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本文(2011年高考英语(人教版)总复习 练案 学案:必修1UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2011年高考英语(人教版)总复习 练案 学案:必修1UNIT 1 FRIENDSHIP.doc

1、必修1Unit 1Friendship 课前10分钟Sarah and Janet have been friends ever _ they started school.They do everything together: study,read,watch TV, the Internet,play sports and listen to music.If _ one has a problem,the other is there to help._ Sarah was in the third grade,some of the other students were makin

2、g fun of her _ she was shy.Janet told the other students _ making fun of Sarah,and she helped Sarah overcome her shyness.In the fifth grade,Janet had _ with her maths class.since eithe When because to stop problems surfShe studied hard,but she _ couldnt understand the homework.Sarah helped Janet wit

3、h her homework and _ (patient) explained every exercise to Janet.After six months,Janet was doing much _ and even got an A on the maths examjust patiently better 漫画欣赏画面描述A country man is driving his cart pulled by a donkey.A foreign traveler asks the old man to take him along.The old man picks him u

4、p and asks “Where are you going,Sir?” in English.To his surprise,the foreigner answers him in standard Chinese instead of “Id like to go to Kaoshan village.” It seems that both of them can speak a very good second language. 寓意理解Speaking a foreign language is becoming increasingly popular.It is a for

5、eign language that helps us communicate and understand each other well. 你能否对此加以扩展,写一篇120词左右的小短文?.词义辨析1.She refused to offer any help,which quite _ all the people present. Aignored Bsettled Cupset Dsuffered2“If you _ your diet,trouble will follow,” my doctor warned me. Apack Bignore Crecover Dconcern

6、3He devoted himself _ to his research work,having no time for play. Aexactly Bgratefully Cloosely DentirelyCBDD4Im afraid its not within my _ to get the work done in such a short time. Aenergy Bstrength Cpower Dforce5She drew back the _ at nine in the morning to let some sunlight in. Acurtains Bsuit

7、cases Cpartners Dteenagers6I cant express how _ I am for all youve done for me. Agrateful Bloose Ccalm DEntire7In order to build the dam,they moved the local people and _ them in another place. Arecovered Bignored Cconcerned Dsettled8The doctors are delighted to find that the patient is beginning to

8、 _ from heart trouble. Auncover Bdiscover Crecover DcoverCAADC9The train arrived at _ 8 oclock,neither earlier nor later. Aclearly Bexactly Cwidely Dnearly10Steve gave me some useful _ on how to take good pictures. Apowers Btips Citems DthundersBB.短语填空add up;calm down;be concerned about;go through;s

9、et down;on purpose;get/be tired of;pack up;get along with;look through1How does she keep smiling after all she has _?2Ive always found him a bit difficult to . gone through get along with 3_ your scores and we will see who wins.4I _ watching television;lets go for a walk.5Ive _ all my papers but I s

10、till cant find the contract.6How can you expect me not to _ my own son?7Jacks been really annoying me and I think hes doing it _.8We arrived just as the musicians were _ their instruments.9He took a few deep breaths to _.10I will _ in my notebook the story as it was told to me.Add up am tired of loo

11、ked through be concerned about on purpose packing up calm himself down set down .完成句子1She and her family hid away for nearly twentyfive months _ (后来被发现了)(discover)2I dont want to set down a series of facts in a diary _ (像大多数人那样)(most)3I _ (有意不睡觉) until half past eleven one evening in order to have a

12、 look at the moon.(stay)before they were discovered as most people do stayed awake on purpose .模仿造句1Your friend cant go until he finishes cleaning his bicycle.翻译昨天晚上我做完全部作业后才去睡觉。_ I didnt go to bed yesterday evening until I finished doing all my homework. 2While walking the dog,you were careless and

13、 it got loose and was hit by a car.翻译在路边等公交车时,我发现地上有个钱包。_ While waiting for the bus by the roadside,I found a wallet on the ground.3You will tell him that he should have studied.翻译他没有通过考试,他以前该更加努力地学习的。_ He didnt pass the exam.He should have studied a bit harder.4Its because I havent been able to be

14、outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature.翻译就是因为我迟到了,老师才不高兴的。_ It was because I was late for class that the teacher was upset. 5It was the first time in a year and a half that Id seen the night face to face.翻译那是我平生第一次来到长城参观。_ It was the first time in my life tha

15、t I had come to the Great Wall for a visit.核心词汇梳理1upset vt. 使心烦意乱;使苦恼;使伤心 It upset him that nobody had bothered to tell him about it. 让他不高兴的是,谁也没把这件事告诉他。 It upsets me to think her all alone in that big house. 想到她孤身一人守着那所大房子,我就感到不舒服。搭配 upset oneself about sth.为某事而烦恼Dont upset yourself about itlets ju

