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1、期末测试卷时间: 120分钟满分: 120分听力部分. 听句子, 选出句子中所包含的信息(共5小题, 每小题1分, 共5分)1. A. ready B. healthyC. lucky2. A. a bowl of noodlesB. a pair of shoesC. a box of pencils3. A. writing on the card B. running to the parkC. playing in the yard4. A. Mary is nice to the girl. B. Mary is a nice girl. C. Mary knows a nice g

2、irl. 5. A. Li Hua speaks English well. B. Li Hua comes from America. C. Li Hua likes English very well. . 听句子, 选出该句的最佳答语(共5小题, 每小题1分, 共5分)6. A. Its OK. B. Its an orange. C. Its sunny today. 7. A. My head hurts. B. Sorry to hear that. C. Its a bird. 8. A. At 7:30. B. By bus. C. Twenty minutes. 9. A.

3、Green and yellow. B. Wood and plastic. C. Interesting and fun. 10. A. Hurry up! B. Have a try!C. Thank you!. 听对话和问题, 选择正确答案(共8小题, 每小题1分, 共8分)11. What does Tom think is the most popular drink?A. B. C. 12. Which character is the girls favourite?A. B. C. 13. What happened to Bob just now?A. He hurt his

4、 leg when playing basketball. B. A car hit him in the street. C. A ball hit him on the head. *14. What kind of music does David like best?A. Classical music. B. Jazz. C. Pop music. 15. Why does Jenny like light music?A. Its interesting. B. Its relaxing. C. Its exciting. *16. Whats John doing?A. Doin

5、g his homework. B. Doing an experiment. C. Watching TV. 17. Whats the experiment about? A. The problem on learning. B. The difficulty of study. C. The harm of smoking to the lungs. 18. How often do they have the experiment? A. Three times a week. B. Twice a week. C. Every day. . 听短文和问题, 选择正确答案(共7小题,

6、 每小题1分, 共7分)19. What was the monkey doing when he saw the lion?A. He was swimming. B. He was riding near the river. C. He was playing games. 20. Who jumped into the river to save the monkey at first?A. The lion. B. The elephant. C. The rabbit. 21. Who saved the monkey at last? A. The lion. B. The el

7、ephant. C. The rabbit. *22. How many kinds of movies did the speaker mention?A. 6. B. 7. C. 8. 23. Where are they probably now?A. In the classroom. B. In a cinema. C. On the way to the cinema. 24. How many theaters are there in the city?A. Three. B. Four. C. Five. 25. What will they talk about?A. Wh

8、en to go to a movie. B. How to go to a movie. C. Where to go to a movie. . 听短文填空(共5小题, 每小题1分, 共5分)Information SheetThe ways to keep healthyProperdinnersGenerally speaking, one should eat 26. _ every day.Some students get up late, so they will go to school 27. _ breakfast. Some girls who would prefer

9、 to be thin will eat nothing or only 28. _ during the meal time.ExerciseStudents are usually very 29. _their homework, so they cannot spend time doing exercise.We should 30. _spend time having P. E. lessons or doing morning exercises.笔试部分. 单项选择(共10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)31. I want to call my mother. But I

10、cant find my mobile phone. Dont worry. My brothers phone is here. You can use _. A. theirs B. mine C. hers D. his32. Do you like the song Shao Nian?Yes. I like the songs _ I can sing along with. A. that B. who C. what D. whose33. The government is setting up nature parks_protect pandas. A. to help B

11、. help C. helped D. helps34. I cant find my phone anywhere. You_have lost it while shopping. A. may B. need C. should D. would35. I like the TV program The Reader best. I think we should spend as much time as we can_in our spare time. A. read B. to read C. reading D. reads36. _people took part in th

12、e Winter Longdistance Race in our city. A. Seven hundreds of B. Seven hundred ofC. Hundred of D. Hundreds of37. Mr. Chen, my dear English teacher, often encourages me_the challenges in my study. A. face B. faces C. to face D. facing 38. Mum, may I play computer games this evening?No way. You_finish

13、your homework. A. can B. must C. may D. will 39. I _ the dishes, so I didnt answer your call in time. A. wash B. washedC. am washing D. was washing40. Dear friends, do you know _?By working together!A. when we can make the Chinese Dream come trueB. when can we make the Chinese Dream come trueC. how

14、we can make the Chinese Dream come trueD. how can we make the Chinese Dream come true. 完形填空(共10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)There was a woman who loved flowers. One day, while she was looking through a _41_ website, a picture of a plant immediately caught her eye. She had _42_ seen a flower like that before. “I

