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《三维设计》2017届高三英语(人教版新课标)一轮复习循序写作每周一卷步步登高第十二周 用途各异的被动、虚拟语气、倍数和比较句型 WORD版含解析.doc

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《三维设计》2017届高三英语(人教版新课标)一轮复习循序写作每周一卷步步登高第十二周 用途各异的被动、虚拟语气、倍数和比较句型 WORD版含解析.doc_第1页
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《三维设计》2017届高三英语(人教版新课标)一轮复习循序写作每周一卷步步登高第十二周 用途各异的被动、虚拟语气、倍数和比较句型 WORD版含解析.doc_第2页
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《三维设计》2017届高三英语(人教版新课标)一轮复习循序写作每周一卷步步登高第十二周 用途各异的被动、虚拟语气、倍数和比较句型 WORD版含解析.doc_第3页
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《三维设计》2017届高三英语(人教版新课标)一轮复习循序写作每周一卷步步登高第十二周 用途各异的被动、虚拟语气、倍数和比较句型 WORD版含解析.doc_第4页
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《三维设计》2017届高三英语(人教版新课标)一轮复习循序写作每周一卷步步登高第十二周 用途各异的被动、虚拟语气、倍数和比较句型 WORD版含解析.doc_第5页
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1、第十二周用途各异的被动、虚拟语气、倍数和比较句型被动、虚拟语气、倍数和比较等句型在写作中都属于高级句式,它们的合理运用都能给文章增色添彩。一、用英文思维的被动语态英文中被动语态的使用比汉语要多,要普遍。一般说来,当强调动作承受者、不必说出动作执行者或执行者含糊不清时,多用被动语态。被动语态因为更突出客观事实而被广泛使用。所以同学们在写作时也应该注意多用被动语态,以赢得更高的分数。1主动语态变被动语态To enlarge vocabulary, we should read more native materials.To enlarge vocabulary, more native mate

2、rials should be read.They carried out a survey among 260 students.A survey was carried out among 260 students.2写作中常见的被动语态(1)be过去分词(be可使用各种时态)Nowadays, more and more English words are being used in the Chinese language. (2014江苏高考书面表达)当今,越来越多的英语词汇正在汉语中使用。Luckily she was not badly injured and we sent h

3、er to the nearest hospital.(2014湖北高考短文写作)幸运的是,她受伤不严重,并且我们把她送到了最近的医院。(2)情态动词be过去分词To improve the air quality, the use of private cars should be reduced.为了提高空气质量,应该减少使用私家车。As can be seen from the chart, more and more people own mobile phones in China now.正如从表中所看到的,如今在中国拥有手机的人越来越多。(3)get过去分词The entranc

4、e to the parking place was too small and often got blocked.(2014北京高考满分作文)通往停车场的入口太小了,经常堵车。Im feeling very sorry to tell you that I have to change our plan to visit Yunnan in July, because one of my feet got injured.(2014北京高考满分作文)我很抱歉地告诉你我不得不改变我们七月份去云南旅游的计划,因为我的一只脚受伤了。即时演练句型转换(主动语态变被动语态)1Above all, w

5、e must do something to stop pollution.Above_all,_something_must_be_done_to_stop_pollution.2We encourage all the employees to work on line at home.All_the_employees_are_encouraged_to_work_on_line_at_home.3I suggest that you (should) make friends with people having different characteristics or backgro

6、unds.It_is_suggested_that_you_(should)_make_friends_with_people_having_different_characteristics_or_backgrounds.二、委婉动听的虚拟语气虚拟语气是高中阶段较难掌握的句型之一,在运用时要注意表达的准确性。在高考作文中,常不需要表达不可能实现的非真实条件,而一般表达要求、愿望或者强调论述观点的客观性。1陈述语气变虚拟语气I didnt take his advice, so I failed in the exam. If I had taken his advice, I wouldnt

7、 have failed in the exam.Its time for us to take measures to protect endangered animals.Its time that we took/should take measures to protect endangered animals.2写作中常见的虚拟语气(1)if型虚拟语气,如果,就Secondly, if I were you, I would take a walk in the evening with my friends.(2014安徽高考满分作文)第二,如果我是你,我会在傍晚和朋友一起散步。(

8、2)wish型虚拟语气,希望Besides, I wish there wouldnt be too many students in a class.(2014全国卷满分作文)另外,我希望一个班不会有太多的学生。(3)as if/though型虚拟语气,好像Everything in my childhood crowded upon my mind as if/though they had just happened.童年的一切一下子涌入我的大脑,仿佛刚刚发生似的。(4)if only型虚拟语气,要是就好了;但愿If only I could go back and reset my g

