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本文(2015全国100所名校单元测试示范卷&高三&英语卷 第十四套 选修6 UNITS 3-5(教师用卷).doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2015全国100所名校单元测试示范卷&高三&英语卷 第十四套 选修6 UNITS 3-5(教师用卷).doc

1、全国100所名校单元测试示范卷高三英语卷(十四)第十四套英语6Units 35(120分钟150分)第卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.What time will the speakers get to the theatre if they leave now?A.At 7:30. B.At 7:45. C.At 8:00.2.What does

2、the man suggest the woman do?A.Ask Mary to help her.B.Type the data quickly.C.Put the data into the computer at once.3.What does the woman mean?A.She still hasn􀆳t understood what was shocking.B.She wasn􀆳t able to manage the project well.C.She􀆳s not sure how she was able to

3、 finish so early.4.What is the woman􀆳s advice?A.To eat every bit of food the man has been given.B.To clean the plate after the man finishes eating.C.To give Mrs Jameson something the man doesn􀆳t like.5.How is the traffic at this time every day?A.Fine. B.Heavy. C.Unusual.第二节(共15小题;每

4、小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6.Where is the woman?A.At home. B.In the office. C.On the road.7.Who would visit the man at four this afternoon?A.Mr Hopkins. B.Mr Johnson. C.Miss Li. 听

5、第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8.What kind of money does the woman want?A.Hong Kong dollars.B.American dollars. C.British pounds.9.What is the woman asked to show before exchanging the money?A.Her passport. B.Her bank card. C.Her ID card.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10.When does the woman􀆳s sister plan to arrive?A.At 7

6、:30 am. B.At 7:30 pm. C.At 8:30 pm.11.Where are the speakers?A.At the airport. B.At the train station.C.At the air ticket office.12.Where was the woman􀆳s sister last time they communicated?A.In London. B.In Hetton. C.In her home.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13.Why does the man take part in this match?A

7、.He loves this game. B.He wants to do some exercise. C.He has confidence in his strength.14.What does the man think of the young people nowadays?A.They do nothing good for their health. B.They love all kinds of sports. C.They seldom watch games on TV.15.What does the man suggest the woman do?A.Never

8、 stick to only one type of exercise.B.Take part in the race next year. C.Do easy movements at first.16.How long does the man manage to do some exercise every day? A.120 minutes. B.20 minutes. C.12 minutes.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17.What is polite to do after a meal? A.Saying goodbye to the host and go hom

9、e.B.Staying for at least thirty minutes. C.Showing your thanks and leave.18.What is considered impolite when you are invited to a meal?A.Arriving early. B.Arriving late. C.Not accepting the invitation.19.Where will the hostess probably meet you when you arrive?A.In the living room. B.In the sitting

10、room. C.At the door.20.What does the hostess plan to do after the dinner?A.Offer some entertainment. B.Take your coat and hat. C.Express her thanks.试题答案15BACAB610BABAB1115AACAC1620ABBCA附:听力部分录音材料(Text 1)M:We􀆳ll have to hurry if we don􀆳t want to miss the beginning of the play. It

11、049011;s already 7:30.W:Well, it takes 15 minutes to get to the theatre and the play doesn􀆳t begin until 8:00.(Text 2)W:How can I get all this data into the computer on time?M:You could ask Mary to give you a hand.(Text 3)M:I was shocked when I heard you􀆳d finished your research pa

12、per a whole month early.W:How I managed to do it is still a mystery to me.(Text 4)W:Be sure to clean your plate while you􀆳re there.M:Even if Mrs Jameson gives me something I don􀆳t like?W:Yes, especially if she gives you something you don􀆳t like.(Text 5)W:I want to go to Ye

13、llow Street.M:Yes, Madam. It􀆳ll take about twenty minutes.W:I see there are too many cars. It􀆳s about the same every day at this time.(Text 6)W:Good afternoon, Mr Zhao.M:Hello, Miss Li. I think you􀆳ve got some messages for me.W:Yes. Do you want to read them now?M:Can you t

14、ell me what they are, please? I􀆳m in a hurry.W:Yes, Mr Johnson left a message.M:Mr Johnson?W:Yes, Mr Johnson of the BEC Development Corporation. He rang to ask about buying some TV sets.M:Anything else?W:Yes, Mr Hopkins rang and he would be here at four this afternoon as you asked.M:Right.

