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2015年新课标版历史选修1 双基限时练7.doc

1、随堂演练.完成句子1Dr. Smith is _ _ _ (负责) the laboratory. (charge)答案in charge of2This company is _ _ _ _ (主管) his father. (charge)答案in the charge of3The manager of the factory has retired because of his old age, and the board hasnt decided who to _ _ _ (负责)it. (take)答案take charge of4The suffering has affect

2、ed _ _ _ _ _ (她的身心健康). (both)答案both her mental and physical health5She was _ _ (罚款) speeding downtown. (fine)答案fined for.单句语法填空(不多于3个单词)1I am in charge _ the class which was in_ charge of my wife.答案与解析of; thein charge of“负责;管理”,其主语通常是人;in the charge of“由负责或管理”,其主语通常是物。2We are told that a new factory

3、 _ (set) up here next year.答案与解析will be set本句是一个含有宾语从句的句子,主句是一般现在时态,时间状语是next year,从句中的谓语要用一般将来时态的被动语态。3My money _ (run) out. I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before I have none in hand.答案与解析is running根据句意可知在此刻就要用完,故要用进行时;run out没有被动式。4 I am afraid Mary is too young to go to Shan

4、ghai by herself. Dont worry about her. She _ (meet) by her friends as soon as she arrives.答案与解析will be met句意:我怕玛丽太小了,不能一个人去上海。别担心她。她一到就有朋友来接她。根据句意可知应用一般将来时的被动语态will be done。5If everything goes according to the plan, the first stage _ (complete) by September.答案与解析will be completed虽然条件状语从句用的是一般现在时态,但整

5、个句子表达的是将来的意义,所以主句应该用一般将来时态。stage和complete之间是被动关系。.词语知识1Its a piece of good news that our products have been _ on Channel of CCTV.A. broadcast B. announcedC. advertised D. sold答案与解析C句意:我们的产品在中央电视台上做了广告,这是一个好消息。2 How much do you _ mending the car? Ten dollars, sir.A. pay for B. charge forC. pay off D.

6、 pay back答案与解析Bpay for“付款”;charge for“收费”;pack back“偿还”;pay off“还清”。由答语可以看出前者是在问“修车收多少钱”。3While my teacher is away, our monitor is _.A. in charge B. in troubleC. in danger D. in order答案与解析Ain charge“主管”;in trouble“处于困境中”;in danger“处于危险中”;in order“有秩序”。4The shoe maker_me two yuan_mending a pair of sh

7、oes.A. paid; for B. asked; forC. cost; in D. charged; for答案与解析D句意:补一双鞋,鞋匠收了我两元钱。charge sb.some money for“因向某人要价”。5_write the report, he called up all the information and data from his computer.A. In order that B. In order toC. So that D. So as to答案与解析B句意:为了写报告,他把所有的信息和资料从电脑里调出来。从题干前半部分看,只有动词write,没有主语,所以不能选A、C两项,它们只能跟从句,而so as to不用于句首。

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