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2021六年级英语上册 Module 3 Unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby第1课时教学设计 外研版(三起).doc

1、Module3 Unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby课题Module3 Unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby课时安排5课时第(1)课时学习目标能理解、认读生词:collect stamp hobby men women another理解和认读句子:A:Ive got lots of stamps. B:These are some stamps from Canada . C: This stamp is from China.2.语言技能目标)能阅读理解课文2)能模仿并分角色朗读课文3情感态度与目标1)能集中注意力认真

2、观察本课生词和新句子所在的语境,并通过联想在语境与语义之间建立联系。学习重点、难点1. 教学重点:生词的教学,新句型的掌握2. 教学难点:1)学会并掌握本课对话,能运用到实际生活中2)掌握collect的发音3)理解men 和 man 以及women 和woman的单复数区别导学流程教师活动学生活动教学添补教学目标一、自学展问。(10)分钟1.Warmingup1)Greetings:T:Good morning,boys and girls.T:Today is nice and this is my first English lesson with you.I am glad to se

3、e all of you here.Lets enjoy our,sing the song “There is a Great Wall in China”.?Ss:- Good morning Ms Ma .2)Sing the song : There is a Great Wall in China.师生课前对话增进师生之间的了解,为课堂营造良好的氛围。二、互动探究。(20)分钟T: You are singing very well.I have some pictures to show you.(向学生展示已准备的电话卡)Look,whats this ?T

4、:Yes,its a phone card.How beatiful it is!(继续向学生展示电话卡)I like phone cards very much,so I collect them.Collecting phone cards is my hobby.(出示单词卡片“collect”,教授后板1)Presenting the new words and sentencesT:I like stamps ,too.(拿出一本集邮册问学生)Whats this?T: I collect many stamps. Look, this is a Chinese stamp. Its

5、 very beautiful. Do you like these stamps? These stamps are from Canada. I like them very much. Collecting stamps is my hobby.(边展示邮集里的邮票边说)Ss:-It is my book .Ss: I like-Ss:-Collecting stamps is my hobby Ss: -(Its a stamp album.) (引导学生通过实物理解“stamp”和“album”的意思)教授单词stamp ,给学生对比a stamp 和some stamps,让学生自

6、己发现名词的复数变化规律。These stamps are from-.”(给学生出示不同地方出版的邮票,让学生跟着念句子)Ss:Right.Next,listen to the tape carefully and try to answer my qustions.(将问题板书)1) Whats Simons hobby? 2)Has Simon got any stamps from China?T:Now read the word after me.(出示单词卡片hobby,用声调变化等方式教授单词,然后让学生写3遍)T: What do you like?T:Ive got lot

7、s of stamps.(拿着很多邮票并板书句子,让学生跟着念)T:Look,there are two men in this stamp.(出示单词卡片men,教授后出示只有一个男人的图片通过谈论爱好,引导学生学习英语的兴趣。先让学生听,对课文内容有个整体的理解,然后打开课本并跟着录音读,培养学生的听读等能力。三、拓展提升。(10)分钟出示单词卡片man,让学生观察,进而理解名词的复数)以同样方式教授women和woman。T:Oh!There is another stamp A bombing gameT: Now, boys and girls, lets play a bombin

8、g game (爆炸游戏) . Lets say together until I clap my hands. When I clap my hands, you must sit down. Clear? If you do not sit down or if you are slower than others, you must repeat what I say three times. Clear?运用齐读、个读等方式教学单词another,并让学生写三遍。2)Presenting the new text全班起立,教师和学生同时说, 教师做随时都要拍手的动作,让学生在全神贯注的

9、游戏中模仿说:collect,collect, I collect stamps;stamp,stamp,Ive got lots of stamps;-)1)Write the new words :each word three times.2)Copy Part2 three times for each sentence.3)Listen to the tape three times and read the text to your parents.4)make a table about your friends hobbies and hand it in next class.设计一定 数量的练习题,巩固并提高 了本节课所学的内容。板书设计Module 3Unit 1 Collecting stamps is my hobby.1)Whats Simons hobby?Collecting stamps is Simons hobby.Has Simon got any stamps from China? Yes,he has.2.Words:collect stamp hobby another this themen(man) women(woman)教学反思领导签字

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