15、Put them here on my desk. I􀆳ll be back then. Goodbye.(Text 7)M:Good morning. Can I help you?W:Yes. I􀆳d like to change some traveler􀆳s cheques into cash, please.M:Certainly, Madam. How much would you like to change?W:200 pounds, please, into American dollars. Could you tell

16、 me today􀆳s rate of exchange?M:Of course. It is 1.62 dollars to the pound. Do you have your passport with you?W:Yes. Here is my passport.M:Thank you very much. Now, could you please sign your cheques? Just here. That􀆳s right, thank you. Now, 200 pounds. That will be a total of 324

17、dollars. How would you like it?W:Oh, in small notes.M:So, here you are. That􀆳s 50, 100, 150, 170,190.(Text 8)M:Look, Jenny. I don􀆳t understand what􀆳s going on. You said your sister was arriving at 7:30 and it􀆳s 8:30 now. W:I am sorry, Mike. I don􀆳t unders

18、tand, either. Here􀆳s Helen􀆳s telegram. Have a look at it.M:Arriving at Hetton Tuesday 7:30 pm. Jenny, where does she come from? What airline is she traveling on? What􀆳s the flight number?W:I don􀆳t know, do I? The telegram is the only information I have. The last t

19、ime we heard from her, she was in London.M:Then let􀆳s check flights from London. I think that􀆳s the best thing to do.W:You needn􀆳t do that. Here she comes. Go and get your car.(Text 9)W:How do you do, Mark? I􀆳m the reporter from the Sports Weekly. May I ask you so

20、me questions about the Marathon Race that you􀆳ve finished?M:Please go ahead. W:What makes you participate in such a long race?M:I have confidence in my strength. You know, I manage to do some exercise for two hours every day.W:Do you mean that regular exercise contributes a lot to your exce

21、llent health?M:Sure. Young people nowadays watch games on television and read about sports in the newspaper and say they love sports. I can􀆳t see any good of that.W:I am one of those young people. What shall I do?M:A person is a kind of machine that wears out for lack of use. You can start

22、with some easy movements, such as jogging and swimming.W:Shall I stick to one exercise?M:You can stick to a type of exercise that is suitable for you. But your general health level is likely to increase through a variety of different activities.W:Thank you for your advice. And I hope I can see you i

23、n the race next year.(Text 10)In English-speaking countries, when you receive an invitation you should answer it immediately, saying whether you are able to accept it or not. If the invitation is given by word of mouth, you should answer at once whether you can come or not. If you can not give an an

24、swer at that time, you may say, “May I let you know this evening?” or some such words.When you are invited to lunch or supper, it is very impolite to arrive late. When you arrive, the hostess or some members of the family will probably meet you at the door and take your coat and hat. In a few minute

25、s the hostess will ask her guests to come in to dinner. She may or may not ask each gentleman to take a lady in. If she does, the lady will take the gentleman􀆳s arm as they walk into the dining room. If she does not, the ladies will go in first, followed by the gentlemen. The hostess will e

26、ither point out their seats to the guests as they come in or have a place card at each place with the guest􀆳s name on it.After the meal is over it is not polite to leave within half an hour, otherwise you seem to have come only for the meal. An evening dinner invitation usually means that y

27、ou stay for the whole evening. The hostess often plans some after-dinner entertainment.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。 A When my father was a boy, he had a dog named Laddie Patrick. Laddie stayed constantly by Dad􀆳s sidefishing, playing ball, an

