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2022七年级英语上册 Unit 1 My name's Gina第6课时教案(新版)人教新目标版.doc

1、Unit 1 My names Gina. Section B 3a-self checkLearning goals:1. Master the forms of the names.2. Review the important drills of this Unit. The students are able to communicate with them and make friends.3. Learn to introduce others according to the information on the card.4. Enable to make their own

2、ID card and introduce themselves.Preview:Ss look at P6, put them into English orally, then write them down without looking at the text.1.卡片 2. 中间的 3. 学校 4. 中学 5. 身份证 6. 你姓什么? 7. 你的名是什么? 8. 你的电话号码是多少? 9. 他(她)的名是什么? 10. 他(她)姓什么? 11. 他(她)的电话号码是什么? Step1 Warming- up and revision1. Daily greetings to the

3、 students . T: Good morning, everyone. How are you?Ss: Im fine ,thanks. How are you?T: Im OK. Can you say the numbers from 1 to 9?S: Yes. One, twonine.T: Good. Very good. Lets listen to a song Ten Little Indian Boys.(设计意图:Ten Little Indian Boys.能很好地训练数字1-10.帮助同学学习数字的英文表达,激发学习英语的兴趣。)2. Do Self Check

4、1. Write out the numbers and then check the answers.3. Review the drills:T: Whats your name?S1: My name is Lily Miller.T: Hello, Lily. Nice to meet you!S1: Nice to meet you, too.T: And whats your first name? S1: My first name is Lily.T: Whats your last name?S1: My last name is Miller.T: Whats your t

5、elephone number?S1: My telephone number isT: Whats her/ his name? (Point to a girl or a boy)S2: Her/ His name isT: Whats her / his first name?S2: Her / His first name is T: Whats his / her last name?S2: His / Her last name is T: Whats his / her telephone number?S2: Its (设计意图: 以师生对话的形式复习本单元的重点句型,非常自然

6、,有利于学生接受。)4. Practice1) Get the students to choose one of the following pictures, ask and answer like above. Tony Smith Joy Miller Bob Brown Tom White Mary Green Han Xiaofang2) Ask a row of the students to act .5. Do Self Check 2. Match the sentences to make conversations and then check the answers

7、with the students. 6. Playing a game Competition: list names as many as possible, see which group gets the most names.S1: My name is Jenny Green.S2: Her name is Jenny Green. My name is Tony White.S3: Her name is Jenny. His name is TonyMy name is Eric King.S4: (设计意图:通过游戏的方式训练名字的构成,激发学生学习热情。)Step2 Pre

8、sentation1. Show my ID card to the students. This is my ID card. Read the ID card. You can know my first name, my last name and my telephone number.FIRST NAME : Ying LAST NAME: Gao PHONE NUMBER: 3396126 2. T: Show some stars ID card to the Ss. Then ask the following questions. Let the students answe

9、r my questions:FIRST NAME : Mi LAST NAME: Yang PHONE NUMBER: 88298876T: Whats her first name? Ss: Her first name is T: Whats her last name? Ss: Her last name isT: Whats her telephone number? Ss: ItsT: Whats his first name? Ss: His first name is T: Whats his last name? Ss: His last name isT: Whats hi

10、s telephone number? Ss: ItsFIRST NAME : Jielun LAST NAME: Zhou PHONE NUMBER: 69782358 3. Fill in the blanks according to the information. _is_._ first name is _._ last name is _. _phone number is _.(设计意图:通过两幅不同性别的名片,让学生深刻体会到his,her用法,以及怎样从Id card上获取信息。)Step3Practice 1. 3aT: This is a student in PEP

11、Middle School. (人民中学) Here is her ID card. Look at her ID card and answer my questions: T: Whats her first name? Ss: Her first name is Alice.T: Whats her last name? Ss: Her last name is Green.T: Whats her telephone number? Ss: Its 951-3397.2. Read the ID card again and use the information on the ID

12、card to complete the sentences.Step4 Writing:Write a passage according to the following information:NO. 15 Middle SchoolFirst name: Jenny Last name: Green Phone Number: 487-2571 写作指导:l 注意人称代词要用her, her first namel 信息中有她所在的学校, 你能表达出这个信息吗?挑战一下自己吧!示例:Her first name is Jenny. Her last name is Green. Her

