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《创新设计》2015高考英语(湖南专用)大二轮总复习定时训练 11.doc

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1、定时训练(11)专题特训(完形填空记叙文)Section AI was driving home from a meeting this freezing evening at about 5,stuck in traffic on Colorado Blvd,and my car started to choke and then died.I barely managed to walk into a gas station,hoping that I would not be blocking traffic and would have a somewhat _1_ spot to w

2、ait for the tow truck (拖车)Before I could make the _2_,I saw a woman walking out of the “quickie mart”building,and it looked like she _3_ on some ice and fell onto a gas pump!So I got out to see if she was okay.When I got there,it looked more like she had been overcome by sobs than that she had _4_Sh

3、e was a young woman who looked really worn out with _5_ circles under her eyes.I asked her if she was okay and if she needed help,and she just kept saying “I dont want my kids to see me _6_,”so we stood on the other side of the pump from her car.She said she was _7_ to California and that things wer

4、e extremely _8_ for her right now.So,I asked,“And you were praying?”That made her back away from me a little,but I _9_ her I was not a crazy person and said,“He heard you,and he sent me.”I took out my _10_ and swiped it through the card reader on the pump so she could _11_ her car completely.Then I

5、hurried to the next door McDonalds and bought two big bags of food.She gave the food to the _12_ in the car who attacked it like wolves,and we stood by the pump eating fries and talking a little.1A.warm B.safe Cempty D.large解析根据第一段中“this freezing evening”可知,作者在加油站等拖车的同时希望找到一个温暖一点的地方躲避一下。答案A2A.prepar

6、ations B.decisionCbills D.call解析作者的汽车坏在路上,所以作者要打电话找拖车帮忙。答案D3A.stepped B.slipped Cwaited D.walked解析根据后文“fell onto a gas pump”可知,这位女士在冰上滑了一下,所以B项符合。答案B4A.expected B.estimated Cfallen D.imagined解析当作者看到这位女士时发现,与其说她是跌倒的,倒不如说她是由于哭泣才倒下去的。答案C5A.bright B.dark Ccolorful D.frozen解析根据后面的“under her eyes”可知这里应该选择

7、B项,dark circles“黑眼圈”。答案B6A.talking B.falling Cwalking D.crying解析根据第三段中的“sobs”可知,这位女士不想让孩子们看到自己在哭泣。答案D7A.flying B.hurrying Cdriving D.walking解析根据最后一段可知,这位女士也是驾车到达这里,所以应该选择C项。答案C8A.rough B.typical Csharp D.tight解析根据第三段对这位女士的精神状态和着装等的描述说明她现在事情进展很不顺利,生活很艰难。A项“粗糙不平的,不舒服的,艰难的”;B项“典型的,有代表性的”;C项“锋利的,尖锐的,敏锐的

8、,刺耳的,急剧的”;D项“紧的,牢牢的”。答案A9A.astonished B.approvedCshowed D.convinced解析作者让这位女士相信自己并不是什么疯子。convince sb of/that.“使某人相信”。答案D10A.money B.food Ccard D.car解析根据后面“card reader”可知,这里加油需要用加油卡,所以答案为C项。答案C11A.start out B.fill upCpull up D.get over解析根据后面“completely”可知,作者为这位女士的汽车加满了油。start out“启程,出发,开始做”;fill up“充满

9、,加满”;pull up“(使)停下,拔起”;get over“越过,做完,克服,从恢复过来”。答案B12A.kids B.passersbyChusband D.boys解析根据后面“who attacked it like wolves.”可知,作者将买的食物给了车里饥饿的孩子们。答案ASection BIf you want to spend more time with your children,there are actually a lot of learning activities that you _1_ choose from.Reading stories with y

10、our children is _2_ really fun way.Doing this will create the idea that you value reading as a learning activity.Choose good reading materials _3_ will let them learn something _4_ having fun.Choose books with vivid colors and great pictures to get the attention of your child.Riddles are really fun.

11、Try to take turns in asking riddles with your child to develop _5_ critical thinking and imagination.You will be surprised with how far their imagination can go just to come _6_ with the right answer.Songs are considered to be _7_ the most effective teaching tools for children.Kids remember things _

12、8_ if they are linked to a song.1解析考查情态动词。此处表示有各种各样选择的“可能性”。答案can2解析考查冠词,way表示“方式,方法”。答案a3解析考查关系代词。引导定语从句,在从句中作主语。答案that4解析考查连词。引导省略的状语从句。答案while5解析考查人称代词。指代上文中的child。答案his6解析考查副词。固定短语come up with提出。答案up7解析考查介词。介词,与one of意义一致。答案among8解析考查副词。隐含的比较级。答案better(二)Section AMy father often works very hard.

