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2020-2021学年人教版英语必修4课时作业:UNIT 3 A TASTE OF ENGLISH HUMOUR 单元加餐练 WORD版含解析.DOC

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1、单元加餐练.完形填空Before my year abroad, everyone advised me to say yes to everything. They werent _1_. However, here in Germany, “I dont mind” doesnt seem to be an acceptable _2_. Neither does “Ill do whatever you want to do” or “Really, either way is fine by me.” It really is _3_yes or no.Despite having a

2、 huge smile on your face, most _4_ will look at you as if youre incapable of _5_a decision, which of course isnt true and were just being really typically British. My first encounter of this was when I _6_ my hotel for the first two nights in Germany. The _7_ asked when I would like my breakfast in

3、the morning. Being typically British, I replied saying whenever was _8_ for her. She gave me a confused _9_ and asked again. “No, when do you want to have _10_?” “Er, OK.er.8 am?” she smiled and I _11_ quickly, “Only if that is _12_ for you though.” I knew about the British stereotype of _13_ before

4、 I came abroad. However, I didnt _14_ how much so until I arrived here and began experiencing it on a daytoday basis. _15_ give you funny looks in restaurants when you say thank you repeatedly when they _16_ all kinds of services. But thats just right for the British and for everyone else, being so

5、polite is totally _17_.And when it comes to me _18_ questions, its even worse. “Would you be able to do that for me if its not too much trouble please?” just doesnt work here. You have to be _19_ and say what you want. The first time I said “Pass that here” , my heart was _20_ and I could almost hea

6、r my mum screaming in my head about manners.作者通过与周围人的交流发现,德国人的交流方式和英国人的交流方式有很大的不同,前者直截了当,后者委婉曲折,这代表了不同的语言文化特色。1A.wrong Bspecial Cclever Dkind答案:A解析:根据下文中However所表示的转折意义可以推知,他们的话没什么错(wrong)。2A.excuse Bsentence Creward Danswer答案:D解析:上文中引入了I dont mind,该句的意思说明,在德国这种说法好像不是能够接受的回答(answer)。3A.also Bstill C

7、just Deven答案:C解析:上文引入的两种说法都不好,那么就只有(just)“是或不”了。4A.Germans BChinese CBritish DAmericans答案:A解析:联系上文中的here in Germany可知,作者现在在德国,所以此处应该指大多数德国人(German)。5A.explaining BmakingCunderstanding Dcorrecting答案:B解析:结合第一段中针对回答方式的讨论,作者的回答方式让德国人感到你不能做出决定(make a decision),也就是优柔寡断,态度不明确。6A.chose Bordered Cleft Dreach

8、ed答案:D解析:下文中提到的早餐问题说明,此处指作者到达(reach)旅馆。7A.customer Bowner Ccook Demployer答案:B解析:作者住在旅馆,所以询问早餐时间的应该是旅馆的主人(owner)。8A.cheapest Blongest Ceasiest Dhardest答案:C解析:对于旅馆主人的询问,作者说任何最方便的时候都可以,该题选easiest,意思是“最容易的,最轻松的”。9A.look Battitude Csmile Dvoice答案:A解析:上文作者给出的回答并不具体,所以她的脸上露出了疑惑的表情(look)。10A.lunch Bsupper C

9、breakfast Ddinner答案:C解析:根据上文中的when I would like my breakfast in the morning可知,主人再次问什么时候用早餐(breakfast)。11A.stated Bagreed Capologized Dadded答案:D解析:联系下文中的“Only if that is _12_ for you though.”可知,作者说了上面的话,又补充说(add)了之后的话。12A.appropriate Bridiculous Cconvenient Dabstract答案:C解析:作者在上文中说了具体的时间,但是又说,方便的时间就可以

10、,这句话仍然体现了作者的语言文化特色。13A.business Bpoliteness Cweakness Dhappiness答案:B解析:根据上文的语言特色以及与旅馆主人交流的情况可知,作者在出国前知道英国人在礼貌方面的旧框框。14A.realize Bbelieve Cexpect Dforget答案:A解析:作者到了德国才意识到英国人在礼貌方面是多么繁琐,同样没有想到德国的语言是多么直率。15A.Farmers BOfficers CActresses DWaiters答案:D解析:根据下文中的in restaurants可知,此处指餐馆里面的服务员(waiter)。16A.accep

11、t Boffer Csell Dintroduce答案:B解析:当餐馆里的服务员提供(offer)服务的时候,作者总是反复地表达谢意。17A.unfortunate BunsatisfyingCunnecessary Duninteresting答案:C解析:作者的语言表达方式适合英国人,可是对其他人来说则没有必要(unnecessary)。18A.asking Blisting Cdesigning Dsolving答案:A解析:根据下文中的“Would you be able to do that for me if its not too much trouble please?”可以推

12、知,此处指作者询问(ask)各种问题。19A.clever Bdirect Ccreative Dhonest答案:B解析:在英国,表达要委婉,可是在德国,你就需要直言不讳,不必绕圈子。20A.beating Bmoving Cjumping Dracing答案:D解析:作者第一次说“Pass that here”这样直接明了的语言的时候,作者的心跳加速。.阅读理解Zhang Hexian, who is 94 years old this year, has been protecting the members of her village and fighting injustice f

13、or decades. She has recently become a star in Chinese social media. After photos and videos of “Kung Fu Granny” practicing kung fu appeared on the Internet, the stereotype(刻板印象) of inactive old women was overturned.According to her son, Feng Chuanyin, she has never been to the hospitaland never take

