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UNIT S 3-4综合测试题.RTF.rtf

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1、 Units 3-4综合测试题 第一卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1.What time is it?A.Its a little before 1:15.B.Its 1:15 sharp.C.Its a bit before 1:45.2.What subject are they talking about?A.Driving in England.B.How to pass the driving test.C.Whether to have the right to drive a car in Englan

2、d.3.What is the womans attitude to“A World Without Thieves”?A.Interested.B.Excited.C.Disappointed.4.What can we learn about the party?A.It was a success.B.It was a failure.C.It was held as planned.5.Whats the meaning of “row”in the dialogue?A.Quarrel.B.Conversation.C.Fault.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)

3、听下面一段对话,回答第6至第7两个小题。6.What is the woman interested in seeing?A.A painting show.B.A concert.C.A modern dance show.7.Who gave New York its nickname?A.Painters.B.Musicians.C.New Yorkers.听下面一段对话,回答第8至第10三个小题。8.Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?A.Husband and wife.B.Seller and buyer

4、.C.Father and daughter.9.Why wont they buy toys for Ann?A.Because she is a girl.B.Because she is too old for toys.C.Because she likes space travel.10.What will they buy for Dick?A.A space hat.B.A toy space suit.C.Some records.听下面一段对话,回答第11至第13三个小题。11.When did Dashan begin to live in China?A.1988.B.1

5、995.C.1980.12.Which language does Dashan speak more in his everyday life?A.Chinese.B.English.C.It depends.13.Where can we probably find out the full interview between Dashan and the journalist?A.In a magazine.B.On TV.C.In a newspaper.听下面一段对话,回答第14至第16三个小题。14.Whose room does Mrs Price want to rent ou

6、t?A.Her sons.B.Her husbands.C.Her kitchen.15.How much per week will the man pay for the room?A.$50.B.$40.C.$80.16.What is the man?A.A sale man from China.B.A university professor.C.A Chinese student abroad.听下面一段独白,回答第17至第20四个小题。17.When do people in the USA usually arrive when invited to a dinner par

7、ty?A.Within 20 minutes of the planned time.B.Within 15 minutes of the planned time.C.Within 30 minutes of the planned time.18.At an informal party,people dont wait to be introduced.What do they often do?A.Introduce the others.B.Introduce themselves.C.Introduce the ladies first.19.When do people shak

8、e hands?A.For the first time.B.Each time.C.All the time.20.How do people try to start talking with someone they dont know?A.By making a comment about the weather.B.By kissing each other on the cheek.C.By shaking hands.第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21.If she had worked harder,she b

9、etter in the examination.A.might have done B.had done C.could do D.should do 22.In those films,good are always praised and _ bad punished.A.some;some B.the;the C.a;a D.the;some 23.that there would be a storm,he changed his holiday plan.A.Having told B.Having been told C.To be telling D.To tell 24.He

10、 quite well in the examination since he feels so happy.A.cant have done B.must have done C.cant do D.must do 25.Bob translated the book into Chinese.He .He doesnt understand Chinese.A.cant have do that B.may not have done that C.must have done that D.cant have done that 26.Why didnt Mrs Smith come t

11、o meet us?I dont know.She our telegram.A.may not receive B.may receive C.may have received D.may not have received 27.His leg was broken in the accident.You have lent him your car.He cant drive.A.could not B.might not C.must not D.ought not to 28.In the old society,many people did nothing wrong,but

12、were put into prison .A.for some reason B.for a reason C.for no reason D.for good reasons 29.Would you join us tonight?Oh,I ,but I have too much homework to do.A.would love to B.would love to do so C.would love D.would love it 30.They were very much pleased the good news.A.at B.on C.in D.over 31.All

13、 the students are working hard improving their English.A.to B.in C.at D.with 32.Well,youd better smoking for reasons of health.A.give in B.start C.finish D.give up 33.from Paris,he started his work on a new book.A.Return B.As soon as returning C.At returnig D.On returning 34.He is getting along quit

14、e well with English,with all his lessons.A.or else B.or rather C.or so D.or that 35.You to tell her the secret.She might probably have told it to the enemy.A.did wrong B.did good C.did right D.did nothing 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)You have waited 40 minutes for the valuable 10-minute break between

15、 classes.But when the bell for the next class rings,you cant believe how 36 time has passed.If you are familiar with this 37,youll know how time flies when you 38 and drags when you are bored.Now scientists have 39 a reason why this is the case.(脑部扫描)have shown that patterns of activity in the brain