13、And he has _1_ to see a film.Here Ill tell you a funny story about him.One afternoon,when he finished his work and _2_ go home,he found a film ticket under the glass on his desk.He thought he happened to have not much work to do that day and _3_ was quite wonderful to pass the evening at the cinema.

14、So he came back home and quickly finished his supper.Then he said _4_ to us and left.But to our _5_,he came back about half an hour later,I asked him what was the matter.He smiled and told us about _6_ funny thing that had happened at the cinema.When my father was sitting in his seat,a woman came to

15、 my fathers and said that the seat was _7_My father was surprised.He took out the ticket and looked at it carefully.It was Row 17,_8_And then he looked at the seat.It was the same.So he asked her _9_ her ticket.She took out the ticket at once and the seat shown in it was Row 17,Seat 3. _10_?Whats th

16、e matter with all this?While they were wondering,suddenly the woman said,“The _11_ of the tickets are different.”So they looked at the ticket more carefully.After a while,my father said,“Oh,_12_,I made a mistake.My ticket is for the film a month ago.Take this seat,please.”With these words,he left th

17、e cinema.1A.little money B.much moneyClittle time D.much time解析根据前一句,此句应为“他很少有时间去看电影”,故选C项。答案C2A.was to B.was about toChad to D.ought解析下午下班,正打算回家,故选B项。在此A项有较大的干扰性,be to表示将来时,表示按计划安排要做的事。答案B3A.it B.this Cthat D.which解析分析此句的结构可以看出,to pass the evening at the cinema应为主语,故it 作形式主语,选 A项。答案A4A.hello B.good

18、byeCgood evening Dgood night解析从家里出去看电影,向家人告别,故选B项。答案B5A.disappointment B.joyCsorrow D.surprise解析电影不可能这么快就结束,故我们吃惊。选D项。答案D6A.a B.one Csome D.the解析thing有后置定语,表特指,故选D项。答案D7A.hers B.his Ctaken D.wrong解析C和D项有较大干扰性,taken 意为“占领”,wrong意为“错的”,此处指这位妇女对作者的父亲说座位是“她的”。答案A8A.Seat 1 B.Seat 2 CSeat 3 D.Seat 4解析从“It

19、 was the same”与 “.Row 17,Seat 3”判断选C项。答案C9A.it bring B.to get Cto see D.to show解析因为父亲确信他没有错,故他让那位妇女拿出票让他看一看是否她错了,故选D项。答案D10A.Why B.How CWhen D.Where解析出现两张同是“Row 17,Seat 3”的票,父亲纳闷,故选A项。答案A11A.designs B.dates Cprices D.owners解析两张票座号相同,只是日期不同,故选B项。在此A有较大干扰性,一般电影票的设计都是一样的。答案B12A.Im sad B.Im sorryCIm wro

20、ng D.Im worried解析因为父亲出了错,故向那位妇女道歉,选B项。答案BSection BParents who were fortunate enough to have a good summer camp experience themselves realize that there is _1_ better than to attend a good camp.Camp is a safe environment for children,which helps _2_ prepare for adulthood.Trained,caring adult role mod

21、els help children feel loved,capable and included.The summer camp experience can lay a foundation that will serve well _3_ adulthood.There are over 10,000 camps in this country,so there _4_ be one for every child.The cost is sometimes a problem for families,but _5_ they look at this as an important

22、part of the growing up process,most families can find the means.In the _6_ run,a good camp experience is going to be much more beneficial than that new 54inch television.This is _7_ investment in your childs future and one _8_ will be remembered long.1解析考查不定代词。否定的比较级等于最高级。根据上下文的意义和there be句型可知。答案nothing2解析考查人称代词。此处指代“孩子们”。答案them3解析考查介词。表示在整个成年时期。可与全文最后一句中的in your childs future比较。答案in4解析考查情态动词。此处表示“按道理应当”之意。答案should5解析考查从属连词。引导条件状语从句。答案if6解析考查形容词。固定短语in the long run“长期来看”。答案long7解析考查冠词,用在元音音素前。答案an8解析考查关系代词。在不定代词one后引导定语从句。答案that


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