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本文(2011高三一轮(全国湖北专版)英语:高一 智能检测(十五)(英语).doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2011高三一轮(全国湖北专版)英语:高一 智能检测(十五)(英语).doc

1、2011金版新学案高三一轮(全国湖北专版)英语:高一 智能检测(十五)(英语).多项填空1Oh,Mary!Its you.I never thought you had changed_much.Asuch BasCthose Dthat 【解析】由题意知,“我没有想到你变化这么大”。这里只有that可作“如此,那么”讲,并代替so;such表示“如此,那么”时,修饰名词。【答案】D2The flat is much too far away from the factory I am working in._,its price is a bit too high.AHowever BBes

2、idesCTherefore DIn other words【解析】besides此处用做副词,意思是“此外,而且”,表示递进关系。【答案】B3We went to call_Mr Wang_his home last night,but he wasnt in.Oh,perhaps he was still at work then.Afor;in Bon;toCfor;at Don;at【解析】call on sb.拜访某人;call at sp.去某地拜访;call on sp.去某地拜访某人。【答案】D4My cousin is always_about his futur

3、e,and he always thinks that everything will be all right.来源:学科网Apositive BsillyCprecious Dscary【解析】句意为:表哥对他的未来总是很“乐观(positive)”,认为一切都会好的。silly傻的;precious珍贵的;scary吓人的,均不符合题意。【答案】A5Hi,Peter.Long time no see.Oh,its you,Jack.Im sorry I didnt_you at first.Aknow BrecogniseCremember Drealize【解析】句意为:对不起,我开始

4、没有认出你来。recognise认出。【答案】B6The passenger was tired and walked more slowly but he got home_.Aafter all Bat allCabove all Din all【解析】句意为:这个旅客疲劳且走得更慢了,但他还是到家了。从句意可知,后句表达的是转折意义。B、C、D没有此用法。【答案】A7Those coats are only different in color and size and all of them are_good quality.Ain BwithCof Dfrom【解析】of good

5、quality质量很好。of加名词表示该名词的形容词词义。句意为:这些大衣只是颜色和尺寸有所不同,所有的质量都非常好。【答案】C8You look beautiful_the red skirt.Thank you,and it surely looks wonderful_you.Aon;on Bin;onCwith;with Dat;at【解析】“in衣服”表示“穿着”,“on sb.”表示“穿在某人身上”。【答案】B9The picture_my hometown which I had left five years before.Abrought down Bbrought back

6、Cbrought in Dbrought up【解析】句意为:那张照片使我回忆起离别5年的家乡。【答案】B10Dont lose heart.Believe in yourself,all your efforts will_sooner or later.Apay back Bpay forCpay up Dpay off【解析】pay off成功,回报。【答案】D.完成句子1Sorry,I_(没认出) you just now.(recognize)【答案】didnt recognize2_(我用了两个小时) to do my homework.(take)【答案】It took me t

7、wo hours3Id rather that_(你没去过那儿) when I met you.(go)【答案】you hadnt gone there4I was busy decorating my new house;I have_(很多事情要做),so I cant help you.(attend)【答案】a lot of/many things to attend to5_(很有可能) these teenager will act out their depression by running away from home.(likely)【答案】It is likely tha

8、t.完形填空(2010届江南十校测试)Two years ago,I donated my kidney (肾) to my brother.I considered it a complete lifechanging experience,not only for the two of us_1_for the entire family.We ended up_2_from surgery (外科手术) at a friends home in Baton Rouge,LA.His_3_to us was unforgettable.We had received so many_4_.

9、We had gotten food donation from so many people who_5_us something beyond physical comfort.Now my brother is_6_on his feet.Last April he_7_to give back to the community by raising_8_for the Medical Association through cycling 180 miles from Houston to Austin.I felt greatly moved,tears in eyes,_9_tha

10、t my kidney gave him a second chance in life and that he is now living beyond what he imagined_10_to be.Recently,our mother suffered from breast cancer_11_she was the one who took care of me and my brother,we wanted to do something in her_12_.My brother,my sister and I are going to_13_next year for

11、the Cancer Society,_14_my brother and I will be joining in the half marathon in honor of our mother and this will be our good_15_to be kidney donation advocates as well.We_16_during the surgery that several thousands die from kidney diseases every year.Patients would be on the_17_list for kidney don

12、ation and end up in death because of the_18_of kidney donors.If my brother and I can_19_others to do the same thing I did,maybe more lives will be saved._20_only I had more kidneys,I would do it again for other people.【语篇解读】作者的哥哥生病时,他们一家得到了社会的关爱。身体恢复后,作者和他的家人以他们的实际行动来回报社会。1A.and BbutCso Dor【解析】这里考查n

13、ot only.but( also).结构。不仅仅是为了我们,而且是为了我们整个家庭。【答案】B2A.rebuilding BreusingCrecovering Dreserving【解析】我们住在一个朋友家里,身体恢复了(recover)。其他选项都不符合语境。【答案】C3A.kindness BcourageCpower Dmanners【解析】从上下文可知,朋友对我们非常好,他的好意(kindness)我们永远也忘不了。【答案】A4A.friends BpeopleCpatients Ddoctors【解析】从上下文可知,我们接待了很多人(people),这其中有认识的和不认识的,所以

