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1、成都七中2013-2014 学年度下期 高一英语期末考试试卷 命题人: 毛 欣 审题人: 刘 钰、刘家永 说明: 本试卷共两卷, 第一卷和第二卷。第一卷的答案请涂在答题卡上, 第二卷的答案请写在答题卡上的规定位置。交卷时交答题卡。试卷总分为150分, 考试时间为120分钟。 第一卷(选择题,共100分)第一部分 听力测试(共两节,满分20分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并转涂在答题卡上相应的位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What

2、will the weather be like this afternoon?A. Sunny. B. Windy. C. Rainy.2. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. At a post office. B. At an airport. C. At a railway station.3. What do we know about Diane?A. She has lost some weight because of her new job.B. She used to exercise regularly.C

3、. She is always very fat.4. How much is the handbag now?A. $ 40. B. $ 15. C. $ 25.5. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Move the plants away from the window.B. Water the plants more often.C. Put the plants in a sunny place.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项

4、,并转涂在答题卡上相应的位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。6. What date is Friday?A. March 11th. B. May 11th. C. May 7th.7. What does Mr. Smith want Louise to do?A. Look after his baby.B. Clean the stairways for him.C. Have dinner with him.8. When will Mr. Smith go out

5、 for dinner?A. At 7:00 on Saturday evening.B. At 7:30 on Sunday evening. C. At 7:00 on Friday evening. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。9. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A. What film to see.B. How to go to the cinema. C. The weekend plans.10. What is on at the Victory?A. A Japanese movie.B. A French

6、film.C. Two science fiction films.11. Where have the two speakers decided to go?A. The Neighborhood Theater. B. The Cinema. C. The Broadway.听第8段材料,回答第12至14题。12. Why did the policeman give the man a ticket? A. Because he drove fast.B. Because he took the wrong way.C. Because he ran the red light.13.

7、What happened to the man in class?A. He failed his exam. B. He took a wrong book. C. He couldnt find his paper.14. What did the man forget to do?A. Take his house keys. B. Wind up his clock. C. Save his file on the computer.听第9段材料,回答第15至17题。15. What is the mans average score?A. 65. B. 75. C. 85.16.

8、What is the man interested in?A. English. B. Science. C. Physical Education.17. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The man is going to graduate soon. B. The man finds it hard to find a job. C. The woman isnt satisfied with the man.听第10段材料, 回答第18至20题。18. How long did the Olympics last in the

9、old days?A. For one month. B. For one week. C. For one day.19. When did China win its first gold medal in the Olympic Games?A. In 1948 in Greece. B. In 1984 in Los Angeles. C. In 1988 in Seoul.20. What can we learn from the talk?A. Track and field is the heart of the Winter Olympic Games.B. The most

10、 important thing about the Olympic Games is winning.C. Women were not allowed to watch the Olympics in the old days.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分40分)第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)21. As is known to all, _ South Sea is _ water of Chinas dating from ancient time.A. a; a B. a; theC. the; a D. the; the22. Friendship

11、is something _ being cared for, so we young people should treasure it.A. worth B. worthwhile C. worthy of D. worth of23. In time of _ you think is difficult, you may turn to _ can help you. A. what, whoever B. which, whomever C. what, no matter whoD. which, no matter whom24. Oh, you? Already back to

12、 China for a year? How long _ you _ in America? For about five years. A. have, stayed B. had, stayed C. would, stay D. did, stay25. Evidence suggested that the suggestion that every river _ harnessed _ wrong.A. should be, might be B. must be, should be C. may be, would be D. can be, could be26. Oh,

13、Mum, there are so many unexpected guests tonight. Id better not perform this time. _, dear. I believe you can make it.A. Come onB. No wayC. Its a pleasureD. You are ashamed 27. With natural resources running out, man is making every effort to search for a certain _ to meet the demand of energy.A. al

14、ternative B. available C. access D. approach28. The panda, one of the precious species that _ in Sichuan province, is not the only species that _ in danger.A. inhabits, livesB. inhabit, lives C. inhabits, live D. inhabit, live29. The money charged for the congestion by driving into the downtown is m

