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《创新设计》2017年高考英语人教版全国一轮复习课时作业: 选修八 UNIT 5 WORD版含解析.doc

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1、.完形填空体裁:夹叙夹议话题:关爱词数:283时间:16I do a lot of management training each year for a national chain of convenience stores(自助商店)Among the topics we_1_ in our classes is the retention(保留) of quality employees.In one of the_2_,I ask the participants,“What has caused you to_3_ long enough to become a manager?”

2、 A new manager took the_4_ and slowly,with her_5_ almost breaking,said,“It was a $19 baseball glove.” Cynthia told the group that she_6_ took a Circle K clerk job as an interim(暂时的) position while she_7_ something better.On her second or third day behind the counter,she_8_ a phone call from her nine

3、yearold son.He needed a baseball glove for Little League.She_9_ that as a single mother,money was very_10_,and her first check would have to go for_11_ bills.Perhaps she could buy his baseball glove with her second or third check.When Cynthia arrived for_12_ the next morning,Patricia,the store manag

4、er,asked her to come to his office.Cynthia_13_ if she had done something wrong or left some part of her job_14_She was concerned and_15_Patricia handed her a box.“I_16_ you talking to your son yesterday,” she said,“and I know that it is hard to explain things to_17_This is a baseball glove for your

5、son.You know we cant pay good people like you as much as we would like to; but we do_18_,and I want you to know you are_19_ to us.” The_20_ and love of this convenience store manager shows vividly that people remember more how much an employer cares than how much the employer pays.1A.support Bachiev

6、e Cgrasp Ddiscuss答案D在教室里所“讨论”的题目是“怎样留住有素质的员工”。2A.classes Bstores Cgroups Dspeeches答案A上文出现了in our classes,此处指“在其中的一堂课上”。3A.arrange Bstay Cmarch Dannounce答案B用stay表示“在经理的位置上待得长久”。4A.question Baim Cbattle Dbelief答案A上句是作者问的一个问题,下面这位新经理回答这个“问题”。5A.sound Bnoise Cvoice Dspeech答案C从下面的almost breaking可知,应该选择vo

7、ice“嗓音”。6A.properly Brelatively Csteadily Doriginally答案D根据下文中的took a Circle K clerk job as an interim(暂时的) position和something better可知她是“最初”找到一个暂时的工作。7A.took advantage of Bgave up Clooked for Dcalled in答案C根据as an interim(暂时的) position以及something better可知,她边工作边寻找更好的一份工作。take advantage of“对加以利用”;give

8、up“放弃”;call in“召集;打电话”,均不符合句意。8A.received Babsorbed Ctransported Ddemanded答案A接听电话用 “receive a phone call”。9A.complained Bexplained Cguaranteed Danalyzed 答案B空格后面以that引导的从句是她对儿子说的内容,也就是她向儿子“解释”的内容。10A.tight Benough Cample Dvaluable答案A本句中的as a single mother以及空格后的内容说明她没有钱给儿子买手套,说明钱非常“紧”。11A.suffering Bc

9、hanging Cresisting Dpaying答案D从她给孩子做的解释中可知,她第一次的工资要“付”所欠的账。12A.home Bwork Cschool Dclub答案B从下面的Patricia,the store manager,asked her to come to his office可以推测她是去“上班”。13A.judged Bcreated Cwondered Dawarded答案Cwonder表示“想知道”,符合句子意思“想知道是否做错了什么事情或者”。14A.incomplete Breasonable Ccomplex Dspecial答案A根据left some

10、part of her job可知她想知道是否还有部分工作“未完成”。15A.frightened Bscared Cconfused Ddelighted答案Cconfused“迷惑的”与concerned“担心的”相对应。16A.overheard Bclassified Ccalculated Drewarded答案Aoverhear“偶然听到”;classify“把归类”;calculate“计算”;reward“酬谢”。根据句子意思可知经理是“偶然听到母子的谈话”。故用overheard。17A.employees Bemployers Cmanagers Dkids答案D根据句意可

11、以推测,给“孩子”解释清楚问题是很难的。18A.charge Bannoy Ccare Dprofit答案C根据Patricia的话的意思“我们不能付给像你一样优秀的员工尽可能多的工资,但我们确实很关心(员工)”可知答案选C。19A.important Battractive Cfriendly Dordinary答案A根据Patricia的话 “good people like you”可知Patricia认为Cynthia对他们很“重要”。故选A。20A.sense Bthoughtfulness Canxiety Dpromise答案B通过上面的故事可以判断这位商店的经理的“关怀(tho

12、ughtfulness)和爱表明了”,故此得知答案应该选B。.阅读理解体裁:说明文话题:文化传统词数:283时间:6Grandparents Day is a warm holiday that allows children and adults an opportunity to show their appreciation for their Grandparents.Grandparents Day and the weeks just before it are the time when children all over the country start thinking a