28、d even following him to school. In fact, my grandmother had a habit of waiting until my father had arrived at school before sending Laddie outside. This was no problem for Laddie because he would simply follow his boy􀆳s smell and track him all the way to Howard Junior High School. Arriving

29、after all the doors had closed, Laddie would sit outside the school and wait patiently. Eventually, someone would open a door and Laddie would slip in after him. Once inside, the dog would walk from room to room until he had found his master. Of course, Dad􀆳s teacher would immediately deman

30、d that the dog be removed: “School is no place for dogs,” he􀆳d say. My father would obey, leading Laddie outside and firmly commanding, “Go home!” Every time this happened, though, Laddie would soon reappear under my father􀆳s desk. Finally, Dad􀆳s teacher relented, and from

31、 that point on, whenever Laddie appeared in class, Dad would say, “Lie down,” and the dog would lie quietly under the desk while the boy went about his work. Years later, my father went off to join his five brothers in World War , but Laddie continued to attend school, lying quietly each day at the

32、feet of Dad􀆳s younger brother, Dick. Laddie􀆳s attendance was so consistent that Howard Junior High School awarded him an honorary diploma when Dick graduated. Now, that􀆳s one smart dog. Years later, when my dad was an adult, he met another dog: Casey. Casey went everywhere

33、 with Dad. In fact, I complained Dad spent more time with Casey than he did with any of his human family members. Casey trusted my father unconditionally, but sometimes Casey􀆳s blind faith in my dad got them both into trouble.21.What can we learn from the second paragraph?A.Laddie was a sma

34、rt and sensitive dog.B.Laddie strictly observed the school rules.C.My father was often punished for Laddie.D.Almost everyone was frightened by Laddie.22.The underlined word “relented” in Paragraph 2 probably means “”. A.insisted onB.gave inC.shouted outD.gave away23.Laddie got an honorary diploma .A

35、.because Dick graduated from school smoothlyB.because he was regarded as the cleverest dogC.because he was a specially devoted studentD.because Dad􀆳s teacher loved him afterwards24.From the passage we know that .A.Casey had complete faith in the author􀆳s father.B.the author𙧅

36、1;s father has no hobby except raising dogsC.the author􀆳s father􀆳s five brothers died in World War IID.the author dislikes his father keeping dogs【答案与解析】文章讲述了父亲在不同时期饲养的两只狗的故事。21.A根据第2段的“someone would open a door and Laddie would slip in after him”可知,这只狗很聪慧灵敏。22.B根据第2段最后一句中的“from th

37、at point on, whenever Laddie appeared in class”可知,后来老师默许这只狗呆在教室。 23.C根据第3段的“Laddie􀆳s attendance was so consistent.”可知,Laddie始终如一的“上学”使他得到荣誉毕业证书。24.A文章末段的“Casey trusted my father unconditionally, but sometimes Casey􀆳s blind faith in my dad got them both into trouble”可知。BOne of the m

38、any ways smoking causes harm is by damaging the lungs and causing lung diseases. For example, about 9 in 10 people who have a serious lung disease are, or have been, heavy smokers. It􀆳s no surprise, then, that recent studies have suggested that the early signs of a serious lung disease are

39、that people are less physically active or become very out of breath when they exercise. Does smoking affect their ability to exercise? This study compared 60 smokers with no breathing problems with 50 people who didn􀆳t smoke and who were of a similar age, sex, and physique (身体素质). All the p

40、eople in the study wore a machine called a step-counter (a pedometer). It recorded how many steps they took over six days. This was used as a measure of how physically active they were. The researchers also tested how well people􀆳s lungs were working, and how far they could walk in six minu

41、tes on a treadmill. Finally, the people in the study completed a questionnaire about their health and quality of life. People who smoked walked fewer steps in an average day (7,923) than people who didn􀆳t smoke (9,553). The researchers say the fact that smokers were less physically active c

