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2020-2021学年人教版英语必修3学案:UNIT 2 SECTION Ⅳ GRAMMAR & WRITING WORD版含解析.doc

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1、Section Grammar & Writing授课提示:对应学生用书第30页情态动词()观察句子,写明情态动词的用法。1By now his restaurant ought to be full of people.(ought to意义:应该;此处指按理应当如何,具有一定的针对性)2What could have happened?(could have done用于疑问句,表示对过去发生动作的猜测)3Something terrible must have happened.(must have done用于肯定句,表示对过去发生动作的肯定推测)4He could not belie

2、ve his eyes.(could意义:能够,强调能力)一、基础点拨(一)ought to的用法1ought to“应该”,与should相比较ought to语气重,偏重“责任,义务,道德,法律”等方面。I feel that we ought to accept his proposal.我觉得我们应该接受他的建议。2ought to还可表示可能性。It ought to be a close game.那很可能是场势均力敌的比赛。点津用ought to表示推断时,语气较肯定,通常指的是一种合乎逻辑的可能性(与should表推断时相似),有时可译为“准是”(但语气比must要弱)。3ou

3、ght to的否定形式为ought not to或oughtnt to,其一般疑问句形式将ought置于主语前。You ought not to do it.你不应该做这事。Ought he to start now?Yes,he ought(to)“他现在该动身了吗?”“是的,该动身了。”They ought to go now, oughtnt they?他们现在该走了,对吗?点津在附加疑问句中ought(nt)to中的to要省去。在美式英语中常用shouldnt代替oughtnt to。(二)have to的用法have to“不得不”。有时态、人称和数的变化,其否定形式和疑问形式需要借

4、助助动词do。I have to leave her alone.(肯定句)我不得不留她一个人。You dont have to be alone.(否定句)你不需要独自一人。When do you have to be at home?(疑问句)什么时候你该在家?He had to be there at once.(过去式)他得立刻赶到那儿。点津have to的否定式为dont have to,表示“没有义务或没有必要做某事”,意为“不必”,常可以回答must提问的一般疑问句。而must的否定式mustnt表示“禁止”。Must I hand in the paper tomorrow?N

5、o,you neednt/dont have to.(Yes,you must.)“我明天必须交论文吗?”“不,没必要。(是的,必须。)”(三)need的用法1need作情态动词时,后跟动词原形,表示“需要,有必要”,无人称和数的变化,多用于否定句、疑问句或条件句中。I wonder if we need take sleeping bags.我不知道我们是否需要带睡袋。You neednt complete the essay tonight.你不必今晚就完成这篇文章。Need they have done it yesterday?他们昨天做这件事有必要吗?点津由need引导的一般疑问句的

6、肯定回答常用must或have to,否定回答常用neednt。Need I stay to help them?Yes,you must.(No,you neednt.)“我必须留下来帮他们吗?”“是,你必须。(不,你不必。)”2作为实义动词,同其他实义动词一样,可用于各种句式,有时态、人称、数的变化,构成否定句和疑问句时要借助于助动词do或does。The machine needs to be repaired.The machine needs repairing.这台机器需要修理。二、难点突破情态动词have done的用法1must have done用于肯定句,表示“过去一定做过

7、某事”。She must have been very beautiful when she got married.她结婚时一定很漂亮。2can have done一般用于疑问句和否定句中,用于表示对过去所发生事情的推测。could have done用于肯定句时,表示“本有能力做某事而未做”。He cannot have left.His bag is still in the room.他绝不可能走了。他的包还在屋里呢。In my view,this accident could have been prevented.依我看,这次事故本来是可以避免的。3should(ought to)

8、have done表示“过去本应该做某事而(实际上)没有做”,含有责备或遗憾的语气;其否定形式表示某种行为不该发生却发生了。They ought to have been more careful.他们本该更小心些。You ought not to have told him the bad news.你本不该告诉他这个坏消息。4may/might have done表示对过去发生的事情的推测,意思是“也许已经做了某事,可能已经做了某事”,多用在肯定句中,用might时表示语气更加不肯定。She might have taken it home.她可能把它带回家了。5neednt have d

9、one表示“本不必做某事而实际上做了”。He neednt have gone there yesterday.他昨天其实是不必去那儿的。.选词填空1We have enough money,so we neednt go to the bank to withdraw(取)any.2It cant be Jim standing there.He has gone away for the weekend.3Janice must be out this evening.She isnt answering the telephone.4You mustnt cross the street

