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本文(2020人教版高中英语课堂同步必修4 课时提能练 17 UNIT 2 WORKING THE LAND WORD版含答案.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2020人教版高中英语课堂同步必修4 课时提能练 17 UNIT 2 WORKING THE LAND WORD版含答案.doc

1、课时提能练(十七) Unit 2Working the land课时作业A:基础层面.语境语法填空 AThe 1.discovery (discover) of America soon brought Europeans to this continent. The immigrants from the west world were of different 2.nationalities (national) but they had common goals: to seize property and wealth from Native Americans. Their ille

2、gal 3.occupation (occupy) of the arable land left many Native Americans starved to death. Theres still 4.confusion (confuse) about the number of people who died of 5.hunger (hungry) those years. After Columbus landed on America, Native Americans gradually lost their resources, 6.freedom (free) and c

3、ulture. The invaders almost snatched everything!BIn order to rid himself 7.of poverty, Wang Wei borrowed money from the bank and built 8.up his own business, 9.on which he focused all his energy. Thanks his efforts, his business has turned out to be very good and his wealth is beginning to bui

4、ld 11.up. His fellow villagers often visit him, having a hunger for a position in his factory. This sometimes leads his being caught in a dilemma,but Wang Wei tries not to disappoint them, thinking that it is his duty to keep them free 13.from/of difficult situations. He has even built in his

5、hometown an apartment where the elderly villagers can live free of charge.CThe conference is to be held at 14.what is called Hilton Hotel as was expected. Over 130 heads of state and government will attend the conference, 15.making (make) it the largest summit ever. I would rather you 16.turned (tur

6、n) up at the summit and, 17.if possible, delivered a speech on how to fight terrorism. Will you please accept our invitation? If, well make the arrangement ahead of schedule.根据提示补全句子1他们宁愿尝试后不成功也不愿放弃这个计划。They would try and fail rather than give up the plan. (would do. rather than do.)They prefe

7、r to try and fail rather than give up the plan. (prefer to do. rather than do.)They would rather try and fail than give up the plan. (would rather do. than do.)2很多人去了纽约,使之成为美国最大的城市。Many people moved to New York, which made it the largest city in the US.A. (定语从句)Many people moved to New York, making

8、it the largest city in the US.A. (分词作状语)3我们很遗憾地通知您,您的申请未通过。(regret)We regret to inform you that your application has not been successful.4大雨使我们更难按时到达那里。(make itadj.动词不定式)The heavy rain made it harder for us to get there on time.5开始你可能有些困难,如果是这样的话,请给我们打电话。(状语从句的省略)You may have some difficulty at firs

9、t. If so, please ring us.课时作业B:能力层面.阅读理解A(2019山西八校第一次联考)At a farm off Narrow Lane near Lexington, Kentucky, US., oldfashioned houses look over the little red barn(畜舍)The farm is mostly empty now.Jim Mahan and his family, who lived there for generations, have moved to a different plot of land in nort

10、hern Fayette County.As land is sold, houses go up where there once were fields.But during the summer, the barn is filled with city kids who have come to enjoy the farm. Theyre members of the Fayette County Livestock (FCL) Club, which showcases skills as varied as cutting wool. The barn is where they

11、 look after the animals. “A lot of Lexington kids dont know anything about farm life,” said Adria Meier, 17, who has looked after goats and sheep for three years.“There is so much to learn.”The dozen or so children who take care of their goats and sheep at the little red barn must do a sixhour class

12、 before they get an animal. They pay for their own animals but get special club programs, such as one that provides vet(兽医) care.Mahan lets the group use the barn for free, and the kids spend up to three hours a day there during the summer.But as his land gets sold, he doesnt know whether the club c

13、an continue. What makes the FCL Club special is that most of the kids cant just walk out their doors and take care of their animals. Most are driven to the barn by their mothers, who usually hang around and chat as their kids feed and exercise the animals. There are valuable lessons learned along th

14、e way. For instance, dont cut wool off your goat when there is wind, and sheep are social animals and will cry loudly when separated. “Tending to animals helps teach us responsibility. Unlike learning to shoot an arrow, caring for an animal isnt something you can simply abandon,” said Carly Playfort

15、h, 16, of Lexington.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文, 向我们讲述了一群城里的孩子来到乡间农场体验不同的生活,照顾农场动物的故事。1What is the requirement for kids before they get animals?AAttend a class.BPay certain money.CHave varied skills.DGet special club programs.A细节理解题。根据第三段中的“must do a sixhour class before they get an animal”可知, 得到动物之前, 孩子们必须上一节六小

16、时的课程, 这个课程可能是培训孩子们如何照顾动物的。2What do we know about the club?AIt offers services unconditionally.BIt pays for their use of the barn.CIt lets mothers care for animals.DIt allows mothers to push kids.D推理判断题。根据第四段中的“Most are driven to the barn by their mothers”可推知, 该俱乐部让孩子的妈妈督促孩子参与农场活动, 故选D项。3How does Car

