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本文(2011高考英语创新设计提能训练:MODULE 8 UNIT 23 CONFLICT(含解析)北师大版.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2011高考英语创新设计提能训练:MODULE 8 UNIT 23 CONFLICT(含解析)北师大版.doc

1、【北师大版创新设计】2011高考英语一轮复习提能训练Module 8Unit 23Conflict.品句填词 1He had the _ (安全感) of a good home and loving family.2At great _ (花费) I was finally able to buy the painting.3He was _ (任命) to a new post.4They wanted to rent a _ (配备家具的)flat.5He did not want to _ (显露)his fears and insecurity to anyone.6The pres

2、ident d_ the prizes to the winners.7I made his a_ at a party.8The boy wants to be a soldier. He i_ to join the army.9They s_ the wall with metal supports.10Progress has been made towards a political c_ between the two nations.答案 2.expense3.appointed4.furnished5. expose6.distributed7.acqua

3、intance8.intends9.strengthenedpromise.短语识境hand over;put forward;give in;call in;keep off;hold out;look down on;come about;look into;sort out1We were short of water but we could _ for another day.2We had to think of a way to _ the spread of the infection.3I informed the police of a theft that took pl

4、ace,and they have promised to _ the matter.4The king decided to retire and _ the power to his son.5Lets start to _ the good apples from the bad ones.6I _ those who keep complaining about their life without thinking of any ways to improve it.7The scientist has _ a plan to measure Mars atmosphere.8In

5、my first job interview,I waited for more than two hours before I was finally _.9The authorities showed no signs of _ to the kidnappers demands.10I frequently quarreled with my father,although most of those _ due to misunderstanding.答案:1.hold out2.keep off3.look into4.hand over5.sort out6.look down o

6、n7.put forward8.called in10.came about.完成句子1So much extra homework is really _ _ _.这么多额外的作业真使我发疯了。2He can speak four different languages fluently,and everybody thinks that he _ _ _ _ foreign languages.他能流利地讲四种语言,大家都认为他是外语天才。3He didnt _ _ _ when he went off.他走的时候没向我们告别。4Present at the meet

7、ing _ _ _ _ _ _.出席会议的有史密斯教授以及其他专家。5Had _ _ _ _ their help,we couldnt have finished the work on time.要不是有他们帮忙,我们无法按时完成工作。答案:1.driving me mad2.has a gift us goodbye4.were Professor Smith and other not been for.单项填空1If we can _ our present difficulties,then everything should be all

8、 right.(2007湖北)Acome across Bget over Ccome over Dget off解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意为:如果我们能克服目前的困难,。get over 有“克服,越过”的意思,为最佳选项。come across“偶然遇见”;come over“突然感到,短暂造访”;get off“下车”。答案:B2He was about halfway through his meal _ a familiar voice came to his ears.(辽宁)Awhy Bwhere Cwhen Dwhile解析:考查连词用法。句意为:他刚吃了一半饭,这时,一个熟

9、悉的声音传入耳中。此处when是并列连词,意为“这时”,而while除了引导时间状语从句(从句谓语动词是延续性的)外,也可作为并列连词,表对比转折,意为“而”,A、B不符合句意。答案:C3I had just stepped out of the bathroom and was busy drying myself with a towel _ I heard the steps.(湖南)Awhile Bwhen Csince Dafter解析:考查连词用法。句意为:我刚从浴室里出来,正忙着用毛巾擦身子,这时我听到了脚步声,when此处是并列连词“这时”之意,其他三个无此用法。答案:B4Th

10、e boss said we had only three days to finish the work.Dont worry. We have already _ two thirds of it.(四川)Agot down Bgot through Cgiven in Dgiven away解析:考查动词词组辨析。句意为老板说我们只有三天的时间去完成这项工作。不用着急,我们已经完成了三分之二。get through“完成”;get down“写下”;give in“放弃”;give away“出卖”,A、 C、D意思都不符合句意。答案:B5Have you _ some new idea

11、s? Yeah,Ill tell you later.(2007江苏)Acome about Bcome into Ccome up with Dcome out with解析:考查词组辨析。come up with表示“想出,想起”。A项用作不及物动词短语,表示“发生”;B项表示“进入,得到,不符合语境”;D项表示“发表,公布,说出,提出,展出,供应”,语意不恰当。答案:C6I have no idea who invented _ mobile phone,but its really _ most wonderful invention,I think.Athe;the Ba;the C

