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1、2018届高三年级第三次月考英语试卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. What does the woman want to watch?A. A basketball game B. A talk show C. A dance performance2. What will the speakers do together?A. Go to a c

2、afe B. Visit a museum C. Go shopping3. What is the boy doing?A. Playing a computer game. B. Visiting a website. C. Sending an e-mail4. What is Alices father like?A. Friendly B. Helpful C .Independent5. How much should the woman pay if she stays for two weeks?A.90 B. 120 C. 180第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22

3、.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题。6. How will the woman go to work?A. By bus B. By car C. By subway7. Where will the woman put the advertisement?A. On the wall B. In a newspaper C. On the Inte

4、rnet听下面一段对话,回答第8和第9两个小题。8. Where is the closest ATM?A. Beside a convenience store B. Beside a big yellow building C. Beside a small yellow building 9. Where will the woman buy some things?A. On 3rd Street B. On 22rd Street C. On 23rd Street听下面一段对话,回答第10至12三个小题。10.What sport does the boy like?A. Rope

5、 skipping B. Cycling C. Running11.What will the boy probably do?A. Go back home B. Apply for a card C. Change his clothes12.Where are probably the speakers? A. In a bakery B. In a gym C. In a park听下面一段对话,回答第13至16四个小题。13.What does Harry think of his college life? A. Relaxing B. Stressful C. Free14. H

6、ow old is Harry most probably?A. Sixteen B. Nineteen C.Twenty15. What does Harry probably do most of the time?A. Study B. Watch TV C. Play around16. Who used to cook meals for Harry?A. His sister B. His father C. His mother听下面一段对话,回答第17至20四个小题。17.What are Chris and Jessica going to do?A. Buy a new h

7、ouse B. Repair their old house C. Relax in a lake house18. What do we know about Chris job?A. He earns a lot of money B.He often travels to Miami C.He works 8 hours a day19.What is Jessica too busy to do during the year?A. Read books B. Clean the house C. Pick up her kids20.What is Jessica good at?A

8、. Fishing B. Swimming C. Writing第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AFour books that will inspire you to travel around the world.Theres truly nothing like travel when it comes to gaining perspectives and exposing yourself to other cultures.To get you in the

9、adventuring mood, we asked Amazon Senior Editor Chris Schlep to help us come up with a list of books that transport readers to another time and place. Below, see his list of four books that will inspire you to travel around the world.ITALY:Beautiful Ruins by Jess WalterThis book written by the popul

10、ar author Jess Walter is about a love story that begins on the Italian Coast in the early 60s and eventually appears on the screen in Hollywood. As the settings shift from Italy to Edinburgh to Los Angeles, you will find yourself longing to go as well. Buy it on Amazon.Price:$28.90SEATTLE: Whered Yo

11、u Go, Bernadette by Maria SempleMaria Semples first novel is not exactly a love story to Seattle, but if you read it, you just might want to come here to see if people are really as self-involved as the characters in her book. What really shines through is the strange storytelling and the laugh. Buy

12、 it on Amazon.Price:$26.60ENGLAND: Wolf Hall by Hilary MantelYou cant travel to Thomas Cromwells England without a time machine, but reading Mantels prize-winning novel is the next best thing. It will make you long to see the ancient buildings and green grass of the English countryside, much of whic

13、h is still there. Buy it on Amazon.Price:$25.10NANTUCKET: Heres to Us by Elin HilderbrandElin Hilderbrand has built a writing career out of writing about her hometown island of Nantucket. Her latest is Heres to Us, which, perhaps not surprisingly, is a great beach read. Buy it on Amazon.Price:$30.80

14、21What is the special feature of the Whered You Go, Bernadette?A. Its low price.B. Its interesting characters.C. Its content about love.D. Its way of telling stories.22What does the book Wolf Hall inspire you to do?A. Broaden your eyes.B. Know the foreign culture.C. Appreciate the English countrysid

15、e.D. Experience the joy and sadness of the self-involved.23What is the common point about the four books?A. Its price. B. Its author. C. Its content. D. Its sales place.BIts a familiar feeling. Your friend has made the team for Saturdays big game, and you take a certain pleasure in telling him you c

16、ant be there to watch him play. You smile, but that voice in you asks, why him and not you?Envy is a fault that we like to keep secret. It raises its ugly head when we focus on what we want but dont possess now, or we may even wish for and take pleasure in someone losing it. Feelings of unfairness a

