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1、安徽省皖南八校2021届高三英语10月份第一次联考试题考生注意:1.本试卷由四个部分组成。满分150分,考试时间120分钟。2.考生作答时,请将答案答在答题卡上。选择题每小题选出答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑;非选择题请用直径0.5毫米黑色墨水签字笔在答题卡上各题的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效,在试题卷、草稿纸上作答无效。3.本卷命题范围:高考范围。第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有1

2、0秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】Where are the two speakers probably?A. In a store.B. In a supermarket.C. In a post office.【答案】C【解析】【原文】W: Do you come here frequently?M: Not very often. I come here only a few times a year to send packages to my brother in China.2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看

3、】Whom did Tom spend two days playing with?A. His kids.B. Homeless kids.C. Kids of his neighbors.【答案】B【解析】【原文】W: It seems that Tom is taking an active part in social work.M: Yes, he is. Last weekend, he spent two days playing with kids who have no home.3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】What is the womans grandmas

4、 birthday gift?A. A dress.B. A ring.C. A jacket.【答案】B【解析】【原文】M: Mary, whats that in your hand, a ring?W: Yes, you re right. Its a birthday gift for my grandma.M: But you only gave me a jacket for my birthday last week.4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】Where does the woman want to have dinner?A. At the Blue Moon

5、Restaurant.B. At the Red Rose Restaurant.C. At the mans house.【答案】B【解析】【原文】M: How about eating out tonight at the Blue Moon Restaurant? Its very near my house.W: Its too noisy there. How about the Red Rose Restaurant? I like the soft music there-its a much nicer environment for eating.5. 【此处可播放相关音频,

6、请去附件查看】How much is the furniture?A. $1,305.B. $1,450.C. $ 1,595.【答案】A【解析】【原文】W: The furniture is nice. I think Id like to take it. Could you deliver it to my house?M: Of course. Delivery costs another 145 dollars, so its 1,450 dollars in total.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给

7、的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】6. What day is it today?A. Tuesday.B. Wednesday.C. Friday.7. What will Mike do the day after tomorrow?A. Deal with his work.B. Go to a movie.C. Have supper with the woman.【答案】6.

8、 B 7. A【解析】【原文】W: Hi. Mike! Im calling to ask if youd like to come and have supper with us on Friday.M: The day after tomorrow? Im afraid I wont be able to. I have to work overtime on Friday, or else Ill have to work this weekend.W: You work really hard. Then how about this Saturday evening?M: Im af

9、raid I wont be able to make it then either. I promised Jenny Id go to a movie with her this Saturday. How about this Sunday?W: Let me see. Yes, that would be fine. Lets make it this Sunday then.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】8. What did the man do last night?A. Watch a new play.B. Read an intere

10、sting book.C. Attend a social event.9. How does the woman feel like the football game?A. Boring.B. Exciting.C. Just so-so.【答案】8. A 9. B【解析】【原文】W: Hi. Charles! Did you watch the football game on TV last night?M: Hi, Laura! I wanted to watch it, but I couldnt.W: Oh, thats a pity. It was really excitin

11、g. Why couldnt you watch it?M: Oh, my wife wanted to see a new play.W: So how was the play?M: It was quite good, but we missed the beginning of it because we had to eat first.听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】10. What are the speakers going to do?A. Have a jog.B. Play badminton.C. Go to work.11. Wh

12、at did the speakers buy yesterday?A. Sportswear.B. Jogging shoes.C. Caps.12. Whats the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Coach and sportswoman.B. Teacher and student.C. Husband and wife.【答案】10. A 11. B 12. C【解析】【原文】M: Wake up, darling.W: What for? Its only 5 oclock in the morningM: We re

13、 going jogging.W: This early?M: Get out of bed! Remember our agreement. Dont break it on the first day.W: What shall I wear?M: Sportswear and jogging shoes.W: I dont have jogging shoes.M: Yes, you do. We bought them yesterday.W: Oh. look! Its raining outside.M: It isnt and we are going to jog this m

14、orning. Come on!听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】13. What should a parent do if he misses the application deadline?A. He can apply as a “late”.B. He can only apply next year.C. He can contact the headmaster.14. What kind of students can get transportation?A. Those living 1 mile away.B. Those livin

15、g 2 miles away.C. Those living 3 miles away.15. Whats the directors telephone number?A. 310-218-1452.B. 310-280-1452.C. 310-280-1501.16 What does the womans child like?A. Reading.B. Sports.C. Music.【答案】13. A 14. C 15. B 16. C【解析】【原文】M: Hamilton High School, can I help you?W: Yes, I have some questio

16、ns to ask. My son hopes to study in your school.M: Welcome. I am glad to help you W. Thanks. We just knew about the school yesterday. What if I miss the application deadline?M: You can still apply as a “late”. Your application will be given a number. We will take students in number order.W: Does my

17、child get transportation?M: If you live more than 3 miles, 3 miles included, away from our school, your son can qualify for transportation.W: How can I reach my sons teacher?M: You can leave a message in the office at 310-280-1501. You can also send them an e-mail. All e-mails are listed on our webs

18、ite.W: What if the teacher doesnt get back to me?M: If there is no response, please call the director at 310-280-1452.W: My child is into music. Can he continue to develop his interest?M: Sure.听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】17. What did the speaker want to buy?A. Some postcards.B. Some envelopes.C

19、. Some stamps.18. Who was in front of the speaker in the first line?A. An old woman.B. A businessman.C. A schoolboy.19. How was the second line?A. It moved without any stop.B. It was three times longer.C. It moved faster at first.20. What happened in the end?A. The post office was closed.B. The cler

20、k closed his window.C. The speaker missed her lunch.【答案】17. C 18. A 19. C 20. B【解析】【原文】W: I dont know why it is. No matter when I go to a post office and no matter where the post office is. I always find myself in line behind someone who has a lot of business to do. One day, I had to buy a couple of