14、s vitamins or supplements. Zhang began learning kung fu from her father at the age of 4 and has not stopped practicing her skills. She has even become the teacher herself, according to her students in Zhejiang Province who called her “wingfooted.”According to Xinhua News, Zhang met three robbers on

15、a mountain and challenged them, asking, “Dare you come and fight me?” Before they could respond, two robbers felt the anger of the kung fu Granny and were immediately taken down. The third reportedly escaped knowing he would not stand a chance.Because of her ability to do largepot cooking with her s

16、trong arms, kung fu has also earned Zhang the title of best cook in her village. She reportedly once cooked 52 dishes for a single banquet(宴会) in the 1970s, all by herself. Now at 94, she still stays true to her talents.Zhang continues the tradition of practicing kung fu with her family, as she once

17、 did with her father. She has taught her own children, grandchildren, greatgrandchildren her skills. She also teaches other children in her village kung fu for free. And she says shell keep practicing kung fu and keep teaching young people as long as she can.本文是一篇记叙文,94岁的老奶奶因功夫成为网络明星。1According to P

18、ara.2, practicing kung fu_.A. makes Zhang keep in good healthBmakes Zhang become a famous starCmakes Zhangs son admire her very muchDmakes Zhang need to add vitamins and supplements答案:A解析:推理判断题。根据第二段中的“According to her son, Feng Chuanyin, she has never been to the hospitaland never takes vitamins or

19、 supplements.”可知,她从未去过医院,也不吃维生素和补品。由此推知,练功夫让张奶奶身体健康。2What can be inferred from Para.3?AZhang was afraid to fight three robbers.BThe three robbers were knocked down by Zhang.CZhangs practice once saved her.DZhang met three robbers when she was climbing the mountain.答案:C解析:推理判断题。根据第三段可知,据新华社报道,张(奶奶)在山

20、里遇到三个劫匪,还挑衅地问道:“你们敢来打我么?”还没有等他们回答,其中的两个劫匪就被张奶奶愤怒的气势吓到,当场束手就擒。还有一个觉得战胜张奶奶希望渺茫,选择了逃跑。由此推知,习武曾救过张(奶奶)自己。3Besides kung fu, Zhang _.Ais also good at cookingBis an employee of Xinhua NewsCknows how to use social mediaDdevotes herself to promoting traditional Chinese culture答案:A解析:细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Because of

21、her ability to do largepot cooking with her strong arms, kung fu has also earned Zhang the title of best cook in her village.”可知,功夫还让张(奶奶)赢得了村里“最佳大厨”的称号,因为她强壮的手臂,能够驾驭大锅饭的烧制。由此可知,除了功夫,张(奶奶)还擅长烹饪。4Which of the following is the best title for the passage?AAn old ladys kung fu experienceBHow to become a

22、 social media starCThe way to become a kung fu starDA 94yearold woman known as “Kung Fu Granny”答案:D解析:标题判断题。本文主要讲述了94岁的老奶奶因功夫成为网络明星。.读后续写阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。续写的词数应为150左右。One Sunday last year, eight of us hiked for a couple of hours through the desert near San Diego to reach Thunder

23、Canyon Cave. We had to go through a waterfall to get inside, so we put on our wet suits and lowered ourselves 30ft down. By 11:00 am we were inside. With further climbing, we reached a nineinch crack. Having caved for four hours, I was tired and wet.The group leader, Luca, was guiding three cavers.

24、One of them, Steve, in his 50s, got jammed in the crack. There was 10 minutes of pulling and pushing until Steve was free. He was tired and needed to leave. Luca, assuming Id been through the crack before, guided Steve through another 15 minutes of cave to an exit. I was the last but one to go throu

25、gh and out of earshot(听力范围). I didnt realize that Luca wasnt thereif Id known it, I wouldnt have attempted the crack, as I needed an experienced guide.The challenge is to move your feet first down the length of the crack, and then angle your body sideways to swing along, before dropping five feet to

26、 the floor of the next space. On my first attempt,I knew I wouldnt make it through, but the group encouraged me to try again. I didnt want to inconvenience anyone by having to make the long trip back through the cave, so I backed out and took off my wet suit. In just my Tshirt, I tried to slide thro

27、ugh again but my hips(臀部) jammed. My feet were hanging on the other side and my left arm supported my body. My hand rested on a wooden board that had been left covering rocks to protect cavers from slipping. Luca returned and the team tried everything to move me as I mentally focused on escape.After

28、 two hours my arm weakened, so I slid further into the crack, where the gap was only eight and a half inches wide. My body weight was then on my left elbow, with my back and chest touching the cold stone walls. The guy behind me, Jim, tried unsuccessfully to pull me back. Of course, I was blocking h

29、is escape, too.答案Paragraph 1:With the risk of hypothermia(体温过低), the group supplied me with jackets and bags. I was told to keep moving but I could only raise my right arm slightly and look up or down. Jim told stories to try to keep me awake. Id been trapped for five hours and I no longer expected

30、to make it out alive.Paragraph 2:Luca finally found the rescue helicopter. Three hours later Cave Rescue arrived. They lifted the board near my head to angle me so I could exit the crack. As they began to pull my feet, the walls painfully squeezed me. When they asked if they should stop, I shouted, “Keep going! I dont care anything! Just get me out!” When released, I was truly joyous with freedom. After resting for 20 minutes, I managed to climb out of Thunder Canyon Cave. Afterwards, I was sent by a helicopter to meet an ambulance.


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