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1、M6U2 Grammar and usage非谓语作状语一、 不定式作状语1表示目的Many people went to see Sang Lan in the hospital to cheer her up.His mother does everything she can_to help_ (help) him.Henry has decided to go to the hospital _to be examined_ (examine) by the doctor.I stayed there in order / so as _to see_ (see) what would

2、 happen.= I stayed there in order that/ so that I could see what would happen.(改成状语从句)2表示结果He ran so fast as to catch the first bus.Im not such a stupid fool as to take it down.The boy is too young to go to school.The boy is old enough to go to school.Jane hurried back only _to find_ (find) her moth

3、er dying in the hospital. (only to do 表示_)对比:He dropped the cup, _breaking_ (break) it into pieces.3表示原因I was surprised to see that a three- year- old baby could write so well.They were delighted to hear that their son had been admitted to Oxford University. (be happy/ glad/ sad/ sorry+ to do sth. )

4、二、现在分词和过去分词做状语1原因状语We are hoping bigger holes in the nets, because we hope to avoid catching fish that are not fully grown. (改成分词作状语)= We are hoping bigger holes in the nets, _hoping to avoid catching_._Wishing_ (wish) to advocate better treatment for disable people, Sang Lan took part in many activ

5、ities._Not knowing_ (not know) what to do, she turned to me for help._Inspired_ (inspire) by Sang Lans story, the students decided to work harder at their lessons. (改成状语从句)= _Because they were inspired by Sang Lans story_, the students decided to work harder at their lessons. _Praised_ (praise) by t

6、he neigbours, he became the pride of his parents.2时间状语_Asking_ (ask) around, I find many people willing to pay a little higher price for things that are friendly to the environment. (改成状语从句)= _When I ask around_, I find_Travelling_ (travel) around the city, the man felt uncomfortable because of the

7、noise._Asked_ (ask) when he would arrive, he said it was uncertain.= _When he was asked _, he said it was uncertain.3方式状语The children started for London, _singing_ (sing) and _dancing_ (dance).He walked up and down the room, _lost_(lose) in thought.4条件状语_Preparing_ (prepare) fully, we can achieve gr

8、eat things. (改成状语从句)= _If we prepare fully_, we can achieve great things._Turning_ (turn) to the left at the crossroads, you will see the railway station on you right._Given_ (give) enough time, we will see the whole city.对比:1)_Following_ (follow) the old man, we went upstairs. _Followed_ by the old

9、 man, we went upstairs.2) _Seeing_ (see) from the hill, we find the city very beautiful._Seen_ from the top of the hill, the city looks more beautiful.小结:1分词做状语,它的逻辑主语和_句子的主语_ 保持一致。2现在分词和过去分词的两大差别:1)语态上:现在分词表示_主动_, 过去分词表示_被动_。2)时态上:现在分词表示_进行_, 过去分词表示_完成_。注意点:1. 现在分词和过去分词的完成式After we make our plan, w

10、e will put it into practice.= _Having made our plan_, we will put it into practice.Because he had been trapped in traffic, he was late for work.= _Having been trapped in traffic_, he was late for work.形式意义doing与逻辑主语的关系为主动,与谓语动词同时或几乎同时发生。having donedonehaving been done2. 有些连词如when, while, once, if, u

11、nless, although等后可跟分词作状语。I will not go to the party even if _invited_ (invite).We have to consider the need for environmental protection when _developing_ (develop) the economy.三、 独立主格结构He rushed into the room, his face _covered_ (cover) with sweat. It _being_ (be) a fine day, we went out for an out

12、ing.The earthquake _having destroyed_ (destroy) everything, they became homeless.动词填空1. By the end of 2007, about half a million people had flooded into the city, _making_ (make) up around 10% of its total population.2. Her homework _done_ (do), Mary decided to read novels.3. _Buried_ (bury) in the

13、book, he didnt notice the sound.4. _Burying_ (bury) himself in the book, he didnt notice the sound.5. _Hidden_ (hide) behind the door, he was too frightened to say a word.6. _Hiding_ (hide) himself behind the door, he was too frightened to say a word.7. Everything _taken_ into consideration, the res