21、 stamps, but I had to wait behind an old lady who took fifteen minutes to finish a form that a child could do in one minute. Feeling that I could not stand waiting in such a line any longer, I decided to join another one. It seemed twice as long as the first line, but at least it was moving. It turn

22、ed out to be the worst choice I had ever made. As soon as I lost my place in the first line, the one I joined slowed to a stop. I had no choice but to wait behind a schoolboy who was using half an hour to choose a new set of postcards. At last it was my turn. I nearly jumped for joy. Then the clerk

23、behind the counter, a middle-aged fat guy, stood up, pushed forward a printed sign saying “Position Closed” and said without a smile, “Sorry, going to lunch.”第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThe Lion Dance is one of the most widespread folk dances in Chin

24、a. The lion is the king of animals. In Chinese tradition, the lion is regarded as a mascot, which can bring good luck. The dance has a recorded history of more than 2,000 years.Xushui Lion DanceHebei is the birthplace of the Northern Lion Dance. The Xushui Lion Dance is mainly performed during the S

25、pring Festival and religious ceremonies of local temples. In the dance two people usually play the lion: one waving the lion head and the other waving the lion body and tail. The latter is one important feature of the Northern Lion Dance. The lion, with its exaggerated appearance, is mighty and valo

26、rous, and also naive and lovely. It can vividly perform watching, standing, walking,running, rolling, sleeping and shaking its mane and also many other difficult acrobatics.Tianta Lion DanceThe Tianta Lion Dance formed during the Sui and Tang period in Shanxi, is surprising, adventurous, vagarious,

27、peerless and splendid, since it is performed on towering hath paces, which is really a breathtaking acrobatic scene. The protection and salvation of the Tianta Lion Dance is very important for research on local aesthetics, folklore, music and dance history.Huangsha Lion DanceThe Huangsha Lion Dance

28、originated in the Northern Song Dynasty and was popular in the Huashayang area of Linhai City, Zhejiang Province. Its biggest highlight is the ingenious adoption of martial arts into the performance. The Huangsha Lion Dance, valuable for research on local folklore, sociology, and aesthetics, now nee

29、ds urgent protection and salvation. There are less than ten people alive who can perform the dance today.Guangdong Lion DanceThe Guangdong Lion Dance is a typical Southern Lion Dance. It originated from the royal lion dance during the Tang Dynasty and was later introduced to the south by immigrants

30、from the north. The Guangdong Lion Dance finally came into being in its present form that adopted local characteristics during the Ming Dynasty. It mainly focuses on the performance of the civilian lion dance, attaching much attention to movements like scratching an itch, shaking the mane and lickin

31、g the hair.21. Where did the Northern Lion Dance originate?A. In Guangdong.B. In Hebei.C. In Shanxi.D. In Zhejiang.22. Which of the following needs protecting most now?A. Xushui Lion Dance.B. Tianta Lion Dance.C. Huangsha Lion Dance.D. Guangdong Lion Dance.23. What is the purpose of the text?A. To c

32、all on us to protect the Lion Dance.B. To teach us how to enjoy the Lion Dance.C. To encourage the young to learn the Lion Dance.D. To introduce us several representative types of the Lion Dance.【答案】21. B 22. C 23. D【解析】【分析】本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了四种传统的中国舞狮起源,特点和意义等。【21题详解】细节理解题。根据“Xushui Lion Dance”部分第一句“H

33、ebei is the birthplace of the Northern Lion Dance.” 河北是北方舞狮的发源地。故选B。【22题详解】细节理解题。根据“Huangsha Lion Dance” 部分最后两句“The Huangsha Lion Dance, valuable for research on local folklore, sociology, and aesthetics, now needs urgent protection and salvation. There are less than ten people alive who can perform

34、 the dance today. ” 黄沙舞狮在当地民俗学、社会学、美学研究中具有重要价值,亟需保护和拯救。今天能表演这支舞的活着的人不到十人。因此最需要保护的是Huangsha Lion Dance,故选C。【23题详解】推理判断题。根据文章第一段“The Lion Dance is one of the most widespread folk dances in China.” 舞狮是中国流传最广的民间舞蹈之一。以及整个文章可知就是介绍了四种传统的中国舞狮的起源,特点和意义等。由此可知,本文的目的就是介绍几种有代表性类型的舞狮,故选D。【点睛】一般定位关键词适用于解答细节理解题。通过定

35、位关键词解题,考生在阅读题干时,把题干中有标记意义的词或词组标出来,或者选项中的关键词,然后用这个词回原文当中定位。如小题1题干中的Northern Lion Dance可以帮助快速找出答案。BA lodestone compass was used in China during the Han Dynasty between the 2nd century BC and 1st century AD, where it was called the “south-governor” (snn). It was not used for navigation, but rather for

36、geomancy and fortune-telling. The earliest reference to a magnetic device used for navigation is in a Song Dynasty book dating to 1040-1044, where there is a description of an iron “south-pointing fish” floating in a bowl of water, aligning itself to the south. The device is recommended as a means o

37、f orientation “in the obscurity of the night.” The first suspended magnetic needle compass was written by Shen Kuo in his book of 1088.For most of Chinese history, the compass that remained in use was in the form of a magnetic needle floating in a bowl of water. According to Needham, the Chinese in

38、the Song Dynasty and continuing Yuan Dynasty did make use of a dry compass, although this type never became as widely used in China as the wet compass.The dry compass used in China was a dry suspension compass, a wooden frame crafted in the shape of a turtle hung upside down by a board, with the lod

39、estone sealed in by wax, and if rotated, the needle at the tail would always point in the northern cardinal direction. Although the 14th century European compass-card in box frame and dry pivot needle was adopted in China after its use was taken by Japanese pirates in the 16th century (who had in tu

40、rn learned of it from Europeans), the Chinese design of the suspended dry compass persisted in use well into the 18th century.24. What was snn used for?A. Trade.B. Orientation.C. Fortune-telling.D. Navigation.25. What does the underlined word “aligning” in Paragraph 1 mean?A. alarmingB. adjustingC.