17、re part of being human, but when you focus on them, you can never get out of your dark emotions. And that makes you feel bad.So is there a solution? Is there anything you can do to stop the most ungenerous emotions?Well, why not turn envy on its head, and make it the encouragement you need for self-

18、improvement? The best weapon against envy is not to compete where you cant shine, but to do your absolute best where you can.Start by making peace with yourself, and accept the gifts which make you unique. Make an agreement with yourself to be the best you can be. Then find out exactly the circumsta

19、nces and qualities in others that start your envy. Is it someones singing voice, their work promotion or their new car? Envy shows us the things wed like to have, so make up a plan to earn whats important to you. Sign up for a night class. Start a training program. Give up a treat or two, and start

20、saving for what you want.And aim for real pleasure in the achievements and good fortune of others. Cheer on your friend when he scores that goal. Enjoy your best friends wedding day. Then go out and do something special, and make yourself wonderfully proud of you. 24. The first paragraph is intended

21、 to _.A. give examples B. tell the main ideaC. ask questions D. introduce the topic 25. When envy appears, we actually_.A. ignore its existence B. share it with friendsC. have feelings of unfairness D. lose something of our own26. What is the best way to help stop envy?A. Competing for what you are

22、not good at.B. Developing your own strengths to the full.C. Forgetting about the things you cant get.D. Trying to get anything that makes you envy.27. How does the author sound in the passage?A. Unconcerned B. WorriedC. Subjective D. ObjectiveCGetting rid of dirt, in the opinion of most people, is a

23、 good thing. However, there is nothing fixed about attitudes to dirt.In the early 16th century, people thought that dirt on the skin was a means to block out disease, as medical opinion had it that washing off dirt with hot water could open up the skin and let ills in. A particular danger was though

24、t to lie in public baths. By 1538, the French king had closed the bath houses in his kingdom. So did the king of England in 1546. Thus began a long time when the rich and the poor in Europe lived with dirt in a friendly way. Henry IV, King of France, was famously dirty. Upon learning that a nobleman

25、 had taken a bath, the king ordered that, to avoid the attack of disease, the nobleman should not go out.Though the belief in the merit of dirt was long-lived, dirt has no longer been regarded as a nice neighbor ever since the 18th century. Scientifically speaking, cleaning away dirt is good to heal

26、th. Clean water supply and hand washing are practical means of preventing disease. Yet, it seems that standards of cleanliness have moved beyond science since World War . Advertisements repeatedly sell the idea: clothes need to be whiter than white, cloths ever softer, surfaces to shine. Has the hat

27、e for dirt, however, gone too far?Attitudes to dirt still differ hugely nowadays. Many first-time parents nervously try to warn their children off touching dirt, which might be responsible for the spread of disease.On the contrary, Mary Ruebush, an American immunologist(免疫学家),encourages children to

28、play in the dirt to build up a strong immune system. And the latter position is gaining some ground.28. The kings of France and England in the 16th century closed bath houses because .A. they lived healthily in a dirty environment.B. they believed disease could be spread in public baths C. they thou

29、ght bath houses were too dirty to stay inD. they considered bathing as the cause of skin disease29. Which of the following best describes Henry IVs attitude to bathing?A. Approving. B. Afraid. C. Curious D. Uninterested.30. How does the passage mainly develop?A. By providing examples. B. By making c

30、omparisons.C. By following the order of time. D. By following the order of importance.31. What is the authors purpose in writing the passage?A. To present the change of views on dirt. B. To introduce the history of dirt.C. To call attention to the danger of dirt. D. To stress the role of dirt. DAn i

31、mage is worth a thousand kilos? Okay, so maybe not a thousand kilos, exactly, but a study shows how a photo diary can keep dieters motivated, making them more likely to achieve their target weight. Elas Kuzmar Daza, a medical professional from Colombia, studied the motivation levels of patients on w

32、eight loss programs at a nutrition clinic.Different measurements were taken of the patients each week, including body mass index(体重指数)food and exercise diaries, etc. to record their progress. In addition, full-body photographs were taken each week, which proved to be very motivating and a key factor

