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2011高一英语学案:M2U1 WORDPOWER(牛津译林版必修2).doc

1、高考资源网( ),您身边的高考专家2011高一英语学案:M2U1 WORDPOWER(牛津译林版必修2)单元:Unit 1 Tales of the unexplained板块:Word powerLearning aims1. Learn to read a passage of something about outer space exploration;2. Enlarge the vocabulary by learning about some words about outer space and space exploration.Learning important poin

2、ts:1. Understand the meaning of the speech made by the scientist.2. Learn some new words about outer space and space exploration.Period One一课前预习1 梦想成为一名宇航员 2 进行科学研究 3 太空旅行 4 人造卫星 5登上月球 6 进入,登上,涉足,访问 7 发射 8拾起,偶然得到,恢复健康 9 个人的一小步,但却是人类的一大步 二 read and exerciseStep 1 Read the speech and answer the follow

3、ing questions1 What achievements have humans made so far in space exploration?2 Who was the first man to travel in space?3 When did the first man land on the moon? And how?4 What will happen to the rockets after the shuttle has been sent to space?5 Where will the astronauts do their research?6 Why c

4、ant they remove their spacesuits?Step 2 Vocabulary learning1. Read the speech given by a scientist in Part A and tell the main ideas of the passage. In 1957 In 1959 in 1961 Today Step3 According to Part A and B and fill in the blanks I guess some of you are dreaming of becoming an_ and traveling to

5、_ to carry out space exploration. If this comes true, youll probably travel by _, a spaceship that looks like an aeroplane. Two _ supported by a launch tower will lift the space shuttle into space. Some time after the rockets and the space shuttle are _, the rockets will separate from the space shut

6、tle and fall into the sea. Then a ship will pick them up. Astronauts will do their research in a base in outer space called _. Sometimes they go out of their space shuttle to take a _. In outer space astronauts cannot take off their _, which protect them and provide oxygen. In 1965, Alexei Leonov fr

7、om the former Soviet Union became the first human being to take a walk in space.三 相关语言点1. The first person who travelled in space was Yuri Gagarin from the former SovietUnion,in1961Former .pron. & adj.前者,往昔的,以前的,一般置于名词之前, 当叙述两者中前者时用the former, 后者是the latter.例如,My former English teacher is Tom Padget

8、t. Joan and Jane are sisters . The former is an artist , the latter is a singer.The former.,the latter.前者.,后者.1. Scientific research still continues.Scientific . adj. 科学上的,关于科学的,细致严谨的。The scientists are doing some scientific study.单词积累Science,n. 科学 Scientist . n. 科学家Scientifically adv. 科学上,合乎科学地,有系统

9、地2. dream 的相关用法dream of /about 梦想,梦见 dream sth. away 在遐想中虚度dream sth. up 虚构出凭空想出. dream on 痴心妄想have / dream a dream 做梦dreamer n. 空想家, 梦想家 dreamful adj. 多梦的dreamless adj. 不做梦的 dreamlike adj. 梦幻般的4 carry out 实施,执行,实行,落实,贯彻,完成。Carry out a plan 实施计划 carry out an order 执行命令Carry out a duty 履行职责 carry out

10、 a promise 实践诺言链接carry sth. about 随身携带某物 carry off 运走,带走 carry on 继续Carry through 贯彻,使度过(困难,危机)高考链接1 The meal over, the managers went back to the meeting room to their discussion.A put away B take down C look over D carry on 2 In recent years a number of communication satellites put into the orbit of the earth. A has been B have been C are D wereHomework 1 try to remember these new words about space and space exploration.2. Read more about space exploration after class.欢迎广大教师踊跃来稿,稿酬丰厚。

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