41、remindingD. forcing26. Which of the following can be known from the text?A. The wet compass was widely used in China.B. The needle of the dry compass would always faced the south.C. Japanese pirates in 16th century knew little about compass.D. The first compass was mentioned in a book of 1088 writte

42、n by Needham.27. What is the best title for the text?A. Great ScientistsB. The Famous Dynasties in HistoryC. The Unforgettable Centuries of ChinaD. The Great Invention of Ancient ChinaCompass【答案】24. C 25. B 26. A 27. D【解析】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了中国古代发明指南针,介绍了其最初的用途、工作原理以及在历史中的演变。【24题详解】细节理解题。根据第一段中“A lodesto

43、ne compass was used in China during the Han Dynasty between the 2nd century BC and 1st century AD, where it was called the south-governor(snn). It was not used for navigation, but rather for geomancy and fortune-telling.(公元前2世纪至公元1世纪的汉代,中国曾使用过磁石指南针,当时被称为“司南”。它不是用于导航,而是用于风水和算命)”可知,司南是用来算命的。故选C。25题详解】

44、词义猜测题。根据画线词上文“The earliest reference to a magnetic device used for navigation is in a Song Dynasty book dating to 1040-1044, where there is a description of an iron “south-pointing fish” floating in a bowl of water”以及后文“itself to the south”可知最早提到用于导航的磁性装置是在宋朝1040到1044年的一本书中,书中描述了一只铁“指南鱼”漂浮在一碗水里,可以自行

45、调整自己对准南方。由此可知,画线词意思为“调整”,A. alarming警告;B. adjusting调整;C. reminding提醒;D. forcing迫使。故选B。【26题详解】细节理解题。根据第二段中“According to Needham, the Chinese in the Song Dynasty and continuing Yuan Dynasty did make use of a dry compass, although this type never became as widely used in China as the wet compass.(根据Nee

46、dham的说法,在宋朝和后来的元朝中国人确实使用了干指南针,尽管这种指南针在中国从未像水浮式指南针那样广泛使用)”可知,水浮式指南针在中国被广泛使用。故选A。【27题详解】主旨大意题。根据第一段中“A lodestone compass was used in China during the Han Dynasty between the 2nd century BC and 1st century AD, where it was called the south-governor(snn). It was not used for navigation, but rather for g

47、eomancy and fortune-telling.(公元前2世纪至公元1世纪的汉代,中国曾使用过磁石指南针,当时被称为“司南”。它不是用于导航,而是用于风水和算命)”结合文章主要介绍了中国古代发明指南针,介绍了其最初的用途、工作原理以及在历史中的演变。由此可知,D选项“古代中国的伟大发明指南针”最符合文章标题。故选D。CLouise Elisabeth Glck is an American poet. She won the 2020 Nobel Prize in literature.Louise Glck was born in New York City. She grew up

48、 on Long Island. Her father, Daniel, an immigrant from Hungary, helped invent and market the X-Acto Knife. Glck graduated in 1961 from George W. Hewlett High School. She went on to attend Sarah Lawrence College and later Columbia University; however, she did not graduate from either of them.Glck won

49、 the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1993 for her collection The Wild Iris. Glck is the recipient of the National Book Critics Circle Award, the Academy of American Poets Prize, as well as numerous Guggenheim fellowships. She lives in Cambridge, Massachusetts, and was previously a Senior Lecturer in En

50、glish at Williams College in Williamstown, MA. Glck currently teaches at Yale University. She has also been a member of the faculty of the University of lowa and taught at Goddard College in Vermont.Glck is the author of twelve books of poetry, including: A Village Li fe (2009), Averno(2006), The Se

51、ven Ages (2001), Vita Nova (1999), Meadowlands (1996), The Wild Iris(1992), Ararat (1990), and The Triumph o fAchilles (1985). The First Four Books collects her early poetry.Glck has also published a collection of essays, Proofs and Theories : Essays on Poetry(1994). In 2001 Yale University awarded

52、Louise Glck its Bollingen Prize in Poetry. Her other honors include the Lannan Literary Award for Poetry, the Sara Teasdale Memorial Prize(Wellesley, 1986), the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Anniversary Medal (2000), and fellowships from the Guggenheim and Rockefeller foundations and from th

53、e National Endowment for the Arts. A Village Life (2009) has been nominated(提名)for the Griffin Poetry Prize. The latest collection, Faith ful and Virtuous Night, was published in September 2014 and won the National Book Award for Poetry.She is a member of the American Academy and Institute of Arts a

54、nd Letters, and in 1999 was elected a Chancellor of the Academy of American Poets. In 2003 she was named as judge for the Yale Series of Younger Poets and served in that position through 2010. Glck was appointed the US Poet Laureate from 2003-2004, succeeding Billy Collins.28 What is the second para

55、graph mainly about?A. Glcks childhood.B. Glcks family.C. The X-Acto Knife.D. Glcks early life.29. When was Glck given the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry?A. In 1992.B. In 1993.C. In 2009.D. In 2020.30. What award did Faithful and Virtuous Night bring Glck?A. The 2020 Nobel Prize in literature.B. The Lanna

56、n Literary Award for Poetry.C. The National Book Award for Poetry.D. The National Book Critics Circle Award.31. Which of the following can be inferred from the text?A. Billy Collins became the US Poet Laureate before Glck.B. Glck did well in her study during the university.C. A Village Life made Glc