15、uch less than _ paid as a fine. A. itB. one C. that D. those 30. In general, non-verbal communication with their gestures _ 90% of peoples daily conversation.A. asks for B. accounts for C. stands for D. searches for第二节 完形填空(共20小题; 每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从31-50各题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出一个最佳选项,并在答题卡

16、上将该项涂黑。 One evening in October, I was aimlessly wandering down the street, heading into a most gloriously beautiful sunset. I had a(n) _31_ to speak to someone on the street to _32_ that beauty, but it seemed everyone was in a hurry. I took a second action. Quickly I ducked into a department store a

17、nd asked the lady _33_ the counter (柜台) if she could come outside for just a minute. She looked at me _34_ I were from some other planet. She _35_, and then seemingly against her better judgment, she moved toward the door. When she got outside I said to her, “Just look at that sunset! _36_ out here

18、was looking at it and I just had to share it with someone.” For a few _37_ we just looked. Then I said, “God is in his _38_ and all is right with the world.” I thanked _39_ for coming out to see the sunset; she went back inside and I left. It felt good to share the _40_ of the sunset. Four years lat

19、er my situation _41_ greatly. I came to the end of a twenty-year marriage. I lived all _42_ for the first time in my life. I lived in a trailer park _43_, at the time, I considered a real come-down, and I had to do my _44_ in the community laundry room. One day, while my clothes were going around, I

20、 _45_ a magazine and read an article about a woman who had been in _46_ circumstances. She had come to the end of a _47_, moved to a strange community, and the only job she could find was one she disliked: clothing sales in a department store. Then something that _48_ to her changed everything. She

21、said a woman came into her department store and asked her to step outside to look at a sunset. The _49_ told her that God is in his paradise and all is right with the world, and she had _50_ the truth in that statement. From that moment on, she turned her life around. 31. A. anxiety B. urge C. emoti

22、on D. necessity 32. A. share B. stare C. show D. spare 33. A. in B. after C. on D. behind34. A. even if B. in case C. as if D. because 35. A. hesitated B. waited C. worried D. refused36. A. Everybody B. Somebody C. Anybody D. Nobody37. A. hours B. days C. seconds D. weeks38. A. heaven B. space C. ch

23、urch D. temple39. A. the God B. the people C. the passengers D. the woman40. A. color B. quietness C. beauty D. sunshine41. A. improved B. changed C. varied D. failed42. A. on my own B. on guard C. for a start D. for sure43. A. where B. there C. which D. in which 44. A. washing B. cleaning C. cookin

24、g D. sewing45. A. got up B. brought up C. picked up D. looked up46. A. different B. similar C. same D. alike47. A. career B. occupation C. employment D. marriage48. A. occurred B. accessed C. told D. happened49. A. friend B. customer C. stranger D. manager50. A. noticed B. recognized C. discovered D

25、. founded第三部分 阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) AAs long as we follow some of the tips for green living, we may save our planet. All of these involve just a few changes to our daily habits.Just walk and limit the use of your car. One of the poster images of pol

26、lution is our vehicles. It burns fuel. It is not as efficient as we hope it could be, and we use it every single day. To lessen the effects of the air pollution caused by our vehicles, we should limit their use. If we can walk to our destination then just let us go. Not only do we lessen our carbon

27、dioxide emissions, but we also get a good exercise out of it.Use a laptop instead of a computer desktop. Laptops are more energy efficient compared to their bigger counterparts. A laptop is generally 50 percent more efficient in using electricity. Aside from that there are other benefits of a laptop

28、. It is portable so you can work anywhere you like and that you get powerful features without the large size of desktop units.Turn off the faucet while you are brushing your teeth. It is always a better idea to use a glass when we are brushing our teeth and not to just let the faucet keep on running

29、. Therefore,there is less water to waste while we are cleaning our pearly whites. Simply turn off the faucet when you are not using it.Make good use of natural light. We have a great and natural lamp - the sun, and we should learn how to take full advantage of it during daytime. So instead of turnin

30、g on our lights or lamps even if it is still not evening, we should pull up the drapes and let the natural light come in from the windows.These are just some of the best tips for green living, but of course there are still many of these tips if you just search for them. But you can do your own varia

31、tion any time just always prioritize how you can use less energy and produce even lesser trash and pollution.51. Whats the best title for the passage?A. How to Save Our Planet B. How to Change Our Daily HabitsC. Tips for Green Living Today D. Green Living and Serious Pollution52. Compared with a com

32、puter desktop, a laptop is _.A. less energy efficient B. faster at work C. easy to repair D. easy to carry53. The underlined word “prioritize” in the last paragraph can be replaced by “_”.A. decrease quickly B. consider first C. imagine wholly D. guess slowly54. Which of the following is NOT true?A.

