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上海市七宝中学2015-2016学年高一下学期EXERCISE2 WORD版含答案.doc

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上海市七宝中学2015-2016学年高一下学期EXERCISE2 WORD版含答案.doc_第1页
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上海市七宝中学2015-2016学年高一下学期EXERCISE2 WORD版含答案.doc_第2页
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1、I. Translation(此题只应天上有,人间难得几回练。问君能有几多愁,恰似以下翻译参不透。)1. 花盆落到地上摔得粉碎,差一点击中一些小孩。(smash; miss)(可参考Unit 5 Reading Letter 1) 打碎在地 sth. smash to the ground 差点击中某人 narrowly miss (hitting) sb. The flowerpot smashed to the ground, and narrowly missed (hitting) the kids. The flowerpot smashed to the ground, narro

2、wly missing (hitting) the kids.2. 我很后悔没有帮助杰克,但是我并不是超人并且厌恶暴力,我又能做些什么?(regret)(可参考Unit 5 Reading Letter 2)I regret not helping Jack, but I am not Superman and hate violence, what could I do?I regret not helping Jack, but not being Superman and hating violence, what could I do?3. 她忙着抱怨自己的工作以至于不小心多给了我十英

3、镑纸币。(busy; grumble) (可参考Unit 5 Reading Letter 3)如此以至于 sothat 忙于做某事 be busy doing sth. = be busy with sth.抱怨某人的工作 grumble about ones job不小心做某事 do sth. accidentally = do sth. by chance = do sth. by accidentShe was so busy grumbling about her job that she gave me an extra ten-pound note accidentally.4.

4、 既然我本打算在离开前纠正错误,但她不让我这样做,我就问心无愧了。 (mean; conscience) (可参考 Unit 5 Reading Letter 3)本打算做而没有做 meant to have done = had meant to do某人问心无愧 have a clear conscienceSince I had meant to correct the error / mistake before leaving, but she would not let me, I had a clear conscience.5. 在巴黎逗留期间,我们参加了一个关于如何缩短贫富差

5、距的会议。(stay n.; narrow) 缩短贫富差距 narrow the gap between the rich and the poor During our stay in Paris, we attended a meeting about how to narrow the gap between the rich and the poor.6. 直到最后一分钟,曼联 (Manchester United)才打进一粒制胜球。这一险胜导致利物浦(Liverpool)失去了冠军。(Not until) Not until 提前 引起 a narrow victory Not un

6、til the last minute did Manchester United score a winning goal. This narrow victory led to Liverpools losing the champion. (This narrow victory caused Liverpool to lose the champion.)7. 他无视交通规则,并差点被一辆汽车撞倒。(escape) He ignored traffic regulations and narrowly escaped being knocked down by a car.8. 任何情况下你都不能恃强凌弱。(In no case; tease and bully) In no case = under no circumstance = on no account = by no means 这些词提前引起 部分倒装 正常语序:You can tease and bully those who are not as strong as you in no case. 倒装:In no case can you tease and bully those who are not as strong as you.


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