57、k win the Griffin Poetry Prize.D. Glck has published twenty books of poetry.【答案】28. D 29. B 30. C 31. A【解析】本文是新闻报道。讲述了美国的女诗人路易丝格吕克(Louise Glck)获得了2020诺贝尔文学奖!文章还介绍了路易丝格吕克的生活经历和主要成就。【28题详解】主旨大意题。根据第二段内容可知,本段讲述了路易斯格鲁克出生于纽约市,在长岛长大。父亲丹尼尔(Daniel)是匈牙利移民,帮助发明和销售了X-Acto刀。1961年毕业于乔治休利特高中,后来进入萨拉劳伦斯学院(Sarah Law

58、rence College)和哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)学习,然而,她并没有从这两个学校毕业。因此推断本段讲述了Louise Glck的早年生活。故选D。【29题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段的“Glck won the Pulitzer Prize for Poetry in 1993 for her collection The Wild Iris.”可知,1993年,格鲁克凭借诗集The Wild Iris获得普利策诗歌奖。故选B。【30题详解】细节理解题。根据第三段的“The latest collection, Faithful and Virtuous N

59、ight, was published in September 2014 and won the National Book Award for Poetry.( 最新作品集Faithful and Virtuous Night于2014年9月出版,并获得了美国国家图书诗歌奖)”可知,Faithful and Virtuous Night获得了国家图书诗歌奖。故选C。【31题详解】细节理解题。根据最后一段的“Glck was appointed the US Poet Laureate from 2003-2004,succeeding Billy Collins.( 从2003年到2004

60、年,格鲁克接替比利柯林斯,被任命为美国桂冠诗人。)”可知,比利柯林斯在格鲁克之前是美国的桂冠诗人。故选A。DMaking people laugh is not rocket science. It is (a kind of) science, though.Professor Peter McGraw, who has studied the depths of human behavior to determine what is funny and what is not, has explored comedy all over the world along with co-wri

61、ter Joel Warner. This exploration has resulted in a book called The Humor Code, and a reasonable scientific explanation for why people laugh at certain things and not others.“Humor arises when something seems wrong, unsettling, or threatening (a kind of violation), but meanwhile seems okay, acceptab

62、le, or safe,” McGraw says. This idea makes up his Benign Violation theory, and it serves as the engine driving the book.” A dirty joke trades on moral or social violations, but its only going to get a laugh if the person listening is liberated enough to cosider risqu subjects okay.” He adds, “Even t

63、ickling (挠痒), which has long been a sticking point for other humor theories fits perfectly. Tickling involves violating someones physical space in a benign way. You cant tickle yourself because it isnt a violation. Nor will you laugh if a stranger tries to tickle you, since nothing about that is ben

64、ign.”McGraw developed his benign violation concept by modifying and expanding an earlier linguists theory,whose definitions didnt seem to cover the right bases. The professor has been conducting rigorous scientific testing at HuRL and in his travels with Warner ever since, and thus the concept has h

65、eld water. Unlike other humor theories,benign violation offers more explanations for why some things arent funny.“A joke can fail in one of two ways,” he says. “It can be too benign, and therefore boring, or it can be too much of a violation, and therefore offensive.”The only way for people who want

66、 to be funny, perhaps professionally, to know the difference is to approach their humor the way McGraw and Warner have: like scientists.“The only way to learn is through hard, repetitive, experimental work. You get up there on that stage night after night, assessing which lines work and which dont,

67、and adjust accordingly.” says Warner.32. What does The Humor Code focus on?A. Including all funny things in life.B. Presenting comedies all over the world.C. Exploring the depths of human nature.D. Explaining the scientific reason for humor.33. Which of the following is benign violation according to

68、 the text?A. A dirty joke.B. Tickling others.C. Tickling oneself.D. A stranger trying to tickle you.34. What are other humor theories mainly about?A. Why global travels matters.B. How they create concepts.C. Why some things are funny.D. How people make scientific tests.35. What should people wanting

69、 to be the best comedian do from the research?A. Stand on the stage every night for trials.B. Collect many scientific testing materials.C. Know the difference between funny and not funny.D. Learn through hard, repetitive and experimental work.【答案】32. D 33. B 34. C 35. D【解析】本文是议论文。让人们发笑并不是什么复杂的事情。不过,

70、这是一种科学。彼得麦格劳教授通过深入研究人类行为来判断什么是有趣的,什么不是,他和联合编剧乔尔沃纳一起探索了世界各地的喜剧。这一探索成果被写成了一本书,名为幽默代码(The Humor Code),并对人们为什么会因为某些事情而笑做出了合理的科学解释。【32题详解】推理判断题。根据第二段最后一句“This exploration has resulted in a book called The Humor Code, and a reasonable scientific explanation for why people laugh at certain things and not o

71、thers.( 这一探索成果被写成了一本书,名为幽默代码(The Humor Code),对人们为什么会因为某些事情而笑做出了合理的科学解释。)”可知,幽默代码集中解释了幽默的科学原因。故选D。【33题详解】推理判断题。作者在第三段举了几个例子,说明benign violation(无害冒犯)。根据“Humor arises when something seems wrong, unsettling, or threatening (a kind of violation), but meanwhile seems okay, acceptable, or safe,” McGraw say

72、s. This idea makes up his Benign Violation theory, and it serves as the engine driving the book.”(McGraw说,当某些事情看起来不对劲、令人不安或有威胁性,但同时又看起来很好、可以接受或安全的时候,幽默就会出现。这一观点构成了他的良性违逆理论,并成为这本书的动力。)”可知benign violation的定义,结合 “ Even tickling (挠痒), which has long been a sticking point for other humor theories fits pe

73、rfectly. Tickling involves violating someones physical space in a benign way. ( 甚至挠痒痒,长期以来一直是其他幽默理论完全吻合的关键点,挠痒痒涉及以一种良性的方式侵犯别人的身体空间。)”可知,挠别人的痒是“良性冒犯”。故选B。【34题详解】推理判断题。根据第四段的“Unlike other humor theories,benign violation offers more explanations for why some things arent funny.(与其他幽默理论不同,良性侵犯为为什么有些事情无趣

