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本文(优化方案&高中同步测试卷&人教英语必修1:UNIT 2B卷能力提升检测卷 WORD版含答案.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

优化方案&高中同步测试卷&人教英语必修1:UNIT 2B卷能力提升检测卷 WORD版含答案.doc

1、Unit 2B卷能力提升检测卷(建议用时:65分钟).阅读理解AHere are a few tips weve put together to help you learn English well.Speak,speak,speakPractise speaking as often as you caneven speaking to yourself is good practice.Try recording yourself whenever you can.Compare your pronunciation with the master version,see how you

2、 can do better and have another go.If you do this several times,you will find that each version is better than the last.Why not learn with someone else?It helps if you can learn with someone else.If you can persuade a friend or a family member to study with you,it will make you keep working.Dont get

3、 stuck by a word you dont know.Practise improvising(即兴的)ways of getting your meaning across when speaking spontaneously(本能地),even if you dont know the exact words or phrases.Think of things you might want to say whenever you have spare time.Use facial expressions,hand movements,anything to get your

4、meaning across.Language learning is also about intuition(直觉)Guesswork is an important way to learn a new language.When listening to recorded material,you arent expected to understand everything first round.If you play the same piece several times,you will most probably understand something new each

5、time.Build up your vocabulary.A wide vocabulary is the key to successful language learning but dont try to learn too much at once.Its best to study frequently,for short periods of time.Take at most six or seven items of vocabulary and learn them.Put them into sentences to fix them in your mind,then

6、come back to them later.And above all,have fun!1Why should one have himself recorded when practising speaking?ATo improve his speaking. BTo record his own progress.CTo encourage others to start. DTo compare himself with others.2In the writers opinion,which of the following is the most important in l

7、earning English?ASpeaking. BPleasure.CIntuition. DVocabulary.3It is implied in the passage that _ is helpful when you are learning English.Abody language Ba good materialCa good friend Da proper dictionary4According to the passage,one should _ when you are learning English.Aalways work with other pe

8、ople Bbe able to guess everything newCoften review what he has learnt Dtake little notice of grammarBRail passengers are being forced to pay thousands of pounds more in fares as a result of poor advice from the national telephone helpline and individual stations, a consumer organization reveals toda

9、y. Research by Which? found that in some cases passengers are being charged almost double the cheapest price because of errors made by staff.Which? asked 25 questions of both station staff and the National Rail Enquiries (NRES) helpline. Only half of the 50 questions were answered correctly. If cust

10、omers had followed all the advice given, they would have been 1 263.60 worse off.Bad advice was given for the cheapest fare for a single journey between London and Grantham. For a ticket bought on the day of travel, both NRES and a Kings Cross station clerk quoted GNERs 44. 50 fare, ignoring a Hull

11、Trains service which leaves 10 minutes earlier and costs just 20.Some of the most costly misinformation was given for journeys where season tickets should have been recommended. Passengers making a return journey between Swindon and Penzance twice in a week could buy a ticket from one company for 70

12、 which would cover all the travel. But both NRES and station staff quoted 67 for each journey, making 134. However, the NRES website proved to be a much more reliable source of information.Which? also checked “the earlier you book, the cheaper the ticket” claims by five companies and found this was

13、not always the case. On some services, prices went up and down at_randomIthiel Mogridge, 52, gave one example of poor advice:“Last Christmas I found my brother a ticket on the thetrainline. com to travel from Blackburn to Yate. While the direct route was 51, this one involved a change in Newport and

14、 cost just 21. I emailed the details to him and his partner. They went to Blackburn station, where the clerk insisted the fare was 51.”Malcolm Coles, editor of which. co. uk, said:“Staff training needs to be improved. In the meantime, weve designed a checklist, available at which. co. uk/railadvice.

15、”5According to the passage, “Which?” is a _Anational telephone helplineBdepartment under the British RailCconsumer organizationDwebsite under the National Rail Enquiries6When the author said that customers “would have been 1 263. 60 worse off”, he was telling us that customers would have _Asaved 1 2

16、63.60 if they had followed the adviceBspent 1 263. 60 more than the lowest priceCused 1 263. 60 for the survey of 25 questionsDbeen cheated of 1 263. 60 from the poor advice7The underlined phrase “at random” in Paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to“_”Acasually BpurposefullyCexactly Dinevitably8The pa

17、ssage is mainly concerned with the phenomenon that _Atrain passengers get bad advice on faresBrail passengers are illtreated by station staffCbooking clerks and the telephone helpline offer reliable informationDrail passengers can get cheaper tickets if they book earlierCThe development of the Engli

18、sh language took a big step nine years before the death of William Shakespeare.Three small British ships crossed the Atlantic Ocean in 1607.They landed in an area that would later become the southern American state of Virginia.They began the first of several British colonies(殖民地)In time,people in th