13、 telephone number is 487-2571. She is in No.15 Middle School.评价:(让学生们对自己的学习表现、语言表达能力及书写的情况进行自我评价,在小组内相互评价,然后进行评出最优秀的小组。并鼓励学生们下一次争取做最优秀的小组及个人。)Step5 Lets look at the ID card in 3b. Fill in your own ID card and write about yourself.I m _.My first name is _.My last name is _My phone number is _.Ss writ

14、e their own ID card and the short passage. Ask 4-6Ss to perform.(设计意图:引导学生学会看ID card,并能抽取重点信息完成句子。)Step6Inquiry into knowledge by translation.(翻译探究)Whats your last name? last name意为 “ ”,与 意义相同。first name 以为 “ ”,与 同义。full name意为 “ ” 。 英美人的姓名顺序与中国人的姓名顺序不同。中国人的 在前, 在后。而英美人的 在前, 在后。他们的姓名一般由三部分组成,即“ + +

15、”。其中,中间名代表家族称谓,通常不用。书写时要注意名和姓的第一个字母不论在何处都要 如:在中,名 放在前面,姓 放在后面。1. -Whats your first name ?-_(Jack/Smith)2.-His name is Zhou Jielun .-His first name is _(Zhou/ Jielun).(设计意图:根据教材和助学,抽取本节课的重点,侧重于对基础的检测。同时附带相应的习题加以巩固。)Step 7 The end-of-class test当堂检测:一、把下列方框中的单词归归类。 Green, Bob, Mary, Miller, Jenny, Smit

16、h, Tom, BrownFirst Name: _Last Name: _二、从括号中选择适当的单词完成句子。1. _ (I / My) quilt is red.2. How are _ (you / your)?Im OK. 3. This is a boy. _ (His / Her) name is Mike.4. The girl is Alice Brown. Brown is _ (his / her) family name. 5. Whats _ (her / your) first name? My first name is Linda. 三、按要求完成下列句子。1.

17、His first name is Alan. (对画线部分提问) _2. My name is Tony. (改为同义句) _ _ Tony. 3. Her phone number is 929-31. (对画线部分提问) _4. My family name is Miller. (改为同义句) My _ _ is Miller. 5. is, his, number, 535-2375, telephone (.) (连词成句) _四、请翻译下列句子。1.他的电话号码是什么? 2.他姓什么? 3.-李明,你的电话号码是多少? -是3162589。 4.她的名字叫什么? Step 8 H

18、omework:1. Review Section B.2.Make an ID card for yourself.。Preview 答案:1.card 2. middle 3. school 4. middle school 5. ID card 6. Whats your last name?7. Whats your first name? 8. Whats your telephone number?9. Whats his / her first name? 10. Whats his / her last name? 11. Whats his / her telephone n

19、umber?翻译探究答案:你姓什么?姓氏;family name;名字;given name;全名 姓;名;名;姓;first name;middle name;last name;大写;Jack; Smith 1.Jack 2,.Jielun当堂检测答案:一、First name: Bob Mary, Jenny TomLast name: Green Miller Smith Brown二、1. My 2. you 3. His 4. her 5. your三、1. Whats his first name?2. I am3. Whats her phone number4. last n

20、ame5. his telephone number is 535-2375.四、1. Whats his telephone number?2. Whats her last name?3. Li Ming, Whats your telephone number? Its 3162589.4. Whats her name?教学反思:亮点:1.本节课以师生对话的形式进行整个单元的复习,接近学生的生活,同时,又进行了充分的训练,使学生能进行有效的交流。2.在进行写作之前,进行了大量的铺垫工作,同时又给以方法上的指导,使得大部分同学都能够写出优美的短文。3.在各个环节中,运用小组竞争机制,引导学生人人参与,愉悦课堂。不足之处:复习时间太长,使得写作的时间较短 使用建议:1.游戏导入能很好的激发学生的积极性,同时对于课堂气氛有很好的调节作用。2.在实际教学中运用小组合作竞争机制,激发学生的学习积极性。 3.对教材进行了适当的整合,还有不当之处,敬请各位领导老师批评指正。

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