42、ould be explained by their other findings. People who smoked weren􀆳t able to breathe as well, and weren􀆳t able to walk as far in the six-minute walk test. Smokers were also less motivated to exercise than people who didn􀆳t smoke. People who smoked had a poorer quality of l

43、ife and were more likely to have anxiety or depression than people who didn􀆳t smoke. However, the researchers couldn􀆳t say what may have come firstwhether people became depressed or anxious because they smoked, or if they smoked because of their anxiety. The researchers say this is

44、 the first study to find that people who smoke are less physically active than people who don􀆳t smoke even before they develop lung problems or lung diseases. The results suggest that even smokers who don􀆳t have lung diseases may already have some lung damage that reduces their abi

45、lity to exercise. Then there is the question of motivation: it may be that some people smoke because they are unhappy or anxious, and that makes them less likely to exercise. A small study like this one can􀆳t answer all these questions, but it does raise some interesting ones. If you would

46、like to stop smoking, your doctor or practice nurse will be happy to help.25.To carry out the further studies, the researchers .A.used accurate means to track the participantsB.invented a machine to record the steps they tookC.imagined the early signs of a serious lung diseaseD.decided to pick out s

47、ome people of good physique 26.Smokers were less physically active in that .A.their lungs almost lost the basic functionB.they couldn􀆳t walk as fast as no-smokersC.they wasted time smoking when exercisingD.they actually had some trouble in breathing 27.Which can replace the underlined word

48、“treadmill” in the passage? A.Running machine. B.Working room.C.Monitoring machine.D.Working system.28.It can be inferred from the passage that .A.all the smokers know they have lung problemsB.smokers may be suffering from sleep disordersC.doctors will help smokers quit smoking for freeD.anxiety and

49、 depression only comes from smoking【答案与解析】新的研究表明,吸烟有害健康,不但表现在对肺功能的损害上,还会让你运动量少,睡眠质量差,人变懒惰,缺乏改变生活的动力。25.A根据第3段内容可知,研究者请60位吸烟者和50位不吸烟者在六天中,带上计步器,以便记录下他们活动的量。26.D根据第5段内容可知,吸烟的人因为他们的呼吸不流畅,导致运动量少,变得懒惰。27.A根据该句中的“tested how well people􀆳s lungs were working, and how far they could walk in six minu

50、tes”可推知,该词的词义为一种测试跑步的工具。28.B根据第6段第1句可知,吸烟的人生活质量相对较低,更可能有焦虑或抑郁的状况,焦虑、抑郁常导致人们睡眠不好。CNight Dancer, Clika UnigweISBN(International Standard Book Number):1400068339Mma has just buried her mother, and now she is alone. She has been left everything. But she􀆳s also got her mother􀆳s bad name

51、. A shameful woman, the only thing her mother refused to discuss was her past. Why did she flee her family and bring her daughter to a new town? Clika Unigwe􀆳s third novel is a tale of one woman􀆳s search for belonging, set against the background of Nigeria.The Dream of the Celt, Ma

52、rio, Vargas LlosaISBN: 1250033322It is the summer of 1916 and Roger Casement awaits the hangman(刽子手) in London􀆳s Prison. Dublin lies in ruins after the disastrous Easter Rising led by his comrades of the Irish Volunteers. For the past year he has attempted to raise an Irish troop to fight a

53、gainst the British Empire. And now his request for mercy is threatened with his private diary made public. Another Country, Anjali JosephISBN: 9780007462773Paris, London, Bombay: three cities form a backdrop to a journey through Leela􀆳s twenties at the dawn of the new millennium (千年), as sh

54、e learns to adapt to the world, work, relationships and sex.The second novel from Joseph, Another Country brings a cool eye to friendship, love, and the idea of belonging in its movement through old and new worlds. The Prisoner of Heaven, Carlos Ruiz Zafon ISBN: 9780062206282Daniel and his old frien

