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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家.品句填词1She was _(高兴的)at the news of the wedding.答案:delighted2The students return in October for the start of the new _(学术的) year.答案:academic3Her return to the team now seems a_(确定的事)答案:certainty4As soon as we arrived on the island we were eager to_(勘探)答案:explore5The company was very _

2、(赞赏)of my efforts.答案:appreciative6The _(命运)of the three men is unknown.答案:fate.选词填空1They walked along _.答案:arm in arm2She is widely _the current leaders natural successor.答案:regarded as3A sentence can be _meaningful segments.答案:divided into4Steve,_was the last to arrive.答案:as usual5His mother _last

3、year.答案:pass away.单项填空1With the world changing fast,we have something new_with all by ourselves every day. AdealBdealt Cto deal Ddealing解析:选C。考查不定式作后置定语。句意: 随着世界的迅速变化,我们每天都有新的东西需要自己处理。不定式to deal with修饰something new作后置定语。2The children all turned_the famous actress as she entered the classroom. Alooke

4、d at Bto look atCto looking at Dlook at解析:选B。考查非谓语动词。这里用不定式作目的状语。3He said angrily to me that he was fully ready for an argument_his boss_the delayed pay.Aover;on Bwith;in Cfor;about Dwith;over解析:选D。an argument with sb.about/on/over sth.“就某事同某人的一次争论”。4He_his father in amazement and asked “Is it true?

5、”Astared at Bglanced atCglared at Dglimpsed at解析:选A。句意:他吃惊地盯着父亲问:“这是真的吗?”stare at“(不友好或吃惊地)长时间盯着看”;glance at“瞥视,一瞥”;glare at“怒目而视”;glimpse与of连用。5We are_at the standard of service we received.Adisgusting BdisgustCdisgusted Ddisgustingly解析:选C。句意:他们的服务水平让我们十分反感。disgusting adj.“令人恶心的”;disgusted adj.“感到厌

6、恶的”。6Our son doesnt know what to_at university;he cant make up his mind about his future.Atake in Btake upCtake over Dtake after解析:选B。 句意:我们的儿子不知道在大学里应该学习什么,他对自己的未来拿不定主意。take in“接受;吸收;理解;欺骗”:take up“开始从事;占据”;take over“接收,接管”;take after“(面貌、言行等)像”。7Will they agree on each other?No.Neither side is rea

7、dy to_.Adonate BdistributeCsubstitute Dcompromise解析:选D。句意:“他们会互相同意吗?”“不会。任何一方都不愿意妥协。”compromise“妥协;折衷”,符合题意。donate“捐赠”;distribute“分配;分发”;substitute“用代替”。8_of her wallet,in which her keys and cards were,she had to call the police.ARobbed BRobCRobbing DRobs解析:选A。句意:装有钥匙和卡的钱包被抢走了,她不得不打电话报警。rob“抢劫;盗窃;剥夺

8、”,rob sb.of sth.“抢劫某人的东西”。she和rob之间是动宾关系,故用过去分词作状语表示被动。9At the end of the film,the music_but the audience cheered up.Adied out Bfaded outCblocked out Dleft out解析:选B。句意:电影结束时,音乐逐渐消失了,但是观众却欢呼起来。fade out“(声音、画面)逐渐模糊;渐淡”。die out“灭亡;逐渐消失”;block out“挡住(光线)”;leave out“省去;遗漏;不考虑”。10Another team has been sen

9、t to the typhoonhit area,where the villagers are_help.Ain case of Bin need ofCat the cost of Din the course of解析:选B。另一小组已被送往台风灾区,那里的村民需要帮助。in need of“需要”,符合题意。in case of“假使,万一”;at the cost of“以为代价”;in the course of“在过程中,在期间”。.完形填空Roberta appeared on the stage.She took a deep breath and began to_1_.N

10、ow she was Portia,a strongwilled_2_in Shakespeares The Merchant of Venice.The theater was filled with people.She was speaking with a power she had never before experienced,the words flowing_3_from her._4_,Roberta had never acted in her life before the audition(选拔试演)She_5_being in front of other peop

11、le.She was very_6_at school.She had never thought she was good enough at anything to_7_much attention.She stayed mostly to herself,making_8_friends.She had excellent grades,_9_she always thought that something was missing.Two weeks before the audition,Robertas mother had heard about it and_10_her to

12、 join in.“I cant think of anyone else better suited to_11_the part.Remember all the plays you used to act out for us?”Roberta looked down.“Im not interested.”Her mother wouldnt let the_12_drop.“Youre just a little scared (害怕)Everyone gets scared.You know you_13_do it.The trick is to look past the_14

13、_to find the love of what youre doing.”So Roberta had made an appointment(预约) with the head of the Drama Club.She had read the play and found herself excited by the_15_of speaking such rich words.In secret she practiced Portias part,_16_the lines by repeating them over and over.It wasnt hard;she_17_

14、every minute of it.Every time she spoke the words,she had a new_18_of the lines,as if Shakespeare had written Portia on many levels.On the day of the audition,she_19_two of Portias famous speeches for the auditors.When she had finished,the head of the Drama Club announced the_20_was hers.1A.sing Bda

15、nceCspeak Dreport解析:选C。由文章第一段最后一句She was speaking.可知此处应用speak。2A.member BactressCplayer Dcharacter解析:选D。Portia是莎士比亚戏剧中的一个“人物”。3A.weakly BrapidlyCsmoothly Dslowly解析:选C。由上下文可知她演讲时充满激情,话语从口中“顺畅地”流出。4A.At first BIn factCAfter all DIn all解析:选B。事实上,她在这次选拔试演前从未表演过。5A.hated BenjoyedCappreciated Dregretted解析