74、提供了更多的解释。)”可推知,其它的幽默理论不解释why things arent funny,它们只解释why things are funny。故选C。【35题详解】推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“The only way for people who want to be funny, perhaps professionally, to know the difference is to approach their humor the way McGraw and Warner have: like scientists.( 对于那些想要表现得很有趣的人,也许是想表现得很专业的人来说,

75、要想知道两者的区别,唯一的方法就是像McGraw和Warner那样去表现他们的幽默:像科学家一样。)和最后一段的“The only way to learn is through hard, repetitive, experimental work.( 学习的唯一途径是通过艰苦的、重复的、实验工作)”可知,提供的方法就是像科学家那样,通过艰苦的,重复的工作,所以推知要做最好的喜剧演员就要“通过艰苦重复实验性的工作”来学习。故选D。第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。How to make your cla

76、ss fun?As a teacher, it is often a challenge to make learning appear fun to your students. _36_Incorporate your students specific interests.When you appeal to your students interests, it is easier to engage them in the lesson and get them excited about the concepts. _37_ If possible, find a way to i

77、ncorporate these interests into your lesson plans. Also, allow your students to suggest topics and/or bring in materials, such as books, games, or apps that they enjoy and want to share with the class.Structure your students learning time to meet their needs._38_As teachers, evaluate the specific ne

78、eds of each child. Determine if they have trouble sitting still. Examine how they learn best-are they auditory learners, visual learners, or physical learners? Use this knowledge to structure your lesson plans.Provide your students with opportunities to teach each other.When children are placed in c

79、harge of their own learning or the learning of others, they are encouraged to learn the material as thoroughly as possible. As a teacher, provide your students with opportunities to teach each other. Have students work in pairs or small groups. _39_ Assign them group projects, which allow them to en

80、gage one another and make learning more fun._40_When your students are studying, join in. If you become an active participant in their education, you will model study habits, problem-solving skills, and the feelings of joy one feels when learning something new.A. Get involved in your students learni

81、ng.B. Creative methods of learning must engage them.C. Here are several measures that may help you.D. Capture their attention with traditional methods of learning.E. Encourage them to rely on each other to solve any problems they encounter.F. As a teacher, take time to ask your students about their

82、hobbies and interests.G. It is irresponsible to assume that all kids learn in the same way and at the same rate.【答案】36. C 37. F 38. G 39. E 40. A【解析】这是一篇说明文。作为一名教师,让学生觉得学习是一种乐趣常常是一种挑战,文章主要就如何让课堂变得有趣提出了一些建议。【36题详解】根据上文“As a teacher, it is often a challenge to make learning appear fun to your students

83、.(作为一名教师,让学生觉得学习是一种乐趣常常是一种挑战)”以及后文主要是关于如何让课堂变得有趣的建议,可知本句启示后文,故C选项“这里有几个可能对你有帮助的方法”符合语境,故选C。【37题详解】根据上文“When you appeal to your students interests, it is easier to engage them in the lesson and get them excited about the concepts.(当你吸引学生的兴趣时,就更容易让他们参与到课堂中,让他们对概念感到兴奋)”以及后文“If possible, find a way to i

84、ncorporate these interests into your lesson plans.(如果可能的话,想办法把这些兴趣融入到你的教学计划中)”可知,本句为过渡句,上文提到了吸引学生兴趣的重要性,后文说明了把学生兴趣融入教学计划,可知,本句是在说明要花时间询问学生的爱好和兴趣,并融入到教学计划中。后文中these interests可对应到F选项中hobbies and interests。故F选项“作为老师,花时间询问学生的爱好和兴趣”符合语境,故选F。【38题详解】根据后文“As teachers, evaluate the specific needs of each chi

85、ld. Determine if they have trouble sitting still. Examine how they learn best-are they auditory learners, visual learners, or physical learners? Use this knowledge to structure your lesson plans.(作为教师,要评估每个孩子的特殊需求。确定他们是否有静坐的困难。检查他们的最佳学习方式他们是听觉型学习者、视觉型学习者还是身体型学习者?利用这些知识来组织你的课程计划)”可知,后文提到了要根据学生自身学习的不同

86、特点来组织课程计划,即换言之,就是不能要求学生全部以同样的方式和速度学习,故G选项“认为所有的孩子都以同样的方式和速度学习是不负责任的”符合语境,故选G。【39题详解】根据标题“Provide your students with opportunities to teach each other.(为你的学生提供互相教导的机会)”以及上文“When children are placed in charge of their own learning or the learning of others, they are encouraged to learn the material as

87、 thoroughly as possible. As a teacher, provide your students with opportunities to teach each other. (当孩子们被安排负责自己或他人的学习时,他们就会受到鼓励并尽可能彻底地学习材料。作为老师,给你的学生提供互相教导的机会)”由此可知,本段主要是在说明让学生之间相互教导学习,依靠彼此来解决遇到的问题。上文中“they are encouraged to”可对应到E选项中“Encourage them to”,故E选项“鼓励他们依靠彼此解决遇到的任何问题”符合语境,故选E。【40题详解】本空为本段小

88、标题,根据本段内容“When your students are studying, join in. If you become an active participant in their education, you will model study habits, problem-solving skills, and the feelings of joy one feels when learning something new.(当你的学生在学习时,加入他们。如果你成为他们教育的积极参与者,你将示范学习习惯、解决问题的技巧,以及感受到学习新东西时的喜悦感)”可知,本段主要是在说明

89、参与到学生的学习之中,后文中join in可对应到A选项中Get involved in。故A选项“参与学生的学习”符合小标题,故选A。第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。When my daughter was born, she started screaming and crying as all babies do. But the next thing she did I will never _41_ she squeezed

90、 my _42_and smiled. It was a _43_ that instantly turned me to a one hundred twenty-five pound pile of mush. Babies _44_ this world with more to teach us than we can ever teach them. They teach us _45_, a new more beautiful kind of love, fear, self-control and happiness. The meaning of _46_ is right

