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《创新设计》2015高考英语(译林版)一轮对点题组练:模块4 UNIT 3 TOMORROWS WORLD(含答案解析).doc

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《创新设计》2015高考英语(译林版)一轮对点题组练:模块4 UNIT 3 TOMORROWS WORLD(含答案解析).doc_第1页
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《创新设计》2015高考英语(译林版)一轮对点题组练:模块4 UNIT 3 TOMORROWS WORLD(含答案解析).doc_第2页
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《创新设计》2015高考英语(译林版)一轮对点题组练:模块4 UNIT 3 TOMORROWS WORLD(含答案解析).doc_第3页
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1、Unit 3 Tomorrows world对 点 题 组.用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空1_(amaze)at the bad news,he shouted in a high voice.2You are too busy;you should have more _(confident)in yourself.3He was _(accuse)of stealing.4Hopes of a peace settlement are now _(fade)away.5My first _(impress)of him was that he was a kind and thoughtf

2、ul young man.答案1.Amazed2.confidence3.accused4.fading 5impression.单项填空1The computer was used in teaching.As a result,not only_,but students became more interested in the lessons.Asaved was teachers energyBwas teachers energy savedCteachers energy was saved Dwas saved teachers energy答案B考查倒装结构。句意:计算机应用

3、于教学,结果,不仅教师节省精力,而且学生对课程更感兴趣。not only.but also.连接两个并列分句,当not only放在句首时,第一个分句中的主语和谓语进行部分倒装,后一分句则不倒装。2When I wanted to express my thanks to him,words_me.I just held his hands firmly and choked.Aleft Bfled Cforgot Descaped答案D考查动词辨析。句意:当我想表达对他的谢意时,却不知要说什么。我只是紧紧握住他的手,哽咽了。escape“逃跑,逃脱;消失,忘掉,被遗忘”,符合句意。3_ tw

4、o exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend.AWith BBesidesCAs for DAs to答案A句意:因为担心两门考试,我这周得好好努力了。由语境及句子结构可知,with复合结构with two exams to worry about在句中作原因状语。besides“除了(还有)”;as for“至于,关于”;as to“至于,关于”。4In May,2011,Gao Xiaosong,a wellknown musician,was_of drunkdriving.Aexposed Baccused

5、Ccharged Dsentenced答案B考查动词词义辨析。A项“揭露,暴露”,不与介词of连用;B项“控告,控诉”,用于accuse sb of.结构中;C项“指控,控告”,用于charge sb with.结构中;D项“宣判,判决,判刑”,用于sentence sb to.结构中。5Its high time that we_to environmental protection and ecological improvement.Ahave devoted BdevotedCare devoting Dhad devoted答案B考查虚拟语气。句意:该是我们致力于环境保护和生态改善的

6、时候了。在Its(high/about)time that.结构中应使用虚拟语气,that后的谓语动词用一般过去时或should动词原形。6How did you find the London Eye during your visit to London as an exchange student?_!It impressed me very much.ARegretting BAmazingCFrustrating DAmusing答案B考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“在你作为一个交换生参观伦敦期间,你认为伦敦眼摩天轮怎么样?”“非常棒!给我留下的印象非常深刻。”A项为动词regret的现

7、在分词;B项“惊人的,很棒的,了不起的”;C项“令人沮丧的”;D项“有趣的,引人发笑的”。根据句意可知选B。7What are the workers talking about?They are discussing the idea the old worker_at the meeting yesterday.Aput forward Bcame upCset off Dbrought out答案A考查动词短语辨析。put forward“提出”;come up“走近,发生”;set off“出发”;bring out“出版,生产”。由语境可知,他们正在讨论那位老工人昨天在会上提出的主意

8、。8The old lady died from the_on her head;she was_when cleaning windows on the ladder when she fell off it.Ainjury;injured Bwound;woundedCwounded;hurt Dhurt;injured答案A句意:那个老妇人死于头部受伤,她在梯子上擦玻璃时突然摔了下去受了伤。第一个空填名词injury“伤”;第二个空填动词injured,be injured“(在事故中)受伤”。9Please_the numbers and Im sure they will_more

9、than 1,000.Aadd;add up Badd up;add upCadd up;add up to Dadd to;add up答案C句意:请把这些数字加起来,我确信它们加起来超过1 000。add up“加起来”,add up to“总计为”。10At the meeting,all the people were deeply_with her brilliant report.Aimpressed BsurprisedCexcited Dcomforted答案A考查动词词义辨析。句意:会议上,她才气横溢的报告给所有的人都留下了深刻的印象。be impressed with“对留下印象”,符合句意。surprised“吃惊的”;excited“兴奋的,激动的”;comforted“受到安慰的”。


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