55、d Fermin Romero de Torres are tending shop. Both men lead relatively happy and quite lives. But a mysterious visitor soon leads Fermin to open up about a past that has come back to trouble him.a story that will leave Daniel questioning his very existence.This is the third in the cycle of books. The

56、previous books are The Shadow of the Wind and The Angle􀆳s Game. This latest book bears all the Zafon characteristics: imprisonment and betrayal. 29.The ISBN for the book about a woman􀆳s search for belonging is . A.1400068339B.1250033322 C.9780007462773D.978006220628230.Which book e

57、xplores the character􀆳s growth at the turn of the century?A.Night Dancer. B.The Dream of The Celt. C.Another Country.D.The Prisoner of Heaven. 31.Who has written a book series? A.Clika Unigwe. B.Mario, Vargas Llosa.C.Anjali Joseph. D.Carlos Ruiz Zafon.【答案与解析】文章主要是对四本书进行了简单的介绍。29.A根据第1本书的介绍中

58、“Clika Unigwe􀆳s third novel is a tale of one woman􀆳s search for belonging”可知。30.C根据第3本书的介绍中“.at the dawn of the new millennium.”可知。31.D根据第4本书的介绍中“This is the third in the cycle of books”可知,作者Carlos Ruiz Zafon写了一套系列书。DGovernments all over the world make public reports about the cond

59、ition of their economies. Most countries, including the United States, have used a measure called the gross national product (国民生产总值) or GNP. It includes all goods and services produced by citizens of the country anywhere in the world.Recently the American Commerce Department has started using a new

60、 method to measure production. It is known as the gross domestic product (国内生产总值) or GDP. It counts only goods and services that have been produced within the nation􀆳s borders. Money earned by foreign companies operating in the United States is included in the GDP, but money earned by Ameri

61、can companies operating in other countries is not.Economic experts generally approve of the change. They say that the gross domestic product provides a truer measure of the economy. They also note that most other industrial countries use this method. Therefore it will be easier to study the economie

62、s of different countries. Some officials also hope the new system will help them make better economic policy decisions. It will provide them with a clearer understanding of economic activity in the US. The new measure is less likely to be affected by sudden changes in foreign oil prices or in the va

63、lue of the American dollar in other countries.Economic experts believe that the change from GNP to GDP will immediately reduce the value of American production by at least 40,000 million dollars a year. But that is really a very small change in the American economyless than 1% . The Commerce Departm

64、ent reports the unofficial gross domestic product once every three months. The government also continues to report GNP as it has four times a year since 1941.32.To report the American GDP, the Commerce Department should count money earned both American and foreign companies in Amer

65、ican companies within its own American companies in its foreign foreign companies in the United States33.GDP is considered better than GNP by some economists because is something new is easier to calculate is used by most is less likely to be aff

66、ected by the foreign market34.What will happen to the value of American economy if GDP is used to replace GNP?A.It will be seriously affected. B.It will not be affected.C.It will come down a little. D.It will slightly go up.35.How often are the reports of GDP issued by the American Commerce Departme

67、nt?A.Once every four months. B.Once every three months.C.Once every six months. D.Once a year.【答案与解析】全世界各国政府都会定期对经济状况进行一次公开报告。包括美国在内的大多数国家都在使用GNP(国民生产总值)来衡量经济发展状况。最近,美国国务部开始使用一种新的测量方法GDP(国内生产总值)来衡量经济的发展。32.A根据第2段“It counts only goods and services that have been produced within the nation􀆳s

68、borders. Money earned by foreign companies operating in the United States is included in the GDP”可知,国内生产总值包括外国人在本国范围内生产的产品和提供的服务。故选A项。33.D根据第3段“The new measure is less likely to be affected by sudden changes in foreign oil prices or in the value of the American dollar in other countries”可知,使用国内生产总值来