33、 A few changes to daily habits can help a lot.B. While washing teeth we should turn off the faucet.C. Vehicles bring pollution and we should try to avoid.D. In the daytime we should not pull up the drapes.BPeople talk much these days about how kids should be interested in science. Heres an area of s

34、cience for everyone, and these cool new books might inspire you to discover your inner scientist.Scaly Spotted Feathered Frilled by Catherine Thimmesh, 58 pages,ages 9-12Seeing a picture or a model of a dinosaur, do you wonder how anybody knows what they look like? After all, nobody has seen a livin

35、g dinosaur. This book explains how scientists and artists work together to re-create dinosaurs. As scientific discoveries have been made, the models have changed. Scientific tests may one day expose what a dinosaurs coloring was, but now artists have to use their imagination to determine how these h

36、uge creatures looked.Beyond the Solar Systemby Mary Kay Carson, 128 pages, ages 10-13This book takes readers back to the beginnings of space explorationthousands of years ago, when people began star observationand forward to todays search for planets in distant parts of the Milky Way. Along with his

37、tory lessons, readers get 21 activities, such as making a black hole and creating a model of Albert Einsteins universe using a T-shirt. The activities are perfect for cold winter days.Ultimate Bugopediaby Darlyne Murawski and Nancy Honovich, 272 pages, ages 7 and older If youre always on the lookout

38、 for butterflies, this book is for you. Hundreds of color photos of common and unusual insects fill this hardcover. There are fascinating stories related to the photos. For example, do you know an insectfeeds on the tears of Asian cattle? Theres a question-and-answer section with an insect scientist

39、 and advice on how to help preserve endangered insects.Journey Into the Invisibleby Christine Schlitt, 80 pages,ages 9-12If you use a magnifying(放大的)glass, you know a leaf looks quite different. This book explains what microscopes do and then shows what happens to things around the house when watche

40、d with this amazing scientific tool. The bacteria in your mouth, when magnified 20,000 times, look a bit like swimming pool noodles. Fascinating photos are paired with suggestions about how to learn about the world around you, just by looking a little closer. 55. Kids interested in pre-historical an

41、imals might read _.A. Ultimate Bugopedia B. Beyond the Solar SystemC. Journey Into the Invisible D. Scaly Spotted Feathered Frilled56. Beyond the Solar System is mainly about _. A. space exploration B. the Milky WayC. history lessons D. Albert Einsteins universe57. According to the passage, we can l

42、earn that _.A. butterflies are fond of the tears of Asian cattle B. scientists have discovered the dinosaurs coloringC. microscopes can present you with an amazing world D. man has explored the black hole for thousands of years58. The main purpose of the passage is to _.A. compare features of differ

43、ent books B. inspire people to become scientistsC. teach children some knowledge of scienceD. recommend new science books to childrenCWherever I look outside my home, I see people busy on their high-tech devices, while driving, walking, shopping, even sitting in toilets.When connected electronically

44、, they are away from physical reality.People have been influenced to become technology addicted.One survey reported that “addicted” was the word most commonly used by people to describe their relationship to iPad and similar devices.One study found that people had a harder time resisting the allure

45、of social media than they did for sleep, cigarettes and alcohol.The main goal of technology companies is to get people to spend more money and time on their products, not to actually improve our quality of life.They have successfully created a cultural disease.Consumers willingly give up their freed

46、om, money and time to catch up on the latest information, to keep pace with their peers or to appear modern. I see people trapped in a pathological(病态的)relationship with time-sucking technology, where they serve technology more than technology serves them.I call this technology servitude.I am referr

