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2020届高三英语二轮复习书面表达专项练习:(20)高考评分标准解读 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、高考评分标准解读1. 词汇的多样性 众所周之,英语中大多数单词含有不止一种词性,若我们将熟知熟用的词性转换成另一种词性的形式来表达,就显得多样化了,就会给判卷老师耳目一新的感觉。Its very helpful. It helps a lot. / It is of great help. 2. 高级词汇的使用 评分标准第五档次的要求中提到,“语法结构或词汇方面有些许错误,但为尽力使用较复杂结构或较高级词汇所致”。这里所说的“高级词汇”,指的是大纲中有但课本中出现的频率不高而实际中经常用到,或大纲中没有列入或没有识记要求,但在实际运用中却出现比较频繁的词汇(包括短语),如make sense,

2、 cope with, make a difference, frustration, cute, awkward, pessimistic, traditionally, individual等,都可以算作是高级词汇。考生若能恰当地运用此类词汇,定会给判卷老师留下深刻印象。 Your efforts will be very important. Your efforts will make a great difference. He had to solve all the problems himself. He had to cope with all the problems hi

3、mself. 提示 生词、长词未必就是高级词汇。用一些连判卷老师都不认识的词,不会为你的文章带来高分的。 3. 同义词的使用擅用同义词是优秀作文的一大特点。在英语中,有些词或词组的使用频率相当高,比如good, interesting, clever等,在表达时大家都很喜欢用,这样很容易使文章落入俗套。但如果我们能够恰当地使用他们相应的同义词或同义词组,就可以做到与众不用,给平淡的文章增添亮色,给评卷者带来清新的感觉。 more and more peoplean increasing number of people attractiveappealing / inviting / fasc

4、inating It will be very interesting.It will be a lot of fun.He is a clever boy.He is a bright / a smart / an intelligent boy. sotherefore/because of this / in this way / for this reason in factas a matter of fact / actually / in truth want to dointend to do / desire to do / be eager to do / be crazy

5、 about doing causeresult in / lead to / bring about Youd better You may as well / You are supposed to I thinkin my personal opinion / as far as I know / I have to say / personallyhave a good timehave a lot of fun / enjoy oneself 4. 恰当利用短语取代单词 单词的合理运用是优秀作文的基本要素,要恰当地运用短语清楚、连贯地传递信息能增添句子的文彩,显示出作者的功力。Sud

6、denly I had a good idea.Suddenly I came up with a good idea. / A good idea came upon me./ All of a sudden a good idea occurred to me. I tried hard to understand what was happening.I tried hard to figure out what was going on. He began to realize the importance of English study.He came to be aware of

7、 the importance of English study. He refused to listen to his father.He turned a deaf ear to his father. “较多的语法结构”就是指句式结构的多样性。毋庸置疑,单调的句式和结构、长度相近的句子会使文章变得单调缺乏生气和活力,而灵活多变的句式则使行文丰富多彩,生动、自然、流畅。感叹句、倒装句、复合结构、强调句型、定语从句、非谓语动词短语等语法结构的正确使用,可以使文章的语言充满层次感,从而较好地反映出作者的语言运用能力。 1. 长短句变换:简单句、并列句和复合句交替运用(1) 复合句与并列句之间

8、的转换If you study hard, youll make great progress.Study hard, and youll make great progress. I have to study harder, or I shall not catch up with my classmates.I have to study harder and harder in order that I can catch up with my classmates. If you dont start off early, youll be late for the first bu

9、s.Start off early or youll be late for the first bus. (2) 并列句与简单句之间的相互转换Tom is very young and he cant go to school.Tom is too young to go to school. She wanted to meet her parents at the station, so she got up early.She got up very early to meet her parents at the station. The football match had to

10、be delayed, for it was raining heavily.The football match had to be delayed because of the heavy rain. She wanted to become a college student, so she studied hard.She studied hard so as to become a college student. 提示(1)名词性从句与非谓语动词结构的转化That he had won the game delighted his parents.His winning the g

11、ame delighted his parents. I have not decided whether I should accept it or not.I have not decided whether or not to accept it. (2)定语从句与非谓语动词结构的转化The man (who is) standing at the gate is my English teacher. The car (that was) repaired yesterday by him is my mothers. (3)状语从句与非谓语动词结构的转化After he had do

12、ne his homework, he began to play computer games.Having done his homework, he began to play computer games. Because I do not know what to do next, I want to ask for your advice. = Not knowing what to do next, I want to ask for your advice. 2. 主动式和被动式的交替使用Today, we use computers not only in our work

13、but in our everyday life as well.Today computers are widely used not only in our work but in our everyday life as well. Some people believe that it will be possible for man to live on another planet in the future.It is believed by some people that it will be possible for man to live on another plane

14、t in the future. 3. 肯定句和否定句的交替使用I shall go there if it doesnt rain.I shall go there unless it rains. I will try my best not to let them down.Ill try my best to live up to their expectations. 4. 某些插入语或修饰成分既可用在句子前面也可用在后面,还可用在中间。 She sometimes comes late.Sometimes she comes late.She comes late sometime