16、 40 according to how we focus on a task.When we are 41,we focus more on how time 42 .And this makes our brains think the clock is ticking more slowly.In a study,12 volunteers 43 to first focus on how long an image appeared for,then focus on the colour of the image,and 44,study both(持续时间)and 45.The r

17、esults showed that the brain was more active when the volunteers paid attention to more subjects.46 is thought that if the brain is busy focusing on many aspects of a task,it has to spread its resources,and pays 47 attention to the clock.Therefore,time passes without us really 48 it,and seems to go

18、quickly.If the brain is not so active,it (集中)its full energies on monitoring the passing of time.49,time seems to drag.Dr Jennifer Coull said many areas of the brain help (评估)time.These areas also play 50 key role in controlling movement and preparing for action.“This suggests that the brain 51 esti

19、mate time between movements,”she explained.“For example,a musician estimates time with his foot,52 an athlete estimates time with the 53 of a starters(发令枪).”Next time you feel bored in class,perhaps you should pay 54 attention to what the teacher is 55!Try not to watch the clock.36.A.slowly B.quickl

20、y C.quick D.slow 37.A.view B.picture C.sight D.scene 38.A.are having fun B.have fun C.are having a fun D.have a fun 39.A.come out B.come about C.come up D.come up with 40.A.changes B.change C.is changed D.are changed 41.A.exciting B.excited C.bored D.boring 42.A.is passing B.passes C.pasts D.is past

21、ing 43.A.spoke B.were spoken C.told D.were told 44.A.firstly B.secondly C.thirdly D.fourthly 45.A.time B.colour C.appearance D.brain 46.A.It B.That C.This D.He 47.A.more B.much C.little D.less 48.A.noticing B.notice C.notices D.to notice 49.A.As result B.As a result C.As result of D.As a result of 5

22、0.A.the B./C.a D.an 51.A.may B.should C.must D.will 52.A.when B.after C.while D.before 53.A.foot B.brain C.sound D.clock 54.A.more B.much C.little D.less 55.A.talking B.telling C.saying D.speaking 第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)He was once referred to as the Picasso of poetry.(被深爱的)by Chileans of all c

23、lasses,he is one of the most widely read and respected poets in history.And this year is the 101st birthday of Pablo Neruda.Born with the name Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basolto,he was a tall,shy and lonely boy.He loved to read and started to write poetry when he was ten.The American poet Walt Whitman,wh

24、ose picture Neruda later kept on his table,became a major influence on his works.However,his father did not like the idea of having a poet for a son and tried to discourage him from writing.To cover up the publication of his first poem,he took the pen name Pablo Neruda.In 1924 Neruda gained fame wit

25、h his most widely read works“Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair”.Yet his rich experience as a(外交官)and(被放逐者)made him go beyond the theme of love.His works also reflected the political struggle of the left and development of South America.He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971.Neru

26、da loved the sea which he saw as creative,destructive and forever moving.He found inspiration in the power and freedom of the waves and the seabirds on the coast.“I need the sea because it teaches me,”he wrote.“I move in the university of the waves.”He loved how the sea forever (更新)itself,a renewal

27、echoed in his works.56.The sentence“He was once referred to as the Picasso of poetry”in the first paragraph means .A.he once wrote the poems about Picasso B.he together with Picasso once wrote poems C.he was considered one of the most famous poets in the world D.he was considered one of the most fam

28、ous painters in the world 57.According to the text,who had a very important effect on Pablo Nerudas poems?A.Picasso.B.Walt Whitman.C.Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basolto.D.Shakespeare.58.In the publication of his first poem,why did he use the pen name Pablo Neruda instead of his real name Neftali Ricardo R

29、eyes Basolto?A.Because his father didnt permit him to use the name of Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basolto.B.Because he thought the name of Pablo Neruda sounded better than Neftali Ricardo Reyes Basolto.C.Because he didnt hope that others knew that he published the poem.D.Because the (出版社)asked him to chan

30、ge his name.59.According to the text,which of the following isnt the reason why the writer loved the sea?A.The sea renews itself at all times.B.The sea is creative,destructive and always moving.C.The seas waves makes the writer inspired.D.The sea is so vast.When the 29th Olympic Games is held in Bei

31、jing in 2008,it will be a place where dreams come true.And the building that will hold those dreams is to be based on a nest-like design,planned jointly by Swiss and Chinese architects.The plan is for the main Olympic stadium the National Stadium.Nest-like walls surrounding the stadium like a steel