91、there, in their smiles. They cant talk very well. But they can smile, a beautiful _47_ smile.It might seem _48_ to carry a smile all the time, but if I take a _49_and just think “Im happy.” Even when I am _50_ overwhelmed with my school work, job and my family, _51_ that, I can start to feel the cor

92、ners of my _52_ turn upward. Positive thinking can go a long way in helping to _53_ my goal in life, so I smile more.I remind myself of a _54_ I was told by my mother. It was about two boys who were _55_ put in a barn _56_ a shovel (铲子) and told to shovel an enormous pile of horse manure. One boy wa

93、s disgusted and didnt want to do it. The other smiled and started shoveling like there was no tomorrow. The disgusted boy asked, “How can you be so _57_? Isnt this horrible?” The boy still smiling _58_, “With all this horse poop there has to be a pony somewhere!”As long as you can find anything _59_

94、 to turn something bad into something you can enjoy, you have started to _60_ the true meaning of life.41. A. rememberB. forgiveC. forgetD. protect42. A. ankleB. fingerC. tongueD. leg43. A. smileB. lookC. stareD. cry44. A. result fromB. break outC. bring upD. come into45. A. loveB. patienceC. fearD.

95、 happiness46. A. airB. waterC. lifeD. birth47. A. toothlessB. helplessC. meaningfulD. sensitive48. A. unnecessaryB. unavailableC. impossibleD. irresponsible49. A. hourB. secondC. dayD. week50. A. actuallyB. gratefullyC. gentlyD. completely51. A. sayingB. thinkingC. recallingD. reminding52. A. mouthB

96、. eyeC. noseD. ear53. A. receiveB. setC. achieveD. follow54. A. jokeB. fableC. storyD. legend55. A. bothB. eitherC. neitherD. all56. A. madeB. designedC. createdD. given57. A. angryB. happyC. disappointedD. peaceful58. A. questionedB. impliedC. repliedD. accused59. A. positiveB. uselessC. dearD. pas

97、sive60. A. proveB. loseC. dreamD. realize【答案】41. C 42. B 43. A 44. D 45. B 46. C 47. A 48. C 49. B 50. D 51. B 52. A 53. C 54. C 55. A 56. D 57. B 58. C 59. A 60. D【解析】这是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了,作者从刚出生的女儿的微笑中明白,积极的东西,能把不好的东西变成你可以享受的东西,因此我们要微笑。41题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:但她做的下一件事我永远不会忘记她捏着我的手指笑了。A. remember记得;B. forgive原谅;

98、C. forget忘记;D. protect保护。由“she squeezed my 2and smiled.”可知,此处指作者忘不了刚出生的女儿捏着他手指笑的场景。故选C项。【42题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:但她做的下一件事我永远不会忘记她捏着我的手指笑了。A. ankle脚踝;B. finger手指;C. tongue舌头;D. leg腿。由常识可知,婴儿很小,只能捏住大人的手指。故选B项。【43题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个微笑立刻把我变成了一堆一百二十五磅重的糊状物。A. smile微笑;B. look看;C. stare凝视;D. cry哭泣。由上文的“smiled”可知,

99、是一个微笑让作者心软了。故选A项。【44题详解】考查动词短语辨析。句意:婴儿来到这个世界上,要教给我们的东西比我们教给他们的要多得多。A. result from由引起;B. break out突然爆发;C. bring up养育;D. come into进入。由上文“When my daughter was born”可知,此处指婴儿来到这个世界上。故选D项。【45题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:它们教会我们耐心,一种新的更美丽的爱、恐惧、自制和幸福。A. love爱;B. patience耐心;C. fear恐惧;D. happiness幸福。由下文的“a new more beautif

100、ul kind of love, fear, self-control and happiness”可知,排除ACD三项,用patience。故选B项。【46题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:生命的意义就在那里,在他们的微笑中。A. air空气;B. water水;C. life生命;D. birth出生。由下文的“the true meaning of life”可知,此处指生命的意义。故选C项。【47题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但他们可以微笑,一个美丽的无齿微笑。A. toothless无牙的;B. helpless无助的;C. meaningful有意义的;D. sensitive敏

101、感的。由常识可知,婴儿刚出生是没有牙齿的,此处指无齿的微笑。故选A项。【48题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一直保持微笑似乎是不可能的,但是我可以抽出片刻想一想“我很快乐”。A. unnecessary不必要的;B. unavailable不可用的;C. impossible不可能的;D. irresponsible无责任感的。由常识和下文的“to carry a smile all the time”可知,人要一直保持微笑几乎是不可能的。故选C项。【49题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:一直保持微笑似乎是不可能的,但是我可以抽出片刻想一想“我很快乐”。A. hour小时;B. second片

102、刻、瞬间;C. day天;D. week周。由全文语境可知,作者认为一直保持微笑似乎是不可能的,但在繁重的学业、工作和家庭生活中,抽出片刻想一想“我很快乐”,这会让自己心情很好、嘴角上扬。故选B项。【50题详解】考查副词词义辨析。句意:甚至当我完全被我的学业、工作和家庭压得喘不过气来时,想到这个(我很快乐),我也会觉得嘴角上翘。A. actually实际上;B. gratefully感激地;C. gently温和地;D. completely完全地。由“overwhelmed with my school work, job and my family”可知,作者认为一直保持微笑似乎是不可能的

103、,但当自己被繁重的学业、工作和家庭生活压得完全喘不过气来时,抽出片刻想一想“我很快乐”,这会让自己心情很好、嘴角上扬。故选D项。【51题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:甚至当我完全被我的学业、工作和家庭压得喘不过气来时,想到这个(我很快乐),我也会觉得嘴角上翘。A. saying说;B. thinking想;C. recalling回忆;D. reminding提醒。由“ just think “Im happy.”可知,作者认为一直保持微笑似乎是不可能的,但当自己被繁重的学业、工作和家庭生活压得完全喘不过气来时,抽出片刻想一想“我很快乐”,这会让自己心情很好、嘴角上扬。故选B项。【52题详解】