16、:选A。她讨厌站在众人前面。6A.honest BshyCpolite Dpatient 解析:选B。由上下文可知她在学校里很害羞,不善交际。7A.avoid BfocusCpay Dattract解析:选D。她从来没有想到她能够吸引别人的注意。8A.few Ba fewCseveral Dmany解析:选A。她在多数情况下独处,很少交朋友。9A.or BsoCfor Dbut解析:选D。由上下文可知,此处为转折关系。10A.forced BrequestedCencouraged Dreminded解析:选C。母亲听说选拔试演的事之后,“鼓励”她参加。11A.accept BplayCoff

17、er Dlearn解析:选B。play the part“扮演这一角色”。12A.role BmatterCinterest Dgrade解析:选B。母亲不愿就这样放弃“这件事”,即“让女儿参加表演”一事。13A.can BmustCmay Dshould解析:选A。句意为“你知道你能成功。”14A.anger BpainCsadness Dfear解析:选D。“窍门是你要超越恐惧,找到你对所做之事的热爱或兴趣。”15A.purpose BwayCidea Dimportance解析:选C。她读了剧本,并发现自己为能说出这些丰富的话语的“想法”感到兴奋。16A.memorizing Borga

18、nizingCchecking Dimproving解析:选A。私下里她练习Portia这一角色,“记住了”台词。17A.disliked BlovedCexpected Dbore解析:选B。她“热爱”练习的每一分钟。18A.consideration BdescriptionCselection Dunderstanding解析:选D。每次她说这些话语时,对这些话语(台词)都会有新的“理解”。19A.practiced BplannedCperformed Ddelivered 解析:选C。在选拔试演这一天,她为听众“表演”了Portia的两个著名的演说。20A.part BplayCsp

19、eech Dposition 解析:选A。最后宣布Portia这一“角色”由她来演。.阅读理解Just three years since Lady Gaga had her first US number one single,the pop star has claimed the top spot in Forbes magazines annual Celebrity 100 list.The popular star moved up four positions from last year and has knocked TV chat show host Oprah Winfr

20、ey of the top spot.But how has the singer become such a global phenomenon in such a short space of time?Two experts in music,fashion and social networking give their opinions.George ErgatoudisHead of Music Radio 1“The key thing is Lady Gaga realised by using all the current social networking sites,a

21、nd connecting that with her fashion,she has become an allround star.Everytime she goes out the door she looks different.Shes getting photographed,shes aware of that and shes using it by updating her look literally on a daily basis.Another key thing,was that quite early on,her record label was showin

22、g how gifted she is as a musician.The music she makes,the songs she writes and the production she has are all brilliant contemporary pop music.She literally is turning into a global superstar.”Calum BrannanCoFounder of social Networking support company Crowd Control HQ“Social media is a reflection(反

23、映)of what we love,so people are becoming very good at sharing exactly what they love and the brands and musicians they love.The fact she has 10 million Twitter followers and 30 million Facebook fans is a massive reflection on Lady Gaga and the influence she has.Once out there,Twitter and Facebook he

24、lp keep that persons profile(个人形象) alive.Her fans are always talking about her and sharing everything she does even when shes not on stage or in concert.I think even if she wasnt on Facebook and Twitter,her fans and followers would put her there anyway.But the most important thing is,she is on there

25、 and shes using them.”【解题导语】作为一名国际流行巨星,美国女歌手Lady Gaga在Twitter上有一千万粉丝,在Facebook上有三千万粉丝,她在全世界的影响力还在与日俱增。究竟她为何会有如此强大的影响力呢?请听两位音乐、时尚及社交网络专家的解读。1What can be the best title for the text?AWhat Is Lady Gagas Life like?BWhat has Lady Gaga Achieved?CWhy Is Lady Gaga So Popular?DWhy Is Lady Gaga Using Facebook

26、?解析:选C。标题归纳题。本文主要引用两位专家的话,分析了Lady Gaga为什么会在全球具有如此强大的影响力的原因,重点并非她的个人生活、事业成就以及成功道路,所以C为正确选项。2Both George Ergatoudis and Calum Brannan owe Lady Gagas success to_.Ahard workBsocial mediaCher faithful fans Dher music talents解析:选B。推理判断题。综合两位专家的话,可以看出他们都强调了社交网络对Lady Gaga的成功所起的作用。他们并未提及Lady Gaga的勤奋努力;虽然Calu

27、m Brannan提到粉丝的作用,但George Ergatoudis并未提到;George Ergatoudis提到了Lady Gaga的音乐才能,但Calum Brannan没有提到,所以不可选D项。3The underlined word “them” in the last paragraph probably refers to_.Aphotos BvideosCfans and followers DFacebook and Twitter解析:选D。词义推测题。根据最后一段,Calum Brannan说“即使Lady Gaga不使用Facebook和Twitter,她的粉丝也会发

28、布关于她的消息”,后面他接着说“重要的是,她使用它们”,由此判断这里的them是指Facebook和Twitter。4What can be inferred from the text?ALady Gaga has had only one US number one single.BLady Gaga keeps a close contact with her fans.CLady Gagas influence is limited to America.DLady Gaga ranked 10th in last years Forbes Celebrity 100 list.解析:选B。推理判断题。根据最后两段,可知Lady Gaga经常更新自己的Facebook和Twitter,由此判断她和粉丝有密切的联系。版权所有:高考资源网()版权所有:高考资源网()高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究


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