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2018大二轮高考总复习英语文档:题型综合练28 WORD版含答案.doc

1、题型综合练(二十八)一、阅读理解文体说明文题材健康生活Did you know that each year,182,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer and 43,300 die?One woman in eight either has or will develop breast cancer in her lifetime.The above statistics are scary to say the least.If you have loved ones or friends that have been diagnosed

2、with breast cancer,I am sure youve often wondered what,if anything,you can do to help them.Here are some gifts that are appropriate for cancer patients and their families to give encouragement and support.Probably one of the most important gifts you can offer is the gift of your time:time to listen,

3、and time to be with them as they accept the fact that they have cancer,and go through their treatment.A small journal is another idea:they can put on paper their thoughts,their struggles,and their accomplishments as they fight this battle.A book of inspiring words will do wonders for their soul.One

4、suggestion would be Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul.101 Stories of Courage and Inspiration from Those Who Have Survived Cancer.Dont forget a nice teddy bear they can hug,and a CD of soft,comforting music.Some cancer patients develop sensitivity to fragrance,so please stay away from scented items

5、.Again,remember that at times,all they need is to have someone to talk to,or hold their hands:be there for them!For your information:If detected early,the fiveyear survival rate for breast cancer exceeds 95%.Mammograms are among the best early detection methods,yet 13 million US women 40 years of ag

6、e or older have never had a mammogram.Dont miss your mammogram this year.Several national organizations will have a list of the facilities that participate in National Mammography Day.This will be a great gift for all the women.To find a place near you,call:American Cancer Society1800ACS2345The Susa

7、n GKomen Breast Cancer Foundation1800IMAWARENational Alliance of Breast Cancer Organizations(NABCO)188880NABCONational Cancer Institute18004CANCERYME National Breast Cancer Organization18002212141语篇解读乳腺癌的发病率很高,患者应当保持积极乐观的心态,患者家人应该给患者更多的鼓励和安慰,多些时间陪伴他们,倾听她们的心声。1If there are 10,000 women,_have or will

8、develop breast cancer.A1,600B1,250C400D43,300解析:细节理解题。细节定位法。从文中第一段第二句提供的细节One woman in eight either has or will develop.可知,八分之一的女性在一生中患有或将会得乳腺癌,所以,一万名女性中应有1,250人。故选B。答案:B2The author gives cancer patients the suggestions EXCEPT_.Areading inspiring booksBthat theyd better keep a small journalCoften li

9、stening to some music,for example,soft musicDoften drinking some chicken soup解析:细节理解题。细节定位法。由第六段第二句提供的细节One suggestion would be Chicken Soup for the Surviving Soul可知,建议送心灵鸡汤生命之歌这本书给病人,以鼓励、安慰病人,但不是建议病人喝鸡汤。答案:D3Some cancer patients often need_.Ato keep silentBa very quiet placeCothers comfort and enco

10、uragementDscented items解析:细节理解题。细节定位法。从第三至第七段可知,病人需要安慰和鼓励。故答案为C。答案:C4The gift for all the women mainly refers to that_.Atheir families give patients some useful suggestionsBsome national organizations will give women great helpCsome experts will come to cure cancer patientsDAmerican Cancer Society w

11、ill supply some facilities to cancer patients解析:细节理解题。细节定位法。根据文章最后一段可知,文中说的礼物是指文章最后部分介绍的几个组织将为女性提供乳腺X光检查。答案:B二、完形填空文体记叙文题材个人经历It was near the end of summer in my 16th year.I was_1_in the back seat of a large van heading down an endless interstate(州际公路)I was at the_2_of a twoweek road trip with sever

12、al other teenagers to visit a seminary college in Iowa._3_the way I had spent several days in Pittsburgh and Chicago.I felt tired,lonely,and_4_.It was the longest I had ever been away from my family.I glanced out of the_5_and suddenly my heart jumped up.There in the_6_I could see them:the beautiful

13、mountains of my home.After days and days on the_7_plains I finally saw the green hills where I_8_again.As we got closer to those glorious Appalachian Mountains I felt myself_9_happier and happier.My face lit up,my smile_10_,and tears began to fill in my eyes.There was_11_filling my spirit.It felt so

14、 good to be going home.It was such a joy to be_12_back to the place where I was raised.It was such a_13_to finally know that I was almost back where I belonged.Looking back on that memory makes me_14_what it will be like when I_15_return to my true home.You know,even for the longest life this world

15、is just a_16_living place.It is a place that we love,and grow in but it isnt really home.Our_17_home lies beyond this world and its love,light,joy,and beauty are beyond my words to_18_.Until I reach that blessed place,though,I will do my best to enjoy each day of lifes_19_here.I will do my best to u