104、考查名词词义辨析。句意:甚至当我完全被我的学业、工作和家庭压得喘不过气来时,想到这个(我很快乐),我也会觉得嘴角上翘。A. mouth嘴;B. eye眼;C. nose鼻子;D. ear耳朵。由全文语境可知,作者认为一直保持微笑似乎是不可能的,但当自己被繁重的学业、工作和家庭生活压得完全喘不过气来时,抽出片刻想一想“我很快乐”,这会让自己嘴角上扬,此处暗指心情很好,发自内心的微笑。故选A项。【53题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:积极的思考可以帮助我实现人生目标,所以我笑得更多。A. receive收到;B. set设置;C. achieve实现;D. follow跟随。由下文语境可知,积极的东

105、西能把不好的东西变成你可以享受的东西,所以积极的东西对人有益,因此积极的思考可以帮助人实现人生目标。故选C项。【54题详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我想起了我母亲给我讲的一个故事。A. joke笑话;B. fable寓言;C. story故事;D. legend传奇。由下文语境可知,作者讲了两个男孩的故事。故选C项。【55题详解】考查代词词义辨析。句意:故事讲述的是两个男孩,他们被关进一个谷仓,给了他们一把铲子,让他们铲一大堆马粪。A. both两个都;B. either或者;C. neither两者都不;D. all完全。由“ two boys ”可知,两个男孩都在谷仓铲马粪,说明两个男孩都

106、被关进了谷仓。故选A项。【56题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:故事讲述的是两个男孩,他们被关进一个谷仓,给了他们一把铲子,让他们铲一大堆马粪。A. made使;B. designed设计;C. created创造;D. given给予。由“told to shovel an enormous pile of horse manure.”可知,两个男孩都在谷仓铲马粪,说明两个男孩被给予一个铲子铲马粪。故选D项。【57题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:你怎么能这么高兴?A. angry生气的;B. happy快乐的;C. disappointed失望的;D. peaceful和平的。由上文语境可知

107、,一个男孩不想铲马粪,另一个男孩却微笑着开始铲马粪,所以第一个男孩不明白另一个男孩怎么能这么高兴?根据“The other smiled ”也可知答案。故选B项。【58题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:男孩仍然微笑着回答说:“这么多马粪,肯定有一匹小马在某处!”!”A. questioned质疑;B. implied暗示;C. replied回答;D. accused指控。由上文的“The disgusted boy asked”可知,此处指另一个男孩回答。故选C项。【59题详解】考查形容词词义辨析。句意:只要你能找到任何积极的东西,把不好的东西变成你可以享受的东西,你就开始意识到生活的真正意义

108、。A. positive积极的;B. useless无用的;C. dear亲爱的;D. passive被动的。由上文语境可知,另一个男孩把“铲马粪”这件不开心的事,通过积极的思想,转变成了“肯定有一匹小马在某处”这样开心/积极的事,让自己变得开心,说明积极的东西,能把不好的东西变成你可以享受的东西。故选A项。【60题详解】考查动词词义辨析。句意:只要你能找到任何积极的东西,把不好的东西变成你可以享受的东西,你就开始意识到生活的真正意义。A. prove证明;B. lose失去;C. dream做梦;D. realize意识到。由上文语境可知,另一个男孩把“铲马粪”这件不开心的事,通过积极的思想

109、,转变成了“肯定有一匹小马在某处”这样开心/积极的事,让自己变得开心,说明只要你能发现积极的事物,把不好的东西变成你可以享受的东西,你就会意识到生活的真正意义微笑快乐的生活。故选D项。第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下列材料,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或用括号内单词的正确形式。Presidential PalaceAfter the Xinhai Revolution in 1911, Sun Yat-sen was sworn in at the former Governor-Generals palace, _61_ is now the “Presidential

110、Palace,” as the provisional President of the Republic of China. He kept offices here for _62_while._63_, China soon fell into the post-revolution Warlord era, and the Palace was not _64_(official) used by the Republic of China until 1927. As the Nationalist Government, they transformed the President

111、ial Palace and adjacent _65_ (building) into the “Headquarters of the Nationalist Government of the Republic of China.” Premier Chiang Kaishek had _66_ (he) office in the palace.During the _67_(two) Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945 ), Chiang Kai-sheks government fled to Chungking, and the Headquarters _

112、68_(occupy) by Wang Jingwei.Following the Japanese surrender in 1945, Chiang Kai-sheks Nationalist Government reoccupied the Headquarters-Presidential Palace for _69_ (govern) the Republic of China.In April 1949, the Communist forces _70_(capture) Nanjing and the Presidential Palace. After the estab

113、lishment of the Peoples Republic of China with capital in Beijing on 1 October 1949, the Presidential Palace building was then used for Jiangsu Provincial Government.【答案】61. which 62. a 63. However 64. officially 65. buildings 66. his 67. second 68. was occupied 69. governing 70. captured【解析】本文是一篇说明

114、文。文章讲述了曾经的南京国民政府的历史。【61题详解】考查定语从句。句意:1911年辛亥革命后,孙中山在原总督官邸宣誓就职,现为总统府。分析句子可知,空格处引导定语从句,先行词是Governor-Generals palace,指物,从句中作主语,引导非限制性定语从句,用关系代词which。故填which。【62题详解】考查固定短语和介词。句意:他曾暂时在这里办过公。for a while“暂时”,是固定短语,故填a。【63题详解】考查副词。句意:然而,中国很快就进入了革命后的军阀时代,这座宫殿直到1927年才被中华民国正式使用。此处与上文是转折关系,有逗号与主句分开,置句首单词首字母大写,故