16、st forget it ever happened.你别为这事烦恼了咱们就只当它没发生过。Try not to upset yourself about losing your job.尽量不要为失去工作而烦恼。提示 upset常用于被动语态中,相当于形容词,意为“难过;不高兴”。She was still upset about the argument shed had with Harry.她依然为跟哈里发生的争论而感到烦恼。Theres no point getting upset about it.犯不着为此事难过。2dislike vt. 不喜欢;讨厌 句型 dislike do

17、ing sth.不喜欢做某事;讨厌做某事dislike ones doing sth.不喜欢某人做某事;讨厌某人做某事dislike it when.讨厌Tom dislikes going to the dentist;thats why hes crabby.汤姆不喜欢去看牙医,所以他脾气那么坏。He disliked her staying away from home.他不愿意让她住在外面。He disliked it when she behaved badly in front of his mother.他讨厌她在母亲面前举止失当。 3concern vt. 使担忧;使烦恼;对负

18、责;与有牵连 搭配 concern oneself about/for.为担忧 be concerned about/for.为担忧 She concerns herself about her sons future.她担忧儿子的将来。 We are all very much concerned for her health.我们都非常关心 她的健康。 搭配 concern oneself with关注;涉及;关于 be concerned with关注;涉及;关于 More and more people are concerning themselves with environmen

19、tal problems. 越来越多的人关心起环境问题。 The book is primarily concerned with SovietAmerican relations during the Cold War.这部书主要讲述的是冷战时期的苏美关系。句型 as/so far as sb./ concerned就而言;就来说As far as I am concerned,I cannot object to your marriage.就我个人而言,我不反对你们的婚事。The car is good as far as the engine is concerned.就发

20、动机而言,这种车非常好。n. 关系;担心;忧虑;关心的事搭配 concern about/for/over对的担心 There is growing concern about the effects of pollution on health.对于污染影响健康的关注越来越强烈。The report expressed concern over continuing high unemployment.报告表达了对失业率居高不下的忧虑。提示 concern作“关心的事”解时是可数名词。The development of economy is a major concern of the g

21、overnment.经济发展是政府关心的主要问题。拓展 concerning关于 He asked several questions concerning the future of the company.他问了几个有关公司前途的问题。1go through 通过;穿过;经受;仔细检查;完成 They went through our records very carefully. 他们很仔细地研究了我们的记录。 Someone had broken into the office and gone through all the drawers. 有人闯入办公室翻遍了所有的抽屉。 We

22、cant really imagine what theyre going through. 我们难以想象他们所正在经历的。 链接 go over检查,复习 get through通过;完成 重点短语例释2.look through 审核;浏览 Is it helpful to look through the newspaper?浏览报纸有帮助吗? The girls began to look through the photograph albums. 姑娘们开始翻阅照相簿。3get along with 与相处;进展 He gets along very nicely with his

23、 classmates. 他与同学们相处得很好。 How are you getting along with your English studies? 你的英语学习进展得如何?4fall in love 爱上;相爱 They met and fell in love quickly.他们相遇并很快就相爱了。 She fell in love with the dress as soon as she saw it. 一看到这件衣服,她就喜欢上了。5set down 放下;写下;记下 They set down their bags to take a short rest.他们放下背包做短

24、 暂休息。 He set down all his important thoughts in his diary.他在日记中 记下他所有的重要思想。疑难语句细解1.She and her family hid away for nearly twentyfive months before they were discovered. 她和家人躲藏了两年,后来被发现了。 【要点指南】 before引出时间状语从句常可译为汉语“还没 就”,“还没来得及就”,“以后才”或“不 等就”,此时,从句中可用情态动词can或could。 She hung up the telephone before I

25、 could answer it. 我还没来得及接电话,她就挂断了。 The fire lasted about four hours before the firefighters could control it. 大火烧了4个小时后,消防队员才把它控制住。 He fell asleep before I could take off his clothes. 我还没来得及给他脱掉衣服他就睡着了。2Another time five months ago,I happened to be upstairs at dusk when the window was open.还有一次,就在五个

26、月以前的 一天傍晚,我碰巧在楼上,窗户是开着的。 【要点指南】 happen to do sth.表示“(某人)碰巧或恰好做某事”。 She happened to find an empty seat at the back of the bus. 她正好在汽车后排找到一个座位。Someone in the ticket office happened to notice her.在售票处有人正好注意到她。You dont happen to know his name,do you?你不会那么巧知道他的名字吧?She happened to be out when we called.我们打电话时她刚巧不在。拓展 happen作“碰巧;刚好;恰好”解时还常用于“It (so) happens that.”句型。 It so happened that theyd been invited,too.他们碰巧也受到邀请。It happened that he found this new island when travelling on the sea.在海上旅行时,他恰巧发现了这个新岛屿。

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