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《名校推荐》湖北省武邑中学2017-2018学年高一上学期英语课堂练习4 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、 第第 课堂练习姓名 班级 学号 命题人:赵迎红 校对人:王海娥第 4 期I 单项选择1.Why dont you _ to England in the summer? A. come over B. come out C. come about D. come up 2.We were surprised to see that _ little birds have eaten up _ many insects. A. so; so B. such; so C. such ; such D. so; such3. Quite a few students have set out to

2、 learn foreign languages _ English, Japanese , French and so on. A. for example B. that is C. for an example D. such as 4. In English, _ commands is less polite than _ a request . A. making; giving B. make; give C. giving ; making D. give ; make 5. Im _ willing to take you and your friends to the ai

3、rport in my car. A. more than B. more and more C. more or less D. no more than 6. I met Tom three years ago but we havent seen each other _. A. before B. once C. ever since D. forever 7.What _ of English of Xu Gehui _!A. good command; is at B. a good command ; has C. good command ; has D. good comma

4、nds ; has8. We had a party in the garden _ house. A. instead of B. instead C. instead of in the D. instead in 9. Every minute _ spoken English . A. was made of to practice B. was made use of practicing C. was made use of to practice D. was made use to practice 10. The boy wanted to ride his bicycle

5、in the street , but his mother told him _. A. not to B. not to do C. not do it D. do not to. 完型填空(共20 小题;每小题1.5分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给选项中选出最佳答案。How many dolls can you stuff (塞) into a spare room? The _11 _ 2,300 comes from Gali Little and Katie Barman, both 11, and Katies 9-year-old sister, Sarah. The

6、y know _ 12 _ they just did it.The girls werent trying to _ 13 _ it into the Guinness Book of World Records. They wanted to _14 _ children who lost so _15 during hurricanes (飓风) Katrina and Rita.“My mom and I were _ 16_ the news and I saw a lot of children, and _17_ of them had any possessions (私人物品

7、) .I thought they might _18 _ a doll to hold onto and to tell secrets to.” Gali said.Gali _19_ her idea of collecting dolls with Katie and Sarah, who are friends as well as neighbors, and the project was _20_ _ way. The girls start their _ 21_ at their schools first. They also collected _22 _ in the

8、ir neighborhood.The girls were very _ 23 _ with their success. “I thought we would get only about 100 dolls,” Sarah said.When the three-week _ 24 _ time is over, the dolls are shipped to a charity group. It will then _ 25 the dolls to children still in shelters (庇护所) in hurricane-hit areas._26 do th

9、e girls feel about kids having new _27 _ friends to hold onto because of their actions? “Proud,” the three said with one _ 28 .This story has a _29 _ ending in more than one way. Not only will thousands of kids be getting new dolls, but Galis mom now also has her spare _ 30_ back.11. A. number B. an

10、swer C. result D. question12. A. because B. even if C. unless D. so that13. A. set B. keep C. put D. make14. A. understand B. helpC. please D. wish15. A. few B. little C. much D. lot16. A. writing B. watching C. hearing D. reporting17. A. none B. some C. most D. all18. A. get B. buy C. like D. colle

11、ct19. A. shared B. told C. gave D. discovered20. A. by B. under C. at D. off21. A. travel B. trip C. plan D. study22. A. clothes B. books C. money D. dolls23. A. strict B. surprised C. angry D. careful24. A. collection B. summerC. school D. holiday25. A. pay B. sell C. send D. return26. A. Why B. Ho

12、w C. When D. What27. A. interesting B. friendlyC. strange D. special28. A. hope B. smile C. look D. voice29. A. happy B. bad C. scared D. beautiful30. A. yard B. house C. bag D. room. 阅读理解 (共 小题;每小题2分) AIn England, we look forward to our birthdays for 364 days a year!We invite special people to cele

13、brate it with us.The Presents Presents are opened as soon as the children are awake. They cant wait for the birthday cake later in the day!The Cards Friends and family send birthday cards. Sending birthday cards is a custom(风俗)that began in England about 100 years ago.The PartyThe birthday child wil

14、l have a party to which friends and family are invited. Visitors to the party bring presents for the birthday child. The children play games such as musical chairs and pass the parcel(包裹)The Cake The birthday cake is decorated on a theme(主题)A candle for each year is lit and placed on top and the chi

15、ld blows out the candles making a wish. We dont put objects inside the cake as stated on many websites.The Bumps(碰撞) It used to be traditional for the birthday child to have the bumps. Friends would hold the child by the legs and under the arms and lift the child up and down bumping them gently on t

16、he ground. The number of bumps given is the age of the child plus one for extra good luck. As this can be dangerous, clapping(拍手)is often done instead.The Sweets Some children do take sweets to school to share with their classmates on their birthdays.31. In England, the birthday present is openedA.

