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1、2011英语单项选择应试宝典高考单项填空题所考察的语言知识点多,覆盖面广,且突出语境化因素,旨在考查考生记忆、理解、掌握中学阶段所学基础语法、基本词汇以及习语的熟练程度和灵活运用语言的能力。考生除了必须具备扎实的基础外,还要有科学的解题方法。1.句子结构还原法英语中的许多句子会以各种结构出现,如倒装句,强调句等。试题还常以变化句型的方式来增加语境和句子结构的复杂性。因此考生平时就留意它们的特征,透过复杂的语言环境,结合语法分析看透题目的意图。正确的方法有:1)将疑问句、感叹句还原为陈述句(1) What great difficulty we had_ her! A. persuade B.

2、to persuade C. persuading D. persuaded 分析:C。易选D。此句考查感叹句式。可先将此句还原为陈述句式:We had great difficulty_ her.由have difficulty(in) doing sth.知C项符合条件。(2) Is this the reason _ at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?(2002上海春招) A. he explained B. what he explained C. how he explained D. why he explained分析

3、:A。易选D,考生依据常见搭配the reason why;处理此题首先应该将句子还原为正常语序,即:this is the reason_ at the meeting .。he explained前省略了一个that,that引导的是一个定语从句。 (3) Who would you rather have_the report instead of you?A. to write B. write C. writing D. written2)将倒装句、强调句还原为正常语序(3) Mary thought that it was_ that Jane did her to lend he

4、r the beautiful car. A. possible B. kind C. necessary D. a favor 分析:D。句中的宾语从句是一个强调句式。将其转换为非强调句式: Mary thought that Jane did her_ to lend her the beautiful car. do sb a favor是习惯搭配,意为“帮某人一个忙”,由此可以确定D为正确答案 (4)_ you eat the correct foods _ be able to keep fit and stay healthy. (2008江苏卷)A. only if; will

5、you B. Only if; you will C. Unless; will you D. Unless; you will分析:A。本题考查倒装句式。先将其转换为正常语序:You will be able to keep fit and stay healthy only if you eat the correct foods.由于是对主句进行倒装,所以选A。3)将省略句还原为完整句省略句可用于简单句及复合句,它的使用虽然能使句子更加简洁,但有时使人理解困难。在近年来的高考题中已多次出现省略句的考点。条件状语从句、时间状语从句等常用省略形式。解题时应根据语境逻辑需要将被省略的内容补齐,

6、从而达到正确理解的目的。(1)Have you known Dr. Jackson for a long time?Yes, since she _ the Chinese Society. (全国I卷)A. has joinedB. joinsC. had joinedD. joined分析:D。该题考查since时间状语从句中的动词时态。将第二句补充完整为:Yes, I have known since she _ the Chinese Society.主句为现在完成时,since的从句常用一般过去时。(2) One of the sides of the board should be

7、 painted yellow, and _.(2000春季招生) A. the other is white B. another white C. the other white D. another is white分析:C。易选A或D两项。C项补充完整应是the other should be painted white。A项中少了painted,B及D项中不能用another,因为木板只有两面,两面中的另一面只能用the other。(3) When first _ to the market, these products enjoyed great success. (2004全

8、国卷)A. introducing B. introduced C. introduce D. being introduced分析:B。将从句补充完整应为:When they were first introduced to the market。D项为进行时的被动语态,表示正在进行,与题意不符。(4)-What should I do with this passage?-_the main idea of each paragraph.A. Find out B. Finding out C. To find out D. Having find out(5)-What made her

9、 so sad?-_.A. She lost her money B. Losing her money C. She had lost her money D. Because she lost her money (6)Many volunteers are taking part in the construction of the library, which, when _,will open to the public. A. to be finished B. finished C. finishing D. having been finished 4)将冗长题干还原为简单题干