69、衡量经济发展,可以避开国外市场的波动,故选D项。34.C根据最后一段“.the change from GNP to GDP will immediately reduce the value of American production by at least 40,000 million dollars a year.a very small change.”可知,用GDP代替GNP会使美国的生产总值下降一点,故选C项。35.B根据最后一段“The Commerce Department reports the unofficial gross domestic product once

70、every three months”可知,美国商务部每三个月做一次报告,故选B项。第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 May the first is an important date in the college admission process in the United States. This is the last day for high school seniors to accept or reject offers of admission in the fall. But ac

71、cording to a recent report, there is a great change. Acceptance rates at the top colleges this year were lower than ever. 36 These days, college applicants are applying to more colleges because online and common applications make the process easier. 37 On the other hand, deciding students for top co

72、lleges to accept can be difficult because it takes much time. Students may not like being put on waiting lists. Also, common colleges work more to get the students they accept to accept them. Some colleges hold visiting days that offer a chance to attend classes and stay overnight. Some universities

73、 send gifts. 38 For many families, the most important thing colleges can do is to show them the money, especially this year; the weak economy makes parents nervous. 39 The recent problems that spread from the housing market to credit markets have even affected student􀆳s loans. So lately, to

74、p schools have to spare lots of money to increase their financial aid for students.40 The Education Department expects the number of high school graduates to start to go down. This will happen as the last of the children of the baby boom generation finishes high school. The number is not expected to

75、 start rising again until 2015.A.What contributes to it?B.But top colleges ignore them.C.They cannot afford college as planned.D.But a mistake can be costly if it happens.E.It can mean several acceptances to choose from.F.They have international students who know English.G.Besides, top colleges are

76、facing changes in the population.答案:3640AEBCG 第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I was walking down a dark street one evening when I heard screams coming from behind some 41. Out of my first instinct, I 42 to listen, and panicked when I

77、realized that what I was hearing were the sounds of a 43. Only yards from where I stood, a woman was being attacked. “Should I get 44?” I thought. I was 45 for my own safety, and I hated myself for having suddenly decided to take a(n) 46 route home that night. “What if I􀆳m 47 too?” Although

78、 it felt like a century, my thought process had only taken seconds. But already the girl􀆳s 48 were growing weaker.I knew I had to 49 fast. “How can I walk away from this?” I asked myself. “No”, I finally resolved(决定). “I cannot 50 my back on the fate of this unknown girl, even if it means r

79、isking my own life.” I ran behind the bushes and pulled the 51 off the girl. Struggling, we fell to the ground, where we fought for a few minutes until the man jumped up and 52. Breathing heavily, I got to my 53 and approached the girl, who was sobbing behind a tree. In the darkness, I could 54 see

80、her outline, but I could certainly sense her trembling 55. Not wanting to frighten her any 56, I at first spoke to her from a distance.“It􀆳s OK,” I said. “The man ran away. You􀆳re 57 now.” There was a long pause and then I heard the 58, said in wonder, in 59. “Dad, is that you?” An

81、d then, from 60 the tree, stepped my youngest daughter, Katherine.41.A.pinesB.bamboosC.bushesD.dustbins42.A.turned upB.slowed downC.hung out away43.A.whisperB.quarrelC.whistleD.struggle44.A. concernedB.panickedC.centeredD.started45.A.motivatedB.inspiredC.dissatisfiedD.frightened46.A.similarB.o



84、的声音。42.B要想弄清女孩的位置,作者需要放慢脚步听。slow down“减速慢行”。43.D根据下一句可推断,作者听到的是挣扎的声音。44.A作者在考虑要不要受牵连。45.D根据下文可知,因为可能危及自身安全,所以作者有些害怕。46.C作者走的这条路是临时决定的新路线。47.A作者担心自己受到伤害。48.B在作者犹豫的片刻,女孩已经挣扎了一段时间,因此声音越来越弱了。49.D根据下文的“How can I walk away from this?”说明作者要立刻做出反应。50.B作者要去帮助那位被袭击的女孩,他认为不能不管那位女孩。turn one􀆳s back on“不