16、se every moment to get a little closer to home.I will do my best to_20_through life with a loving heart,a joyous smile,and a giving spirit.语篇解读作者在回家的路上看到了故乡的山,由此引发了对人生非常深刻的思考和感悟。1A.ridingBsleepingClyingDdriving解析:语境暗示法。由语境可知,作者正乘车回家,故用riding,表示“搭乘,乘坐”。答案:A2A.startBbeginningCendDpoint解析:语境暗示法。由语境可知,作

17、者前两个星期去参观了神学院,故用end。答案:C3A.WithBAlongCByDIn解析:语境暗示法。前两个星期,作者在途中还参观了Pittsburgh和Chicago,故用along。答案:B4A.annoyedBupsetCsadDhomesick解析:上下文线索法。根据前面的tired、lonely及后面的It was the longest I had ever been away from my family可知,作者还是有点想家的,故用homesick。答案:D5A.roadBgateCwindowDmirror解析:语境暗示法。作者是坐在车里往外眺望,故用window。答案:C

18、6A.edgeBdistanceCcloudDsight解析:语境暗示法。作者在远处看到了故乡的山,in the distance表示“在远处,在远方”。答案:B7A.dryBwindyCwetDhot解析:上下文线索法。根据后面的the green hills可知,作者前段时间都是在干燥的平原上,现在看到了浓浓绿意的大山,故用dry一词。答案:A8A.set offBbroke awayCturned upDgrew up解析:上下文线索法。由前面的the beautiful mountains of my home可知,我又一次看到了故乡的山,这些山也是我成长的地方。答案:D9A.turn

19、ingBgrowingCshowingDenjoying解析:语境暗示法。越接近故乡,作者感到越兴奋,grow happier and happier表示“变得越来越快乐”。答案:B10A.returnedBdisappearedCpiledDcollected解析:上下文线索法。根据前面的My face lit up及后面的tears began to fill in my eyes可知,此空应该填returned,作者的笑容又回来了。答案:A11A.encouragementBsupportCwarmthDdisappointment解析:上下文线索法。根据后面的It felt so go

20、od to be going home可知,看到故乡的山,作者感到内心涌上一股暖流,故用warmth。答案:C12A.lookingBwalkingCturningDheading解析:上下文线索法。根据文章的内容可知,用heading,作者是在回家的路上。答案:D13A.pityBblessingCfunDcomfort解析:上下文线索法。根据前面的It was such a joy to be _12_ back to the place where I was raised.这一句中的joy可知,此空应该填blessing,该词表示“令人高兴的事情,带来幸福的事物”。答案:B14A.wo


22、fulDtrue解析:结构对比法。根据17空前面的.but it isnt really home.可知本句与上句是一个对比关系,故答案选true。答案: D18A.describeBexpressCexplainDjudge解析:语境暗示法。真正的“家”是美丽的,其中的快乐、美好和爱是无法用言辞来描述的,故用describe。答案:A19A.careerBjourneyCstopDdestination解析:语境暗示法。作者决定一定要尽力享受生命旅程中的每一段美好的时光,故用journey。答案:B20A.seeBexperienceCmoveDtravel解析:语境暗示法。作者将满怀爱心积

23、极快乐地度过生命中的时光,travel through,表示“穿越,穿过”。答案:D三、语法填空文体夹叙夹议题材人际关系Today,after finishing dinner in town,my husband and I were driving back home.As we pulled over,we saw a couple painting their furniture.I went inside our home,1._(change)and then went back out again to ask our neighbors if they needed any h

24、elp.While leaving my home,I was plagued(困扰)by thoughts of 2._(embarrass),denial or being received.3._,I gathered the courage to go down and ask them,anyway!Initially,the woman denied.Then,the man said,“Sure”,and he handed me a spray paint bottle.We got into some good conversations while 4._(paint)wi

25、th a great effort.When we finished,I 5._(brief)chatted with them before leaving.In the end,not only did I enjoy helping them,but also learned about my neighbors.6._the way home,I must admit that I couldnt help but wonder 7._they might be thinking about me.8._is tough to do a good deed for others and

26、 not expect that they will be thinking well about you.Todays experience taught me some 9._(value)lessons in my life!10._(hopeful),these lessons will help me continue my acts of kindness in future.语篇解读本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。作者怀着忐忑的心情想给邻居提供帮助。在邻居同意后,作者帮助他们给家具刷漆,而且交流得很愉快,也了解了他们。对于作者来说,这段经历有助于她继续在未来帮助别人。1解析:考查动词的