15、want to have it, ” she said to _43_, and she ordered it at once. When it _44_, she already had a place prepared to plant it. It grew well, with beautiful green leaves all over, _45_ there were no flowers. Day after day, she continued to water it and feed it. She even talked to it, hoping it would bl

16、oom(开花). However, that wasnt useful. One morning, as she stood before the plant, she was very _46_. Therefore, she began to think about _47_ and planting something else in its place. Just then her neighbor called over to her, “Thank you so much! You cant imagine how much I have _48_ the flowers you

17、planted. ” The young woman walked _49_ the gate into her neighbors yard. She saw that the other side of her wall was covered with flowers. They were indeed the most _50_ flowers she had ever seen. It didnt flower on her side of the wall, but it flowered beautifully on the other side. Sometimes maybe

18、 we dont see the good result of our labor, but it does bring beauty and happiness to others. 41. A. fruit B. flower C. tree D. grass42. A. never B. always C. ever D. seldom43. A. myself B. yourself C. himself D. herself44. A. arrived B. went C. used D. left45. A. and B. so C. or D. but46. A. serious

19、 B. confidentC. excited D. disappointed47. A. looking it down B. cutting it downC. putting it down D. knocking it down48. A. viewed B. enjoyed C. packed D. fooled49. A. through B. across C. from D. at50. A. special B. beautiful C. boring D. powerful. 阅读理解(共15小题, 每小题2分, 共30分)AWhen we were young, we o

20、ften heard many stories. What do you think of the stories? I think they are interesting and meaningful. Lets read this story and find out something. The donkey and the fox lived in the forest. They were good friends. They often played together. The fox and the donkey always had a nice time. The othe

21、r animals often said that they were like peas and carrots. The donkey often helped the fox. The fox thanked him and said he would do anything for the donkey. One day, the donkey and the fox went out as usual. They were hunting happily together. Suddenly they met the lion. They were both very surpris

22、ed. When the fox saw something bad, he immediately ran to the lion and promised to give him the donkey as long as he was free from danger. The lion promised, and the fox cheated the donkey and led him into a trap. When the lion saw that the donkey could no longer run away, he immediately caught the

23、fox and ate it, and then he went to eat the donkey. The lion was full. The donkey and the fox are good friends in peace, but. . . This means that those who betray their friends and betray their friendship will not get a good end. When we make friends, please keep our eyes open. To have a strong frie

24、ndship, being true to friends is the most important. Dont run away when you are in trouble. You should face the danger and solve the problem together. 51. The lion ate _ at last. A. the donkey B. the foxC. the donkey and the fox D. nothing52. The underlined word “betray” means _. A. believe B. cheat

25、 C. need D. use53. What can we learn from this story?A. When our friends need us , we should run away. B. We must betray our enemy. C. The friends in need are friends indeed. D. Our friends can act like the donkey and the fox. BAn Experiment Report on Growing Potato PlantsThings prepared:*a potato t

26、hat has sprouts*a flower pot with soil*a camera to record progressObservation:Day OneThe color of the soil looks darker because I have just watered it. In the center of the pot, I can see a tiny sprout that has grown from the potato under the soil. Ill call it Buddy. Buddy is green and yellow. I won

27、der how fast it will grow. Day SixWithout much change in the past six days, I finally see some new progress on Buddy as it has grown taller. Its exciting to see new life like this. I hope Buddy can grow faster. Day ElevenBuddy is getting larger! Three more new sprouts have grown around Buddy! Green

28、leaves have grown on the new sprouts, but they have not fully grown yet. I guess I need to be a bit more patient. Day ThirteenBuddy continues to grow taller. The leaves on the new sprouts have grown a bit. Im also excited to see more new sprouts that have grown from under the soil. Day FifteenFinall

29、y, the leaves on the other sprouts are 3 cm tall. Theyre so green. What I have learnedIts really interesting to grow potatoes. During these fifteen days, I have learned that growing potato plants needs plenty of water. If the soil is dry, the potato will fail to grow. I have also learned that the te

30、mperature needs to be right. If it is too cold, it wont grow. I feel that growing plants is just like trying to succeed in lifeit takes not only time, but also lots of efforts and patience. 54. The reading material is an experiment report about _. A. chemistry B. physicsC. biology D. history55. How

31、many things did the writer prepare before the experiment?A. Three. B. Five. C. Seven. D. Four. 56. What can we know from the writers experiment report?A. “Buddy”grew very fast in the first six days. B. Plenty of water is necessary for growing potato plants. C. The writer got new potatoes on the fift