10、命题者往往有意设置一些无效附加信息,使题干复杂化。在解决这类题时,不妨将这些无效附加信息大胆合理地舍去,这样有利于抓住试题主干,为准确求解扫除障碍。(1)The other day, my brother drove his car down the street at _ I thought was a dangerous speed. (2004上海春招)A. as B. which C. what D. that分析:C。该题考查名词性从句连接词的选用。插入语I thought可以舍去不看,at后面的宾语从句中缺少主语,因而填what。What在名词性从句中作主语、宾语或表语;D项tha

11、t在名词性从句总补充当任何成分。(2)The managers discussed the plan that they would like to see _ the next year. (2000全国卷)A. carry out B. carrying out C. to carry out D. carried out分析:D。先将此句改变为两个简单句: The managers discussed the plan. 和They would like to see the plan_ the next year. 这样我们就发现空白处应该用过去分词作宾语补足语,表示被动意义,从而可以

12、判断出C项为正确答案 (3) The farm as well as its neighbouring hills we once spent so much time _on a new look as rencently as last year.A. on has taken B. has taken C. on having taken D. having taken(4)Its dangerous to let children who are _go swimming in the river.A. too young to B. so young C. not old enoug

13、h to D. so old(5)The old man insisted that the book Mr. Thompson talked about_.A. was worth reading B. was worth to be read C. being worth reading D. be worth reading(6)Is _48 hours _that man-made satellite_is made in our country to orbit the planet around?A. it; that; where B. it; when ; that C. it

14、 for; that it takes; that D. it ; that it takes; which5) 将被动式题干还原为主动式题干The teacher said time should be made good use of _ our lessons well.A. learning B. learn C. to learn D. being learned分析:C。考生易选A,受介词后接动名词短语形式影响。题干可以还原为:The teacher said we should make good use of time _ our lessons well.很明显空白处所填应表

15、示目的。2.语境分析法语境即一定的语言环境。近年的高考题往往自然、巧妙地设置一定的语言情景或故意隐蔽某些有效的信息。考生仅凭语法和词汇知识来判断某些单项填空题往往很难做出正确选择,只有分析具体的语言情境,同时要注意中西文化的差异,才能找出答案。(1) Could I ask you a rather personal question?Sure, _. (2008全国卷II)A. pardon me B. go ahead C. good idea D. forget it分析:B。由答语sure推知回答者答应对方的请求,go ahead这里意为“问吧”。(2) Good evening. H

16、uangshan Hotel. Good evening. _? (2008安徽卷) A. Do you still have a room for tonight B. What would you like, please C. Is there anything I can do for you D. Who is that speaking, please分析:该题考查情境交际。由语境知,这是一电话对话。Huangshan Hotel.是旅馆前台人员的回答,故应排除B、C两项。由第一句可知,后者应试电话者,故只能是咨询“是否有房间?”因而A项符合语境。D项与宾馆无关。(3) A coo

17、k will be immediately fined if he is found _ in the kitchen.A. smoke B. smoking C. to smoke D. smoked分析:B。动词不定式表示将要发生的动作,过去分词表示完成被动的动作,现在分词表示正在进行的动作从语境“倘若厨师被发现在厨房里抽烟,他将马上被开除”可知,选项B为正确答案 (4)-You were out when I dropped in on you this morning.-I _for the airport to see a friend off.A. have left B. lef

18、t C. had left D. was leaving(5)I agree with most of what you said, but I dont agree with_.A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing 3. 标点暗示法标点符号在高考试题中占有一席之地。它在单选题干中看似微不足道,但其作用不可忽视,特别是在定语从句或分词作状语等的结构时。其中分号有并列连词的功能。高中阶段的并列连词有and, but ,so for ,or .看到并列连词说明两个句子是并列的,如果没有并列连词,就要考虑用从句,非谓语动词,独立主格结构等