14、ult is better than _expected_ (expect).8. _Not having finished_ (not finish)herwork,shehadtoworkextrahours.9. Manypeopleareeager_to participate_inthecomingOlympicGames.10. _Considering_ (consider)hisage,thechildreadswell.11. _Concerning_ (concern) your request, we have talked about it at the meeting

15、.12. Though_beaten_ (beat)bytheoppositeteam,theplayersdidntloseheart.单选题1. Though _ of the danger, he still went skating on the thin ice. A. warning B. to warn C. warn D. warned2. _ from this point of view,the question will be of great importance.A. Considering B. Considered C. Being considered D. C

16、onsider 3. _ deep down in the earth,the dead forests rotted away and became coal. A. Buried B. Burying C. To bury D. Being buried 4. If _ green,the door might look more beautiful. A. paint B. painted C. painting D. to paint 5. Anna was reading a piece of science fiction, _ completely to the outside

17、world. A. being lost B. having lost C. losing D. lost 6. _ from what he wears, he must be a rich man. A. Judged B. Having judged C. Judging D. Being judged 7. When first _ to the market, these products enjoyed great success. A. introducing B. introduced C. introduce D. being introduced 8. _, the old

18、 man is living a happy life. A. Taking good care B. Taken good care C. Having taken good care D. Taken good care of 9. We are certain that everything will go well as _. A. to be planned B. planned C. being planned D. having been planned 10. When _,the museum will be open to the public next year. A.

19、completed B. completing C. being completed D. to be completed11. _ more attention, the trees will grow better. A. To give B. Having given C. Given D. Giving 12._ the railway station, we had a break, only _ the train had left. A. Arriving at; to find B. Coming to; discovering that C. On arriving at;

20、finding out D. Hurrying to; to have found out 13._ these pictures, I couldnt help thinking of those days when I was in Being and _ from the top of the building, Beijing looks more beautiful. A. Seeing; seen B. Seen; seeing C. Seeing; seeing D. Seen; seen 14._ his head high, the manager walked into t

21、he room to attend the meeting _ then. A. Holding; being held B. Held; holding C. Having held; held D. Held; to be held 15. Greatly moved by her words, _.A. tears came to his eyes B. he could hardly hold back his tears C. tears could hardly be held back D. his eyes were filled with tears. 16. He sat

22、there, _ what to say. A. not knowing B. knowing not C. not having known D. having not known17. Sometimes new ideas have to be tested many times before _ . A. accepting fully B. being fully accepted C. fully accepting D. fully being accepted 18. I cant stand _ with Jane in the same office, she just r

23、efuses _ talking while she works. A working; stopping B to work; stopping C working; to stop D to work; to stop19. The research is so designed that once _ nothing can be done to change it. A begins B having begun C beginning D begun20. Tom kept silent about the accident _ lose his job . A so not as

24、to B so as not to C so as to not D not so as to 21. _theirservices,theworkersofthehotelareactiveinlearningEnglish.A.ImprovingB.ToimproveC.ImprovedD.Havingimproved22._timeandlabour,cartoonistsgenerallydrawthehandsoftheircharacters withonlythreefingersandathumb.A.TosaveB.SavedC.SavingD.Havingsaved23.A

25、llnightlonghelayawake,_howtodrivetheAmericaninvadersbackhome.A.tothinkB.thinkingC.thoughtD.beingthought24. _good,thefoodwassoldoutsoon.A.TastingB.TastedC.BeingtastedD.Havingbeentasted25. _toherapartment,shefoundhernecklacemissing.A.ToreturnB.ReturnedC.BeingreturnedD.Returning26. _withdevelopedcountries,westillhavealongwaytogo.A.TocompareB.ComparedC.ComparingD.Beingcompared27. _suchheavypollutionalready,itmaynotbetoolatetoclearuptheriver.A.HavingsufferedB.SufferingC.TosufferD.Suffered1-5 DBABD 6-10CBDBA 11-15 CAAAB 16-20 ABCDB 21-25 BABAD 26-27 BA.w。w-w*k&s%5¥u高考资源网w。w-w*k&s%5¥u

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