33、 in patients completing the full program.Over the course of the sixteen-week program, a full ninety percent of patients, aged between 16 and 72, saw the treatment through to the end, with seventy percent successfully meeting their weight loss aims. Among those monitored, one measurement proved parti

34、cularly motivating: waistline.This finding indicates that the majority of the patients who attended the clinic did so motivated by image, rather than any underlying condition. It should be pointed out that eighty percent of them were female.Another useful finding of this study was that patients did

35、not necessarily need to attend the clinic in person for the program to be effective. A support line was set up, which patients could call to submit their measurements. They also took and sent their own full-body photographs to the researcher. Fifty percent of patients completed the program in this w

36、ay.Summarizing the findings, Kuzmar says: “What patients want is a photo, rather than cold numbers.” These photos serve as visual confirmation that all their hard work is paying off, encouraging them on to further weight loss.32What is the purpose of the study? ATo show losing weight is very easy. B

37、To compare several ways to lose weight.CTo prove the effect of images in weight losing. DTo see how many people can lose weight successfully.33 How many patients in the clinic reached their weight-loss goals? A50%. B70%. C80%. D90%.34What can give people most motivation when they are trying to lose

38、weight?AFriends encouragement.BOthers strong muscles.CTheir slimmer waistline.DTheir standard blood pressure.35What must the patients do to complete the weight loss program? AGo to the clinic every week. BCall to submit their measurements. CReport to the professional every day. DTake full-body photo

39、graphs each week.第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项,选项中有两项为多余选项.Ways to Free Your Mind Youre Feeling StuckHave you ever like you were racing around in without making much forward progress? If youre stuck and you dont know how to rise, dont look outside yourself. Look below. 36 Go back to whats importa

40、ntWhen we get stuck, it can be extremely useful to come back to these three things: core values, beliefs and goals. Why?_37_Ask for helpVery often, highly happy and successful people have a supporting group of friends, family and others who help them._38_And dont be afraid to reach out and help some

41、one whos even more stuck than you.Embrace the natural pathwaysWhen you get stuck, theres no need to go back to the drawing board. Ask the people around you about the systems that are working for them, read insightful books and blog articles, and use the same methods and pathways that others have use

42、d to get unstuck._39_Relocate yourself to an inspiring environment _40_You can go for a walk in a nearby park. You can come out of the office for a cup of coffee. Or if you are at home, you can simply go to a different room in the house. Whether its urban spaces, parks, libraries, museums or even ou

43、r own backyards, there are plenty of available sources that we can draw inspiration and strength from.A.Goals are the outcomes in life that we strive for.B.Here are some useful ways to help yourself get unstuck.C.When you are stuck, dont be afraid to ask for help.D.One way to get unstuck is to simpl

44、y change your environment.E.Because they form the basics of what is important to us as individuals.F.Break the circle of worry and work on something else.G.In fact, the system is nothing more than a natural pathway of thought that someone has created with their mind.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共2

45、0小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。My father brought home a sailboat when I was ten, and almost each Sunday in summers we would go sailing. Dad was quite skilled in sailing, but not good at 41 . As for me, I 42 both before twelve because of living close to Lake Ontario.

46、The last time Dad and I set sail together is really 43 . It was a perfect weekend after I graduated from university. I came home and 44 Dad to go sailing. Out we set soon on the 45 lake. Dad hadnt sailed for years, but everything 46 well with the tiller(舵柄)in his hands.When we were in the middle of

47、the lake, a 47 wind came all of a sudden. The boat was hit 48 . Dad was always at his best in any 49 , but at this moment he 50 .“John! 51 !” he shouted in a trembling voice, with the tiller still in his hands.In my memory he could fix any 52 . He was the one I always 53 for strength and security. B

48、efore I could respond, a 54 of water got into the boat. I rushed to the tiller 55 it was too late. Another huge wall of water 56 the boat in a minute. We were thrown into the water, and Dad was struggling aimlessly. At that moment, I felt fiercely 57 of him.I swam to Dad 58 and assisted him in climb

49、ing onto the hull(船壳)of the boat. Upon sitting on the hull, Dad was a little awkward about his flash of 59 . “Its all right, Dad. We are safe now,” I comforted him.That was the first time Dad had counted on me in a moment of emergency. More importantly, I found it was my turn to start 60 for my fath