17、before the child wakes up B. immediately after the child wakes upC. as soon as the child gets up D. during the birthday party32. If Alice is celebrating her 7th birthday, how many bumps will she be given?A. Six. B. Seven. C. Eight. D. Nine.33. Which of the following facts about birthdays in England

18、is NOT true?A. All the children will receive birthday cards on their birthdays.B. Clapping is often done for the birthday child.C. Objects meaning good luck are usually placed inside the birthday cake.D. Nowadays children may share sweets with their classmates on their birthdays.34. What would be th

19、e best title for this passage?A. How birthdays are celebrated in the world. B. Where to hold an English birthday party.C. What to send when invited to a childs birthday. D. How English children celebrate their birthdays. BWhen two people work together or help one another, they are partners. Sometime

20、s two creatures that are very different from one another can be partners, too. The African honey guide(响蜜)is a small bird that feeds largely on beeswax(蜂蜡)Although it can not get beeswax from the beehive(蜂巢)directly, it has a strange partner-the ratel(蜜獾),which is a small unpleasant-looking animal t

21、hat lives in Africa and Asia. The ratels favorite food is honey. With its sharp teeth and long claws, the ratel can break open beehives. The honey guide and the ratel work together. The honey guide first flies around until it finds a beehive. Then it calls out its partner to follow. The honey guide

22、leads the ratel to the hive by flying ahead of it. From time to time, the honey guide waits on a branch for the ratel to catch up. Both animals know their part from birth. When the two partners reach the hive, the honey guide waits patiently in a tree. The ratel breaks open the beehive. It will rewa

23、rd(奖赏)itself by eating the honey and leave the beeswax for the honey guide. If a honey guide cannot find a ratel, it will fly to the nearest human being and lead the person to the beehive. Knowing that the reward will be the honey, the person willingly follows and plays the part of the ratel.35. Wha

24、t is the main topic of the passage?A. Teamwork between different creatures.B. The best way to get to the beehive.C. The relationship between animals and man.D. How animals share their food.36. By saying “Both animals know their part from birth”, the author means the animals_.A. know each other since

25、 they were born B. have the ability to find the beehiveC. know how to share their food equallyD. are born to know how to work together37. We can infer that the honey guide gets its name because it_.A. loves honey more than anything elseB. can lead a ratel or a person to the beehiveC. usually lives n

26、ear the beehiveD. is able to follow the bees to the beehive38. The best title for the passage would be_.A. Honey and beeswax B. Beehives in danger C. Working together works D. A helpful animal CIts a too long story - 17 months to be exact with an ending thats short and sweet. Ruthie has, finally and

27、 happily, been reunited with her family.The story goes back to October, 2005. Ruthie, 8 months old, was sitting on the back seat of the family car when her owner walked hurriedly into a Long Island store. When Nancy Noel returned a few minutes later, Ruthie was nowhere in sight.Noel and her husband,

28、 Lincoln Werden, got in touch with Nassau County police, put up ,flyers (小传单) around their Manhasset neighborhood. But no sightings of Ruthie were reported. Until last week, that is, someone sent Ruthie to a Manhattan shelter after finding her walking slowly around the Bronx 25 miles from where she

29、was taken on that fateful October day.And then, shelter workers searched Ruthie for a possible microchip (微芯片 ) - she had one fixed under her skin. It showed her familys name and address. Ruthie was immediately reunited with Noel and her daughter, Sara Werden.“We never thought we would see her again

30、,” said Werden. “We were just amazed.”Shes no longer the tiny pup they last saw. In fact, Ruthie gained (增加)10 pounds during her months away from home. Shes on a diet now, and has already lost one and a half pounds. Ruthie also has a new friend to play with. The family had got another dog, named Hol

31、ly, after losing the hope of ever finding their beloved Ruthie.39. According to the passage, when did Ruthie get together with her family?A. In October 2005. B. In March 2006. C. In February 2007. D. In March 2007.40. According to the passage, Ruthie should be_.A. a pet dog that Nancy Noel raisedB.

32、one of Nancy Noels daughtersC. one of Hollys sistersD. a police working for Nancy Noel41. Which of the following shows the right time order according to the passage?a. Ruthie was sent to a shelter.b. Ruthie stayed outside a Long Island store.c. Ruthie was fixed a microchip.d. Ruthie reunited with he

33、r family.e. Shelter workers found Ruthies address. A. baecd B. caebd C. bedac D.cbaed42. Which of the following can be inferred according to the passage? A. Ruthie was stolen by a thief. B. Ruthie had enough food for her during the days she lost. C. Nancy Noel lost the hope of finding Ruthie. D. Rat

34、hie had to put on weight after she was found again. 单词拼写 (共5小题,每小题1分)请根据首字母或汉语意思,参照句子语境,用单词的适当形式完成句子。1. I know he is from Guangdong, judging from his strong _(口音).2.You can always tell the difference between the tourists and _(本地人)3.Tom told me that he couldnt speak Chinese very _ (流利).4.These stude

35、nts _(逐渐地)get used to getting up early in the morning and going to bed late at night. 5.You should get _ (官方) permission(允许)to set up this club in this area. 根据括号内的汉语提示,用句末括号内所给的英语单词完成句子。(共5小题,每小题1分)1Monitors _ (起着重要的作用) managing a class.2. _(即使他不来), we will begin the meeting on time .3.For years, J

36、ohn _(频繁得想出新点子)4.Wen Yuankai learned German _(以特有的方式).5. China _(比以往任何时候都强大).单选1-10 ABDCA CBCCA完形11-20 BADBC BACAB 21-30 C BDDAD阅读31-34 BCCD 35-38ADBC 39-42 DADB单词1.accent 2.natives 3.fluently 4.gradually 5.official 完成句子1.play an important part in 2. Even if he doesnt come 3. has frequently come up with new ideas 4. in a special way 5. is stronger than ever before


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