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2021五年级英语上册Module3 Out and about测试卷2(沪教牛津版三起).doc

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2021五年级英语上册Module3 Out and about测试卷2(沪教牛津版三起).doc_第7页
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1、Module 3过关测试卷 时间:60分钟满分:100分+10分题号一二三四五六七八九十十一口语总分得分听力部分 (30分)一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词。(5分)()1. A. right B. light C. street()2. A. map B. shop C. year()3. A. left B. quite C. straight()4. A. find B. lake C. think()5. A. know B. hole C. key二、听录音,给下列图片排序。(5分)三、听录音,选择正确的选项。(10分)()1. The clouds are white and the

2、_ is blue. A. sky B. sea()2. Peter is sitting _ Sally. A. beside B. behind()3. She cannot _ through the door. A. get B. run()4. I want to buy a _. A. storybook B. toy car()5. Turn _ at the bookstore. A. left B. right四、听录音,根据所听内容,补全句子。(10分)1. Is your mother _ a letter?2. Lets go to the _ together. 3.

3、 Walk along and you can _ the park on your right. 4. Is it _ from here?5. Where are the _?笔试部分 (70分)五、判断下列句子与图片是(T)否(F)相符。(10分)()1. Turn left. ()2. Go straight. ()3. The woman works in a hospital. ()4. She works in a restaurant. ()5. They are playing at the beach. 六、单项选择。(10分)1. Wheres Joe?He goes t

4、o the _. He wants to see a film. A. park B. cinema C. school2. There is a table _the two chairs. A. under B. after C. between3. _ and you can see the diamond. A. Looking at B. Look in C. Look down4. Is your school far from here?No, its _ near. A. quiet B. never C. quite5. Is your mother _ in the sup

5、ermarket?A. shopping B. running C. swimming6. Im writing an email _ my friend Joe. A. to B. for C. of7. There is a _ near my home. I often see animals there. A. park B. shop C. zoo8. Im reading about_. A. of fish B. fishing C. to fish9. The cat is behind the mouse. The mouse is _ the cat. A. beside

6、B. in front of C. between10. The sky_ blue and the clouds _ white. A. is; is B. are; is C. is; are七、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. The Browns _(be)at the beach. 2. Im _(enjoy) the sunshine. 3. You are both _(have)a good time. 4. You can _(find) a letter. 5. Lets _(throw) it into the hole. 八、选择适当的句子补全对话。(10分)A

7、my:1. _ Where is the science museum?Mark:Im sorry. 2. _ You can ask the policeman. Amy:3. _Amy:Excuse me. How can I get to the science museum?Policeman:4. _ The science museum is next to the KFC. Amy:Oh, I see. Thank you. Policeman:5. _A. Turn right at the bookstore. B. I dont know. C. Excuse me. D.

8、 Youre welcome. E. Thank you. 九、阅读短文并按要求完成题目。(10分)Peter lives in Dalian. Hes on holiday and he goes to Hangzhou to visit his grandparents. Now he is at Hangzhou Station. Hes making a phone call to his grandma. Peter: Hello, Grandma. This is Peter. Im at Hangzhou Station. How can I get to your house?

9、Grandma: Oh. Hi, dear Peter. You can take Bus No. 7. Peter: Wheres the bus stop?Grandma: Walk along Spring Street and you can see a flower shop on your right. The bus stop is on the left of the flower shop. You can get off at Summer Street and you can see a white building on your right. My house is

10、beside the white building. Peter: OK! See you later. (一)根据短文内容完成句子。1. The bus stop is on the left of the _ _. 2. Peters grandparents house is _ the white building. (二)回答问题。1. Where do Peters grandparents live?_2. Where is Peter now?_3. What is Peter doing now? (making a phone call/ waiting for the b

11、us)_十、阅读对话,判断正(T)误(F)。(10分)Amy: Excuse me. Is the hospital far from here?Kitty: No, it isnt. Amy: How do I get to the hospital, please?Kitty: Walk along this street and turn right at the book shop. You can see a flower shop on your left. The hospital is next to it. Amy: Thank you very much. Kitty: Y

12、oure welcome. ()1. Amy wants to get to a hospital. ()2. Kitty doesnt know the way to the hospital. ()3. The hospital is not far from here. ()4. The hospital is next to the flower shop. ()5. Amy turns right at the book shop, walks along this street, and then she can see the flower shop. 十一、写作。(10分)请你

13、介绍一下你和你家人一起的旅行。你们去了哪里?你们怎么去的?你们在那里做了什么?_附加测试口语部分(10分)一、跟读下面的句子。(4分)1. Excuse me. Is the park near here?2. Sally is swimming. Lets go swimming, too. 二、跟读下面的短文。(6分)I go to the zoo with my friends today. We walk along Spring Road and turn left at Summer Road. There we see the tigers on our left and the

14、 elephants on our right. After that, we see the monkeys and the pandas at Autumn Road.Module 3过关测试卷听力材料:一、1. street2. year3. quite4. lake5. know二、1. We can buy flowers in this shop.2. There are many books in this place.3. People can enjoy the sunshine and swim in the sea.4. Children can see animals

15、there.5. He is a doctor. And he works there.三、1. The clouds are white and the sea is blue.2. Peter is sitting beside Sally.3. She cannot get through the door.4. I want to buy a toy car.5. Turn left at the bookstore.四、1. Is your mother writing a letter?2. Lets go to the supermarket together.3. Walk a

16、long and you can find the park on your right.4. Is it far from here?5. Where are the pandas?答案:一、1. C2. C3. B4. B5. A二、51432三、1. B2. A3. A4. B5. A四、1. writing2. supermarket 3. find4. far5. pandas五、1. T2. T3. F4. T5. T六、1. B2. C3. C4. C5. A6. A7. C 8. B9. B10. C七、1. are点拨:主语是布朗一家人,是复数,所以用are。2. enjoy

17、ing3. having4. find5. throw八、1. C点拨:问路的第一句话应该是“Excuse me.”, 表示“打扰一下”,用来有礼貌地询问对方。2. B3. E点拨:虽然别人没有具体地指出路,但还是需要礼貌地表示感谢。4. A5. D九、(一)1. flower shop2. beside(二)1. They live in Hangzhou.2. He is at Hangzhou Station.3. He is making a phone call.十、1. T2. F3. T4. T5. F十一、范文:I often go to Fenghuang Hill with my parents.We always take Bus No.2 to Winter Road. Then we get off and climb up the hill. We take pictures on the hill.And we walk around to enjoy the fresh air. We sometimes eat some food on the hill.Its delicious. We often have a good time.


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