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2014年高中英语译林牛津版必修3同步课件:MODULE 3 UNIT1 READING %26 LANGUAGE POINTS.ppt

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1、The world of our sensesask for helpblindaccidentfearWhat can you think of when the word“fog”is mentioned?fogget lostdangerconfuseWhat would you do if you get lost in the fog?Lead-inScan the story and try to find the route(路线)that Polly took home.outside Pollys working placeat the bus stop on the str

2、eetin the Underground trainat Green Park stationin Park Streetat the corner of the streetat 86 King Street 1.What is the story about?A young lady in the fogAt 86 King Street.2.Where did Polly live?3.How did she usually get home?4.What was the old man carrying?By bus A stick 1.The fog was very thick

3、in the morning.2.When she got to Green Park,the weather turned out to be fine.3.Polly got to Green Park by train.4.The old man carried an umbrella in his hand.5.At first Polly thought the old man couldnt see her face because he was blind.6.After arriving at home,Polly invited the old man to her home

4、 for a rest and he agreed.FFTFFFRead the story again carefully and then answer these questions1.Why did Polly leave work early?2.Why did Polly take the Underground train to Green park?3.What was the weather like outside the train station?Becausetherewasathickfogthatafternoon and she wondered if the

5、buswould still be running in the fog.Because the fog is too thick for the bus to go to King Street.The fog lay like a thick,grey cloud.4 According to lines 20,what made Polly afraid?5.According to line 33,what did the man look like?6.How could the man tell that Polly was young?The rough hand that br

6、ushed her face,and the mans voice that was close toher ear made Polly afraid.He looked old.He could tell Polly was young byhearing her voice.Put these events in the correct order by writing 1 to 10 in the blanks.1.Polly took an Underground train to Green Park.2.An old man took Pollys hand.3.A hand r

7、eached out and touched Pollys arm.4.Polly thanked the blind man.5.A tall man in a dark coat was watching Polly.6.Polly and the old man turned left at the corner.7.Polly felt frightened when a rough hand brushed her face.8.Polly got to King Street safely.9.Polly left the office at four oclock.10.The

8、old man went to help others.Find these new words in the article.Guess their meanings from the context.Then match them with the correct definitions.1.observed a.with no people in it 2.sensedb.within the area that you can see 3.glanced c.felt4.deserted d.watched carefully5.in sight e.took a quick look

9、 6.still f.not happening often 7.watch out g.not moving8.rare h.be carefulFill in the following chart using the information you find in the story Fog to check your understanding of the story.PartPlaceTime&weatherPersonWhat happenedPollys thought or feeling Part 1Part 2Outside Pollys work place Polly

10、 She left work early.She wondered if the bus would still be running.at the bus stopin the street later Polly;the bus condu-ctor The fog was too thick for the bus to run to King Street,where Polly lived.At 4 p.m.foggyPart PlaceTime&weatherPersonWhat happenedPollysthoughtor feelingPart 3Part4later Pol

11、ly;a tall man A tall man in a dark coat is on the train.She sensed she was being watched.In Park Street;at the corner of the street When Polly got to the station,the fog lay like a thick,gray cloud.Polly;a man A rough hand brushed her face.Her heart was beating with fear.In the underground train;at

12、Green Park stationPartPlaceTime&weatherPersonWhat happenedPollys thoughtor feelingPart 5 Part 6in the street Polly;an old manThe old man took her hand and helped her find the way.She wished for someone to come,along.Fear held her still.She began to feel frightened again.outside Pollys house at King

13、Street late that dayPolly;the old blind man The old man left to help more people in need.Polly was thankful.It was dark.1.What is the personality(性格特点)of the old man?2.What can we do to help those disabled like the old blind man?Reading strategy:read a storyThere are different types of stories.Stori

14、es have basic elements as follows:What happened;When it happened;Where it happened;Why it happened;Who was involved in the event.A story with a climax or a surprising endingis usually more eye-catching.Retell the story Fog with the help of the following chart.Outside Pollys working placeAt the bus s

15、top on the streetIn the underground trainAt Green Park stationIn Park StreetAt the corner of the streetIn the street near King StreetAt 86 King Street1.Once out in the street,she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.Once out in the street 相当于 Once she was out in the street 引导时间状语从句。在从句主语与主句主语一致

16、时,从句可省略主语。First aid,if(it is)properly done,can save a persons life.Once 可用作连词,意思为:一 就,一旦。e.g 一旦出版,这本词典会非常畅销。Once(it is)printed,this dictionary will be very popular.他一到我们就可以动身。Once he arrives we can start.Once可用作副词,意思为:一次;曾经。请注意我把问题再重复一遍。Attention please,Ill repeat the question once more.2.Sorry,Miss

17、,replied the man,the truth is that the fogs too thick for the bus to run that far.句中第一个that引导的是表语从句。问题是我们钱已用完了。The problem is that we have run out of money.第二个that(或this)在此处等于so,意思是“那么”(或“这么”),修饰形容词或副词。艰辛会使人变化那么大吗?Can hard work change a person that much?3.L16.the rest of.L 32his hand resting on her

18、arm.L50.and rest for a while?其他人/物放置,停放休息 The rest of the milk has gone bad.The rest of the cows have gone mad.4.deserted adj.without any people她走在空无一人的街道上,心里感到害怕。She walked in the deserted street,feeling scared.desert v.to leave a place so that it is completely emptyto leave a place or somebody and

19、 never want to return在火山爆发之前,当地的村民不得不放弃他们的家园The local villagers had to desert their homes before the volcano erupted.()()5.Now she wanted to run,but fear held her still.hold 在句中的意思是“使身体保持某种姿势(put or keep part of body in a certain position)。The dog held its tail between its legs.宝宝能自己站立了吗?Can the bab

20、y hold herself up yet?6.L14 As Polly observed the passengers on the train,she sensed that she was being watched.observe/see/watch/notice/look at sb.do/doinglisten to/hear sb.do/doing 人们常看到他乞讨People often see him beg.People often see him begging.昨天人们看到他乞讨的.People saw him begged yesterday.People obser

21、ved him beg yesterday.He was seen to beg yesterday.()()()()()造句:为这样的事烦恼没有意义.我感觉到她在想什么.节省钱是理智的.你能明白我的意思吗?There is no sense(in)worrying about such a thing.I sensed what she was thinkingIt makes sense to save for the future.Can you make sense of what I said?7.standing with his hand resting on her arm.E

22、g.He stood there with his eyes looking at the dog.The guy entered the room with his hands tied back.We are having a lesson with a cat in the room.She slept there with the window open.The Emperor walked in the street with nothing on.Verb+with phrase“做时伴随着.(动作/状态)发生/存在With+N.+doing/done/prep./adv8.Wat

23、ch out for the step here.watch out for 戒备,提防,密切注意。Watch out for a tall man in a black hat.你要小心这一带快速行驶的车辆。You have to watch out for fast traffic along here.Make sentences:1.我们班学生数比你们班多.(that)2.当他醒来时,他发现自己躺在 床上.(find)3.我注意到他紧紧抓住妈妈的手.(observe,hold)4.海伦每天锻炼,她的狗就跟在后面.(with.doing.)The number of students i

24、n our class is largerthan that in yoursWhen he woke up,he found himself lying in bed.I observed him hold Moms hand firmly.Helen works out everyday with her dog following behind1.Suppose you are the editor of the newspaper,try to interview Polly to know more about what happened to her.2.Prepare questions on page 5.3.Read the article in Part B in Reading on page 95 of the workbook.


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