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1、温馨提示: 此套题为Word版,请按住Ctrl,滑动鼠标滚轴,调节合适的观看比例,答案解析附后。关闭Word文档返回原板块。高考保分巩固练 三限时40分钟. 完形填空体裁记叙文话题感恩母爱词数339When you are five years old, your mother is your everything. She is your1, friend, and nurse; the only person you rely on2with your hopes, dreams, and wishes. But for me, this was not the case. My moth

2、er suffered from3problems that would keep her in bed for days, leaving me to care for her and look after myself. This situation4me to grow up much faster. While I knew my mother was sick, I felt deep down that we could5it and everything would be okay. 6, in 1997 everything went terribly wrong, and m

3、y life changed forever. Adoption is a7word to a five-year-old, but when I realized that my own mother had signed me over to8, I felt it was the worst betrayal(背叛). I suffered from shock, anger, and confusion as I attempted to adjust to my new family. No longer could I9anyone since the person I had l

4、oved more than all else had abandoned me. Hearing people tell me that she did it in my best interest, I felt even more10. I could not forgive her and always11how she could reject me like an old sofa. However, the more I got older, the more I began to understand how12our situation had been. We had be

5、en13on boxes of noodles, and at one point we14lived in our car. I was once passed from drug-addicted cousins to mentally unstable neighbors as my mother15to try and save me from what our lives were becoming16each day passed. Only recently have I begun to understand17my mother gave me to strangers. 1

6、8she really did save me. She loved me more than anything, so she wanted me to have a19in life, one she could no longer offer me. I now know my life has been a special20only because she was selfless enough to give me up. 【文章大意】作者叙述了自己小时候被送人, 开始怨恨母亲, 慢慢随着年龄的增长越来越深刻地理解自己的母亲。每一个母亲都会无私地为孩子的未来着想, 感恩母亲, 是母

7、爱成就了孩子的未来。1. A. hostessB. competitorC. providerD. candidate【解析】选C。词义辨析题。根据下文的friend, and nurse判断应是供应者。故选C。2. A. mainlyB. completelyC. graduallyD. occasionally【解析】选B。词义辨析题。根据前文的rely on, 此处是“完全地依赖的唯一的人”。故选B completely完全地。3. A. moralB. physicalC. socialD. legal【解析】选B。上下逻辑题。根据下文的keep和look after myself判断

8、有“身体上的(physical)”问题。4. A. forcedB. inspiredC. allowedD. convinced【解析】选A。词义辨析题。根据前文, 母亲的身体不好, 我要照顾她和自己, 这种遭遇就迫使我(force)我更快地长大。inspire鼓舞; allow允许; convince使确信。5. A. stick toB. escape fromC. decide onD. get through【解析】选D。词义辨析题。根据前文的my mother was sick判断是“克服(get through)”, 故选D。stick to坚持; escape from逃脱;

9、decide on选定, 决定做。6. A. OtherwiseB. MeanwhileC. HoweverD. Therefore【解析】选C。语法结构题。根据空前后的转折关系判断选C。7. A. familiarB. negativeC. simpleD. foreign【解析】选D。词义辨析题。adoption收养, 对于一个五岁的孩子来说, 收养是个外来词。8. A. strangersB. cousinsC. friendsD. neighbors【解析】选A。词义辨析题。根据前文的adoption判断是陌生人来收养这个五岁的孩子。9. A. understandB. support

10、C. trustD. praise【解析】选C。词义辨析题。根据前文的I suffered from shock, anger, and confusion as I attempted to adjust to my new family和下文的我爱的人都抛弃了我, 故我再也没有人可以信任(trust)可知选C。10. A. worriedB. innocentC. scaredD. bitter【解析】选D。词义辨析题。“听到人们说她是为我好, 我感觉甚至更痛苦(bitter)。”故选D。11. A. imaginedB. wonderedC. rememberedD. questione

11、d【解析】选B。词义辨析题。根据前文的could not forgive her判断选B。12. A. ridiculousB. urgentC. desperateD. complex【解析】选C。词义辨析题。根据前文的older, 作者随着年龄的增长越来越理解当时的处境是多么让人绝望(desperate)。13. A. focusingB. workingC. actingD. surviving【解析】选D。词义辨析题。根据下文的noodles判断是survive。14. A. alsoB. evenC. stillD. yet【解析】选B。词义辨析题。此处描述当时处境的恶劣, 甚至(e

