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2022七年级英语上册 Unit 3 Is this your pencil第1课时教案(新版)人教新目标版.doc

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1、Unit 3 Is this your pencil?第一课时 New words and phrases Teaching Goals: 一.让学生会读并认识有关学习物品的单词;二.能够根据思维树复述故事;三.教会学生介绍自己的学习用品。Teaching and learning steps Step 1Learn to read the words on P89-90 T: Today well learn the words in Unit 3. Please look at the word list on Page89. First lets try to read them acc

2、ording to the phonetics given in groups. Lets see which group can do best?Students work in fours to prepare for it. They can read to each other. They can also correct and help each other.Then read the words out group by group.T: When a group read, others listen carefully and find out the pronunciati

3、on mistakes. Take some notes if necessary.Group1:S1:pencil,book,eraser,box,pencilbox,schoolbag,dictionary, his, mine, hers.S2:excuse, me, thank, teacher, about, What about,yours,for, thank you for, help, welcome, Youre welcome.S3:baseball, watch, computer, game, card, ID card, ring, bag,library , in

4、S4: ask, ask for, find, some, classroom, e-mail, at, call, lost, must, set, a set ofAsk some students to point the wrong pronunciation. First ask some students to read the right pronunciation. If they are not right, the teacher should help them.Group2:Group3:T: Which group are the best?Ss: Group.T:

5、Congratulations! Now lets listen to the recorder and correct your wrong pronunciation.Ss listen and repeat after the tape.(设计意图:学生试读时,小组其他成员认真听,发现错误,及时纠错。教师巡视并听学生的发音,必要时进行点拨,培养了学生根据音标读单词的能力。)Step 2 : Learn to remember words on P88-89T: Now Ill show you some ways to help you remember the words. Pleas

6、e work in your groups and try to remember them.Ss work in fours and first finish or discuss these five parts and have a discussion. 一. Remember the words by guessing the meaning of pictures. pencil pencil boxThat is your pencil box .This is my pencil. Is this your bag?dictionary bagThis is an Englis

7、h dictionary . eraser teacherIts an eraser.She is an English teacher. ring watchIts my mothers ring.These are watches. computer game ID cardThis is Wei Xiaobaos ID card.I love compuer games. library lost and found You can find your lost book in lost and found box.There are(有) books in the school lib

8、rary.You can e-mail Ann at ann74. e-mail (设计意图:利用图片教授新词,直观形象,先让学生猜测词义,可增加印象,使其轻松地把英语和汉语对应起来。) 二. Remember the words by comparing their similar meanings.主格宾格形容词性物主代词名词性物主代词I me my mine you you your yourshe him his his she her her hers(设计意图:利用图表的形式教授新词,以旧带新,黑色为已学过的词汇,红色为本单元新词汇,通过图表帮助学生系统地掌握单词,并学会归纳总结。

9、)三Remember the words by matching their Chinese.excuse me 为而感谢thank you for 劳驾,请原谅Youre welcome. 请求,要求,询问ask for 不客气must 怎么样?.好吗?a set of 必须What about? 一套,一副(设计意图:红色标注的也是本单元新词,放在短语中学习,培养学生在语境中学习新词的能力,体现词不离句,句不离篇的教学理念。)四Remember the words by complex words (合成)1. school + bag = schoolbag2. note + book

10、= notebook3. class + room = classroom4. base + ball = baseballT: OK. Who can guess the words by looking at the pictures in Part1?S1: Let me have a try,pencil, dictionary ,Chinese , pencil box T: Who can tell us the answers in Part2?S2: I canT: Who can match the Chinese meaning of the phrases in Part

11、3?S3: I can.(设计意图:本单元的词汇多是与学生的学习用品有关,使用图片教学等形式帮助学生记忆,根据单词的特点进行分类减轻了记忆难度,加深了印象,便于学生掌握。)Step 3 Consolidation of words T: We have learned the words of Unit3. Now lets have a check. Please write the school things you know. The more ,the better.(见课本P18)(设计意图:借助于课本Self Check part1的表格,既考查了生词,又对教材进行了有机整合。)S

12、tep 4 Read the story and try to translate it.T: Youve done a good job. Now Ill give you a story of myself. Please read it and try to translate it. First you read silently by yourselves. If you meet some difficulties, you can discuss with your group.Ss read it.I have a big schoolbag. There is a penci

13、l box, a notebook, a dictionary, a baseball, a watch, a computer game and a ring in it. I have some books, an eraser and a set of keys in it. In the library ,I lost my ID card . So I ask the teacher for help. I say“Excuse me , could you help me?” My teacher asks“Is this yours?” I say“No, its not min

