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本文(《三维设计》2017届高三英语(人教版新课标)一轮复习课时练习必修五 UNIT 1 高考提能练 WORD版含解析.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

《三维设计》2017届高三英语(人教版新课标)一轮复习课时练习必修五 UNIT 1 高考提能练 WORD版含解析.doc

1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家必修五 Unit 1 高考提能练阅读理解组块专练练速度(限时:35分钟).阅读理解A(2016太原市高三第二学段测评)Youre probably heard about sports coaches, fitness coaches, voice and music teachers, career counselors, psychiatrists (精神科医师) and other specialists who teach skills and help us cope with daily life.But theres a rapidly growi

2、ng kind of professionals who do a little bit of everything. She or he is called a “life_coach”. People who are at the crossroads in their life, and corporations that want to give certain employees a career boost, are turning to them for help.The idea that one persons success story can change other p

3、eoples life for the better goes back at least to the 1930s. Dale Carnegies famous selfimprovement program “How to Win Friends and Influence People” came along soon thereafter.But this new style of life coaches includes more than enthusiastic speakers or writers. They use their own experiences in bus

4、iness, sports, military service, or psychotherapy (心理疗法) to help others make critical life decisions. They often give their approaches a slogan, such as “energy coaching” “fearless living” or “working yourself happy”Dave Lakhani in Boise, Idaho, for instance, works with salespeople to develop what h

5、e calls a “road map”. He says an ongoing relationship with a coach is like having a personal fitness trainer for ones career and life outside work.Lakhanis Bold Approach coaching firm also donates some of its time to help people who are anything but successful including battered women and struggling

6、 single mothers.But others in the socalled “helpful professions” are not thrilled about the lifecoaching movement. They say that anyone, trained or untrained, can call himself or herself a life coach, and these slick (华而不实的) promoters who mess with peoples life can do more harm than good.语篇解读:当你处于人生

7、的重要时刻时,当你想让公司里某些职员的事业得以提升时,你可以求助于人生教练,他们能帮助你做出人生中的重大决定。1Which of the following is the best title for the passage?AWorking Yourself HappyBLife Coaches Help with Tough DecisionsCHow to Cope with Daily Life with Life CoachesDThe Lifecoaching Movement解析:选B标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了人生教练正成为受人们欢迎的专业人才,他们能帮助那些面临人生重大抉择的人

8、做出决定。B项最具有概括性。2The underlined phrase “life coach” in Paragraph 2 means “_”Athe career counselor who teaches skillsBthe psychiatrist who helps us cope with daily lifeCthe fitness coach who teaches us lessonsDthe specialist who helps us make important life decisions解析:选D词义猜测题。根据第二段的最后一句及第三段的内容可知,“life

9、 coach”是指帮助我们做出人生重大决定的专家。3The last paragraph is mainly about _.Athe introductions of life coachesBthe disagreements about life coachesCthe effects of life coachesDthe experiences of life coaches解析:选B段落大意题。根据最后一段中的“They say . can do more harm than good.”可知,一些人对人生教练持否定的态度,认为人生教练可能给人们的生活带来的伤害大于益处,因此选择B

10、项。4What is the authors attitude towards life coaches?ACautious.BApproving.CCasual. DDisapproving.解析:选A观点态度题。作者在文章中客观地对人生教练进行了介绍,既介绍了他们的职业优势,也提及了一些人对他们的否定态度,因此作者对人生教练的态度是严谨的。cautious“严谨的,谨慎的”;approving“赞成的”;casual“随意的,漠不关心的”;disapproving“不赞成的”。B(2016商丘市高三第二次模拟考试)Chinas famous scientist, the Cloth Sho

11、es Academician Li Xiaowen passed away on January 10th, 2015 in Beijing at the age of 68. Hundreds of thousands of netizens sang high praise for him online, showing their respect to the leading authority in remote sensing field. Following Li Xiaowens last wish, his family held a simple funeral for hi

12、m, while many admirers from all over the country came to the funeral for remembrance. Some national leaders including Premier Li Keqiang also sent a wreath. Li was a professor at Beijing Normal University and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research achievements have advanced

13、the development of remote sensing science, and made China one of the leaders in this field. He also received several famous science prizes from China. He published 1,878 essays on his blog since 2007. All his students have thumbed up to Li for his contributions to the development of remote sensing.

14、He was known to everyone in the remote sensing circle, but was impressive on netizens for a photo. In recent years, Professor Lis quiet and selfeffacing behavior was recognized through social media. In 2014, a photograph of Academician Li was taken by his student, in which he was attentively making

15、a lecture with shabby clothes, grizzled hair and straggling beard, without socks, and wearing black cloth shoes. He looked like an old villager, rather than a famous scientist. The photo became popular on the Internet and earned him the title of the “Cloth Shoes Academician”. His simple plain image,

16、 kindness to all his students and dedication to his career are three important features on him. All these are precious to educational and academic community. “The society is changeable but Academician Li is quiet. He faced all stuff with his characters of quietness and simplicity. It is clear that h