12、ven)住在汽车里。15. A. foughtB. learntC. hesitatedD. tended【解析】选A。上下逻辑题。根据下文的try and save判断应是抗争(fight)。16. A. tillB. beforeC. asD. once【解析】选C。语法结构题。随着(as)日子一天天过去。17. A. howB. whyC. thatD. what【解析】选B。语法结构题。直到最近我才理解母亲为什么把我给了陌生人。18. A. In the long runB. Time and againC. For quite a whileD. All at once【解析】选A。

13、短语辨析题。根据句意: 从长远来看, 她确实救了我。故选A。in the long run从长远来看; time and again多次, 常常; for quite a while好久; all at once立即。19. A. challengeB. goalC. rewardD. chance【解析】选D。词义辨析题。作者的母亲将作者送给别人就是为了给孩子一个机会, 一个她不能提供的机会。20. A. giftB. factC. testD. deal【解析】选A。词义辨析题。根据下文的selfless判断应是我的生活是一份特殊的礼物。. 阅读理解Dennis Sinar, 51, a

14、doctor from New York, is quick to explain why he took a year-long break from his job. “I was pretty burned out after practicing medicine for 26 years. I needed a recharge. ”So he took a“gap year”, from July 2011 to June 2012, to explore things like ancient buildings, antique restoration, archaeology

15、 and traditional Eastern medicine, in locations including Alaska, Nepal and Romania. “Taking a break from work is an excellent way for adults to go into a new career or refresh an old one, ”said Holly Bull, president of Princeton, N, J. “In recent years, mid-career breaks have been gaining more inte

16、rest, ”she said. A report on adult gap years published this year by a market research company also described the potential American market for gap years as a “sleeping giant. ”“A gap year is a challenge for the older individual to step out of a comfort zone and take a risk. I enjoyed that side most.

17、 ”said Dr. Sinar, who kept a daily blog about his experience. His time studying Eastern medicine “assured the reasons I went into health care, ”said Dr. Sinar, who returned to practice medicine at his old job, although he works fewer days. “I use those experiences to provide my patients with more ca

18、re, ”he added. “And I listen better than I did before. ”George Garritan, chairman of the Department of Leadership and Human Capital Management at New York University, certainly agrees with Dr. Sinar. He said a gap-year experience could be worthwhile for employees and companies. For employees, invest

19、ing in themselves and improving skill sets is a move that will benefit throughout their career. He added that returning employees feel refreshed and have given more thought to their career. For companies, offering unpaid leaves makes good sense for attracting and keeping talented employees. 【文章大意】这是

20、一篇议论文。主要介绍成年人放弃眼前的工作, 而进行休假, 培养其他方面的兴趣, 作者应用多方面的资料证实工作间隔年是值得的。1. Dr. Sinar took a gap year because he_. A. had lost his old jobB. wanted to refresh after 26 yearsworkC. had a desire for travellingD. became interested in historical research【解析】选B。推理判断题。根据第一段中Dr. Sinar所说的话进行推断: 26年的工作以后, 他想重新开始新的生活。2.

21、 The phrase“sleeping giant”(in the 2nd paragraph)indicates that_. A. its too early for people to accept the conception of gap yearB. the effect of gap year policy remains to be seenC. its difficult to foresee the gap year marketD. more American people will accept the gap year policy【解析】选D。细节理解题。在文中找

22、到对应信息In recent years, mid-career breaks have been gaining more interest可知更多的美国人接受间隔年的策略。3. Whats George Garritans attitude toward the“gap year”? A. Positive. B. Doubtful. C. Uninterested. D. Uncertain. 【解析】选A。推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的He said a gap-year experience could be worthwhile for employees and companie

23、s可知George Garritan对间隔年的态度是支持的。positive积极的, 支持的; doubtful怀疑的; uninterested不感兴趣的; uncertain不确定的。4. Whats the passage mainly about? A. How an adult plans a mid-career gap year. B. Why a gap year is worthwhile for adults. C. Whether a gap year is popular with adults. D. Why a gap year is challenging for

24、 individuals. 【解析】选B。主旨大意题。通读全文, 可知文章重在阐述间隔年对成年人来说是值得的。If you were given a chance to choose your favorite life metaphor(比喻), what would it be? Do you agree with Forrest Gumps mother that life is“a box of chocolates” because“you never know what youre going to get”? Or do you prefer the phrase from th