19、。破折号表示解释说明。(1) _ to reach them on the phone, we sent an email instead. (2008重庆卷)A. Fail B. Failed C. To fail D. Having failed 分析:D该题考查非谓语动词。由题中的逗号可知,前面应是一个非谓语动词结构而非句子,we与fail形成主动关系,且“失败”发生在“发email”之前,故用现在分词的完成时作状语。(2) The growing speed of a plant is influenced by a number of factors, _ are beyond ou

20、r control.(2008湖南卷)A. most of them B. most of which C. most of what D. most of that 分析:B。该题考查非限制性定语从句。因为题干中逗号没有连词,所以不可能是个并列句,由此排除A项;又因为what, that不能引导非限制性定语从句,故选B。(3)Please do me a favour-_my roommate David that I am leaving for Shanghai and stay there for two days. A. to inform B. informing C. infor

21、m D. informed(4)Not far from the club there was a garden, _owner seated in it playing games with his childen every afternoon.Not far from the club there was a garden, _owner is seated in it playing games with his childen every afternoon.Not far from the club there was a garden, and_owner is seated i

22、n it playing games with his childen every afternoon.A.whose B.its C.which D.that(5) He wrote five novels, two of _translated into English.He wrote five novels, two of _ were translated into English.He wrote five novels, and two of _ were translated into English.A. it B. them C. which D. that 4.突破思维定

23、式法(防止有陷阱就往里跳)思维定式即以习惯的方式解决问题的思路。命题者常利用考生熟悉的句型结构、固定搭配或母语等巧设陷阱,给考生造成假象。解题中,注意正确理解句意,克服思维定势才是解题的关键。(1) _ the project as planned, well have to work two more hours a day.(2008湖南卷) A. Completing B. Complete C. Completed D. To complete分析:D。此题考生易选A。究其原因,他们认为complete和we形成主动关系,故而用现在分词结构,却不知此处是表示目的。(2) _ is kn

24、own to us all is that the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.(2008福建卷) A. It B. What C. As D. Which分析:B。该题考察名词性从句。考生易选A或C,误把it当初形式主语,或将题目看成常见的as is known to 引导的非限制性定语从句,而没有看清前面是个主语从句且主语从句中又少主语,这里只有what有这个功能。(3) The home improvements have taken what little there is_ my spare time. (NMET 20

25、01)A. from B. in C. of D. at 分析:C。很多考生误选了B项考生是受了in ones spare time这个习惯搭配的干扰而不知道此处的what little与my spare time构成的是所有关系,即部分与整体的关系 (4)We should stop pollution_ longer.A.from living live D will live(5)Peter was so excited _he received an invitation from his friend to visit ChongqingAwhere B.

26、that C.why D.when(6)We should do more such exercises in the future , I think, _those we did C.about D.than(9)-Where did you get the information of the course?-It was on the Internet_different types of courses are advertised.A. that B. where C. whose D. which (10)Mr. King, _car

27、the little boy goes to kindergarten every day is his fellow friends father.A. whose B. in whose C. which D. in which (11)We could not afford to buy the books because _of us had _money on us.A. all ; no B. none ; any C. any; no D. no one; any (12) Everyone here will thank the firefighter for the thin

28、gs they have done to prevent fires_the environment safer.A. make B. to making C, to make D. from making 5.固定搭配法固定搭配法就是根据词与词的搭配关系来找某问题答案的方法。常见的是一些特定的句型、句式和某些固定的短语搭配等。(1) It is often said that the joy of traveling is _ in arriving at your destination _ in the journey itself. (2008江苏卷A. / but B. / orC.