19、ese new colonies began to call areas of their new land by words borrowed from the native people they found living there.For example,many of the great rivers in the United States are taken from American Indian words.The Mississippi,the Tennessee,and the Missouri are examples.Britain had other colonie

20、s in Africa,Asia,the Caribbean,and India.The English language also became part of these colonies.These colonies are now independent,but English is still one of the languages spoken there.And the English language grew as words from the native languages were added.For example,the word “shampoo” for so

21、ap for the hair came from India.“Banana” is believed to be from Africa.Experts cannot explain many English words.For hundreds of years,a dog was called a “hound”The word is still used but not as commonly as the word “dog”Experts do not know where the word “dog” came from or when.English speakers jus

22、t started using it.Other words whose origins(起源)are unknown include “fun”,“bad”and “big”English speakers also continue to invent new words by linking old words together.A good example is the words “motor” and “hotel”Many years ago,someone linked them together into the word “motel”People often ask ho

23、w many words there are in the English language.Well,no one really knows.The Oxford English Dictionary lists about six hundred and fifteen thousand words.Yet the many scientific words not in the dictionary could increase the number to almost one million.9The development of the English language took a

24、 big step because_Amany people came to Britain from other nationsBWilliam Shakespeare invented many new wordsCit started borrowing words from British coloniesDBritish people tried their best to change the language10The underlined word “motel” in Paragraph 5 shows that_Adifferent English words may me

25、an the sameBinventing new words is difficult for British peopleCthe number of English words is increasing day by dayDsome English words were made by linking old words together11What is the last paragraph mainly about?AWhy the English language has so many words.BWhy English has more words than people

26、 think.CThe total number of words in the English language.DThe number of the unknown words in the English language.DThe Kibera School for girls in Kenya offers free education,uniforms,books and meals to girls from prekindergarten to the fourth grade.The school is the first to offer free education to

27、 girls in the area.The people of Kibera struggle to provide themselves with food,places to live in,clean water and good schools.When there is no money for school,parents usually ask their daughters to drop out of school before their sons.The Kibera School for girls works to help the community unders

28、tand the value of education.Parents do not have to pay,but a family member must work at the school for five weeks a year as a way to support a childs education.Tenyearold Joyce Achieng is one of the students at that school.She said,“It is important for girls because if we dont go to school,we will n

29、ot achieve(实现)our goals and our dreams will not come true,either.We will not be what we want to be in the future.”Helping women make better futures is why Kennedy Odede built the school almost four years ago.He says that growing up in Kibera,he hates seeing that more boys than girls could go to scho

30、ol.In 2004,Mr.Odede bought a soccer ball with twenty cents he had earned from working in a factory.Through sports,he encouraged young people to discuss problems facing them in their poor neighborhoods.He wants to make life better for girls as well as boys.12What is special about the Kibera School fo

31、r girls?AIt has many grades.BIt is free for its students.CAll poor kids can go to it.DParents dislike its system.13What can we learn about people of Kibera in Paragraph 2?AThey love their daughters more than their sons.BMost of them have received good education.CThey think education is important for

32、 girls.DMany of them live a very difficult life.14We can infer that Joyce Achieng_Atries her best to make other peoples dreams come trueBdoesnt care about her futureCdoesnt think that her dreams will come trueDfeels happy that she can study at that school15Kennedy Odede bought a soccer ball in 2004

33、to_Ahelp students in his school have funBleave his problems behind through sportsChelp others know the importance of sportsDencourage others to talk about problems through sports.完形填空Jenna,a popular girl from Westwood Middle School,had graduated first in her class and was ready for new _1_ in high s

34、chool._2_,high school was different.In the first week,Jenna went to tryouts(选拔赛) for cheerleaders(啦啦队队员)She was competing against very talented girls,and she knew it would be _3_ for her to be selected.Two hours later,the _4_ read a list of the girls for a second tryout.Her heart _5_ as the list end

35、ed without her name.Feeling _6_,she walked home carrying her schoolbag full of homework.Arriving home,she started with math.She had always been a good math student,but now she was _7_She moved on to English and history,and was _8_ to find that she didnt have any trouble with those subjects.Feeling b

36、etter,she decided not to _9_ math for the time being.The next day Jenna went to see Mrs.Biden about being on the school _10_Mrs.Biden wasnt as _11_ as Jenna.“Im sorry,but we have enough _12_ for the newspaper already.Come back next year and well talk then.”Jenna smiled _13_ and left.“Why is high sch

37、ool so _14_?”she sighed.Later in _15_ class,Jenna devoted herself to figuring out the problems that had given her so much _16_By the end of class,she understood how to get them right.As she gathered her books,Jenna decided shed continue to try to _17_ at her new school.She wasnt sure if shed succeed