12、the;a D/;the解析:考查冠词。the发明物表示一类物,第一个空用the,表示“手机”;第二空后most不是表示最高级,而是 “非常”之意,相当于very,故使用a。答案:C7Do you agree to the plan?_ . It cant be better.APartly BAbsolutely CParticularly DRelatively解析:考查交际用语。由It cant be better (不能再好了)可知应选择B(absolutely“当然,对极了”,表示同意或允许);partly“部分地”;particularly“特别地”;relatively“相对地”

13、。答案:B8. My goodness! The accident might not have happened if we had done it more carefully.But we _.Ahavent Bwouldnt Chadnt Ddidnt 解析:考查时态。本句是表示和过去相反的虚拟语气,第二句是表示真实的语气,意思是“但是当时我们没有仔细做”。故选择D。答案:D9The old curtain,whose color has _ ,is replaced with a new one.Afailed Bfaded Cdeclined Ddismissed解析:考查动词词义

14、。根据语境The old curtain,. ,is replaced with a new one可知“旧窗帘都已经褪色了”。fade“变淡,变暗”;fail“失败,(健康,视力等)衰退”;decline“下降”;dismiss“解雇,开除”。答案:B10Could you meet me at the train station at 9 tomorrow morning?Id like to,but I _ for Paris by the time you arrive.Awill have Bhave left Cwill have left Dam leaving解析:考查时态。b

15、y表示将来的时间与将来完成时连用,此句意思是“你到的时候,我已经离开去巴黎了。”故选择C。答案:C.阅读理解THURSDAY,July 9(HealthDay News)A new study that found that a lowercalorie diet slowed the aging process in monkeys could be the best proof yet that restricted_diets might do the same for humans.“The big question in aging research is,Will calorie

16、restriction in species be closely related to humans slow aging?”said Richard Weindruch,senior author of a paper appearing in the July 10 issue of Science.This is the first clear demonstration that,in a primate species,were inducing a slowdown of the aging processshowing increased survival,resistance

17、 to disease,less brain atrophy and less muscle loss.“This predicts humans would respond similarly,”added Weindruch,a professor of medicine at the University of Wisconsin and an investigator at the Veterans Hospital in Madison.Another expert noted that,despite some highly publicized studies in certai

18、n species,the link between restricted eating and longer lifespan has been far from proven.“The idea that dietary restriction extends lifespan in all species is not true.Many strains of rats and mice do not respond.In some strains,its actually deleterious,”explained Felipe Sierra,a director of the bi

19、ology of aging program at the US National Institute on Aging(NIA),which supported the new study.“The fact that it doesnt work in some mice but it does seem to work in monkeys is surprising and it gives us hope.”But theres a larger question:how to change humans increasingly lax eating habits.“This_fi

20、nding_doesnt_give_me_hope_that_humans_are_going_to_go_into_dietary_restriction,”added Marianne Grant,a registered dietitian at Texas A&M Health Science Center Coastal Bend Health Education Center in Corpus Christi.【解题导语】 这是一篇新闻报道,研究人员通过对动物的研究证明低热量的饮食可能会延长人的寿命。【长难句解读】 Another expert noted that,despit

21、e some highly publicized studies in certain species,the link between restricted eating and longer lifespan has been far from proven.本句的主句为Another expert noted that,其中that引导的是一个宾语从句。从句用despite表示让步关系,后面的far from proven意为“远没有得到证明”。1The underlined word“restricted”means _.Alimited Bsatisfied Creserved Df

22、ascinated解析:词义猜测题。根据第一段可知,低热量的饮食可以延长猴子的寿命,这一试验证明有节制的饮食可能同样会延长人的寿命。答案:A2Which of the following statements about Weindruch is true?AThis experiment indicates restricted diets could extend humans lifespan.BAdequate sleep is another way to reduce the speed of aging process.CThe experiment was a failure

23、in some species such as mice.DThe experiment which had been tested on humans got a great success.解析:细节理解题。根据第三段第一句话可知答案为A。答案:A3According to Felipe Sierras idea,we know that _.Athe restricted diets experiment really had no distinct effect on rats and miceBhumans are finding new ways to slow down the

24、aging process of all the speciesCthe experiment is unnecessary to be carried on because of the response of the miceDthe experiment confirmed that restricted diets extend lifespan in all species解析:细节理解题。从第四段的第二句“Many strains of rats and mice do not respond.”可知答案。答案:A4It can be inferred from the under

25、lined sentence that_.Athe result of the experiment shows that humans are not pigging out nowadaysBnowadays humans are turning unhealthy diets into lowercalorie dietsChow to change humanscareless eating habits is a long way to goDthe experiment changed humansincreasingly careless eating habits解析:推理判断题。由画线句子可知人们目前并没有进入到控制饮食的状态中,也就是说要改变人们漫不经心的饮食习惯还有很长的路要走。答案:C

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