29、 not orD. not but分析:D。本题考查的是固定搭配。not but 是固定词组,意为“不是而是”。(2) You have no idea how she finished the relay race _ her foot wounded so much.(2008福建) A. for B. when C. with D. while分析:C。本题考查with的复合结构用法。with+名词+形容词,with的复合结构在句中做状语,表示谓语动作发生的伴随情况、时间、原因、方式等。其它三项均为连词,应接句子。(3) I _ it as a basic principle of th

30、e company that suppliers of raw materials should be given a fair price for their products. (2008江西卷) A. make B. look C. take D. think分析:C。本题考查固定短语的用法。take as “把当作”,题中it 做形式宾语。(4) I wonder _got him the job, his fluency in English or his good looks .A. which was it that B. what this was that C. which

31、it was that D. how it was (5)Mr .Wang made up his mind to devote all he could_his oral English before going abroad。A.improve B。to improve C.improving improving(6)Before he went abroad , he spent as much time as he_English.A.could learning B.learned learn D.could learn(7)You can imagine wha

32、t great difficulty I have _your house.A.found B.finding find D.for finding(8)Who is it up_decide whether to go or to B.for for for D.for to(9).Time should be made good use of_our lessons well.A.learning B.learned learn D.having learned(10)It was _the old clock that the old ma

33、n spent the whole morning at B.repairing repair repair(11)_occurred to me that the murder happened_a rainy day.A. What; in B. What ; on C. It; in D. It; on (12)Its high time that we _our work and _supper now.A. stop; have B. stopped; had C. stop; should have D. stopped; have6.

34、逻辑推理法有时考生需要将选项放入句中看前后的意思是否通顺,是否符合上下文逻辑,通过逻辑来选出正确答案。(1) Hi, Mark. How was the musical evening? Excellent! Ales and Andy performed _ and they won the first prize.(2008安徽卷) A. skillfully B. commonly C. willingly D. nervously分析:A。由excellent以及后半句的won the first prize推知空白处的词应该是赞扬Ales 和Andy的表现,具有迷惑性的C项表示“自愿

35、地”,不符合题意。A项skillfully意为“技术高超地”,符合题意。(2) In some places women are expected to earn money _ men work at home and raise their children. (2008四川卷) A. but B. while C. because D. though分析:B。本句前半句意思是“某些地方女人被期待去挣钱”,后半句意为“男人在家工作并抚养孩子”,可见两部分意思形成对比,此处while相当于and at the same time。7.语法分析法对基本语法的灵活运用是高考单项填空考查的一个主要

36、内容。解题时必须仔细分析句子结构后,注意句子前后的一致性,如主谓一致、时态一致、代词一致等,并且快速划分出意群,弄清句子结构,找出所缺句子的成分,这样才有利于问题的解决。(1)_wants to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way. (2008浙江卷)A. Anyone B. The one C. Whoever D. Who分析:C。本题考查名词性从句。分析语法成分可知has to pay their own way中缺少主语。该主语由主语从句充当,再分析主语从句,知从句缺少主语,而这里只有whoever能既引导从句,又在从句中作主语,相当于an

37、yone who。(2) Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers _ consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law.(2008江西卷)A. where B. when C. who D. which分析:A。该句考查定语从句。划分意群知主句是:Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers.后半部分是个分割式定语从句,先行词是cases。因为定语从句只缺少地点状语,故选where。8.比

38、较、排除法比较是对语法知识、词义、相似结构进行比较,最后选出正确答案。排除法不能单独使用,它只是前几种方法的补充,因为排除某一选项必须依据固定搭配和句子结构才能进行。(1) Im sorry youve been waiting so long, but itll still be some time _ Brian get back. (2008北京卷)A. before B. since C. till D. after分析:A。考查连词及相似句型的辨析。It is some time before 是一个句型,表示“在之前还有一段时间”。考生还要注意区别一下四个相似句型:1)It wil

39、l be/was+一段时间+before表示“才”或“就”;2)It has been/is+时间段+since表示“自以来已有多长时间”;3)It is/was +时间点+when表示“当时,时间是”,when引导时间状语从句;4)It is/was +强调部分+that/who为强调句式。(2) This is such a wonderful film _ we have never seen A. that B. as C. which D. what 分析:B。易错选A。注意区分suchthat和suchas的用法。在such. that引导的结果状语从句中, that不充当句子成分