38、,but she knew she had to _18_High school was just as her mom had said:“You will feel like a small fish in a big pond _19_ a big fish in a small pond.The challenge is to become the _20_ fish you can be.”1.A.processes BdecisionsCchallenges Dexercises2A.Therefore BHoweverCOtherwise DBesides3A.difficult

39、 BeasyCboring Dinteresting4A.editor BbossCcandidate Djudge5A.jumped BsankCstopped Draced 6A.strange BhappyCawful Dlonely7A.struggling BimprovingCworking Dcomplaining8A.ashamed BdisappointedCshocked Drelieved9A.put up Bprepare forCworry about Dgive up10A.committee BnewspaperCradio Dteam11A.enthusiast

40、ic BartisticCsympathetic Drealistic12A.speakers BreadersCcheerleaders Dwriters13A.widely BweaklyCexcitedly Dbrightly14A.similar BordinaryCdifferent Dfamiliar15A.physics BhistoryCEnglish Dmath16A.pleasure BhopeCtrouble in Blook outCstay up Dget around18A.swim BtryCask ret

41、urn for Bin case ofCin terms of Dinstead of20A.slimmest BsmallestCbest Dgentlest.语法填空I still remember the happiest moment of my life.I decided to hold a party for my Italian friends while living in Florence,Italy.My friends didnt speak any English,and I vividly remember 1._(try)to only speak Italian

42、 in the party.And then,someone asked me 2._(tell) a joke.I dont know if you know this,3._ telling jokes in another language is one of the most 4._ (pain) experiences you can imagine.I began the joke.“Cera una volta(Once upon a time).”Halfway through the joke,I began to get nervous,so I suddenly forg

43、ot the Italian word.And 30 Italians were staring at me,5._(wait) for the joke to end.At the last minute,I remembered and completed the joke.I waited for the sound of crickets.But instead I experienced a 6._(thunder)laugh and a round of applause.I had made dozens of Italians laugh,in their country,in

44、 their language.7_ today,that memory continues to be one of the 8._(happy)moments Ive ever experienced.And its the reason 9._,over the last four years,I 10._(study)languages and now speak five:English,Italian,Spanish,Portuguese,and German.短文改错In my hometown there used to have a temple with a history

45、 of over eight hundreds years. It lies in a valley with green hills around it. It was such beautiful and famous that many tourists came to visit to it every day. They took photo; they wrote down their names on the walls; they brought foods, drinks and left rubbish nowhere. One day some tourists made

46、 a fire to cook food near the temple. Suddenly, strong wind blew. The wooden temple catches fire. Soon the whole temple was burned out but only a few walls remained. The beautiful temple disappeared.参考答案与解析.阅读理解导学号372400201【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据“Try recording yourself whenever you can.” 可知,说的时候尽量录音,并和专业的进行

47、比较,找出不足,进而练习提高。故A项符合题意。2【解析】选B。推理判断题。末段作者说 “And above all, have fun!”,由此可知,最重要的是要有兴趣。故B项符合题意。3【解析】选A。细节理解题。根据“Use facial expressions, hand movements, anything to get your meaning across.” 可知,使用各种肢体语言来表达自己的意思。故A项符合题意。4【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据“Its best to study frequently, for short periods of time., then come

48、 back to them later.” 可知,要经常复习才能记忆牢固。故C项符合题意。导学号37240021【语篇解读】根据乘客们自发组织Which?的市场调查可知,由于火车站的服务人员和票务服务电话给乘客们提供的错误的票价信息,常常使乘客们花了很多冤枉钱。5【解析】选C。推理判断题。根据第一段的最后一句可知本题选C。6【解析】选B。推理判断题。文中本句意思是:如果乘客们完全按他们的建议行动,会多花1 263.60英镑。故选B。7【解析】选A。词义猜测题。根据本句意思可知,at random在此处意思是“随机地,无目的地”。故选A。8【解析】选A。主旨大意题。本文大意是说火车站的服务人员和

49、票务服务电话给乘客们错误的票价信息,使乘客花了很多冤枉钱的事实。因此本题选A。导学号37240022【语篇解读】本文向我们介绍了英语这门语言的一些知识,告诉了我们英语在发展过程中的一些事情。9【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据第二段的In time,people in these new colonies began to call areas of their new land by words borrowed from the native people they found living there.可知英语在那时取得很大的发展,是因为英国开始建立殖民地,这些当地语言丰富了英语。10【解析

50、】选D。作者意图题。根据第五段的English speakers also continue to invent new words by linking old words together.可知这一段主要是把已有的单词组合变成新的单词,而“motel”就是这样来的,故选D。11【解析】选C。段落大意题。文章末段主要是讲英语中究竟有多少单词,故选C。导学号37240023【语篇解读】Kennedy Odede建了一所学校,专门为当地那些上不起学的女孩子提供免费接受教育的机会。12【解析】选B。细节理解题。根据第一段的The Kibera School for girls in Kenya o

