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1、常考句型【句型1】There is no doubt that“毫无疑问,”仿写:毫无疑问,失眠是我国中学生的一个严重问题。There is no doubt that sleeplessness is a serious problem among the high school students of our country【句型2】According to my personal experience,Based on my personal experience,“按照我个人的经验”仿写:按照我个人的经验,早锻炼已给我带来许多好处。According to my personal ex

2、perience,doing morning exercises has done me a lot of goodBased on my personal experience,doing morning exercises has done me a lot of good完形填空I used to hate being called upon in class mainly because I didnt like attention drawn to myselfAll this 1 after I joined a sports teamIt began when a teacher

3、 suggested I try out for the basketball teamAt first I thought it was a crazy 2 because I didnt have a good sense of balance,nor did I have the 3 to keep pace with the others on the teamBut for the teacher who kept insisting on my “ 4 it”,I wouldnt have decided to give a tryGetting up the courage to

4、 go to the tryouts was only the half of it! I didnt even know the rules of the game,much less what I was doing 5 ,I wasnt the only one “new”at the game,so I decided to 6 on learning the game and not be too hard on myself for the things I didnt 7 “just yet”Soon I knew the 8 and the “moves”The competi

5、tive 9 in me was winning over my lack of confidenceWith time,I learned how to play and made friends in the 10 friends who respected my efforts to work hard and be a team playerI never had so much fun!With my 11 selfconfidence comes more praise from teachers and classmatesI have gone from not wanting

6、 to call attention to myself,to raising my handeven when I sometimes wasnt 12 I had the right answer【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己是如何提升自身自信心的经历。从最初的不喜欢被老师和同学注意,到最后在老师鼓励下参加了体育运动,在运动过程中不断地培养自己的自信。这一切都是“我”在参加了一个篮球队之后的变化。1Acontinued Bchanged Csettled Dstarted解析根据文章的语境,在参加了运动队后,“我”之前的那种状况显然是改变(change)了。continue“

7、继续”;settle“解决”;start“开始”,与文章的意思不符。答案B2Aidea Bplan Cbelief Dsaying解析老师建议“我”参加篮球队,这显然是一个想法(idea),而不是计划(plan),也不是“我”的信念(belief)。而“我”使用了crazy一词,认为这个想法是很疯狂的。选项中saying“谚语”,与文章意思不符合。答案A3Aright Bchance Cability Dpatience解析与其他人协调一致这是“我”的一种“能力(ability)”的体现,这与“权利(right)”、“机会(chance)”或者“耐心(patience)”没有任何关联。短语ke

8、ep pace with的意思是“协调一致”。答案C4Agoing for Blooking for Ccheering for Dapplying for解析it显然指我参加篮球队这件事情,那么对这件事情老师坚持让“我”去尝试。短语go for在此的意思是“选择,获得”。其他选项中,look for“寻找”;cheer for“为欢呼”;apply for“申请”,与文章的意思显然不符。答案A5AInterestingly BFortunatelyCObviously DHopefully解析句意:很幸运地(fortunately),在比赛中“我”不是唯一的新人。interestingly“

9、有趣地”;obviously“很显然地”;hopefully“有希望地”均与文章前后的意思不符。答案B6Afocus Bact Crely Dtry解析focus on“以为焦点;集中于”;act on“遵照行动,奉行;作用于,影响”;rely on“依靠,依赖”;try on“试穿”。再根据句意:我专注于学打篮球了。故正确答案为A。答案A7Awant Bdo Csupport Dknow解析just yet的意思是“就是现在”。此句的意思是:不因现在还不知道的东西过多而苛责自己。短语be too hard on oneself意思是“对自己太苛刻”。答案D8Asteps Borders Cr

10、ules Dgames解析文章前面叙述“我”连规则都不知道,于是发奋练球的直接结果就是了解了比赛的规则(rules),并且已经知道怎样运球。step“步伐”; order“命令”;game“游戏,比赛”。答案C9Aroles Bpart Cmind Dvalue解析从文章中的competitive及win over(争取到)可以判断出应该使用part,意思是“角色”。而roles“角色”;mind“头脑;智力;想法”,value“价值”,与文章的意思不符。答案B10Aprocess Boperation Cmovement Dsituation解析破折号的作用是解释说明,那么根据文章的意思:知

11、道尊重“我”的努力的朋友一定是看到“我”成长的朋友,即“我”在这个过程中(process)认识的朋友。operation“手术”;movement“运动”;situation“情形”。答案A11Aexpressed Bimproved Cpreserved Drecognized解析根据前文叙述,我是一个由没自信到拥有自信的人,而我自信力的提升更多的是来自老师和同学们的表扬。故选B。express “表达”; preserve “保护”;recognize“认识”。答案B12Alucky Bhappy Csure Dsatisfied解析even意思是“甚至”。句意:我甚至在不是百分百确定答案

12、的时候都能举手。lucky “幸运的”;happy“幸福的”;sure“肯定的”; satisfied“满意的”。答案C语法填空Keeping in touch with our friends is an important part of friendshipThis does not mean that 1 have to write or call our friends every dayIt does mean,however,that we 2 care enough about our friends to find out how they are doing from ti

13、me to timePeople have different habits about keeping in touch with othersSome like to call their friends,sometimes many times 3 dayOthers prefer to email their friendsStill 4 prefer writing letters so that they can include photos or interesting articles 5 the envelopes along with their lettersSome e

14、ven write postcards while they are on vacation 6 send them to friendsEvery kind of communication is importantIt is 7 important what kind of call we make or letter we send 8 is important is that we let others know we care about them1解析对应our答案we2解析我们对朋友应该表示足够的关怀。答案should3解析有时候一天打电话多次。注意:every/each/per day是 “每一天”,不合语境。答案A4解析还有一些。答案others5解析信封内可以附带寄些照片等。答案in6解析连接两个谓语动词:write postcardsand send them to friends。答案And7答案not8解析引导主语从句,what在主语从句中作主语。承上句:打何种电话,寄何种信件不重要,重要的是我们要让对方知道我们在乎他们。答案What

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