115、填However。【64题详解】考查副词。句意同上。修饰谓语动词was not used用副词作状,故填officially。【65题详解】考查名词。句意:作为国民政府,他们将总统府及其附近的建筑物改为中华民国国民政府的总部。形容词adjacent修饰名词,根据句意可知,用复数,故填buildings。【66题详解】考查代词。句意:蒋介石曾经在这里有他的办公室。修饰名词用形容词性物主代词,故填his。【67题详解】考查序数词。句意:第二次中日战争(1937-1945)期间,蒋介石政府逃到重庆,总部被王精卫占领。有定冠词修饰,用序数词,故填second。【68题详解】考查动词时态及语态。句意同上

116、。分析句子可知,occupy是谓语动词,与主语the Headquarters是被动关系,此处主语是专有名词,指总统府,是单数,根据时间状语During the _7_(two) Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945 )可知,用一般过去时,故填was occupied。【69题详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:1945年日本投降后,蒋介石的国民政府重新占领了中华民国国民政府总部总统府,为了统治中华民国。分析句子可知,句子的谓语是reoccupied,govern作介词for的宾语,用动名词,故填governing。【70题详解】考查动词时态。句意:1949年4月,共产党军队攻占了

117、南京和总统府。分析句子可知,capture是谓语动词,与主语the Communist forces是主动关系,根据时间状语In April 1949可知,用一般过去时,故填captured。第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)71. 假定英语课上老师要求同学们交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写上该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写上修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及

118、其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。As it we all know, do exercise is good for our health. I join in a school sports meeting at the beginning of this term. There were many activity that we could do, such as running, relay race or so on. All the students and teachers took part all kinds of sports compe

119、titions. I joined in the boys 100-meter relay race of Senior 3 with an other three boys from our class. We won the first prize with your efforts. I felt very happily not only because we won but also because we enjoy doing sports, where helped us to be stronger and healthier.【答案】1. 去掉we前的it2. dodoing

120、3. joinjoined4. activityactivities5. orand6. 在all前加in7. anthe8. yourour9. happilyhappy10. wherewhich【解析】【分析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的短文。主要讲了作者参加学校运动会的经历和感受。【详解】1.考查固定句式。句意:众所周知,做运动对我们的健康有好处。as we all know是一个固定句式,意为“众所周知”,it多余。故去掉we前的it。2. 考查动名词作主语。句意:众所周知,做运动对我们的健康有好处。分析可知is之前是句子的主语,故此处应用动名词充当。故将do改为doing。3. 考查时态。

121、句意:我在这学期初参加了学校的运动会。根据下文“There were”的时态可知此处也要用一般过去时,描述过去的事情。故将join改为joined。4. 考查名词单复数。句意:有很多我们能做的运动,例如跑步、接力赛等等。由句中的many可知,此处要用名词的复数形式,故将activity改为activities。5. 考查固定短语。句意:有很多我们能做的运动,例如跑步、接力赛等等。and so on是一个固定短语,意为“等等;诸如此类”。故将or改为and。6. 考查固定短语。句意:所有的学生和老师都参加了各种体育比赛。take part in是一个固定短语,意为“参加”。故在all前加in。7

122、. 考查固定短语。句意:我和我们班的其他三个男孩参加了高三的男子100米接力赛。the other是一个固定短语,单独使用时,意为“其他的;其余的”,常作定语修饰名词。故将an改为the。8. 考查人称代词。句意:我们通过努力获得了一等奖。根据句子的主语We可知此处是通过我们的努力获得了一等奖,人称指代要一致。故将your改为our。9考查形容词。句意:我感到非常高兴,不仅因为我们赢了,而且因为我们喜欢做运动,它帮助我们变得更强壮和健康。句中的感官动词felt后要加形容词作表语。故将happily改为happy。10. 考查非限制性定语从句。句意:我感到非常高兴,不仅因为我们赢了,而且因为我们

123、喜欢做运动,它帮助我们变得更强壮和健康。分析可知逗号后是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词doing sports,指物,从句缺少主语,应用关系代词,that不能引导非限。故将where改为which。第二节 书面表达(满分25分)72. 你班将于下周到阳光农场(the Sun Farm)进行社会实践活动,请你给外教Laura写一封电子邮件邀她参加此次活动。要点包括:1.时间和地点;2.活动内容;3.要准备什么。注意:1.词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3.不要出现真实的姓名、校名等。【答案】Dear Laura,Im Li Hua, one of your students, a

124、nd I am writing to invite you to our practice activity. We are going to the Sun Farm next week. We are leaving this Sunday and coming back next Friday.During the activity, we will learn to cook several Chinese dishes and it must be fun to cook together. You can learn and cook some Chinese dishes for

125、 your family when you go back. We will also learn how to plant flowers and make Chinese tea. How interesting!It will be a little cold next week, so youd better take some warm clothes.Looking forward to your joining us.Yours,Li Lin【解析】【分析】本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求考生写一封邀请函,,邀外教Laura参加你班下周到阳光农场(the Sun Farm)进行的社会

126、实践活动。【详解】第一步:审题体裁:邀请信时态:根据提示,时态应为一般现在时。结构:总-分-总法要点:1.时间和地点;2.活动内容;3.要准备什么。第二步:列提纲 (重点词组)practice activity,cook, Chinese dishes, plant flowers, make Chinese tea,take some warm clothes等第三步:连词成句根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。第四步:连句成篇(衔接词)1.表因果关系:Therefore; sothat2.表转折对比关系:On the one hand,On the other ha

127、nd3.表并列补充关系:and连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,第五步:润色修改【点睛】范文内容完整,要点全面,语言规范,语篇连贯,词数适当,上下文意思连贯,符合逻辑关系。作者在范文中使用了较多主从复合句,如:During the activity, we will learn to cook several Chinese dishes and it must be fun to cook together.使用了并列句;W You can learn and cook some Chinese dishes for your family when you go back.使用了状语从句;另外,文章思路清晰、层次分明,上下句转换自然,为文章增色添彩。

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