51、ffers free education,uniforms,books and meals to girls.可知这所学校的不同之处在于给学生提供免费教育。13【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据第二段的The people of Kibera struggle to provide themselves with food,places to live in,clean water and good schools.可推断那里的很多人都过着贫困的生活。14【解析】选D。推理判断题。根据Joyce Achieng在第四段所说的It is important for girls because if

52、we dont go to school,we will not achieve(实现) our goals and our dreams will not come true,either.We will not be what we want to be in the future.可知她认为这么一个机会非常重要,故可推断她为自己能有这么一个上学的机会而感到高兴。15【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据末段的Through sports,he encouraged young people to discuss problems facing them in their poor neighbo

53、rhoods.可推断Kennedy Odede是想通过运动来鼓励别人谈论一些问题。.完形填空导学号37240024【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文,叙述了主人公Jenna在进入高中之后所经历的变化以及她逐渐适应变化的过程。1【解析】选C。通过空格前was ready for以及下文所描述的困难可知,Jenna已经准备好了迎接高中期间的新“挑战”,与最后一句相呼应。2【解析】选B。由high school was different可推断出此句表示:(尽管做了准备,)然而,高中还是不一样的。和上文是转折关系。3【解析】选A。通过上文描述“very talented girls(非常有才华的女孩们)”可

54、知竞争非常激烈,她要被选上有些“困难”。4【解析】选D。宣布第二轮选拔赛名单的人应是“裁判员(judge)”,C项为干扰项,candidate意为“申请人,候选人”。5【解析】选B。通过句意可知当名单读完还没有她的名字的时候,她的心情应该是“沮丧的”,选项B与her heart连用,表示心情不好。6【解析】选C。选拔赛失利,她当然怀着“不好的”心情回家。awful含义为“极坏的”。7【解析】选A。通过句中的but可知,此处为转折关系,“她”以前很擅长数学,但现在不这样了。选项A的含义为“(艰难的)奋斗”。8【解析】选D。通过句意可知,在她转学英语与历史后,发现她在这些科目上没有遇到麻烦,与前面


56、。14【解析】选C。Jenna感叹高中与初中“不同”。15【解析】选D。通过上文可知,Jenna有问题的是数学,因此,她是在数学课上全心解决问题。16【解析】选C。问题带来的当然是“麻烦”。17【解析】选A。通过上句可知,她解决了数学难题,获得了信心,所以,当Jenna收拾课本的时候,她决心继续努力地去“适应”新的学校。18【解析】选B。try与句中succeed相呼应。句意:她不确定是否会成功,但她知道她必须去“尝试”。19【解析】选D。通过前后两句含义可知“大池塘里的小鱼”同“小池塘里的大鱼”是对比关系,instead of表示对比。20【解析】选C。挑战就是努力做到最好。.语法填空导学号

57、372400251【解析】考查非谓语动词。remember doing sth.的意思是“记得做过某事”。这里表示作者回忆自己的往事。【答案】trying2【解析】考查动词不定式。ask sb. to do sth.结构,故此处应填to tell。【答案】to tell3【解析】考查连词。but在这里用于改变话题,此处表示“我不知道你是否了解,但用另外一种语言讲笑话是你能想象出的最痛苦的经历之一”。【答案】but4【解析】考查词性转换。这里用形容词painful修饰名词experiences。【答案】painful5【解析】考查非谓语动词。此处应用wait for表示“等待”,Italians

58、与该动作之间存在主谓关系,所以用现在分词,表伴随。【答案】waiting6【解析】考查词性转换。这里用形容词thunderous修饰名词laugh,thunderous意思是“雷鸣般的”。【答案】thunderous7【解析】考查介词。由后面的continues可知,这个经历对于作者的影响持续到今天。until today意为“直到今天”。【答案】Until8【解析】考查形容词的最高级。根据后面表示范围的定语从句“Ive ever experienced”可知空格处应用happy的最高级。另外,空格前的the也暗示此处应用形容词的最高级。【答案】happiest9【解析】考查关系副词。先行词是

59、the reason,关系词在从句中充当原因状语,故用why。【答案】why10【解析】考查动词的时态。根据时间状语“over the last four years”可知这里应用现在完成时。【答案】have studied.短文改错导学号37240026In my hometown there used to a temple with a history of over eight years. It in a valley with green hills around it. It was beautiful and famous that many tourists came to

60、visit it every day. They took ; they wrote down their names on the walls; they brought foods, drinks and left rubbish . One day some tourists made a fire to cook food near the temple. Suddenly, strong wind blew. The wooden temple fire. Soon the whole temple was burned out only a few walls remained. The beautiful temple disappeared.

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