14、e. Its hers.” she asks me again “What about this one?” I say“No. Its his.” At last, she helps me find it in the classroom. I call my teacher and say“Thank you for your help”. My teacher e-mails me and says“Youre welcome.”(设计意图:在学生基本掌握单个单词的基础上,教师把一个单元的生词编成一段逻辑性强的短文,让学生学习单词有了语境,在语境中了解词汇的意义和词汇的表意功能,这为学

15、学习、实践和运用英语创造了条件,有助于学生有效记忆和使用英语词汇。)Step 5 Retell the story according to the mind mapT: I can see you have understood the story well. Now lets try to retell it according to the mind map. First listen to me. Ss listen carefully. Then they try to retell in groups. Check the retelling.lost and foundschoo

16、lbagThingsintheschool library , ID card,ask the teacher for help, excuse me, yours, mine, hers,What about ,his, find, classroom, call, e-mail,Thank you for,Youre welcome pencil, pencil box,notebook, dictionary baseball, watch,computer game, ring, books, eraser,a set of a set of (设计意图:本课是学习关学习用品的词汇,用

17、知识树的形式呈现既直观又实用,能很好的帮助学生把故事串成一个整体,这样既巩固了新单词又锻炼了学生在语境中理解和记忆单词的能力。)Step 6 当堂检测一按要求写出下列单词。1.pencil(复数)_ 2.dictionary(复数)_3.box(复数)_ 4.schoolbag(复数)_ 5.notebook(复数)_ 6.ring(复数)_7.library(复数)_ 8.thanks(动词)_9.he(名词性物主代词)_10.her(名词性物主代词)_11.I(名词性物主代词)_ 12.they(宾格)_13.I(宾格)_ 14.watch(复数)_二词组互译1. 一串钥匙 _ 2.为而感

18、谢 _3. 请求,要求,询问 _ 4.不客气 _ 5. excuse me_ 6 What about _ 7.失物招领 _ 8.callat _puter game _ 10.ID card _三根据首字母提示写单词,并用其适当形式完成句子。1. There is an e_ in my bag.2 Please call me a_13867753421.3.I borrow (从借)s_ books in the l_.4.This pencil is not m_. Its his.5.-Thank you for your h_.-Youre w_.6.Miss Wang is an

19、 English t_.(设计意图:练习是由易到难,步步深入进行设计的,通过习题的检测,考查学生对单词掌握情况,使学生学会在语境中理解并使用单词,练习三结合课本内容,提前将难点突破,也是对教材的一种有机整合。)Step7 Homework请向大家介绍你的文具,越多越好。参考句型:This is That is These areThose are(设计意图:本节课时本单元的第一课时,用二单元的句型来练习,承上启下,既对本课所学新词的概括,又达到学以致用的目的。) 亮点:本课主要是学习学习用品,虽然单词量非常大,但是和学生的生活实际很贴近,每个人都有很多文具,让学生始终在语境中学习,而无需为了操

20、练而去创设情境。试读这个环节一定要充分利用,让学生在刚学完音标的基础上,练习发音,体现了学生的自主学习,同时让学生在小组内互相纠错,也培养了学生团结协作的精神。本课的故事编写也是一个亮点,它几乎囊括了本单元所有的单词,水到渠成,让学生在语境中更好地链接并记忆了单词。本节课的不足之处:一节课内容设计的偏多,各环节之间应再紧凑些,才能顺利完成。同时思维树画得还不够精致,部分环节不能很好的展示与训练,下一步要多向优秀老师学习。使用建议:首先要对单元内容达到熟练掌握,能够明确每个单词在单元中的位置及其用法,可以针对具体情况进行整合或调整。同时必须准备完善的多媒体课件,才能有效地增加课堂效率。答案: S

21、tep 2三Remember the words by matching their Chinese.excuse me 为而感谢thank you for 劳驾,请原谅Youre welcome. 请求,要求,询问ask for 不客气must 怎么样?.好吗?a set of 必须What about? 一套,一副一按要求写出下列单词。1.pencils 2.dictionaries 3.boxes 4.schoolbags5.notebooks 6.rings 7.libraries 8.thank 9.his 10.hers 11.mine 12.them 13.me 14.watches二词组互译1. a set of 2. thank you for3. askfor 4. Youre welcome.5. 劳驾:请原谅 6.怎么样?7.lost and found 8.给某人打电话 9.电脑游戏 10.身份证 三根据首字母提示写单词,并用其适当形式完成句子。1. eraser 2. at 3. some, library4. mine 5. help, welcome 6. teacher


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