17、ly Playforth feel about the experience?ASuspicious.BMoved.CAppreciative.DOpposed.C观点态度题。最后一段首句是段落主旨句,作者引用Carly Playforth的话是为了进一步说明照顾动物教会孩子们的珍贵东西, 比如责任。 由此可知, Carly Playforth对这种经历是赞赏的(appreciative)。4What is the passage mainly about? AKids life on a sold farm.BValuable lessons learned on the farm.CA s

18、pecial club intended for Lexington kids.DA club activity of caring for farm animals.D主旨大意题。根据文章内容可知, 本文重点介绍的是FCL俱乐部借助一个农场举办的活动让孩子们亲自照顾动物, 在这一过程中, 孩子们获益匪浅。 故D项概括最为全面。B(2019昆明高三摸底调研测试)A new study shows that rising levels of planetwarming gases may reduce important nutrients(营养物) in food crops.Research

19、ers studied the effects of carbon dioxide on rice.In the experiment, scientists grew 18 kinds of rice in fields in China and Japan. They set carbon dioxide levels to what scientists are predicting for our planet by the end of the century. Rice grown under high carbon dioxide conditions had, on avera

20、ge, 13 to 30 percent lower levels of four B vitamins and 10 percent less protein(蛋白质). The crops also had 8 percent less iron and 5 percent less zinc than rice grown under normal conditions. However, vitamin E levels increased by about 13 percent on average.The researchers said the effects of planet

21、warming gases would be most severe for the poorest citizens in some of the least developed countries. These people generally eat the most rice and have the least complex diets. That includes about 600 million people in Indonesia, Cambodia, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Laos and other nations, mainly in South

22、east Asia.Other studies have shown that higher temperatures from climate change and weather extremes will reduce food production. And scientists are finding that rising levels of carbon dioxide and other planetwarming gases threaten food quality.Earlier studies showed that wheat, rice, field peas an

23、d soybeans grown under high carbon dioxide conditions all had lower levels of protein and minerals. Scientists predicted that almost 150 million people might be at risk of having too little protein or zinc in their diet by 2050.The new study suggests a way to lower the nutritional harm of climate ch

24、ange. That is to grow different forms of rice that can adapt to higher carbon dioxide levels.【语篇解读】本文介绍了温室气体如何减少粮食作物中的营养物质以及降低气候变化对营养物的损害的方法。5Growing rice under high carbon dioxide conditions may Aincrease iron in the riceBmake it less nutritiousCcause losses of vitamin EDmake it more deliciousB细节理解

25、题。根据第二段中的“Rice grown under high carbon dioxide conditions had, on average, 13 to 30 percent lower levels.less protein(蛋白质)”可知, B项为正确答案。A、C、D三项的表述均与原文表述不符。6How can people reduce the nutritional harm of climate change?ABy importing rice from China and Japan.BBy taking other kinds of food instead of ri

26、ce.CBy avoiding eating rice from Southeast Asia.DBy growing rice suitable for the environment.D细节理解题。根据文章最后一句“That is to grow different forms of rice that can adapt to higher carbon dioxide levels.”可知, D项为正确答案。7Whats the authors purpose of writing the text?ATo inform readers what nutrients food crop

27、s contain.BTo call on people to care for the planet they live on.CTo share the results of some studies on peoples diets.DTo tell readers where food crops are mainly produced.B写作意图题。通读全文可知, 本文通过介绍温室气体增加对粮食作物的影响来唤起人们对人类赖以生存的地球家园的保护。故选B。8In which part of a magazine can you read the text?AAdvertisements

28、. BArt and culture.CScience reports. DBusiness news.C文章出处题。通读全文,尤其是文中的“study”“Researchers”“studies”等可推知, 本文是一篇研究报道, 在杂志的科学报道部分能读到本文。.阅读七选五(2019重庆市七校联考)It is known to us all that thinking is a good thing. However, some people dont do it enough, while some people overthink everything. If youre an over

29、thinker, it can be exhausting running through all the possibilities of everything. Its not good that the whatifs run your life and you are trapped. 1 Here are some signs that you are an overthinker, even if you dont feel you are. 2 Why didnt the girl look at me?And why did Peter look away so fast?Wh

30、at does it all mean?When youre an overthinker, you tend to find meaning in the world around you. Its helpful to remind yourself that things mean the meaning you give them.You think more than you do.Sometimes you think so much that you dont end up doing anything. You weigh the choices, decide which i

31、s the best, and compare it with a new choice. You end up doing nothing. 3 You find it difficult to let things go.When youve invested a lot of time and energy into something, it can be hard to let it go when it isnt working. 4 The more you think about something, the more it can eat away at you.You wa