25、e 1930s song that “life is just a bowl of cherries(樱桃)”? Though simply stated, each conveys a very different view. A “box” implies mystery, because we dont know what is in a closed box. Meanwhile, a “bowl” of cherries is completely in view. For many centuries, the metaphor of life that probably burs

26、t into most peoples mind was the one suggested by Shakespeare: “All of life is a stage. . . ”On that stage, we take seven roles. More recently, psychologist Erik Erikson took up the idea of life as a stage. Erikson regarded development as a “powerful unfolding” in which we are driven from one stage

27、to the next as our bodies, minds, and social roles develop. Stage metaphors fit with many of our common-sense ideas about change, but the problem with the stage metaphor is that it isnt particularly accurate. None of the studies that try to clarify the universality of adult life stages actually stud

28、ied people as they developed over time. All of them were based on performances of their samples(样本)at one point in time. Peoples actual lives dont fit into these stage metaphors. They dont automatically transform when people reach a certain age. Instead, peoples real lives are messy, unpredictable,

29、and full of surprises. Today, Id like to focus on an even longer study, an 80-year study which is the subject of a recent book by Howard Friedman and Leslie Martin. Their final chapter summarizes the “many changes of healthy and unhealthy pathways” that their participants took over the course of the

30、ir lives. As I discovered in my research, the pathway provides a perfect metaphor of human development. We dont all go down the same road marked with the same signposts based on age. People travel through diverse routes as they track the years of adulthood. Friedman and Martin use health and long li

31、fe as their measure; Ive used sense of achievement. In both cases, we are in perfect agreement in evaluating development not according to age but“the key features of life”. The paths that Friedman and Martin describe seize the changes that characterize people as they age. Some examples are “The High

32、 Road”(reliable, full of plans); “Not Easy Street”(exposed to high stress throughout life), “Catastrophe Lane”(a downwardly twisty life); “Happy Trails to You”(cheerful, sociable); “The Road to Resilience”(able to handle stress with a strong will). Though I havent yet been able to follow my particip

33、ants for 80 years, I too saw some of these pathways among my samples: “The Minding Way” “The Downward Slope” “The Straight and Narrow Path” and “The Successful Trail”. The pathway metaphor gives you hope for changing the direction of your life if you are unhappy with it so far. You cant stop the clo

34、ck from ticking the minutes between one birthday and the next, but you can adjust the road that youre on by changing yourself, your situation, or both. 【文章大意】该文章主要讨论不同时期的人们对生活的不同比喻, 告诉我们生命的最好比喻就是“弹性的道路”。5. The author introduces the topic of the passage in the first paragraph by_. A. making compariso

35、nsB. giving examplesC. describing scenesD. providing explanations【解析】选B。文章结构题。通读文章第一段, 可知作者是通过举例来引入该文章主题的。6. According to the passage, the“stage metaphor”_. A. leads to misunderstandingsB. is used in memory of ShakespeareC. doesnt exactly reflect ones real lifeD. hasnt enough stages to clarify life

36、changes【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据文章第三段的第一句话Stage metaphors fit with many of our common-sense ideas about change, but the problem with the stage metaphor is that it isnt particularly accurate. 判断, 作者认为the“stage metaphor”不能确切地描述生活。7. The author is convinced of the life metaphor Friedman and Martin suggest becaus

37、e she_. A. spent less time on her researchB. has found their book a bestsellerC. considers their measure more scientificD. got a similar finding to theirs【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据文章第四段的最后两句Friedman and Martin use health and long life as their measure; Ive used sense of achievement. In both cases, we are in pe

38、rfect agreement in evaluating development not according to age but“the key features of life”. 可知作者和他们两个有类似的发现。8. When a person is facing difficulties bravely, which metaphor can best describe him? A. “Not Easy Street”B. “Happy Trails to You”C. “Catastrophe Lane”D. “The Road to Resilience”【解析】选D。细节理解

39、题。根据文章倒数第二段的“The Road to Resilience”(able to handle stress with a strong will)可知“弹性的道路”可描述勇敢面对困难的人们。9. What does the passage focus on? A. The pathway as a perfect life metaphor. B. Various views on life metaphors. C. The stage as a common life metaphor. D. Different kinds of life metaphors. 【解析】选A。主旨大意题。通读全文, 并根据文章的第四段第二、三句及最后一段的第一句话The pathway metaphor gives you hope for changing the direction of your life if you are unhappy with it so far. 可知“生命小道可作为最完美的生命比喻”。关闭Word文档返回原板块


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