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1、上海市2016届高三英语核心词汇复习:第8课时(digest electronic)I. 单词拼写1. Hawking suffers from a rare d_ of the brain.2. Compared with other applicants, your main d_ is lack of job experience.3. California is often stricken by natural d_ such as floods and earthquakes.4. The exam result was not good as he expected; he wa

2、s very d_(泄气).5. We need someone really e_ who can organize the office and make it run smoothly.6. According to the survey, half the marriages in this country end in d_(离婚).7. She was so d_ (醉酒) that she could hardly stand up.8. A new government might improve the state of the _(经济).9. She lives in a

3、 really beautiful apartment d_(市中心).10. Their apartment is in the Chongwen D_(区) of Beijing.II. 词形变化1. Eric works as a _ (direct) and manages a big IT company.2. David goes to a special school for _ (disable) children.3. A lot of players get _ (discourage) and quit.4. He made the _ (discover) that b

4、ees can communicate with each other.5. His wife is the _ (edit) of a local newspaper.6. Parents all hope their children will get a good _ (educate).7. We need more money to buy _ (electric) equipment.8. The delay of the flight was _ (disappoint) news for the travelers.9. The class will be _ (dismiss

5、) early today.10. Dogs were barking somewhere in the _ (distant).III. 单项选择1. Its the kind of book you can _; you dont need to read the whole book.A. dip intoB. divide intoC. put intoD. get into2. My father is a lawyer, and he discouraged me _ entering the field.A. intoB. ofC. out ofD. from3. You wou

6、ld be unlucky to see sharks, but these are no problem if you dont _ them.A. disappointB. disturbC. discourageD. discover4. The shy boy dislikes _ the center of attention.A. isB. to beC. beingD. is being5. You can complain, but I doubt _ itll make any difference.A. whatB. thoughC. weatherD. if6. Jack

7、, Helen, and _ went on holiday together.A. a half dozen othersB. half a dozen othersC. a half dozen of othersD. half a dozen of others7. Can you _ the kids while I make breakfast?A. wearB. have onC. dressD. put on8. I cant wait to get my exam results. All this waiting is driving me _.A. madB. madlyC

8、. eagerD. eagerly9. My paper is _ next Monday; it has to be given to my teacher by then.A. dutyB. dueC. distantD. Direct10. The house is now worth _ we paid for it.A. the amount doubleB. the double amountC. amount double theD. double the amountIV. 选词填空drag, dry, draw, drop, dive, edge, direct, disco

9、ver, distinguish, document 1. Go and ask the policeman - hell _ you to the freeway.2. Pick up your chairs, children. Dont _ them along the floor.3. Keep away from the _ of the cliff - you might fall.4. We built a fire to get ourselves warm and _ our clothes.5. As soon as she saw him, she _ her suitc

10、ases and ran towards him.6. The sailor _ off the rock into the sea.7. Fire officers are trying to _ the cause of the fire.8. A baby soon learns to _ its mothers face from other adults faces.9. Several secret _ went missing from the managers office.10. This made it difficult to _ conclusions.V. 句子翻译1

11、. 他用手指在混合物中蘸了一下。(dip)_2. 他尊重那些与他意见不一致的人。(disagree)_3. 我把这个比萨饼分成了3个部分。(divide)_4. 这些歌曲可以从互联网上免费下载。(download)_5. 男朋友叫她穿上最好看的连衣裙。(dress)_6. 他再次当选为美国总统。(elect)_7. 我知道你不喜欢她,但请尽力保持礼貌。(effort)_8. 我从未怀疑过她会来。(doubt)_9. 小心,油漆还未干!(dry)_10. 他十岁时在美国接受教育。(educate)_第8课时 答案I. 单词拼写1. disease2. disadvantage3. disaste

12、rs4. discouraged 5. efficient6. divorce7. drunk8. economy9. downtown10. DistrictII. 词形变化1. director2. disabled3. discouraged4. discovery5. editor6. education7. electrical8. disappointing9. dismissed10. distanceIII. 单项选择1-5ADBCD6-10 BCABDIV. 选词填空1. direct2. drag3. edge4. dry5. dropped6. dived7. disco

13、ver8. distinguish9. documents10. drawV. 句子翻译1. He dipped his finger into the mixture.2. He respects those who disagree with him.3. I divided the pizza into three parts.4. The songs can be downloaded free from the Internet.5. Her boyfriend told her to dress herself in her nicest dress.6. He was elected president of the United States again.7. I know you dont like her, but please make an effort to be polite.8. I never doubted that she would come.9. Be careful. The paint hasnt dried yet.10. He was educated in the United States at the age of ten.

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