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优化指导2013高考英语总复习 课时作业13 新人教版必修3(新课标全国) WORD版含答案.doc

1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家【优化指导】(新课标全国)2013高考英语总复习 课时作业13Unit3必修3一、单项填空1What do you remember Alexander Graham Bell as?As_inventor of_telephone.Aan;/Bthe;aCthe;the D/;the解析:考查冠词的用法。答语句意:记得他是电话的发明者。第一个空表示特指Alexander Graham Bell是电话的发明者,所以用定冠词the;第二个空表示在谈论的发明物,通常用“the可数名词单数”。答案:C2The starving lions went around th

2、e angry bull,eager to make an attack._,they gave up,frightened by the herd not far away.ASurprisingly BPurposelyCExcitingly DHopelessly解析:考查副词辨析。surprisingly“出人意料地,令人吃惊地”;purposely“故意地,蓄意地”;excitingly“令人激动地”;hopelessly“无望地,绝望地”。句意:那群饥饿的狮子把一头愤怒的公牛团团围住,急待发动攻击,它们出人意料地放弃了,原来是被远处的一群牛给吓住了。答案:A3The new sen

3、ior middle school was put up two years ago _ there had once been a large wheat field.Athat BwhichCwhere Din which解析:考查状语从句。where引导的是地点状语从句,表示“在的地方”。句意:那所高中两年前建在了过去曾经有块麦田的地方。答案:C4Which of these two magazines will you take?Ill take_,in case the journey is boring.Aall BeitherCboth Dneither解析:句意:“这两本杂志你

4、将带上哪一本啊?”“我会把两本都带上的,以防旅途无聊。”根据in case the journey is boring可知“两本都带上”,故选C项。答案:C5Im not a little tired today after giving the room a thorough cleaning and I have never had_today.Aas tiring a day as Bas a tiring dayCtiring as a day as Dday as tiring as解析:句意:今天我将房间彻底打扫完后非常的累,我从来没有像今天这么疲劳过。考查“as形容词a/ an单

5、数名词”结构。答案:A6I have never found a better job._.ACongratulations BI dont think soCToo bad DDont worry7According to news reports,personal _ of guns in the USA causes a lot of trouble.Awealth BmatterCproblem Dpossession8Boys wear fashionable clothes to attract girls;in a _ way,some male birds have brigh

6、t feathers.Asame BsimilarClikely Dhardly解析:考查形容词词义辨析。in a similar way为习惯用法,表示“类似地,以相似的方式”。same常与the连用。答案:B9_Typhoon Morakot struck Taiwan led to water and electricity shortage on the island.AWhich BThatCWhat DAs解析:句意:台风Morakot袭击了台湾,导致了岛内水电的短缺。考查that引导的主语从句,that在从句中不作成份,但一般不可省略。答案:B10_ not to miss th

7、e train at 11:00,the college student hurried to the train station.AReminded BRemindingCTo remind DHaving reminded解析:考查非谓语动词。remind与主句的主语之间存在着动宾关系,即remind do sth.“提醒某人干某事”,所以,此处选用过去分词表示被动关系。D项是主动形式,应该用被动结构having been reminded才行。句意:被提醒别晚了11点的火车后,那个大学生匆匆赶往火车站。答案:A11Could you tell me when the impo

8、rtant meeting about developing economy _?Ais held Bwill be heldCto be held Dholds解析:考查动词的时态。选项在when引导的宾语从句中作谓语动词,hold与meeting之间是被动关系,并且,会议在将来召开,因此选用将来时的被动语态。不要错选A项,因为when只有在引导时间状语从句时,才用一般现在时表示将来。答案:B12I dont really work here.I _ until my father comes back.Ajust help out Bhas just helped outCam just

9、helping out Dwill just help out解析:考查时态。现在进行时表示临时性的计划或安排。答案:C13My father was so angry at all _ I was doing _ he blamed me for it.Athat;that Bwhat;thatCthat;what Dwhich;what解析:主句是be angry at结构,all是宾语。第一个空是that引导的定语从句,修饰先行词all;第二个空是so.that.结构引导的结果状语从句。句意:我父亲对我所做的一切很生气,以至于他为此而责备我。答案:A14That is a play _f

10、rom a story written by Qiong Yao.Aadopted BeditedCadapted Dheard解析:adapted from “由改编而来”,过去分词短语用作定语。A项的干扰性最大,adopt表示“收养,采用,采纳”。句意:那部电视剧是根据琼瑶的小说改编而来的。答案:C15What did the manager want to know?He wondered _ we could complete the project.Awhen was it Bit was when thatCit was when Dwhen it was that解析:在宾语从句

11、中考查强调句。when was it that是特殊疑问句的强调句式,作动词wonder的宾语从句,宾语从句要用陈述语序。答案:D二、阅读理解AI had picked out the flowers for my wedding carefully.There were white roses,symbolizing purity,ivy(常春藤),representing faithfulness and some other flowers.Midway through our wedding reception,I found myself breathless and happy,c

12、hatting with friends and drinking a toast to guests.Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder.I turned to see a woman I had met only briefly,a friend of my mother.She held a long tendril(卷须)of ivy in her hand.“This fell out of your flowers when you were on the dance floor,”she said.I thanked her and beg

13、an to reach for it,when she added,“Do you mind if I keep it?”I was surprised at first.I hardly knew this woman.What did she want with my ivy?I hadnt even thrown my flowers yet.“Go ahead.Keep it,”I said with a smile,and congratulated myself for being polite in the face of a rather strange request.The