47、ing to a loss of personal freedom and independence because of uncontrolled consumption of many kinds of devices that eat up time and money.What is a healthy use of technology devices?That is the vital question.Who is really in charge of my life?That is what people need to ask themselves if we are to

48、 have any chance of breaking up false beliefs about their use of technology.When we can live happily without using so much technology for a day or a week, then we can regain control and personal freedom, become the master of technology and discover what there is to enjoy in life free of technology.M

49、ae West is famous for proclaiming the wisdom that “too much of a good thing is wonderful.” But its time to discover that it does not work for technology.Richard Fernandez, an executive coach at Google acknowledged that “we can be swept away by our technologies.” To break the grand digital connection

50、 people must consider how life long ago could be fantastic without todays overused technology.59. The underlined word “allure” in Paragraph 2 probably means “_”.A. advantage B. attractionC. adaption D. attempt60. According to the passage, technology companies aim to _.A. attract people to buy their

51、products B. provide the latest informationC. improve peoples quality of life D. deal with cultural diseases61. It can be inferred from this passage that people _.A. consider too much technology wonderfulB. have realized the harm of high-tech devicesC. can regain freedom without high-tech devices D.

52、may enjoy life better without overused technology 62. Whats the authors attitude towards the overusing of high-tech devices?A. Neutral. B. Critical. C. Doubtful. D. Positive.DHave you ever watched the Sochi Winter Olympics this year? Did you see American figure skater, Jeremy Abbott, crash to the ic

53、e during the short program at the Sochi Olympics, rolling into the wall, clutching his side in pain? Ten seconds later, he got up and continued his skate despite the pain, embarrassment and fear. All I could think was: this kids got courage. In business we have a word for it resilience, the ability

54、to gain strengths and confidence from overcoming unpleasant events. However, opposite examples appeared in Sochi Olympics as well. For them, failure is someone elses fault, because they do not accept personal responsibility. Therefore, they have to pay a high price for this attitude. After years of

55、studying failure, I have learned one thing: modesty and open-mindedness in the face of mistakes is the single best thing you can do to improve results. Everyone fails, but not everyone recovers from failure. The key is to learn from it rather than get beaten by it.The good news is that each of us ha

56、s the potential to live a resilient life on and off the job. It may be difficult, but that just makes it all the more powerful and important. If you believe the above paragraph to be true, then youre probably more resilient than you think you are. It takes confidence to be resilient but that too muc

57、h confidence is a killer is so true of leadership. For example, Ron Johnson, the ill-fated CEO of JC Penney, was so stubborn that he completely missed all sorts of signals from employees and customers and instead listened to all those who agreed with him, which failed his strategy. Bouncing back fro

58、m failure requires that you recognize something has gone wrong, and you were the one who made it happen.The challenge of resilience is not just about our work. When parents help their kids deal with every challenging situation, they are doing an unhelpful action to their children. Parents want to pr

59、otect their kids from failure, but doing so takes away the opportunity from them to practice not just a life skill but an essential work skill. When self-esteem becomes more important than results, we are by accident training young people to become less adaptable, not more.Resilience is not just abo

60、ut getting up off the floor, but also being ready for whatever comes next, even when you dont know what it is. Failures and setbacks are no longer unusual events, but regular features of a dynamic, competitive and highly demanding work environment. Getting up to finish your skate is no longer option

61、al. 63. The example of Jeremy Abbott shows that one should _.A. recover from failure B. stick to his own viewpoint C. take others opinions to heart D. challenge difficulties bravely64. According to the author, what can best build up resilience?A. Being positive and powerful.B. Being competitive and

62、helpful.C. Being modest and open-minded.D. Being confident and responsible.65. Which of the following examples shows us resilience?A. A teacher offers students timely help and care. B. A determined athlete practices skating hard every day.C. A confident leader persuades his staff to follow his plan.