85、理睬;背弃”。51.D作者把袭击者从女孩身边拽开。52.A打斗了几分钟,直到那个人跳起来逃跑了。53.C作者站起来,走过去看这个女孩。54.B在黑暗中看不清女孩的轮廓。55.C作者能感受到女孩受到的惊吓。56.D作者不想让女孩更加害怕。57.B根据上文的“The man ran away”说明此时女孩是安全的。58.A根据下文的“Dad, is that you?”可知,此处应填的词是指话语。59.C女孩此时惊讶地发现来人竟是自己的父亲。60.B女孩从树后面走出来。第卷第三部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内

86、容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。There are times when people are so tired that they fall asleep almost anywhere. We can see a lot of people sleeping on the bus or train on their way home 61 work in the evening. A man will be reading the newspaper, and seconds later it appears as if he is trying to eat it. Or h

87、e will fall asleep on the shoulder of the stranger sitting next to him. Another place where 62 (plan) short sleep goes on is in the lecture hall 63 a student will start snoring so loudly that the professor has to ask 64 student to shake the sleeper awake. A more 65 (embarrass) situation occurs when

88、a student starts falling into sleep and 66 weight of the head pushes the arm off the desk, and the movement carries the rest of the body along. The student wakes up on the floor with no memory of getting there. The 67 (bad) time to fall asleep is when driving. Police reports are full of accidents th

89、at occur when people fall into sleep and go off the road. 68 the drivers are lucky, they are not seriously hurt. One woman􀆳s car, for example, went into the river. She woke up in four feet of water and thought that it 69 (rain). When people are really tired, 70 will stop them from falling a

90、sleepno matter where they are.答案:61.after / from62.unplanned63.where64.another65.embarrassing66.the67.worst68.If69.was raining70.nothing第四部分:写作(共两节,满分35分)第一节:短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处,每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并在其下面写出该加的词。删除:把多余的词用斜线()

91、划掉。修改:在错的词下画一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。Online shopping is increasing popular among people in recent years. Some people liked to buy goods online. And I don􀆳t like it, because online shopping is more reliable than the traditional sale. Firstly, some dishon

92、est merchant offer customers to false information online. Secondly, consumers can􀆳t feel the items that is usually presented by means of pictures. This means the items delivering may differ from which consumers expect. As a result, they may risk returning the items at their own expense. Thi

93、rdly, the items might be damaged during delivery. In word, online shopping isn􀆳t reliable at all.答案:Online shopping is popular among people in recent years. Some people to buy goods online. I don􀆳t like it, because online shopping is reliable than the traditional sale. Firstly, som

94、e dishonest offer customers to false information online. Secondly, consumers can􀆳t feel the items that usually presented by means of pictures. This means the items may differ from consumers expect. As a result, they may risk returning the items at their own expense. Thirdly, the items might

95、 be damaged during delivery. In word, online shopping isn􀆳t reliable at all.第二节:书面表达(满分25分)假如你是李华,即将高三毕业,你的父母打算让你高中毕业后申请到国外读大学,但你拿不定主意,写信向你在英国伦敦留学的笔友Jack征求意见。内容包括:1.你的目前状况;2.你的顾虑;3.期盼回复。注意:1.词数100左右;2.开头和结尾已为你写好(不计入总词数)。Dear Jack,Yours,Li Hua答案:One possible version:Dear Jack, I􀆳m y

96、our pen-friend,Li Hua. I badly need some advice about studying abroad. My parents are considering sending me to study in an American university after I graduate from high school. I feel confused and unsure about it, so I am writing to you for your valuable advice. Although some of my classmates have

97、 decided to apply for a foreign university in the future, I am really wondering whether it is good to do so. I know, studying abroad will cost more than here. Moreover, I don􀆳t know if I can be well fit for the foreign life and study there. I wish to get some practical advice from you since you have been living in London for a few years.Looking forward to receiving your reply. Yours,Li Hua

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