14、n the music started up,and I danced off in the crowd.A few months later,she knocked at my door.I hadnt seen her since the wedding.What was all this about?“I have a wedding gift for you,”she said.“Its the ivy you dropped at your wedding.It looked healthy,so I took it home and made a cutting and plant

15、ed it for you.”Years ago,at her own wedding,someone had done the same for her.“Its still growing,and I remember my wedding day every time I see it,”she said.“Now,I try to plant some for other brides when I can.”I was speechless.What a precious gift Id received!My wedding ivy lived well for many year

16、s.As the giver predicted,a glance at the green leaves brings back memories of my wedding.在作者的婚宴上,一位女士拾到了作者常春藤掉落的长卷须,并在征得作者同意后拿走。几个月之后,该女士又把由卷须生长出的常春藤回赠给作者,作者每次看到它都会回想起自己幸福的婚礼。1From Paragraph 1 we learn that the writer _.Adidnt know the lady wellBwas fond of planting flowersCloved white roses and ivy

17、 bestDgot exhausted because of the wedding解析:细节理解题。根据第一段“I turned to see a woman I had met only briefly,.”及第二段“I hardly knew this woman.”可知,作者与这位女士并不熟。答案:A2Why did the writer allow the lady to keep the tendril of ivy?ABecause she did so for her mother.BBecause she didnt care about the flower.CBecaus

18、e she didnt want to show bad manners.DBecause she was eager to dance to the music.解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“.and congratulated myself for being polite in the face of a rather strange request.”可知,作者同意该女士拿走常春藤卷须是出于礼貌。答案:C3When the writer was visited by the lady for the second time,she felt _.ApuzzledBhappyCannoy

19、ed Dfrustrated解析:推理判断题。根据第三段“I hadnt seen her since the wedding.What was all this about?”可知,作者自从婚礼之后就一直没见过该女士,作者不知道她来的目的。由此可推知,作者再次见到该女士时感到疑惑。答案:A4What can we infer from the passage?AThe lady had some awareness of plant protection.BThe writer would value the precious gift for long.CThe lady will gro

20、w more ivy using the long tendril.DThe writer would learn from what the lady had done.解析:推理判断题。根据最后一段“.a glance at the green leaves brings back memories of my wedding.”可知,常春藤给作者带来了美好的回忆。由此可推知,作者会长期珍视它。答案:BBFirst Lady Michelle Obama urged students to visit China at the“100,000 Strong”China Study Abro

21、ad Forum at Howard University.President Barack Obama announced the“100,000 Strong”Initiative(十万强计划)during his 2009 visit to China.The program aims to increase the number of American students studying in China by making study abroad more affordable.During the event at Howard,Mrs Obama spoke about the

22、 importance of studying abroad.“Studying in a country like China is about so much more than just improving your own prospects(前途)in the global market.The fact is that with every friendship you make and every bond of trust you establish you are shaping an image of America projected to the rest of the

23、 world and making America known better.”she said.Mrs Obama encouraged students to set aside the opinion that studying abroad is for“rich kids only”or for those attending“certain schools.”The first lady also announced that the Chinese government is giving 10,000“Bridge Scholarships”to cover costs for

24、 American students studying in China.Some students who had studied in China shared their experiences.David Marzban from Pepperdine University recalled a time when he formed a crosscultural bond with a complete stranger at a restaurant near Fudan University in Shanghai.He noticed a young chef signali

25、ng him to come over.“He pressed the play button on his media player and started singing California Dreaming and wanted me to sing along with him,”Marzban said.“At that time I knew a great friendship had started during my first two weeks in China.”Nicole Baden from Howard University recalled how her

26、time in China really helped her master the language.“You have to experience the culture while learning the language to really master it to understand why things are how they are compared to your own culture,”Baden said.12yearold Sarah Davis,who studied in China last summer,said she was very excited

27、to hear Michelle Obama talk about the country.“I love Chinese.Out of all the languages Ive learned,Chinese is the most difficult and interesting,”she said.米歇尔奥巴马在霍华德大学论坛上鼓励美国学生到中国去学习。中国政府将为一万个美国学生提供奖学金。5According to the passage,the“100,000 Strong”Initiative _.Aprovides convenience for American stude

28、nts to study in ChinaBwas made by First Lady Michelle Obama in 2009Cgot little support from the Chinese governmentDisnt wellaccepted among American students解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“The program aims to increase the number of American students studying in China by making study abroad more affordable.”可知,“十万强计划”

29、将使美国学生去中国留学的费用变得可以承受,因此给去中国留学的美国学生提供了便利。答案:A6What does the underlined word“projected”in Paragraph 3 mean?ASpread. BCompared.CPresented. DContributed.解析:词义猜测题。根据下文“.making America known better.”可知,美国学生到国外学习可以使他们有更好的前途。更重要的是,通过与其他国家人民建立友好关系可以树立美国形象并展示给对方,使其更好地了解美国。project意为“展示”。答案:C7Three examples are

30、 given mainly to indicate that _.AAmerican students are very popular in ChinaBChinese is the most difficult to learn in the worldCmany US young people have actually been studying in ChinaDAmerican students studying in China is important and worthwhile8What is the best title for the passage?AA great program for American students to study in ChinaBMichelle Obama encourages students to study in ChinaCMore American students will go to China to studyDChina is attracting more and more American students版权所有:高考资源网()版权所有:高考资源网()高考资源网版权所有 侵权必究

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