63、 D. A student has got a low grade but continues to work hard. 66. Which might be the best title for the passage?A. An Example of Resilience: Ron Johnson B. Resilience: A Lesson from SochiC. Optional Challenges of Resilience D. Resilience in Family Education EWith people drinking once a day, can hear

64、t attacks be kept away? Over the past decades, numerous studies have found that moderate alcohol consumption, say, one or two beers, glasses of wine or cocktails daily helps to prevent coronary(冠状动脉) heart disease. Last week a report in the New England Journal of Medicine added strong new evidence i

65、n support of that theory. More important, the work provided the first solid indication of how alcohol works to protect the heart.In the study, researchers from Bostons Brigham and Womens Hospital and Harvard Medical School compared the drinking habits of 340 men and women who had suffered recent hea

66、rt attack with those of healthy people of the same age and sex. The scientists found that people who sip one to three drinks a day are about half as likely to suffer heart attacks as nondrinkers are. The apparent source of the protection: those who drank alcohol had higher blood levels of high-densi

67、ty lipoproteins(脂蛋白), the so-called good cholesterol(胆固醇), which is known to prevent heart disease.As evidence has mounted, some doctors have begun recommending a daily drink for patients of heart diseases. But most physicians are not ready to recommend a regular happy hour for everyone. The risks o

68、f totally giving up alcohol are nothing compared with the dangers of too much alcohol, including high blood pressure, strokes and liver(肝脏) troublesnot to mention violent behavior and traffic accidents. Moreover, some studies suggest that even moderate drinking may increase the incidence of breast a

69、nd colon(结肠) cancer. Until there is evidence that the benefits of a daily dose of alcohol outweigh the risks, most people wont be able to take a doctors prescription to the neighborhood bar or liquor store.67. The medical article quoted in the first paragraph indicates .A. the way in which alcohol c

70、an treat the heart disease B. proper drink of alcohol can benefit the heartC. why alcoholic drinks are dangerous to ones health D. that reports on the advantages of alcohol were misled68. Experiments showed that nondrinkers had _.A. larger amounts of good cholesterol B. smaller amounts of good chole

71、sterolC. higher blood pressure D. lower blood pressure69. According to the passage, moderate drinking .A. is recommended by most doctors for heart patients B. should be allowed on prescriptionC. is still not medically advisableD. is not related to liver problems70. The main theme of this passage is

72、_.A. the change in recent drinking habits B. the connection between cancer and alcoholC. whether moderate drinkers outlive nondrinkersD. whether alcohol may be good for ones health 第二卷(非选择题,共50分)第一部分 阅读表达(共5小题; 每小题2分,满分10分) 阅读下面短文,根据短文内容回答问题。请注意每个问题后的词数要求。(请将答案写在答题卷上相应番号后的横线上)。To build an incredible

73、 and successful relationship is something like erecting a building. First of all, you should start with the idea of building such a relationship, and then you can put a solid foundation stone for that idea. Putting a strong foundation stone is very important and it keeps your building steady. Every

74、part of that building is totally depending upon that solid foundation.So, here are the three rules to establish a successful relationship:The first rule is just having fun. Once relationship is established then the things become stable. Once it gets stable then you start feeling stifled (压抑的) and fu

75、n is no longer there in your relationship. But remember this thing is very dangerous for relationship. You can plan something great like a weekend road trip. Even you can also plan some of your favorite activities at least twice a month. Enjoy laughing with each other and try to find different ways

76、to keep this laughter alive.The second rule is giving respect to each other equally. In relationship it is important that both the partners should deserve equal treatment. If anyone of the partners dominates to the other then such relationship is surely not going to survive for a long time. Such rel

77、ationships are called unbalanced relationship and it is going to give lots of pain. So, try to give respect to each other equally.The third rule is always to be open and honest with each other. Another good and important part of any relationship is being honest and open-minded with your partner. Whe

78、never the problem arises in your relations, honesty is very crucial. Even being open-minded with each other is a foundation to your good relationship. Honesty is a most valuable thing. If you become very honest with each other then problems can be very easily sorted out.You need put lots of efforts

79、to build a successful relationship. This effort is required from both the partners. And the reward which you are going to get will be fantastic. If the three rules mentioned above are maintained very well then there will be a strong chance of long term and wonderful relationship.71. What is the best