50、er.41.A.boatingB. runningC. swimmingD. teaching42.A.enjoyedB. desired C. hatedD. learned43.A.unforgivableB. unforgettable C. cheerfulD. regretful44.A.sentB. ordered C. invited D. allowed45.A.calm B. icy C. stormy D. thundery46.A.finished B. went C. seemed D. sounded47.A.strong B. gentle C. cold D. h

51、ot48.A.respeatedly B. lightly C. hardly D. violently49. A. danger B. place C. sport D. job40. A. suffered B. fell C. froze D. withdrew51. A. Look B. Help C. Run D. Jump52. A. problem B. relationship C. machineD. boat53. A. turned to B. lived with C. argued withD. objected to54. A. fountain B. stream

52、 C. showerD. wave55. A. if B. for C. afterD. but56. A. got through B. poured into C. turned overD. lifted up57. A. ashamed B. protective C. tiredD. afraid58. A. hopelessly B. quickly C. slowlyD. helplessly59. A. pain B. anger C. fearD. shame来源:学60. A. making up B. getting ready C. paying offD. looki

53、ng out第二节:(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式Several weeks ago, when I turned on the radio, I heard an old voice 61 (tell) his story of “a thousand marbles.”“You see, the average person lives around 75 years, and 3900 is 62 number of Saturdays that he has in his whole lifetime.

54、 Not until I was 55 years old 63 I think about all this,” he went on, “and by that time I only had about 1,000 of them 64 (leave) to enjoy. So I bought 1,000 marbles, and put them into a large box. Every Saturday since then, I 65 (take) one marble out and thrown 66 away. I found that by watching the

55、 marbles reduce, I paid more attention to the really important things in life.“This morning, I took the very last marble out of the box. I wonder 67 I make it until next Saturday then Ill be blessed with a little 68 (much) time to be with my loved ones. Life is 69 (limit). Here Id like to suggest th

56、at it is never 70 late to spare time to accompany your families.”第四部分写作(共两节;满分35分)第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每次错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用()划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计

57、分。 The American TV show The Voice is one of my most favorite amusement shows. On one hand, I can listen to different styles of music. On the other hand, I can see the singers stories, who are so inspiring. I was deeply impressed on a musical boy who was from the countryside. If he was very young, he

58、 loved to sing while doing the farm work. After work, he learned to play guitar. He liked living on the farm, for the life was simple. The boy brought his guitar to the stage, worn a fashionable hat which made him seem so mysteriously. When the boy sing a song with the guitar, all the judge were ast

59、onished by his talent. As a result, he won the game but finally became famous throughout the country.第二节 书面表达(满分25分) 假如你是高中生李华, 你从报纸上得到一则某社区招募暑期照顾老人的家政人员的广告。你对此项工作非常感兴趣, 你希望得到这样的工作。请根据以下提示, 用英语给社区负责人写一封求职信, 信的内容包括以下几个方面:1. 对这项工作的认识(如对本人、学生及社会的益处等); 2. 个人优势(如性格、照顾别人的能力等); 3. 你的计划(怎样照顾老人)。提示:1. 信的开头和结

60、尾已为你写好, 不计入总词数; 2. 词数:100个左右。Dear Sir or Madam, I have read your advertisement on the newspaper and_I am looking forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 2018届高三年级第三次月考英语试卷答题卡听力(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)题号12345678910答案题号11121314151617181920答案阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分 40分)题号21222324252627282930答案题号3

61、1323334353637383940答案完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)题号41424344454647484950答案题号51525354555657585960答案语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分 15分)61. _ 62. _ 63. _ 64. _ 65. _66. _ 67. _ 68. _ 69. _ 70. _第一节短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分) The American TV show The Voice is one of my most favorite amusement shows. On one hand, I can li

62、sten to different styles of music. On the other hand, I can see the singers stories, who are so inspiring. I was deeply impressed on a musical boy who was from the countryside. If he was very young, he loved to sing while doing the farm work. After work, he learned to play guitar. He liked living on

63、 the farm, for the life was simple. The boy brought his guitar to the stage, worn a fashionable hat which made him seem so mysteriously. When the boy sing a song with the guitar, all the judge were astonished by his talent. As a result, he won the game but finally became famous throughout the country.第二节:书面表达Dear Sir or Madam, I have read your advertisement on the newspaper and_I am looking forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, Li Hua 版权所有:高考资源网()


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