32、net proved to be a popular design.It won more than half the votes of over 6,000 visitors to an exhibition of 13 possible designs,which ended on March 31.Before the exhibition,the leading plan had been chosen as one of three top designs from 13 possible plans.The official announcement for the final w

33、inning design will be made sometime this month.Guan Zhaoye,chairman of the group of official judges,said:“The top design is a perfect meeting of elegance and simplicity.”The stand is a bowl-shape running circle.“Peoples attention can focus on the competitive events instead of the stadium itself,”sai

34、d Li Xinggang,one of the architects.“The excited crowds will become part of the building itself and they will(激励)the athletes.”Many visitors said that the model is unusual,practical and mixes modern architecture with traditional Chinese culture.“I think it shows the idea of a nest where new life gro

35、ws up.It is a really good idea,”said one visitor.But others disagreed and were unhappy about the building looking like a bird cage.The 80,000-seat stadium,to be built in north Beijing,will host the opening and closing ceremonies as well as track-and-field events during the 2008 Olympics.Construction

36、 work is set to start at the end of this year.60.Which of the following is NOT true?A.The stand can help the audiences enjoy the stadium more.B.It is quite likely that the nest-like design will be chosen as the final design.C.The National Stadium to be built can hold an audience of 80,000.D.The stan

37、d can help the audience enjoy the games or events more.61.The nest-like design is planned by .A.Chinese architects B.Swiss architects C.Chinese and Swiss architects D.Chinese,American and Swiss architects 62.According to Guan Zhaoye,.A.the nest-like design looks like a bird cage B.the nest-like desi

38、gn means that new life grows up C.the nest-like design can excite the athletes D.the nest-like design is a perfect meeting of elegance and simplicity When we dip into the rich variety of novels,poems,and plays which includes English Literature,we are reading works which have lasted for generations,o

39、r centuries,and they have lasted because they are good.Literature is part of our cultural(遗产)which is freely available to everyone,and which can enrich our lives in all kinds of ways.Once we have broken the barrier that makes studying literature seem discourage,we find the works can be entertaining,

40、beautiful,funny,tragic.They take us beyond our limited experience of life to show us the lives of other people at other times.In great writing from the past we find the England of our(祖先),and we not only see the country and the people as they were,but we also know about the climate of the times thro

41、ugh the language itself,its vocabulary,grammar,and tone.Literature can enrich our experience in other ways too.London,for example,is all the more interesting a city when behind what we see today we see the London known to Dickens,Boswell and Johnson,or Shakespeare.We can gain a lot from literature i

42、n many ways,but the most rewarding experiences can come in those moments when we feel the author has communicated something personally to us.So why do we need to study English Literature,instead of just reading it?Well,we dont need to study it,but when visiting a country for the first time it can he

43、lp to have books by people who have been there before by our side.Whether we choose to study it or read it for pleasure,when we look back over our literature we are looking back over incredible richness.Not just museum pieces,but living works which we can buy in bookshops,borrow from the library,or

44、download from the internet and read today,right now.63.According to the text,which of the following is NOT the reason to study English literature?A.British literature is the most famous in the world.B.Literature can enrich our experience.C.From literature,we can know more about England.D.Literature

45、is entertaining,beautiful,funny and tragic.64.When we study English Literature,the most exciting thing is that .A.the writer can communicate something personally to us.B.we can find the England of our ancestors C.we can know about the climate of the times D.we can gain a lot from literature in many

46、ways 65.The underlined word“barrier”in Paragraph 2 means .A.help B.obstacle C.collection D.interruption 66.Which of the following is the best title for the text?A.English Literature Can Enrich Our Lives.B.Its Necessary to Study English Literature.C.English Literature the Most Famous Literature.D.Eng

47、lish Literature Part of Our Cultural Heritage.D A little boy came up to his mother in the kitchen one evening while she was fixing supper,and he handed her a piece of paper that he had been writing on.After his mom dried her hands on an(围裙),she read it,and this is what it said:For cutting the grass:

48、$5.00 For cleaning up my room this week:$1.00 Baby-sitting my kid brother while you went shopping:$0.25 Taking out the garbage:$1.00 For getting a good report card:$5.00 For cleaning up and raking the yard:$2.00 Total owed:$14.75 Well,his mother looked at him standing there,and the boy could see the

49、 memories flashing through her mind.She picked up the pen,turned over the paper hed written on,and this is what she wrote:For the nine months I carried up with you while you were growing inside me:No Charge For all the nights that Ive sat up with you,doctored and prayed for you:No Charge For all the