40、, 而在such. as引导的定语从句中, as常作定语从句的主语或宾语。此题seen后缺少一个宾语, 故后面是一个定语从句。(3) _in thought, he almost ran into the car in front of him. A. Losing B. Having lost C. Lost D. To lose 分析:C。“in thought”意为“在思考中”,表状态,所以所填的非谓语动词不能是V-ing形式,排除A项和B项;D项To lose置于句首常表示目的,与题意不符;Lost为过去分词相当于形容词,与本题相符,故C项正确。 9. 综合分析法上述每一种解题方法绝不

41、是唯一的,各种方法之间的关系是互补的,是相互渗透的。因此在解题过程中,灵活、巧妙地使用多种方法往往较只用一种方法效果更好,而命题人越来越倾向于从多角度、综合地考查考生的知识水平。因此,解体时要瞻前顾后,通盘考虑。As we all know, every minute, _ full use of_ our lessons, will do good to us students. A. which makes; studying B. when made; to study C. that is made; study D. that is made; studying 分析:B。 此题题干

42、很长,但分析句子结构可知,其主句应该为:As we all know, every minute will do good to us students. every minute后面又有一个由when引导的省略的状语从句若将其补全,则应为: When every minute is made full use of to study our lessons.可以将被动语态转换为主动语态,即: When we students make full use of every minute to study our lessons . ,这样就不难选出答案了。10. 口诀法(1)-Where is

43、 that _tie I bought last month? -Cant you remember giving it to Rachel as a wedding gift?A. silk new black B. new silk black C. new black silk D. black new silk分析:C形容词的排列顺序口诀:限定描绘大长高,形状年龄与新老,颜色国籍出材料,作用类别往后靠1.在记忆介词but,except后接不定式时带不带to这个知识点时,有同学编了一句话“Do与to不共戴天”,即“有do无to,无do 有to”,就彻底解决了这一问题。即在含介词but的句

44、型中,but前有do,则but后的不定式不能带to;相反,but前若找不到do,则but后的不定式必定带to.例如: She could do nothing but cry.她只好哭了。(她除了哭以外别的什么也不能做。) I have no choice but to accept the fact.我别无选择,只好接受这个事实。 2.在记忆表“某国人”的名词的单复数是否加“s”时,我们可记住这一句话:中日不变,英法不变,其他“s”加后边。即Chinese,Japanese单复数同形;Englishman,Frenchman的复数为Englishmen,Frenchmen;其他像German

45、,American,Australian等的复数形式是在后面加“s”。 3.lie lay lain躺lay laid laid放下;产蛋lie lied lied撒谎,这几个词在拼写上很容易混淆,有人编了这样的口诀:规则的“撒谎”,不规则的“躺”,“躺”过就“下蛋”,“下蛋”不规则。“规则”指规则变化,“不规则”即不规则变化,如lie作“撒谎”解时,是规则变化,即其过去式和过去分词直接加d;“躺过”的“过”指的是过去式,即lie的过去式lay是“下蛋”的原形;“下蛋”是不规则变化。 He lay there lying that the hen laid an egg.4. 感观使役动词记忆

46、和使用口诀二听四看一感觉,使役动词有三个,或:一感二听三使四看。一感;feel二听:hear,listento三使:make,let,have四看:lookat,see,watch,notice使用口诀:感使动词真奇怪,to在句中象妖怪。主动句里它走开,被动句里它回来。动词let要除外,to词可来可不来。11.句子结构分析法:有些试题本来十分简单,但是命题者却通过使用定语从句,或者将我们十分熟悉的固定词组有意拆开,重新组合,使我们在结构上产生错觉。1.-Where do you think_he_the computer?-Sorry, I have no idea.A.had ; bough

47、t B.has ; bought C.did; buy D./; bought注意:在do you think/believe/suppose/imagine 与特殊疑问词连用时, 习惯把他们放在特殊疑问词的后面, 句子语序用陈述语序。2.Everything he_away from him before he returned to his hometownA.took B.had been taken C.had had been taken D.had taken3.Please tell me the way you thought of_the garden.A.take care