17、e has become theTeacher Immortal” said Ge Yuejing, a senior leader of Beijing Normal University. 语篇解读:本文讲述了“布鞋院士”李小文的成就和人们对他的评价。5Why was Li Xiaowen popular with netizens?AHe had great achievements while he lived a simple life. BHe had high social status while he wore shabby clothes. CHe was famous i

18、n the world while he was kind to students. DHe was poor while he dedicated much to his career.解析:选A推理判断题。根据第一段第二句中的“showing their respect to the leading authority .”可知李小文成就卓越;根据第三句中的“Following Li Xiaowens last wish, his family held a simple funeral for him”以及下文中提到他穿着简单朴素可推知他生活俭朴。故选A项。6The second par

19、agraph mainly tells us _.Awhy Li Xiaowen was called the “Cloth Shoes Academician”Bhow Li Xiaowen was loved by his studentsChow Li Xiaowen did his researchDwhat achievements Li Xiaowen has made解析:选D段落大意题。第二段主要讲了李小文的成就。7Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?APremier Li Keqiang came to Li Xi

20、aowens funeral.BA good teacher needs to publish essays on the Internet.CSocial media made Professor Li Xiaowen worldfamous.DProfessor Lis attitude to life and his career earned himself high praise and respect.解析:选D细节理解题。根据文章第三段的最后两句可知答案为D项。C(2016河北普通毕业班质量检查)The term “smog” was first used in London d

21、uring the early 1900s to describe the combination of smoke and fog. What we typically call “smog” today is a mixture of pollutants but is primarily made up of groundlevel ozone (臭氧)Ozone can be beneficial or harmful depending on where it stays. The ozone staying high above the Earth protects human h

22、ealth and the environment, but groundlevel ozone is responsible for the choking, coughing, and painful eyes associated with smog. The ozone in smog also prevents plants growth and can cause widespread damage to crops and forest.Major smog occurrences often are linked to heavy motor vehicle traffic,

23、high temperatures, sunshine, and calm winds. Weather and geography affect the position and severity of smog. Because temperature regulates the length of time it takes for smog to form, smog can form faster and be more severe on a hot and sunny day. When warm air stays near the ground instead of risi

24、ng and winds are calm, smog may stay trapped over your city for days. As traffic and other sources add more pollutants to the air, the smog gets worse. Smog is often more severe away from the pollution sources because the chemical reactions that cause smog occur in the atmosphere while the reacting

25、chemicals are being moved by the wind.Smog is a visible example of air pollution. You can look into the distance during the day to see how much smog there is in the air. In addition, most cities measure the concentrations of pollutants in the air and report the results to the public.Environmental Pr

26、otection Agency sets national standards for pollutants. Areas that fail to meet the standards for at least one air pollutant are called “nonattainment (不达标) areas”. New measures are being taken by local governments across the country to reduce air pollution in nonattainment areas. These include: ban

27、ning charcoal barbecues and wood burning in stoves or fireplaces when pollution levels are high; developing programs to encourage carpooling and voluntary “ozone actions”; limiting traffic in overcrowded areas; expanding or improving public transportation systems; requiring employers to contribute t

28、o employee public transportation costs; assessing “smog fees” on cars according to the number of miles driven and vehicle emissions (排放) produced; and even buying and breaking up older “superdirty” cars.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章主要谈论了烟雾的形成原因、危害以及地方政府针对这一现象所采取的应对措施。8According to the passage, groundlevel ozone

29、can_.Adamage the environmentBbenefit human healthCprotect crops and forestDlimit the spread of smog解析:选A细节理解题。根据第二段中的“.but groundlevel ozone is . damage to crops and forest.”可知,地平面上的臭氧对环境和人体是有坏处的。故选A。9Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?AAir quality is better in time of calm wind

30、.BSmog is more severe near pollution sources.CIt takes more time for smog to form in hot weather.DChemical reactions occur in the moving air and cause smog.解析:选D正误判断题。根据第三段最后一句中的“because the chemical reactions . by the wind”可知,化学反应在流动的空气里发生并且导致了烟雾。故选D。10Which indication shows more exact the air is p

31、oor?AHeavy motor vehicle traffic in big cities.BWidespread damage of crops and forest.CClear outlines of hills in the distance.DHigh concentrations of pollutants in the air.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第四段最后一句可知,空气中高浓度的污染物能较准确地表明空气质量差。故选D。11What is included in the measures being taken by the local governments?AUnco

32、nditional banning of wood burning.BEncouraging carpooling and public transportation.CCharging all the vehicles more “smog fees”DBuying new cars to replace superdirty old cars.解析:选B细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“developing programs to encourage carpooling.”以及“expanding or improving public transportation systems” 可知,

33、地方政府采取的措施包括鼓励人们拼车,扩大和改进公共交通运输体系等。故选B。D(2016石家庄高三教学质检二)If your parents were to surprise you with a present on your birthday, which one would you prefer, a trip to the amusement park or a new pair of shoes?According to Science Daily, about onethird of the people are likely to prefer shoes to a fun tri