50、 trying times,and all the tears that youve caused through the years:No Charge For all the nights that were filled with dread,and for the worries I knew were ahead:No Charge For the toys,food,clothes,and even wiping your nose:No Charge When you add it up,the cost of my love is:No Charge When the boy

51、finished reading what his mother had written,there were big tears in his eyes,and he looked straight up at his mother and said,“Mom,I sure do love you.”And then took the pen and in great big letters he wrote:“PAID IN FULL”67.The underlined sentence“.the boy could see the memories flashing through he

52、r mind”means .A.the boy found something in his mother body burning B.the boy thought his mother was considering how much she should pay him C.the boy didnt thought his mother would give him money D.the boy thought that his mother recalled something of the past 68.When the mother wrote“No Charge”on t

53、he paper,she really meant that .A.the boy neednt pay her money B.the boy should pay her money C.what she has done for the boy is uncountable D.she didnt know how much she should pay the boy 69.When the boy wrote“PAID IN FULL”in great big letters,he really meant that .A.he already paid enough money t

54、o his mother B.he wouldnt pay so much money to his mother C.his mother already paid enough money to him D.he thought his mothers love for him is uncountable 70.In the last paragraph,why did the boy cry?A.Because he couldnt get money from his mother.B.Because he felt shameful to ask his mother for mo

55、ney.C.Because his mother beat him up.D.Because he also loved his mother.71.Whats the main idea of the text?A.Mothers love for her children is invaluable.B.The boy shouldnt have asked her mother for money.C.The boys mother should have given money to him.D.The writer mainly told us a story that a boy

56、asked money for his mother.Have you ever walked into a candy store with a young child and watched with joy as the store manager gave the young child a small treat?Or have you ever received a telephone call asking you whether the goods you bought a month before were meeting your needs?Business firms

57、in this highly competitive decade are quick to(制定)programs to ensure product and service quality.But in the end,its often the“Little Things”that help build a relationship between seller and buyer.If you would like to make those“Little Things”a high customer service priority of your own,here are“Litt

58、le Things”you can do for your customers.1)Give each customer an inexpensive flower as he or she leaves your place of business.2)Leave a small candy dish on your public counter.3)Walk your customer to the door.4)Give your customer with a“”(赠券)after he /she buys something from you.5)Invite your custom

59、er to call you after the sale in the event that he/she has questions or needs help.6)Give your customer with a service survey he/she can send back to you.7)Never let a customer wait for more than 10 seconds.8)Ask if theres anything else you can do for your customer after youve answered a question.9)

60、Follow up a customers visit with a note or card.10)Sit or stand next to a customer instead of behind a desk or counter.11)Give your customer a 60-second“tour”of the office or shop.12)Call the customer by name.13)Remember that your customer is the boss.14)Smile.72.The aim to do“Little Things”is to .A

61、.give the buyers more help B.never let a customer wait for more than 10 seconds C.let the seller get more money D.help build a relationship between seller and buyer 73.According to the text,which of the following is NOT mentioned?A.Keep smiling at the customer.B.Let your customer call you if necessa

62、ry.C.Write down each customs name.D.Call the customer by name.74.In Paragraph 1,why does the writer mention a young child?A.Because the young child was very lovely.B.Because the young child was buying something at the candy store.C.The writer just talked about the young child by the way.D.The writer

63、 wanted to talk about the service for the customer.75.What is the subject of the passage?A.The customer is the boss.B.Leave a small candy dish on the public counter.C.For the seller the“Little Things”are very important to get along well with the customer.D.Business firms should be quick to institute

64、 programs to ensure product and service quality.第二卷(共35分)第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)Later in the afternoon,the boys put up their tent 76._ in the middle of a field.As soon as this was done it,77._ they cook a meal over an open fire.They were hungry 78._ and the food smelt well.Afte

65、r a wonderful meal,79._ they said stories and sang songs by the camp fire.80._ But some times later it began to rain.The boys 81._ felt tired so they put out the fire and crept into his 82._ tent.Their sleep-bags warm and comfortable,so 83._ they all slept soundly.At the middle of the night,84._ one of the boys woke up and began shouting.The tent 85._ had been flooded!第二节:书面表达(满分25分)假定你是李华,你所在的学校拟在下个月举办英国诗歌节(English Poetry Festival)。请根据以下提示给你的英国朋友Peter写一封电子邮件,邀请他给同学们做一次讲座。邮件的主要内容包括:(答案间后期)


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