13、bout what to get their Grandmothers and Grandfathers as presents for Grandparents Day.Of course,giving presents is just one way of celebrating Grandparents Day,but how to give gifts requires planning.Choosing presents for Grandparents Day can be a very difficult task.Because Grandparents Day and hol

14、idays of its kind are meant to honor some of the most important people in our lives,the task of choosing presents that will be appropriate can be challenging.It can be very difficult to even consider the question of what kind of gift could show a Grandparent how much we love them and care for them.E

15、specially for those children who do not have much money,finding the right Grandparents Day present at the right price is a very difficult task.One solution to the difficulty of what to buy as a present for Grandparents Day is not to buy anything at all.Rather than buying a material item that is almo

16、st sure to be short of expressing the depth and sincerity(诚心诚意) of your feelings for your Grandmother or Grandfather,consider another kind of choice entirely.One way that you can show a Grandparent that you really care is to make them something.A handmade gift can go a long way towards expressing yo

17、ur love on Grandparents Day.Of course,there are also a lot more other ways to celebrate Grandparents Day than by just giving presents to your parents.【语篇解读】祖父母节是孩子和成人向祖父母表达感激之情的节日。在这个节日,为自己的祖父母选择一份什么样的礼物好呢?21What does Grandparents Day mean to people?AIt is a time to express love and appreciation to

18、the old.BIt gives them a chance to get together.CIt makes the old think of their past experiences.DIt gives them an opportunity to take time off work.答案A细节理解题。根据第一段第一句可知,孩子和成年人在Grandparents Day表达对老年人的感激之情。故选项A正确。22According to the writer,which of the following gifts can best show your love to your g

19、randparents?AA pair of expensive shoes.BSome delicious food.CA big TV set.DA chair made by yourself.答案D推理判断题。根据短文最后一段中的One way that you can show a Grandparent that you really care is to make them something.A handmade gift can go a long way towards expressing your love on Grandparents Day.可知D为正确选项。23

20、What difficulty could people meet when preparing gifts for the old?AChoosing the proper gifts.BSparing time to make gifts.CNot having a large amount of money.DNot having enough time to shop.答案A细节理解题。根据第二段内容可知,给祖父母选择合适的礼物是人们经常遇到的难题。24What will be discussed in the following paragraph?AHow to make gift

21、s for the old by yourself.BWhat is the best gift for the old.CSome other ways to show your appreciation to the old.DHow to buy proper gifts with not enough money.答案C推理判断题。根据短文最后一句可以推测,下面一段将会谈到其他在Grandparents Day表示对老人感激的方法。.阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。“Equal pay for equal work” is a phrase by

22、 the American women who feel they are _25_ (fair) treated by society.They think it is not right for women to be paid less than men for the _26_ amount of work.Some people say men have _27_ (many) duties than women.A married man has to earn money to support his family and make important _28_ (decide)

23、,so it is right for them to be paid more.Some are even against married women _29_ (work) at all.When wives go out to work,they say,the home and children are given no attention _30_If women are encouraged by equal pay to take up jobs,they will be _31_ (able) to do the things that they are best at doi

24、ng:making a nice home and bringing _32_ children.Women who disagree say that they want to escape from the limited place which society wishes them to fill and have _33_ freedom to choose between a job and home life,_34_ a mixture of the two.In fact women have the right not only to equal pay but also

25、to equal chances.【语篇解读】在现实生活中,男女不平等的现象依然存在25unfairly考查副词。修饰动词要用副词,根据上下文可知,此处所填词意为“不公平地”,所以用unfairly。26same考查形容词。根据第一句中的“Equal pay for equal work”可知,这里指做量相同的工作。故填same。27more考查比较级。根据后面的than可知,此处应填many的比较级形式more。28decisions考查固定短语。make decisions表示“做决定”,是固定短语。29working考查非谓语动词。be against sb doing sth表示“反对

26、某人做某事”,故填working。married women是动名词working的逻辑主语。30to考查介词。attention常与介词to连用,故应用介词to。31unable考查谓语。如果女性受到同样工资待遇的鼓励而去工作,她们就不能干她们最擅长的事情了做家务和照看孩子。根据句意可知,此处填unable(不能)。32up考查固定短语。bring up表示“抚养”,是固定短语,故填up。33the考查冠词。此处指“在工作和家庭生活之间进行选择的这种自由”,表示特指,应用定冠词the。34or考查并列连词。根据语境可知,此处应填表示选择关系的连词or(或者)。.书面表达请根据下面提示,写一篇

27、短文。词数100左右。In an English speech competition,you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to the judges how you understand it.【参考范文】From the picture I can see an old man sitting in the sofa lonely while his three sons are busy making telephone calls.Since the old man lives alone and fe

28、els lonely,he called his sons back home and wanted to talk with them.But his sons dont understand the old man,they are talking with others on the phone.In my opinion,children,no matter how old they are and how busy they are,they should save their time talking to their parents from time to time.We should often pay a visit to our parents and talk to them as many times as possible because the old needs love and care,too.


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