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《创新设计》2015高考英语(浙江专用)高考倒计时30天 精炼一刻钟-第4天.doc

1、.常考句型【句型1】do good to“对有益”,do harm to“对有害”仿写:读书对心灵有益。Reading does good to our mind.工作过度对健康有害。Overwork does harm to health.【句型2】pose a great threat to.“对造成一大威胁”仿写:污染对我们的生存造成一大威胁。Pollution poses a great threat to our existence.【句型3】do ones utmost toVdo ones best“尽全力去”仿写:我们应尽全力去实现我们的人生目标。We should do ou

2、r utmost to achieve our goal in life.完形填空体 裁话 题关键词建议时间正确率记叙文人物介绍achievement15分钟/20Charlotte Whitehead was born in England in 1843,and moved to Montreal,Canada at the age of five with her family.While 1 her ill elder sister throughout the years,Charlotte discovered she had a(n) 2 in medicine.At 18 sh

3、e married and 3 a family.Several years later,Charlotte said she wanted to be a 4 .Her husband supported her decision.5 ,Canadian medical schools did not 6 women students at the time.Therefore,Charlotte went to the United States to study 7 at the Womens Medical College in Philadelphia.It took her fiv

4、e years to 8 her medical degree.Upon graduation,Charlotte 9 to Montreal and set up a private 10 .Three years later,she moved to Winnipeg,Manitoba,and there she was once again a 11 doctor.Many of her patients were from the nearby timber and railway camps.Charlotte 12 herself operating on damaged limb

5、s and setting 13 bones,in addition to delivering all the babies in the area.But Charlotte had been practising without a licence.She had 14 a doctors licence in both Montreal and Winnipeg,but was 15 .The Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons,an allmale board,wanted her to 16 her studies at a Ca

6、nadian medical college!Charlotte refused to 17 her patients to spend time studying what she already knew.So in 1887,she appealed to the Manitoba Legislature to 18 a licence to her but they,too,refused.Charlotte 19 to practise without a licence until 1912.She died four years later at the age of 73.In

7、 1993,77 years after her 20 ,a medical licence was issued to Charlotte.This decision was made by the Manitoba Legislature to honor“this courageous and pioneering woman.”【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文,记述了Charlotte Whitehead,一位伟大的女医生,在没有医生执照的情况下,在加拿大从医的经历故事。1A.raising Bteaching Cnursing Dmissing 解析根据句意“在她几年来照顾(护理)她生病

8、的大姐姐期间”,“照顾,护理”,故选C项。答案C2A.habit Binterest Copinion Dvoice 解析根据下文她想成为一名医生,故对“医学”感兴趣,故选B项。答案B3A.invented Bselected Coffered Dstarted 解析根据句意“她结婚了,开始了一个家庭生活”,故选D项,符合语境。答案 Bmusician Clawyer Dphysicist 解析根据下文,她想成为一个医生,故选A项。答案A5A.Besides BUnfortunately COtherwise DEventually解析根据下文,她没有医生执照,当时加拿大医

9、学院不接收女生,故选B项“遗憾地”符合语境。答案B6A.hire Bentertain Ctrust Daccept 解析“接纳,吸收”女学生,符合上下文语境。答案D7A.history Bphysics Cmedicine Dlaw 解析根据上下文语境,Charlotte去美国学习医学,故选C项。答案C8A.improve Bsave Cdesign Dearn 解析句意:“她用了五年时间获得医学学位”,其他三个选项不符合语境。答案D9A.returned Bescaped Cspread Dwandered 解析根据下文可知,Charlotte在美国获医学学位后回到加拿大行医,故选A项。答

10、案 Bmuseum Cclinic Dlab 解析根据上下文语境,她开办自己的“诊所”,故选C项。答案C11A.busy Bwealthy CgreedyDlucky 解析Charlotte不但接生孩子,还要“接骨”,还有其他病人,因此,她很忙。故选A项。答案A12A.helped Bfound Ctroubled Dimagined 解析根据上下文语境,她忙于给人看病,接生孩子,还要给跛脚的人、骨折的人做手术,find oneself为固定短语,“使某人处于某种状态”符合语境,故选B项。答案B13A.harmful Btired Cbroken Dweak 解析brok

11、en“骨折的”,过去分词作定语,符合语境。答案C14A.put away Btaken over Cturned in Dapplied for 解析根据下文,Charlotte“申请”医生执照,但被拒绝了。故选D项。答案D15A.punished Brefused Cblamed Dfired 解析根据上下文,申请但被拒绝,终生没得到“执照”;故选B项。答案B16A.display Bchange Cpreview Dcomplete 解析根据句意The Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons学院想让她在他的学院“完成”学业。故选D项,“com

12、plete”。答案D17A.leave Bcharge Ctest Dcure 解析根据语境,她不想“离开”她的病人,也不想再学她已经知道的东西,故选A项。答案A18A.sell Bdonate Cissue Dshow 解析根据下文语境,In 1993,.a medical licence was issued to Charlotte,issue“发行,颁发”,符合语境。答案C19A.continued Bpromised Cpretended Ddreamed 解析根据上下文语境,她虽然没有执照,但是她仍继续行医,故选A项。答案A20A.birth Bdeath Cwedding Dgraduation 解析根据语境,她死后77年才颁发给她“执照”。故选B项。答案B

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