80、 title for this passage? (no more than 8 words)_72. Why should one put a solid foundation stone for that idea? (no more than 7 words )_73. The underlined word “crucial” in the fourth paragraph probably means “_”. (one word only)74. How is the reward that you will win after you have managed to establ

81、ish a successful relationship? (one word only)_75. Which rule do you think works for you most? Why? (no more than 20 words)_ 第二部分 短文改错 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线划掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后

82、的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Last weekend my sister went to the supermarket to buy some groceries. Three hours ago, with full bags of goods in both hands, she headed for nearby bus stop, tired and hungry. She was waiting for the bus while it began to rain. After what seemed ages, c

83、ame a bus, crowded of passengers. When it was her turn to getting on the bus, someone said, “ Sorry, no more rooms.” Quite disappointed, my sister had to take a taxi. Half way home, therefore, the taxi broke down. Hardly had he got out of the taxi when a bus passed by. It was empty, but she had been

84、 missed it! What an unluckily day!第三部分 写作(满分25分) 请将答案写在答题卡上的规定位置。假如你叫李华。你的笔友Mike写信告诉你,他打算暑期来你的家乡成都旅游。在信中他向你咨询成都的一些情况。请你从以下几个方面给他写一封回信:1. 气候宜人;2. 历史名胜众多、自然风景闻名;3. 美食荟萃;4. 交通便利; 5. 向他推荐一种游览市区的交通工具,并说明理由。注意:1. 词数120左右,开头语与结尾已为你写好, 不计入总词数;2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;3. 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称。Dear Mike, Im so delighted

85、to know that you are planning to visit Chengdu in the coming vacation. Its a great pleasure _. Looking forward to seeing you here and best wishes to you. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 高2016届高一下期末考试英语参考答案及评分标准(注:主观题每道题号前面的红色数字表示该题在机读卡上填涂的对应位置。)(客观题)听力 (每小题1分,共20分)1-5 CBBBA 6-10 AACAB 11-15 CABCA16-20 ACCBC

86、单选 (每小题1分,共10分)21-25 CCADA26-30 AABCB完型 (每小题1.5分,共30分)31-35 BADCA 36-40 DCADC 41-45 BACAC 46-50 BDDCB 阅读 (每小题2分,共40分)51-54 CDBD 55-58 DACD 59-62 BADB 63-66 ACDB 67-70 BBCD(主观题)【86】阅读表达 (每小题2分, 共10分)71. How to Build a Successful Relationship. /Ways to Build a Successful Relationship.72. Because it ke

87、eps the building (relationship) steady.73. important/ critical74. Fantastic. / Wonderful. / Great.75. The third. Because if people are honest and open-minded, its easier to solve whatever problems there are.【87】短文改错 (每小题.1.5分,共15分)Last weekend my sister went to the supermarket to buy some groceries.

88、 Three hours ago, laterwith full bags of goods in both hands, she headed for nearby bus stop, tired and hungry. She a / thewas waiting for the bus while it began to rain. After what seemed ages, came a bus, crowded of when withpassengers. When it was her turn to getting on the bus, someone said, “So

89、rry, no more rooms.” get room Quite disappointed, my sister had to take a taxi. Half way home, therefore, the taxi broke down. however Hardly had he got out of the taxi when a bus passed by. It was empty, but she had been missed it! sheWhat an unluckily day! unlucky【90】写作(25分)A possible version:Dear

90、 Mike, Im so delighted to know that you are planning to visit Chengdu in the coming vacation. It a great pleasure for me to introduce to you my home town as follows. My hometown is a beautiful city with a pleasant climate all (the) year round. It is not only rich with historical relics and ancient s

91、ites like Jinsha Relics, but also famous for its scenic spots like Qingcheng Mountain, where you can admire different wonderful natural scenery. You may also like the various delicious foods, whose color and taste are extremely inviting. Its convenient to get around our city. You can find almost eve

92、ry means of transport here, like buses , taxis, trains and subways, which can take you anywhere you like. For a tour in the city center, pedicabs must be the best choice, because it is easy for them to beat the other means of transport in a traffic jam. (132 words) Looking forward to meeting you here and best wishes to you. Yours sincerely, Li Hua


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