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2016-2017学年人教版高中英语必修三必修3 UNIT 5 CANADA THE TRUE NORTH(PERIOD 3 LISTENING)教学设计.doc

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2016-2017学年人教版高中英语必修三必修3 UNIT 5 CANADA THE TRUE NORTH(PERIOD 3 LISTENING)教学设计.doc_第1页
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2016-2017学年人教版高中英语必修三必修3 UNIT 5 CANADA THE TRUE NORTH(PERIOD 3 LISTENING)教学设计.doc_第4页
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1、教学设计 赵蓓【课 题】Unit 5 Canadathe True North (listening)【教 材】人教新课标版Module 3【教学目标】1 能力目标a. 培养学生听取大意,听力判断及听力填空的能力b. 理解加拿大的相关信息,了解中国和加拿大的不同2情感态度与价值观培养学生的文化观【学生分析】 本单元的话题和旅游有关,又参夹着中西地理和文化的差异,能让学生在获取信息,训练听力能力的同时了解异地文化,学生容易产生兴趣。【教材分析】本单元的主题是“Canada”,所以大部分内容都是围绕这一主题展开。听力部分,通过泛听,猜测主题,再到听力材料中听取意见,锻炼了学生的听力预测及听取重要信

2、心点的能力。【教学重难点】1. 听力技能:包括听取大意,听力正误判断及听取关键词2. 如何根据题目设置判断文段中心大意【教学准备】教师的准备工作:3. 1教案4. 2课件5. 3教具准备:6. 教师用多媒体计算机,相关视频、音频资料 学生的准备工作:7. 预习课本生词表生词【教学过程】第一阶段:导入新课,热身环节内容教学双边活动设计意图导入新课引入Ask students to enjoy a video clip about Quebec to know the topic city of this period.引出主题: CanadaT: Whats in the blank?S: Sh

3、are.Pair work: Then, let the students have a brainstorm about the usage of “share”. Make sure the student understand that “We share our past” means “we mix together with different cultures.”Present the key sentences in the tape recording:1. Canada is a multicultural country. 2. Most Canadians are im

4、migrants. 引起兴趣,自然过渡,切入主题,说明本课的中心话题。学生活动:互相交换所听信息,思考词汇背后隐含的意义。教师活动:观察学生的讨论,并给与必要的引导。词汇扩充some key words: share; multicultural; immigrant 通过对个别词汇含义的挖掘,完成富有挑战性的揣测,学生的积极性被调动起来。第二阶段: 阅读,围绕目标,整体感知环节内容教学双边活动设计意图讲授新课第一段听力材料第一遍听力1. Who is the speaker?2. What are the official languages in Canada?3. What is the

5、 origin of “Canada”, “Toronto” and “Ottawa”?训练学生听取大意的能力。第二,三遍听力2.The second listening: listen for specific information.Listen again and complete the sentences with proper information. 通过补全句子型训练学生听力理解能力第二段听力材料热身1. Draw a summary of the previous tape recording. T: What is the culture of Canada? S: Can

6、ada is a multicultural country. T: What is the official language of Canada? S: French and English. T: Are there any other languages used in Canada? S: Yes. T: How many kind of languages are used? S: More than 80. T: What are the people in Canada? S: Most of them are immigrants. T: Who is likely to l

7、ive together? S: People from the same culture live together. 2Group discussion If your Canadian friends ask you to tell them something about China, what are the most important points in your mind? What are you going to tell them?让学生讨论得出Lisa的麻烦是什么,并给出意见听力The first and second listening: true or falseListen and mark the following statements True or False. Give a reason.The third listening: Listen and fill in the blanks.培养学生听力判断正误的能力,在听力过程中听取关键词的能力第三阶段:布置作业环节内容教学双边活动设计意图知识巩固课后作业Write a composition to introduce the difference between China and Canada. 课堂知识回顾,语言知识操练


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