32、eenth day of the experiment. D. Success is easy. CVery often, when we see young people sitting there, looking at the screen of a mobile phone and smiling, we may think nothing is wrong. But when we come to the question “how much time do they actually spend on media(传播媒介) daily?”, the answer is surpr

33、ising: young people spend about nine hours every day using media, and this only includes media used for enjoyment. Todays young people seem to have become crazy multitaskers. They often use media when doing other activities. Some watch TV when doing homework, some text(发短信), and some others listen t

34、o music. But what do young people think of this? A research showed that two thirds of them believed watching TV or texting had no influence on their schoolwork. Half of them thought using social media made no difference. However, researches have given a different answer:“media multitaskers” did wors

35、e in tests. Scientists did a research among more than 400 students. It shows that those who text a lot have more trouble sleeping and do worse in their study. In another research, students who didnt text during a lesson took down a lot more notes than those who were texting. A similar research also

36、found that students who texted when doing schoolwork had lower overall(总体的)grades. According to a research, if a kid uses social media a lot, especially at night, he or she will sleep worse and feel more nervous and depressed(消沉的). On the one hand, young people stay up late to check messages and inf

37、ormation. They may also be woken up by message they receive. On the other hand, even the light from a screen could influence their sleep. Some other researches also show that children who use media at night go to bed later, get fewer hours of sleep each week, and become sleepy more easily during the

38、 daytime. 57. The answer to the question in Paragraph 1 is surprising because young people _. A. spend about 9 hours on media for fun dailyB. often look at their mobile phones and smileC. always sit there for a long time doing nothingD. use different kinds of media to relax themselves58. The underli

39、ned word “multitaskers” in Paragraph 2 refers to people who_. A. ask a lot of questionsB. use different media for learningC. have several mobile phonesD. do several tasks at the same time59. From the passage we can learn that a kid will probably _ if he or she uses social media a lot at night. A. be

40、come more worriedB. get more excitedC. take fewer notes in classD. sleep much better60. What is the passage mainly about?A. Social media is very popular among young people. B. Using media too much has a bad influence on young people. C. The use of social media has both advantages and disadvantages.

41、D. Mobile phones are the main tools students use for school learning. DTu Youyou, a pharmacologist, born in December 1930. Tu, the winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize for the discovery of artemisinin, a kind of medicine used to fight against malaria(疟疾), has solved the problem of fighting against malaria

42、 and done a lot for scientific and technological inventions in traditional Chinese medicine and human health. Zhang Fuqing, a war hero, born in December 1924. Zhang served as a Peoples Liberation(解放) Army soldier in the Liberation War and was twice given the name of War Hero. He volunteered in 1955

43、to work in Laifeng County, Hubei Provinces remotest county, so he could give his life to the poor in the mountainous region. Wang Youde, a desert fighter, born in September 1953. Wang led his partners to build over 600, 000 mu of sandfixation(固定) forest and managed to control nearly 1 million mu of

44、quicksand, helpfully preventing the development of the Maowusu Desert. His work offered valuable experience to sand prevention and control in China. Yuan Longping, an agriculturalist, born in September 1930. Yuan, the Father of Hybrid Rice, is the first person in the world to develop a hybrid rice s

45、train, and his research on higher rice yields(产量) helps provide a solution to worldwide hunger and starvation. 61. Which of the following is Tu Youyous great achievement?A. Discovering artemisinin. B. Serving the people in the poor region. C. Preventing and controlling sand. D. Developing a hybrid r

46、ice strain. 62. Who used to be a soldier and then worked in the poor region?A. Tu Youyou. B. Zhang Fuqing. C. Wang Youde. D. Yuan Longping. 63. What is Wang Youde doing for our country?A. He is doing a research on higher rice yields. B. He is protecting the environment. C. He is working on the inven

47、tions in human health. D. He is trying to help poor people to be rich. 64. Which is the right statement?A. Zhang Fuqing is a desert fighter. B. Tu Youyou is a war hero. C. Wang Youde is the winner of the Nobel Prize. D. Yuan Longping is the Father of Hybrid Rice. 65. The passage may come from _. A.