15、s. In fact, speaking is one of the most important means of communication. Therefore, measures should be taken to deal with this.=Measures, therefore, should be taken to deal with this. 5. 正常语序和倒装语序的交替使用My village lies east of the river.East of the river lies my village. We did not realize the import

16、ance of environmental protection until the 1980s.Not until the 1980s did we realize the importance of environmental protection. If I had worked hard at school, my life today would be quite different.Had I worked hard at school, my life today would be quite different. 6. 强调句型等固定句型的合理运用How is it that

17、we can improve our English?It wont be long before all the forest are destroyed if this goes on.It was my teacher who taught me how to be real man. It is five years since he returned to his hometown. 1. 整体谋篇,合理布局开头部分(opening):说出文中要叙说的中心问题正文部分(body):围绕主题开展叙述或讨论结尾部分(conclusion):对全文进行总结和概括。 2. 确定主题句 主题句

18、是文章的主旨,它能起到“画龙点睛”的作用。它通常出现在文章的开头,而后,全文对主题就所提出的内容进行解释、扩展。在确定主题句前,应首先根据写作要求,列出你要写的文章的要点,然后从中提炼出一句具有概括性的话,即文章的主题句。主题句应力求句子完整、语法正确,具有吸引力和可读性。3. 拓展主题句,注意连贯与流畅 主题句仅仅是文章的主旨和大意,要使文章变得有血有肉就要展开主题句,并考虑如何组织安排语句,用一些衔接手段使句子与句子、语段与语段之间建立起各种各样的语意关系,并使整个语篇在意义上具有连贯性。衔接手段主要包括使用过渡词衔接、巧用词汇和语法等几个方面。其中,正确使用过渡词或过渡句是最常用的手段,

19、它能使文章结构严谨、自然流畅、富有节奏。 (1)表示添加信息的过渡词语,常见的有:also, besides, moreover, furthermore, in addition, what is more, whats worse, worse still, similarly (2)表示转折关系的过渡词有:but, yet, however, nevertheless, in spite of, although, though, while, still, otherwise, on the contrary, on the other hand(3)表示因果关系的常用过渡词有:so,

20、 for therefore, as a result, because, owing to, due to, thanks to, on account of, now that, since, consequently, as a consequence, thus (4)表示解释、说明关系的常用过渡词有:as a matter of fact, in fact, surprisingly, such as, for exampleinstance, that is, that is to say, in other words, to tell you the truth, accord

21、ing to, after all (5)表示条件关系的常用衔接词有:as/so long as, on condition that, if, unless, suppose, supposing(6)表示强调的常用的衔接词有:above all, first of all, indeed, surely, certainly, no doubt, without any doubt, truly, obviously, especially, in particular(7)表示时间顺序关系的衔接词有:after, afterwards, after that, after a while

22、, at first, in the beginning, to begin with, later, next, finally, all of a sudden, at that moment, as soon as, from now on, from then on, meanwhile, not until, in the end, eventually(8)表示空间顺序关系的常用的衔接词有:on the right/left, on the side of , at the end of, on the other side of, in the middle of/center

23、/back/front of, next to , above, below, beyond, nearby 4. 文末结论,首位呼应 文章的结尾常用来概括全文内容,进一步强调或肯定文章的中心思想,使文章意义表述得更加明析、深刻,也使文章首尾呼应、结构完整、连贯自然。用于结论段的常用语有:All in all / In a word / In conclusion / To conclude / To sum up(总而言之), In my personal opinion(在我自己看来), In brief(简言之), Obviously(显然) 评分标准中对考生所要求的“语言得体性”,就是

24、要求考生在表达时应根据说话的对象、时间、地点、场合等选择使用恰当的英语语言,尤其是不同体裁和题材的文章对用语方面有着不同的要求。比如:在口头同种中使用“Attention, please.” “May I have your attention, please?” I will tell you a piece of good news.”但在书面通知中此类句子就不得体。又如,在议论文中我们常用Therefore, we can safely draw a conclusion that ,但是,要是在日记中贸然使用该句型,则会使文章不伦不类、很不自然。 在高考评分基本要求中谈到,“内容要点可

25、用不同方式表达,对紧扣主题的适当发挥不予扣分。”所谓“紧扣主题的适当发挥”,就是指围绕所给情景,在合乎情理、合乎规范、力所能及的前提下添加一些要点中没有提及的信息。请看全国卷I高考作文的范文:Mrs. Wilson, Im going shopping, and wont be back until about 5:00 pm. I have taken with me the two books you asked me to return to the City Library. At about 1 oclock this afternoon, Tracy called, saying

26、that she couldnt meet you at Bolton Coffee tomorrow morning as she has something important to attend to. She felt very sorry about that, but said that you could set some other time for the meeting. She wanted you to call her back as soon as you are home. She has already told Sudan about this change. 本文黑体部分均为作者适当发挥的地方,都是对所区给信息的稍加扩展。这些内容的添加,使得文章的句子结构更加复杂,文章内容更加凤副然而, 信息的添加必须紧扣主题,不能信马由缰、旁逸斜出,否则会增加一些出错的几率,效果将会适得其反,降低得分档次。版权所有:高考资源网()


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