10、 at a red light.Its very dangerous.5What kind of house do you want to buy?Well,it neednt be bigthats not very important.But it must have a balcony (阳台) that would be wonderful.6How amazing!Though Lori is a small child,she can walk a very long way.完成句子1Must all the passengers in the airbus be found n

11、ow?No,they_neednt,because none of them is affected by the flu.“现在必须找到空中客车上所有的乘客吗?”“不,没有必要,因为他们没有感染流感。”2Some pirates(海盗)appeared,so they had_to change their route.由于海盗出没,他们不得不改变航线。3There was plenty of time.She neednt_have_hurried_to_the_station.有充足的时间。她没有必要匆忙去车站。4The train has gone.You two ought_to_h

12、ave_come on time.火车已经开走了。你们两个本应该按时来。5I saw a UFO land on my house last night.You must_be_joking.It cant be true.“昨天晚上我看见一个飞碟落到我的房子上。”“你一定是在开玩笑。这肯定不是真的。”6I didnt see her last night at the party.You could_have.But you came too late.“我昨天在聚会上没见到她。”“你本能见到她的。但是你来得太晚了。”7Ought Jack to see a doctor?Yes,he_ou

13、ght_to.“杰克应该看医生吗?”“是的,他应该看医生。”8With such a lot of work on hand,he shouldnt_have_gone_to the cinema last night.有这么多作业要做,他昨晚本不该去看电影的。9If you dont give children sweets during Halloween they_might_play_a_trick_on you.在万圣节,如果你不给孩子们糖果,他们可能会捉弄你。10The train was ten minutes late,so I_neednt_have_run all the

14、way to the station.火车晚点十分钟,因此我本不必一路跑到火车站的。.选择适当的情态动词填空1You mustnt go there alone; its too dangerous.(mustnt/neednt)2Its so near; we shouldnt have taken a taxi.(shouldnt/cant)3You oughtnt_to have spent so much time playing computer games.(mustnt/oughtnt to)4Shall I leave the room so that you two can

15、talk?No, you neednt.(mustnt/neednt)5He cant have missed the train; he arrived at the train station two hours early.(cant/mustnt)6Well be very glad if you can join us in going camping.(can/may)7They had_to stay in the office last night because of the snowstorm.(have to/must)8We should have helped him

16、; in that case, he would have been able to finish the work.(should/can)授课提示:对应学生用书第32页劝说性写作:广告类1确定体裁:广告属于应用文,主要是对产品、服务等有形或无形的商品进行宣传,以达到促销的效果。2确定主体时态:广告介绍的是商品现在的状况,因此主体时态通常用一般现在时。3确定中心人称:广告宣传的是商家的产品或优惠活动,因此中心人称通常用第一人称,且常用复数形式。4确定结构:广告通常有标题,正文部分通常由三部分组成。首先点明是哪个商家在进行什么商品的宣传,总领全文;然后对商品进行具体介绍;结尾通常用号召性话语鼓

17、动读者前去购买商品。常用句式1广告常用开头语:.is on spring sale!Do you want to.? Please join us!2介绍商品时的常用表达:It is produced in.by.It is small in size and light in weight,so you.As for the price,it.For more information,please call.3广告常用结束语:Come to.!You wont regret it!Why wait?Come and experience our.!假定你在Haizi Clothing Sto

18、re做暑假兼职,请根据以下提示为其写一篇英文广告文案。Spring salesweaters60 yuanbags20 yuansocks5 yuanshoes30 yuanTshirts2530 yuan注意:1.词数100左右;2可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。审题谋篇词句推敲1词汇(1)廉价出售 on_sale(2)说出某物的名称 name_sth.(3)以的价钱 at_a(n).price(4)各种颜色的 in_all_colours(5)以及 as_well_as2句式(1)每样东西的价格都很便宜。Everything_is_at_a_very_good_price.(2)我们有各色袜

19、子,每双仅售5元;还有鞋子,每双仅售30元。We_have_socks_in_all_colours_for_just_5_yuan_a_pair,_as_well_as_shoes_for_30_yuan_a_pair.妙笔成篇_参考范文Haizi Clothing Store is on spring sale! We have all kinds of goods here.You name it, and we have it.Everything is at a very good price.Do you like sweaters? We have sweaters in all

20、 colours for 60 yuan each.Do you need bags? We have wonderful bags for only 20 yuan each.We have socks in all colours for just 5 yuan a pair, as well as shoes for 30 yuan a pair.Tshirts for boys are 30 yuan each, and Tshirts for girls are 25 yuan.And theres much more, too!Come to Haizi Clothing Store! You wont regret it!


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