14、不能选friends,也不一定是patients或者doctors,而是指不同的人,所以用people。【答案】B5A.devoted BcontributedCdelivered Dgave【解析】这些人给了我们物质上的东西,也给了(give)我们远超过物质的安慰。【答案】D6A.past BdownCback Dup【解析】从上下文可知,此处表示“我哥哥身体已经恢复”。【答案】C7A.decided BurgedCdemanded Dinsisted【解析】从下文可知,“我”哥哥决定(decide)通过骑车180英里(从休斯敦到奥斯汀)来为医学联合会筹款(money),从而回报社会。【答案

15、】A8A.strength BnewsCadvantages Dmoney【解析】解析参见7题。【答案】D9A.knowing BexpectingChoping Dreporting【解析】“我”被哥哥的这种行为深深感动,饱含泪水,“我”知道(know)“我”的肾给了他第二次生命,他现在过着的生活(life)远远超出他的想象。expect期待,hope希望,report报道,都不符合语境。【答案】A10A.future BlifeCsuccess Dluck【解析】解析参见9题。【答案】B11A.If BThoughCBecause DBefore【解析】从上下文可知,此处表示原因,所以用b

16、ecause。因为“我”的母亲是照顾“我”和哥哥的亲人,所以我们想做些事情以表示对她的敬意(in ones honor)。【答案】 BjobChealth Dhonor【解析】固定词组in ones honor表示“向表示敬意”。其他选项都不符合语境。【答案】D13 BstudyCcheer Dfight【解析】根据上下文语境可知此处应选A。【答案】 BwhenCwhile Dhowever【解析】while在这里表示对比和参照关系,可解释为“与此同时”。【答案】C 15A.signal BpleasureCdecision Dchance【解析】

17、“我”和哥哥要参加半程马拉松比赛,这也是一次宣传捐肾活动的好机会(chance)。【答案】D16A.figured out Bfound outClearned from Dlooked into【解析】我们发现(find out)每年有成千上万人死于肾病。figure out表示“算出,想出”;learn from表示“从学得”;look into表示“调查”。【答案】B17A.working BwaitingCsending Dgrowing【解析】从上下文可知,很多病人都排队等着(wait)有人来捐献肾脏,但是由于捐献者的缺乏(lack),很多人不得不面对死亡。【答案】B18A.dela

18、y BcommonClack Dhelp【答案】C19A.encourage BsupportCorder Daffect【解析】如果“我”和哥哥能够鼓励(encourage)别人像“我”一样(捐献肾脏的话),也许会有更多的人获救。【答案】A20A.But BNotCJust DIf【解析】if only表示“要是就好了”,语意表示“要是我有更多的肾脏,我将会再一次捐献给别人”。【答案】D.阅读理解(2009年湖北华师附中4月模拟,C)A few years ago when my daughter was about two years old,I went through a diffic

19、ult time.My marriage was in trouble,I was pregnant (怀孕的) and not particularly well and I didnt have much money.Looking back I think I was also a bit depressed,but I had to get on with taking care of my daughter the best I could.One day I thought I would take my daughter to the park for a nice day as

20、 she liked there,and I thought it was a nice tiring to do.I decided to walk because the bus was expensive,so it took us a long time to get there.When we finally got there,immediately my daughter began to cry.She was cold,she was thirsty,and she wanted to go home.To be honest,I had not prepared prope

21、rly.I didnt even have any money to buy a drink or to take the bus back home.I was so frustrated and cross with myself that my dream of a nice day failed.I started walking back home (it was nearly 2 miles),and my daughter would not stop crying.I felt so miserable and cross with myself and my life tha

22、t I started crying too. At that point a car stopped and a gentleman offered us a lift.He took us home,and seemed really concernedhe even offered me all his change!The kindness of this stranger to a stranger like me really made me feel better.I never saw him again and I dont know who he is but he rea

23、lly helped me out that day,so I just want to say thank you.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,主要叙述了作者自己在困境中得到了陌生人的帮助的事情,同时也表达了作者的感激之情。1The writer writes the passage in order to_.Atell us how she got through her difficult timeBtell us what kind of life she and her daughter once livedCtelI us a journey she and her daught

24、er had without moneyDexpress her sincere thanks for the driver who once helped her【解析】主旨大意题。根据全篇文章作者对自己当时困境的回忆和对陌生人的帮助的描述以及文章最后一句话可知,作者写这篇文章的目的就是为了向那位陌生人表达感激之情。【答案】D 2Why did the writer go through a difficult time when her daughter was about 2 years old?ABecause her daughter was too young and noisy

25、and she didnt know how to care for her.BBecause she loved her daughter too much and took care of her as best as she could.CBecause she was worried about her own health.DBecause there is something wrong with her marriage,health and money.【解析】细节理解题。根据第一段第二句可知,D项正确。【答案】D3What finally caused the writer

26、to cry?AHer own poor situation.BHer feeling sorry to her daughter.CThe lack of money.DThe failure of her dream of a nice day.【解析】细节理解题。根据第三段第二句话可知,A项正确。【答案】A4According to the passage,we can infer that_.Athe writer could afford a bus ticket at that timeBthe writer will never forget the kindness given by the driverCthe writer received the drivers change and bought drinks for her daughterDthe driver knew the writer and her daughter 【解析】推断题。根据文章内容尤其是最后一句话可知,作者对几年前的事情记忆犹新,由此推断出她对自己曾经受过的帮助很是感激,将会永远记住那位司机对她的帮助。【答案】B

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