softer B.higher C.happier D.angrier答案:A提示:soft在此表示言行性格的“宽厚”。既然经过了多年的磨炼,看法已经改变了许多,那么整个人也就变得比过去“温和”了。15.A.similar B.confident C.humorous D.different答案:D提示:那群人的发型和“我们所有人的”是不一样的,因此才显得有趣。16.A.and B.but C.s

22、o D.or答案:B提示:从“我喜欢自己的头发样式”来看,此处应用表示转折的but。17.A.like B.for C.beside D.against答案:B提示:be for的意思相当于agree;like和be动词连用时是介词(像);C项表示“在旁边”;D项表示“反对”。18.A.present B.connect C.send D.suggest答案:D提示:D项表示“把这种发型推荐给别人”;发型是没有办法“赠送”“连接”“寄送”给别人的,因此排除A、B、C三项。19.A.place B.attempt C.fault D.decision答案:A提示:place在此表示“工作,职责”

23、。20.A.gives B.brings C.pulls D.puts答案:C提示:pull oneself away为固定短语,意思是“使自己离开”。.阅读理解(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分) In the late 1500s,a large powerful gun was placed on top of the Signal Hill,in Newfoundland, to prevent attacks from the outside.Flags were also flown there to warn sailors of bad weather.Its fitting,

24、then,the Italian Gulielmo Marconi should have chosen this site to receive the worlds first radio signal in Morse code from England on December 12,1901. Marconi,combining earlier ideas with his own,led us to a new communications age.For the next 50 years,until the appearance of television,radio ruled

25、 the air waves. Today,its the TV that rules.No single person can say to have invented television. In 1884,the German Paul Nipkow invented a device that sent pictures mechanically,and in 1906,Boris Rosing,a Russian,used a ray and a disc to create the worlds first TV system.Then in the early 1920s,ano

26、ther Russian,Vladimir Zworykin,invented a picture display tube.He took out a patent for color TV,even though it wouldnt be developed for another 25 years. In 1924,a Scot entered the sceneJohn Logie Baird.He first succeeded in sending a moving picture and a year later got the first actual TV picture.

27、In 1926,Baird showed TV in a London laboratory.Two years later in New York,Felix the Cat became the first TV star. TV excited everyones imagination,but hardly anyone had a set,with just two thousand in use worldwide in the mid-1930s. Since the late 1940s,TV technology has developed very quickly.Comp

28、uters may finally be combined with all televisions to give people a total all-in-one communications network. Today,its possible to sit and watch TV in the middle of a forest or in the Arctic.Its surprising when one considers that Marconi was on Signal Hill in the same century.1.We can learn from the

29、 text that Signal Hill was once used as _.A.a site of communicationB.a weather stationC.a factory to produce weaponsD.a battle field to fight enemies from the outside答案:A提示:Signal Hill 信号山,顾名思义,可作出初步判断;再看第一段陈述的具体事实:该山上曾竖旗用以向水手们预告恶劣天气,意大利人Marconi曾在那儿接收世界上最早的来自英国的无线电信号。至于山顶上曾安一门大炮,用以防止来犯之敌,并不等于曾是战场。2.

30、When the writer says that today it is the TV that rules,he means that the TV_.A.has led to a new communications ageB.is a major means of todays communicationC.is a device invented with ideas from MarconiD.has replaced the radio in todays communication答案:B3.What is the main idea of Paragraphs 4 and 5

31、?A.London is the place where TV is invented.B.John Logie Baird was the chief inventor of television.C.A number of people contributed to the invention of television.D.Russian scientists played an important role in the invention of television.答案:C提示:从德国人Paul Nipkow到俄罗斯人Boris Rosing和 Vladimir Zworykin再

32、到苏格兰人 John Logie Baird,数代发明家承前启后,使电视机由幼稚到成熟。4.The writer believes that the day will come when_.A.the future computers will be able to do the work TV is now doingB.the future computers will become available to everyone in the worldC.the future computers will be connected to create one international n

33、etworkD.the future computers will take the place of televisions and radios答案:A提示:从倒数第二段可知。5.Which of the following would the writer probably agree with?A.Rarely do people listen to the radio nowadays.B.Radios and televisions will disappear completely in the near future.C.Radio and television communications developed surprisingly fast in the 20th century.D.Marconi contributed a great deal to the development of computer communication.答案:C提示:本题可用排除法先逐一排除与文章内容不符的选项。全文的最后一段是答案依据。


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