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2011高一英语学案:M1U2 READING2(牛津译林版必修1).doc

1、2011高一英语学案:M1U2 reading2(牛津译林版必修1)Learning Content :Learn Welcome to Unit 2&Reading (2)Learning Aims: Learn Welcome to Unit 2&Reading Learning difficult and important points:Grasp the related difficult and important pointsPeriod: Two课前预习:回家的感觉真好 我迫不及待想个孩子们惊喜 你应该到明天才回家 环顾房间四周 房间一团糟,比萨饼的盒子在地板上脏的盘子在水槽里

2、 我们让你当家作主 灯熄灭了 找出第一幕戏中的含有定语从句的句子,并作简要分析。自主学习过程:1. Mom and Dad arrive back from vacation a day earlier than expected. (p22) 妈妈和爸爸比预期的早一天度假回来。the summerwinter vacation暑寒假take a vacation休假three weeks of vacation 3周的假on vacation/holiday (在)度假vacation假期,指正式规定的较长的假期,不指假日或节日。He has gone to Italy on vacatio

3、n. Where are you going for your vacation? Im going to take a vacation on the Golden Beach next month.No one goes to school during the, leave1)holiday既可以指假期(也可用复数),也可指节假日。2)leave休假,准假,多指政府部门机关,尤指部队的休假。on holiday (在)度假 holiday dress节日盛装get leave to do 获准做某事 ask for leave请假give lea

4、ve 准假 take French leave不辞而别expect预想, 预期,料想 than expected比预料的 as expected如预料的那样There are more people present than expected.The film was not interesting as expected.2. I cant wait to surprise the boys. (p22)我都等不及要让孩子们大吃一惊了。 wait for等待 wait for sb. to do 等待某人做wait to do等着做 cant wait to do 等不及做 wait one

5、s turn 等候轮到某人 wait a chance等待机会Ill wait fot you at the station. I have been waiting to hear from you. Lets wait here for the rain to stop.I cant wait to see her again.Wait your turn. Dont cut in on the queue.3. Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog,walking very slowly.(p22) 埃里克跑进来追球,后面跟着一只走得慢

6、腾腾的狗。run after追赶 run across偶遇 run into撞上,偶遇 run out of 耗尽,用光A dog is running after a rabbit. Were running out of fresh water. Our food will soon run out. The car ran into a tree.followed by 过去分词短语作伴随或方式状浯,表示被动含义。现在分词短语作伴随或方式状语时表示主动意味,即表示该动作是前面主语发出来的。The boy spent the night locked in the room.He sat

7、in the corner of the room, crying sadly.walking very slowly 为现在分词短语作定语。现在分词作定语时表示主语的概念或动作的进行。单个分词作定语多放于被修饰名词前,分词短语则置于被修饰词后。1)被修饰的词是“特指”名词时,该现在分词只能表示动作的进行。2)被修饰的词是“特指”名词,而修饰它的定语所表示的动作与谓语动作所表示的动作不是同时发生的,此时该定语虽表示主动意味,也不能使用现在分词短语,而应使用定语从句。Do you know the boy (who is) lying under the big tree?The girl (w

8、ho is) sitting on the right is the professors daughter.China is a developing country.There was a terrible noise following the sudden burst of light. The boy who brings milk has been ill for a week. The officer who left yesterday has come again. The girl who won the first prize in the composition con

9、test is my sister.4. Youre back early! (looking around the room,sounding frightened) (p22) 你们早回来了! (环顾房间,听起来有点害怕)Link v.v.sound听起来 名词look看起来 形容词smell闻起来 (给人以感觉)+ 介词短语taste尝起来 分词feel摸起来 as if从句hear/listentosee/lookatsmelltastefeel/touchIt sounds a good idea.That sounds strange.He sounds like someone

10、I used to work with. He looks as if he had slept very badly. She looks young/ old for her age. Your hand feels cold. The dish tastes delicious. The flower smells fine.It looks like rain. /It looks as if it is going to rain. frightened(frighten)感到害怕的,害怕的, frightening吓人的,令人害怕的1)-ed形式多用来修饰人,描述人的声音、表情或感

11、受;2) -ing形式则多用来修饰事物,描述事物的状态或性质。He was frightened to death when he heard the news He was frightened by the frightening noise You looked frightened excited激动的,感到兴奋的 exciting令人激动的兴奋的 pleased高兴的,满意的 pleasing令人高兴的 worried担心的 worrying令人担心的 encouraged受到鼓舞的 encouraging令人鼓舞的 satisfied满意的 satisfying令人满意的 inte

12、rested感兴趣的 interesting有意思的,有趣的 amazed(感到)惊奇的 amazing令人惊异的 surprised(感到)惊讶的 surprising令人惊讶的 bored(感到)厌烦的乏味的 boring单调的,令人乏味的5. But,butyou werent supposed to come home until tomorrow! (p22) 但,但是你们应该明天才到家。be supposed to 1)表示按照义务、规则,规律或约定“理应,应该”。2)被认为,被看作是be supposed to do常用来表示“本应该(发生而实际上并未发生)”,有时也可使用be

13、supposed to have done表示过去本应发生而实际未发生的事。be not supposed to意为“不应当”。He is supposed to arrive before six oclock. You were supposed to finish your homework on time. The speaker is supposed to be excellent. We were supposed to arrive at six. But were late.He was supposed to have told me about it. Business

14、is not as good as it was supposed to be. Youre supposed to have done it by now. 6. The money for dog food is gone,but Spot looks like he is starving. be gone 消失,不见了。=be missing7. What did you do with the csah we left? (p22)你用我们留下的钱做了什么? do with与相处; 容忍(与can连用); 处理; 以勉强对付过去。what在句中作do的宾语。He is pretty

15、difficult to do with. I cant do with his rudeness. What should I do with the table? deal with表示“处理”常与疑问词how连用;而do with常与what连用。 8. The room is a mess, with pizza boxes on the floor and dirty dishes in the sink. (p22) 房间里一团糟,比萨饼盒子在地板上,碗碟堆在洗碗池里。a mess: a dirty mass of thing; dirty and disorder conditi

16、onLook what a mess youve made of your dress. The children made a terrible mess in the living room. My life is (in) a mess(乱七八糟;脏透;处境狼狈). Youve made a mess of (把弄得乱七八糟;打乱)the job. on the floor与in the sink为介词短语在句中对前面的名词boxes和dishes进行补充说明。分词 形容词 with+n./pron.+ 介词短语 副词 不定式 名词He fell asleep (所有的窗户关起来). (

17、在向导的领路下),we got out of the forest without any difficulty. He stood there (手放在口袋里). They sat in silence (灯亮了半小时). (没人说话), he felt bored. She died with her son (being) yet a schoo1 boy. 高考链接(2004北京)_ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend.A. With B. Besides C. As for D. Because of Ex 1. Prewiew next lesson2. Finish the next Teaching&Learning Papers

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