32、nt to get everything right.You might be a perfectionist. You always do your best. But when you dont get everything right, you seriously blame yourself. By recognizing that this can be a strength as well as a Weakness, you should know that you simply cant get everything right, despite your best effor

33、ts. 5 Remind yourself that you can balance your level of overthinking with more doing. You can even teach someone else who underthinks!AYou may continue thinking about it even when you believe you have already let it go.BYou assume that others know what youre thinking about.CRemember that, instead o

34、f just thinking,its equally important to act.DYoure proud of the act that youre always thinking.EYou look for meaning in everything.FIts even worse when youre unaware that you are just like this.GCan any of the above signs be found on you?【语篇解读】本文主要对过度思虑的一些迹象进行了简要的说明。1F根据上文中的“Its not good that the w

35、hatifs run your life and you are trapped”可知,空处应是说明更深一层的坏处,所以选F项。2E根据文章结构及空处所在的位置可知,空处为本段的小标题,且根据本段的内容及关键词“meaning”可知,E项能概括本段内容。3C根据本段的小标题You think more than you do及空处前一句可推知,空处是作者针对该段描述的现象所给出的建议。故C项符合语境。4A根据本段的小标题You find it difficult to let things go 及空后一句“The more you think about something, the mor

36、e it can eat away at you”可推知,A项符合语境。5G与上文“Here are some signs that you are an overthinker, even if you dont feel you are”呼应可知,G项符合语境。.语法填空(2019济南八市高三联考)Jin Yong(10 March 192430 October 2018) was a Chinese wuxia novelist,1._ cofounded the Hong Kong daily newspaper Ming Bao in 1959 and served as 2._ f

37、irst editorinchief.He was one of the most famous writers in China.His wuxia has a widespread following in Chinese communities worldwide.His 15 works 3._(produce) between 1955 and 1972 earned him a reputation as one of the greatest and most popular wuxia writers ever.Over 100 million 4._(copy) of his

38、 works have been sold worldwide.According to The Oxford Guide to Contemporary World Literature,Jin Yongs novels are 5._(high) evaluated and are able to appeal to both highbrow and lowbrow tastes.His works have the unusual ability 6._(go) beyond geographical and ideological barriers separating Chines

39、e communities of the world,achieving 7._(great) success than any other contemporary writer.His works 8._(translate) into many languages so far.There 9._(be) many fans outside of Chinesespeaking areas,as a result of the numerous adaptations of his works into films,television series,comics and video g

40、ames.Jin Yong is named along with Gu Long and Liang Yusheng as the “Three Legs of the Tripod of wuxia”and the asteroid(小行星) 10930 Jinyong(1998 CR2) is named 10._ him.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了著名的武侠小说作家金庸的相关情况。1who考查定语从句的关系代词。who在此引导非限制性定语从句,先行词指人。句意:金庸(1924年3月10日2018年10月30日)是中国武侠小说家,1959年他与人共同创办了香港日报明报,并任

41、第一任主编。2the/its考查冠词或形容词性物主代词。序数词前用定冠词the表示特指;也可用形容词性物主代词its。3produced考查非谓语动词。过去分词短语作后置定语修饰works,produce与works之间为逻辑上的动宾关系。句意:他的武侠小说在世界各地的华人群体有着广泛的追随者。1955年至1972年间创作的15部(武侠)作品为他赢得了史上最伟大、最受欢迎的武侠作家之一的美誉。4copies考查名词的复数。由前面的“Over 100 million”可知,此处用复数形式。句意:他的作品在全世界售出了1亿多册。5highly考查词形转换。此处应用副词highly作状语修饰谓语。句

42、意:根据牛津当代世界文学指南,金庸的小说获得高度评价并能够雅俗共赏。6to go考查非谓语动词。动词不定式短语作后置定语修饰ability。句意:他的作品有不同寻常的超越分隔全世界华人群体的地理和意识形态障碍的能力,取得了比其他任何当代作家更大的成功。7greater考查形容词比较级。根据句中的than可知此处应用比较级。8have been translated考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致。由时间状语so far可知应用现在完成时;主语His works与translate为被动关系,故用现在完成时的被动语态;又主语为复数,故填have been translated。句意:迄今为止,他的作品已被译成多种语言。9are考查动词的时态和主谓一致。此处是There be句型,根据就近原则及many fans可知用复数形式;描述客观事实用一般现在时,故填are。句意:由于他的作品被多次改编成电影、电视剧、漫画和视频游戏,有许多(他的)书迷来自说中文的地区之外。10after考查介词。name after是固定短语,意为“以命名”,句中用了其被动形式。句意:金庸与古龙、梁羽生并称为“武侠小说三大宗师”,并且10930 Jinyong(1998 CR2)这颗小行星是以他的名字命名的。

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