48、A storybook B. A novelC. A newspaper D. Science fiction. 任务型阅读(共5小题, 每小题2分, 共10分)Healthy eating habits can help you feel better and have more energy. It can also control your weight and reduce the risks of certain diseases. Follow these simple tips and start eating healthily. Eat more fruit and vege

49、tables every day. Fruit and vegetables provide vitamins and other nutrients that our bodies need. Choose a variety of fruit and vegetables and try to create a rainbow of colors on your plate. Half of your plate should be made up of fruit and vegetables. Buy products that are in season and grown in l

50、ocal areas whenever possible. Fruit and vegetables that are in season have better flavor and more nutrients, and most of the time they are cheap. If you can afford them, organic(有机的)fruit and vegetables are always better for your health and the environment. Drink lots of water. Liquid, especially pl

51、ain water, is necessary for good health. Water transports nutrients within your body and helps you get rid of toxins(毒素)and waste. The sugary drink, soda, and juice dont provide many nutrients. You need to get used to drinking unflavored water. The more you drink it, the better your body will be. On

52、ce you start eating more healthily, your body will be thirsty for fresh and natural ingredients more and more. Dont forget to get your body moving and spare time to exercise. If you stick to these healthy eating tips, you will be healthier. 66题完成句子; 67、68题简略回答问题; 69题找出本文主题句; 70题将文中画线句子译成汉语。66. _can

53、provide plenty of nutrients that our bodies need. 67. Why should we buy products that are in season and grown in local areas?_68. What can help you get rid of toxins and waste according to this passage?_69. _70. _. 词语运用(共10小题, 每小题1分, 共10分)根据短文内容及所给提示, 在空白处填写正确的词。He is the 71. _(great) writer in the

54、English language and is known around the world. But how much do you really know about William Shakespeare and 72. _(he) life?Shakespeare was 73. _(bear) in StratforduponAvon in 1564 and died in 1616. His surviving works consist of 38 plays, 154 sonnets(十四行诗) and some other poems. He is best known fo

55、r his plays, 74. _ have been translated into every major language and are performed more than those of any other playwright(剧作家) 75. _ the world. When Shakespeare was 18 years old, he married Anne Hathaway and they had three 76. _(child). Shakespeare went to London to work as an actor and a writer.

56、In 1599, the Globe Theatre was built in London. It was in this theatre that some of Shakespeares plays were 77. _(one) performed. In 1613, the theatre was destroyed by a fire. However, a modern reconstruction(重建) of the theatre was completed near the original site in 1997, 78. _ even today you can g

57、o to the Globe Theatre to see one of Shakespeares plays. Shakespeares 79. _(work)are still very popular. But why do we like these old plays? Perhaps it is because they all contain fantastic stories. His plays are full of 80. _(excite) storylines and lessons about morality (道德). . 基础写作(包括A、B两部分, A部分5

58、分, B部分15分, 共20分)A)连词成句(共5小题, 每小题1分, 共5分)81. little, what, to, happened, your, brother_?82. two, the, boys, are, in, room, there_. 83. more, we, got, than, knowledge, before_. 84. pity, you, concert, Jay Chous, a, what, missed_!85. I, where, should, next, wonder, we, go_. B) 书面表达(15分)86. 在辞旧迎新之际, 回顾过

59、去, 展望未来。请以“My New Years Resolution”为题, 写一写你的新年计划(早起锻炼, 保持健康, 由于英语不太好, 多练多读多说, 多吃蔬菜, 少吃垃圾食品, 注意饮食均衡等。) 要求: 1. 语句通顺连贯, 条理清晰, 可以适当发挥; 2. 不得少于80词。My New Years Resolution_参考答案听力部分听力材料:. 听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息1. Hello. Are you ready?2. Tony bought a pair of shoes for his grandpa. 3. The kids enjoy playing in the

60、 yard. 4. We all know Mary is a nice girl. 5. Li Hua speaks English like an American. . 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语6. Whats the weather like?7. Whats the matter?8. How do you go to school every day?9. What is it made of?10. You did a good job. . 听对话和问题,选择正确答案请听第一至三组对话,回答第1113题11. W:Hi,Tom. Whats the most popular

61、drink?M:Tea. I like green tea. Question No. 11. What does Tom think is the most popular drink?12. M:What kind of movie do you like to see?W:I like comedies. M:Do you know Mr. Bean?W:Yes,I like him best. Question No. 12. Which character is the girls favourite?13. W:Hi, Bob. Whats the matter with you?