34、p. These people are called “materialists”, namely, those who value material goods more than experiences. But which of the two choices makes people happier?Back in 2009, Ryan Howell, a professor at San Francisco State University, found that in the long run, experiences make people happier than posses

35、sions. This is because the joy of receiving a new object fades over time as you get used to seeing it every day. Experiences, on the other hand, can continue to bring you joy in the future through happy memories.But materialists should at least be happy when they first buy something, shouldnt they?T

36、o figure it out, Howell did another study. He classified a group of adults according to their personality types, ranging from less materialistic to more materialistic. Each person was asked different questions to see how they felt about spending money on material goods versus spending money on exper

37、iences.As expected, the more materialistic participants got less happiness from purchases than the less materialistic, because such purchases didnt fit with their personalities and values. But to Howells surprise, he found that materialists werent any happier even if they spent money on material ite

38、ms.This is because materialists worry that others may criticize or look down on their choices. “There are certain value systems that are rejected by society,” said Howell. “When we find out someone is materialistic, we think less of them, and that drives their happiness down.”Another reason is that

39、materialistic people always focus on what they dont have instead of what they have now. This makes them feel less satisfied and grateful.If you happen to be a materialistic person, theres something you can try. “If materialists make more accurate purchases, rather than trying to impress others, they

40、 will be happier,” Howell said.You should also remember what an ancient Greek philosopher once said, “Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for.”语篇解读:本文是一篇议论文。作者通过引用 Ryan Howell 的研究结果证实经历比有形物质更能给人带来快乐。12What did

41、Ryan Howell find in his studies?AMaterial goods bring people less happiness than experiences.BAbout onethird of the people prefer material goods to experiences.CMaterialists have more fun spending money on goods than on experiences.DReceiving a new object brings lasting joy while the joy of an exper

42、ience fades soon.解析:选A细节理解题。根据第三段中的“. found that in the long run, experiences make people happier than possessions”可知,经历比物品更能使人感到高兴。根据第六段中的“the more materialistic participants got less happiness from purchases than the less materialistic”可知,比较倾向物质主义的参与者比不太倾向物质主义的参与者从购物中得到的快乐更少。由此可见, Ryan Howell 在他的研

43、究中发现:有形物质比经历给人带来的快乐更少。因此,该题选A。13What did Ryan Howell want to find out by doing another study?AHow to judge whether a person is a materialist.BWhy materialists are not happy with their purchases.CHow materialists feel when they spend money on goods.DWhether materialists are happy when they first make

44、 purchases.解析:选D细节理解题。根据第四段“But materialists should at least be happy when they first buy something, shouldnt they?”及第五段第一句“To figure it out, Howell did another study.”可知该题选D。14Why does the author use the ancient Greek philosophers words in the last paragraph?ATo advise materialistic people not to t

45、ry to impress others.BTo persuade people to be satisfied with what they have.CTo prove its unwise to be materialistic and desire too much.DTo tell readers what they desire now might one day become theirs.解析:选B推理判断题。根据最后一段中那位哲学家的话“不要因期望你没有的东西而毁掉了你现在拥有的东西。记住:你现在拥有的东西就在你曾经渴望得到的东西之中”,再结合上文 Ryan Howell 研

46、究得出的结论可知,作者引用这位哲学家的话旨在说服人们要对目前拥有的事物感到知足。因此,该题选B。15What can be the best title for the passage?AAre You a Materialist?BHow To Acquire Happiness?CThe Best Present for the BirthdayDWhich Can Make People Happier?解析:选D标题归纳题。通读全文可知,作者通过引用 Ryan Howell 的研究结果证实经历比有形物质更能给人带来快乐,故D项作文章标题最佳。.阅读七选五(2016东北三省三校第一次联考

47、)As youre busy with your studies, the weeks during the Spring Festival can be a time when training and healthy eating plans go out of the window. But you can continue running and avoid weight gain during the holiday season. _1_.Pick a raceHaving a race on your calendar (日历) is a motivation to keep r

48、unning during the holiday. _2_. Check our or Running in the City for events near you.Dont skip breakfastIf youre going to a holiday party in the evening, dont make the mistake of skipping breakfast. You may think youre saving calories for later. _3_.Bring your own healthy dishesChances are that most

49、 of the dishes at holiday gatherings are going to be high in taste and calories. Bring your own healthy appetizers to the party. The host will appreciate it, and you know there will be at least one wise choice on the buffet table._4_If youre heading to an evening event, eat regular meals and snacks

50、every few hours up until party time. You wont arrive at the party ready to attack appetizers. Make sure you include fiber at each meal because it keeps you full longer.Plan your runsIts easy to say that youll keep running regularly during the holiday season, but sticking to it requires a strategy. S

51、chedule your runs like appointments, so you make them the first thing during a busy week. _5_.ATreat yourselfBEat small mealsCTry some or all of these strategies (策略)DIn fact, it may lead to overeating later in the dayEBuy yourself a gift of some new running shoes and clothesFIf you have runs scheduled, you are more likely to get them doneGOnce you choose one that is in a few weeks, set a plan and stick to it答案:15CGDBF 版权所有高考资源网诚招驻站老师,联系QQ2355394696

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