27、时态。句意为:我走进家,换了衣服,然后又走出来问我们的邻居是否需要帮忙。设空处与went inside和and后的went back是并列谓语,且主语与动词之间是主动关系,故填changed。答案:changed2解析:考查词性转换。句意为:在离开家的时候,我一直被尴尬的想法困扰,我是会被拒绝还是被接受呢?介词后接名词形式,故填动词embarrass的名词形式embarrassment,意为“尴尬”。答案:embarrassment3解析:考查副词。句意为:但是,不管怎样,我还是鼓起勇气下去问了他们!根据句意可知,此处与上文之间为转折关系,设空处后有逗号,故填However。答案:Howeve

28、r4解析:考查非谓语动词。句意为:我们在努力刷墙的同时聊得很好。在含时间状语从句的复合句中,如果从句主语与主句主语一致且从句谓语含be动词,则可以省略从句的主语和be动词,从句中谓语动词变为非谓语动词形式。此处逻辑主语与动词之间为主动关系,故填painting。答案:painting5解析:考查词性转换。句意为:我们完工后,离开之前我和他们简单地交谈了几句。修饰动词应用副词形式,故填briefly,意为“简单地”。答案:briefly6解析:考查介词。句意为:在回家的路上,我必须承认我不禁想知道他们会怎样看我。on the way home是固定短语,意为“在回家的路上”。故填On。答案:On

29、7解析:考查名词性从句。句意见上一题解析。wonder后的宾语从句中缺少宾语,故填what。答案:what8解析:考查代词。句意为:为别人做好事,而不期望别人对你有好的评价是一件难事。“It do sth.”是固定句型,It是形式主语,代替真正的主语动词不定式。故填It。答案:It9解析:考查词性转换。句意为:今天的经历教会了我一些人生中宝贵的经验!修饰名词用形容词,故填valuable,意为“有价值的;很重要的”。答案:valuable10解析:考查词性转换。句意为:这些经验有望让我今后继续我的善举。评注性状语用副词形式,故填Hopefully。答案:Hopefully四、

30、短文改错I like traveling and my dream of paying a visit for Beijing,the capital city of our country,come true during the National Day holidays this year.On October 1st,I went to Tiananmen Square with my parents,there we watched the flagraising ceremony.As I watched the flag rising slowly,I sang a nation

31、al anthem,feel extremely excited.Then we went to some other famous tourist attraction,like the Great Wall.Standing on the Great Wall,I felt very proudly.I thought of the old saying that“One who fail to reach the Great Wall is a hero.”Although I was tired,but I really had a good time.答案:I like travel

32、ing and my dream of paying a visit Beijing,the capital city of our country, true during the National Day holidays this year.On October 1st,I went to Tiananmen Square with my parents, we watched the flagraising ceremony.As I watched the flag rising slowly,I sang national anthem, extremely excited.The

33、n we went to some other famous tourist ,like the Great Wall.Standing on the Great Wall,I felt very .I thought of the old saying that“One who to reach the Great Wall is a hero.”Although I was tired,but/ I really had a good time.第一处:forto考查固定搭配。pay a visit to为固定搭配,意为“拜访;参观”。故将介词for改为to。第二处:comecame考查动

34、词的时态。分析句子结构可知,此处在句中作谓语。根据全文时态提示可知,事情发生在过去,要用一般过去时。故将come改为came。第三处:therewhere考查定语从句。句意为:10月1日,我和父母一起去了天安门广场,在那里我们观看了升旗仪式。分析句子结构可知,where在此处引导定语从句,修饰先行词Tiananmen Square,并在从句中作地点状语。there是副词,不能引导从句。故将there改为where。第四处:athe考查冠词。国歌只能是特指。故将不定冠词a改为定冠词the,表特指。第五处:feelfeeling考查非谓语动词。句中的谓语是sang,动词feel与谓语动词之间没有并

35、列连词,因此要用非谓语动词形式;动词feel与其逻辑主语I之间为主动关系,故将feel改为feeling。第六处:attractionattractions考查名词单复数。不定代词some other修饰可数名词的复数形式。故将attraction改为attractions。第七处:proudlyproud考查形容词。系动词feel之后应接形容词作表语。故将副词proudly改为形容词proud。第八处:failfails考查主谓一致。关系代词who引导的定语从句,修饰先行词One,且who在定语从句中作主语,此时从句中的谓语动词单复数应跟所修饰的先行词保持一致。故将fail改为fails。第九处:is后加not考查逻辑关系。句意为:“不到长城非好汉。”根据句意可知,此处表否定意义。故在is后加not。第十处:删除but或butyet考查连词。although引导的状语从句后不能重复出现表转折的but,但是可以出现yet。故删除but或将but改为yet。

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