62、M: A ball hit me on the head when I played basketball just now. W: There is blood on your head. Lets go to the hospital. Question No. 13. What happened to Bob just now?请听第四组对话,回答第1415题W:David,what kind of music do you like?M:My favourite music is pop music. It sounds very beautiful and fantastic. Wh

63、at about you, Jenny?W:I like light music. It makes me relaxed. Question No. 14. What kind of music does David like best?Question No. 15. Why does Jenny like light music?请听第五组对话,回答第1618题W:Hello,John!What are you doing?M:I am doing an experiment. W:Whats it about?M:It is about the harm of smoking to o

64、ur lungs. W:That must be interesting. May I join you?M:Certainly. W:How often do we have the experiment?M:Twice a week. W:When will I come to the experiment?M:This Saturday. Please come here on the morning of Saturday. Question No. 16. Whats John doing?Question No. 17. Whats the experiment about?Que

65、stion No. 18. How often do they have the experiment?. 听短文和问题,选择正确答案请听第一篇短文,回答第1921题Today I will tell you a story about three good friends. One day,a monkey was riding his bike near the river. Suddenly,he saw a lion under a tree. The lion ran at him. He was afraid and fell into the river. He couldnt

66、swim. He shouted. The rabbit heard him. He jumped into the river. The rabbit swam to the monkey,but he was unable to help him. Luckily,an elephant came along. He was very strong. He helped the rabbit and the monkey. They were very happy. They went to the elephants home. At last, three of them became

67、 good friends. Question No. 19. What was the monkey doing when he saw the lion?Question No. 20. Who jumped into the river to save the monkey at first?Question No. 21. Who saved the monkey at last?请听第二篇短文,回答第2225题In this lesson, we learned some kinds of movies. They are comedies, science fiction, thr

68、illers, cartoons, action movies and war movies. Now lets talk about something with these words. If you and your friends are going to a movie this Saturday afternoon, you can choose any movie to see. Here are some movie posters. Lets have a look. And there are five theaters in our city. But you dont

69、know which to go to. Discuss in groups of four and talk about where to go to a movie according to these movie posters. Then act it out. Question No. 22. How many kinds of movies did the speaker mention?Question No. 23. Where are they probably now?Question No. 24. How many theaters are there in the c

70、ity?Question No. 25. What will they talk about?. 听短文填空Everyone wants to live long. However,that just depends on your bodys health. Do you know how to keep healthy?Id like to offer you two ways:One is proper dinners. Generally speaking,one should eat 3 times every day. But some students who get up la

71、te will have no breakfast,which will have a very bad effect on their health. Some girls who would prefer to be thin will eat nothing or only a little during the meal time. Both are bad habits. We shouldnt feel hungry or full after dinners. The other is exercise. Students are usually very busy with t

72、heir homework,so they cannot spend time doing exercise or they are too lazy to do it. This is another killer to health. We should at least spend time having P. E. lessons or doing morning exercises every day to keep healthy. 听力答案:. 15:ABCBA. 610:CABBC. 1118:BBCCBBCB . 1925:BCBAACC. 26. three times27

73、. without28. a little29. busy with30. at least 笔试部分. 3135:DAAAC3640:DCBDC. 4145:BADAD4650:DBBAB. A)5153:CBCB)54. C55. A点拨:细节理解题。根据原文a potato that has sprouts,a flower pot with soil,a camera to record progress可知,实验前作者准备了三样东西,即有芽的马铃薯,一个装有泥土的盆和用于记录进度的相机。A选项符合题意,故选A。56. B点拨:细节理解题。根据原文During these fiftee

74、n days, I have learned that growing potato plants needs plenty of water. 可知,种马铃薯需要大量的水。故选B。C)5760:ADABD)61. A点拨:细节理解题。根据“Tu, the winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize for the discovery of artemisinin”可知,屠呦呦的成就是发现了青蒿素。故选A。62. B63. B64. D点拨:推理判断题。根据“Tu, the winner of the 2015 Nobel Prize”可知A选项表述错误;根据“Zhang F

75、uqing, a war hero”可知B选项表述错误;根据“Wang Youde, a desert fighter”可知C选项表述错误;根据“Yuan, the Father of Hybrid Rice”可知D选项表述正确。故选D。65. C. 66. Fruit and vegetables67. Because they have better flavor and more nutrients, and most of the time they are cheap. 68. Water. 69. Healthy eating habits can help you feel be

76、tter and have more energy. 70. 不要忘记让你的身体动起来,抽时间运动。. 71. greatest72. his73. born74. which75. in76. children77. first78. so79. works80. exciting. A) 81. What happened to your little brother82. There are two boys in the room83. We got more knowledge than before84. What a pity you missed Jay Chous conce

77、rt85. I wonder where we should go nextB)86. 范文:My New Years ResolutionThis year is over. To welcome the new year,we should make our New Years resolutions. Do you have any New Years resolutions?I think different students have different answers. My New Years resolution is to study hard and do a lot of

78、 exercise to keep healthy. I am going to get up early and do morning exercises every day. I am a little weak in English. So I am going to work harder next year to learn it well. I will read and speak English more. I am also going to eat more vegetables and less junk food. I think it is very important to keep a balanced diet.19

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