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《名校推荐》河北省武邑中学人教版高中英语必修二学案:UNIT5单词学案 .doc

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1、 第第 2016-2017高一 Book 2 单词学案姓名 班级 学号 命题人:赵迎红 校对人:王海娥 Unit5 Music1. roll 1)We rolled the barrels of oil onto the ship. _ 2)The ship rolled so heavily that we were all sick._ 3)Wallpaper is bought in rolls._ 【即学即练】Tears _(正顺着脸颊流下来)2. attach sth to sth -be attached to 1)I attached a photo to the letter.

2、_ 2)All the tourists must attach labels(标签)to their bags._ 3)The hospital is attached to that famous university._ 4)He attached a color printer to his computer._attach significance/importance/ value /weight to (sth.), 意思是“认为很重要,有价值”。在这里, to是介词,后面接名词词组或动名词。 e.g. They attached importance to the peace

3、talk between the two countries. 【即学即练】Both her parents _(认为教育很重要)3. form 1) It s of great importance for you to form good habits. _ 2) Help in the form of money will be very welcome._ 3) Make sure you fill in the form and send it to me this afternoon._4. earn 1) They can earn extra money for themsel

4、ves or to pay for their instrument. 2) He earned the title of “The Great” by his victories in the war. 【拓展】1) earn money= make money 2) earn a living=make a livingHe earns money by selling hotdogs. My brother earns a living by repairing cars.5. perform 1) perform a task/ perform ones duty/ perform a

5、n operation 2) perform the piano/perform skillfully on the flute/ perform live on television/ perform a ceremony n.表演;履行; 表现 _ n.表演者, 执行者_ 【即学即练】 She was fired for not _(perform) her duty. Our team _ (perform)well in the match yesterday. Inside the theatre, the _(perform) were giving a _(perform) of

6、 Bizets Carmen.6. broadcast (broadcast , broadcast) v/n广播The BBC _(broadcast)every day. The concert will _(broadcast) live tomorrow evening.We watched a live broadcast of the speech.7. dream dreamed dreamed / dreamt, dreamt dream of/about_He ever dreamed about going out of the mountain and_( have) a

7、 good look at the outside world.Little did Susan dream of _(get)a chance to pay a visit to the Great Wall one day.同源宾语现象: dream a sweet dream; live a happy life; die a brave death deal_/_ mean_/_“dream” 与 “dreamt”中字母组合 “ea” 的发音一样吗?8. to be honest(with you)=to tell (you)the truth To be honest, I dont

8、 like the movie. To be honest, Im afraid of going out at night. 【拓展】to be honest = _ speaking 对比:to be brief (with you) = _ speaking9. in cash : give sb. money in the form of notes and coins In which way do you prefer to pay for things, in cash or _ check?Nowadays more and more people prefer to pay

9、for purchases _ credit card rather than in cash.10.rely _ pt _pp rely on/depend on/count on/bank on sb(to do/doing sth) 依赖某人(做某事) You can rely on me keeping/to keep your secret. The success of this project relies on everyone making an effort. adj_11.familiar adj熟悉的 get/be familiar with_ get/be famil

10、iar to_ Young people must be very familiar_ Jay Chou. This song is familiar_young people be known as/for/to_ be similar to_12.break _pt _pp break up 分手 解散 关系破裂 分解 break down身体垮了 精神崩溃了 汽车抛锚了 机器坏了 谈话或谈判失败了 分解 break into sp/break in 破门而入 break out 战争火灾争吵等的爆发break away from 摆脱 Weve broken _after a quarr

11、el. The sea water can break _ the waste. The burglar broke_ my house and stole some money. World War II broke _ in 1939. The prisoner broke _ from his guards. The computer system broke_ suddenly while he was searching for information on the Internet. News reports say peace talks between the two coun

12、tries have broken _ with no agreement reached. Their marriage has broken _用下列词组的正确形式填空 play jokes on in addition sort out above all It is impolite to _ the disabled. Id like to buy a house modern, comfortable, and _ in a quiet neighborhood. We must _ the good apples from the bad ones. This job is di

13、fficult. _, we dont have enough time.Keysin cash pretend dreamed of To be honest rely on familiar broke up humorousdevotion afterwards1. 滚动 2. 摇晃 3. 卷2. 附上 贴上 附属 连接Tears were rolling down her cheeks. attach great importance to educationthe best form赚钱 赢得His honesty earned him great respect.performan

14、ce performerperforming performed performhonestly brieflyrely on sb. to do sth.rely on sb. doing sth.rely heavily on computers towith which every teenager is familiarbroke into broke out broke away from AADplay jokes on above all sort out in additionUnit 5 Music 单词学案* 学习目标1、 借助所给例句提供的语境,体验、理解以下核心动词和短

15、语的含义,并通过合作、探究,使用词典等手段,归纳出其主要用法,并能在合适语境下恰当使用它们。 课标核心动词:roll, attach, form, earn, perform, pretend, broadcast 课标核心短语:dream of , to be honest , in cash, play jokes on, rely on ,be/ get familiar with , or so, break up, in addition, sort out, above all 2、 能够根据课本原文中的例句,解释以下名词的基本含义,并能通过观察、体验所给更多的例句识别其它含义。课

16、标核心名词: musician, instrument, performance, actor, devotion ,invitation, passer-by, pub, studio, millionaire, beard 3、 掌握以下形容词的基本含义,并可以进行与其副词之间的正确转换。课标核心形容词: extra, humorous, attractive, confident, brief, sensitive 课标核心副词: briefly, afterwards, * 课前准备区 预习内容: 请同学们在The Band That Wasnt (P34), Freddy The F

17、rog (II ) (P38)和Freddys Reply (P40)三篇文章中找出含有课标核心词汇和短语的句子,并尝试着结合句子语境理解其中动词或短语的词义。 通过浏览词汇表,了解并能说出表中所列主要名词、形容词和副词的基本含义。 预习时间:20min。 预习检测:请用本单元的核心词汇或短语完成以下句子。 1. Later they may give performances in pubs or clubs, for which they are paid_.2. Do you sing karaoke and p _ you are a famous singer like Song Z

18、uying or Liu Huan?3. Have you ever _ _ playing in front of thousands of people at a concert, at which everyone is clapping and appreciating your music?4. _(说实在的), a lot of people attach great importance to becoming rich and famous.5. They had to _ _ (依靠 )other musicians to help them.6. They were so

19、popular that their fans formed clubs in order to get more _with them.7. The band _ _ about 1970, but happily they reunited in the mid-1980s.8. Anyhow their performances were h_ enough to be copied by other groups.9.Fans showed their d_ by waiting for hours to get tickets for their concerts. 10. He enjoyed singing and all the congratulations _.(后来地)学中长知识,用中促能力* 课中学习区课题一点击动词


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