48、 of take care of C.taking care of to take care of4. It is said that the footballer is willing to play for _will pay him three million dollars per year.A. whoever B. whomever C.anyone D. no matter who 5. The majority of people here agree that there_a bus stop near the house will be a great

49、 advantage.A. was B. have been C. having been D. being 6. This is the main use that the scientists make _natural resources.A. in B. up of C, from D. of 1.D 2.C 3.B 4.A 5.D 6.D12.区分短暂性动词与延续性动词的正确使用(1)-How long have you been there?-_the end of last month.A.In B.By C.At D.Since (D)(2)until 用于肯定句, 主句用延续

50、性动词;用于否定句,主句用短暂性动词I will wait until he comes back.I wont leave until he comes back.(3)since 与短暂性动词连用,“自从做某事多长时间了”since 与延续性动词连用,“自从不做某事多长时间了”It is three years since I began to smoke.It is three years since I smoked.(4)while 从句的动词须用延续性动词13.注意连词的一词多义的使用(连词的一次多用法)(1)How can they learn so much _they spe

51、nd such a lot of time hanging about ?A.although B.when C.before D.until(2)-_advertisemnets are of great help , I dont think we should rely on them entirely.A.since B.because C.while.注意:when :当的时候;既然;这时突然;在之后;虽然然而可是;Call me when you have finished在之后She claimed to be eighteen , when I know he is

52、 only sixteen. 虽然然而可是While:当的时候;然而;尽管虽然before在之前;还没来得及,还未就;才;不到就;趁着还没有就;as:虽然,用于倒装;正如;按照;随着;一边一边;由于,因为;介词作为14. 抓关键词(短语)法,抓住“题眼”1.We should do more such exercises in the future , I think, _those we did C.about D.than2.Such a problem exists because adequate measures for preventin

53、g it _taken in the past.A. was not B. has not C. were not D. had not been3. An accident , _occur the other day. A. did C. will D. had to 4. Why not try your luck downtown, Bob?Thats _the best jobs are.(2007浙江)A. where B . what C .when D. why 5.- The problem isnt difficult for the children to wo

54、rk out , is it? -_. Perhaps they should have been given a more difficult one.A. Yes, it is B. Yes ,it isnt C. No, it is D. No, it isnt 6. If you_the medicine, you _better now.A. took; would feel B. had taken ; felt C. had taken ; would feel D. took; would have felt7. Generally speaking, parents pref

55、er to rent a house near a school _the year rather than monthly in order to accompany their children for long.A. within B. by C. during D. in 1.D 2.A 3.A 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.B15. 注意英汉文化差异,排除母语干扰法。在日常的英语学习中,必须重视对英语国家文化背景的了解, 注意汉语和英语在风俗习惯上的差异。一定要注意避免受母语影响而出现“汉语式”的表达。在高考中有很多试题这一点而设的,所以要特别小心。-I apologize for n

56、ot being able to join you for dinner.-_, well get together later.A. Go ahead B. Not to worry C. Thats right D. Dont mention it答案B. 选择项D 符合汉语的回答习惯“别提了”。一般用于别人道谢时候的回答,翻译成“不客气”句意:没有能和你一起吃饭深表歉意。 不必担心,我们以后还有机会一起吃。巩固练习:1. You cannot imagine what great trouble I took _ your house.A. to find B. finding C. f

57、ound D. having found 2. _we are _ our achievements after so many years efforts.A. How proud; of B. What proud; inC. How proud; in D. What proud; of3.What have you _ air, Tom?Basketball.A. have filled with B. had filled with C. had filled of D. to have filled4. Is this hotel _ you said we were to sta

58、y in your letter?A.where B.which C. in that D. in which5.If your radio doesnt work, who will you _to repair it? _fits for the job. A. have; Anyone who B. get; WhoeverC. suggest; The one who D. hope; Anyone6.Do you know _ he went to Beijing?Yes, I do, he went there by plane.A. how B. when C. that D.

59、if7. Is there a library around _ I can borrow a book for reference? A. that B. which C. where D. what 8. What made him glad was that the theory he had stuck to_ wrong. A. turned out B. turning out C. was turned out D. to be turned out 9.How did you sleep last night?Wonderful. Never slept_.A. well B.

60、 better C. best D. a better10._ the financial crisis_ has caused many people to lose jobs so far broke out last year came as a great shock to the whole world. A. That; what B. What; that C. Which; that D. That; which11. When_ why he was late, he made no answer.A. questionedB. questioning C. asking q

61、uestionsD. question12. There were a lot of people in the reading room, most of_ seated there chatting and laughing.A. them B. whom C. that D. which 13. The teacher often tells him to spend as much time as he_ his lessons. A. can do to study B. can studying C. can to study D. possible to study 14. _i

62、n a peaceful way, the long war between the two countries ended at last. A. To settle B. Settle C. Settling D. Settled15. It is in the company_ you referred to_ this kind of beer is produced. A. which; where B. which; that C. where; that D. that; which16. The prize will come to _comes first in the co

63、mpetition.A. who B. whom C. whoever D. whomever17. It is such a difficult problem _ no one can work out.A. as B. that C. so D. thus18. _ and youll succeed in time.A. If you try again B. Trying once more C. Another try D. To try again19.Does your brother serve in the army?No, not now. But he _ in the

64、 army for 8 years.A. would serve B. served C. had served D. was serving20. To our great_, Marys illness proved not to be as serious as we had feared.A. anxiety B. relief C. view D. judgment21. Not until his parents turned off the TV, _.A. did he go to bed B. didnt he go to bed C. he did go to bed D.

65、 he didnt go to bed22. Dont you know that your school is, as a matter of fact, _ used to be a church? A. where B. what C. that D. which 23.How long do you suppose it is_ he arrived here? No more than half a week. A. since B. before C. after D. when 24.People should be encouraged to use public transp

66、ort instead of cars._. The roads are really too crowded.A. All right B. No problem C. Go ahead D. Exactly25.Has Sam finished his homework today?I have no idea. He _ it this morning. A. did B. has done C. was doing D. had done26. It is not what you say is right but what you do _ is of importance.A. w

67、hichB. it C. that D. this27. A warm thought came to me _ I might give my book to the poor girl.A. if B. when C. that D. which Key: 1-5: AABAB 6-10:ACABD 11-15:AACDB 16-20:CACBB 21-27: ABADC CC附单词记忆法记单词,要“五到”,眼嘴手脑齐开炮;读写背默各几遍,印象清晰记得牢。(“五到”记忆法) (2)记过单词莫靠边,几天之后再看看;似忘非忘又温习,反反复复印心间。(循环记忆法)(3)单词多了别心烦,分片分组来

68、攻占;五个一组先吃掉,几组连成一大片。(分组记忆法)(4)结合词组句子记,有情有景有意义;重点段落须背诵,理解深刻有乐趣。(理解记忆法)(5)要想单词不写错,语音一关还得过;读音规律掌握好,拼写自然少差错。(语音记忆法)(6)分类归纳便于记,同类词汇放一起;bike,plane和jeep,归到交通工具里。(归纳记忆法)(7)同义近义反义词,辨析对比来记忆,比较对照才开窍,印象深刻记得牢。(对比记忆法)(8)单词长了容易忘,卡片纸条来帮忙;mathematics不好记,纸条贴到数学上。(卡片记忆法)(9)构词法,要学习,前缀后缀有规律;转换常把词类变,合成本是二合一。(构词记忆法) (10)课外读物有情趣,单词复现便于记;只要坚持常阅读,一举几得大有益。(阅读记忆法)

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