9、oals.(2015重庆高考写作)要是我能够回到过去重订目标该有多好。(5)Its (high/about) time (that) .型虚拟语气,是的时候了It is high time that both children and parents took/should take action to make small changes.(2013福建高考满分作文)确实到了孩子和父母行动起来做出改变的时候了。(6)(should) do型虚拟语气,应该To master Mandarin, I strongly suggest you (should) practice with Chin

10、ese people.(2015四川高考满分作文)为了掌握普通话,我强烈建议你和中国人进行练习。(7)without/but for/but that含蓄型虚拟语气,没有,要不是Without your help, I couldnt have won the first place in the English Speaking Competition.要是没有你的帮助,我不可能在英语演讲比赛中获得第一名。即时演练 用虚拟语气补全句子1建议每个人都应多吃水果和蔬菜。It is suggested that everyone_(should)_eat more fruit and vegeta

11、bles.2没有你的帮助,我们不可能提前完成这项工作。Without your help, I wouldnt_have_finished the work ahead of time.3看我现在所处的糟糕境地!要是我听了你的建议就好了!Look at the terrible situation I am in! If only I_had_taken your advice!4是我们该下定决心努力学习的时候了。Its high time that we_made/should_make_up_our_minds to study hard.三、不比不知道的倍数和比较句型表示倍数和比较的句型

12、相对较多,在写作中灵活运用这些句型有利于提高表达的准确性,提升文章的档次。1倍数as形容词/副词原级(名词)asAfter the new technique was introduced, the production of cars this year is twice as much as that of last year.引进新技术后,今年汽车的产量是去年的两倍。2the比较级 .,the比较级 .越,就越The less the teacher does, the more the students do and the more they will learn.(2015广东高考

13、满分作文)老师做得越少,学生就做得越多,他们学会的就越多。3比较级thanany (other)名词单数 .比任何其他的都Mike is more hardworking than any other student in the class.迈克比班里其他的任何一个同学都勤奋。4prefer . to .喜欢胜过As for wild release and controlled release, I prefer the latter one to the former one.(2015重庆高考满分作文)对于自由分享和定向分享,我喜欢后者胜过前者。5be senior/junior to

14、 比年长/年龄小;(地位或级别等)比高/低Mr. Liu is three years senior to me, and he is also senior to me in our company.刘先生长我3岁,在公司里级别也比我高。即时演练用倍数和比较句型补全句子1我们的城市已经扩展成了一个大城市,是原来的4倍大。Our city has developed into a big one, which is four_times_as_big as it used to be.2人们赚得越多,似乎想要的也越多,尤其是当其他人赚的比他们多的时候。The_more people earn,

15、 the_more they seem to want, particularly when others earn more than they do.综合演练提能.根据要求补全句子1作为一名学生,我认为应该采取一些措施保护我们的环境。As a student, I think some_measures_should_be_taken to protect our environment.(被动语态)2应该鼓励学生养成良好的习惯以及表现得更得体。Students should_be_encouraged to develop good habits and behave themselve

16、s better.(被动语态)3如果当时你努力的话,你就能轻松地通过期末考试。If you had_worked_hard,_you would_have_easily_passed the final exam.(虚拟语气)4我建议你应该保持学习和娱乐之间的平衡,像运动、听音乐等。I_suggest_you_(should)_keep_the_balance between your study and entertainment, such as sports, listening to music and so on. (虚拟语气)5是我们该采取措施与经济领域的犯罪作斗争的时候了。Its

17、_high_time_that_we_took/should_take_measures to fight against crimes in economic field.(虚拟语气)6如今,一些青少年宁愿在家看电视也不愿意出去做运动。Nowadays some teenagers prefer_to_watch_TV_at_home_rather_than_go_out to do exercise.(比较句型).请按以下内容要点写一篇英语短文,尽可能多地使用被动语态、虚拟语气、倍数和比较句型。1我的家乡发生了巨大的变化,建起了很多新房,人们的生活水平有了很大提高。2一般来说,我们越富裕就

18、会感觉越幸福。3如果你处在一个严重污染的环境中,你的心情不会好。4要是我们永远有一个干净整洁的环境就好了。5我强烈建议采取措施制止污染。参考范文:Great changes have taken place in my hometown, where a lot of new houses have been built. Peoples living standard has been raised. Generally speaking, the richer we are, the happier we feel. But if you were in a badlypolluted e

19、nvironment, you wouldnt be in a good mood. If only we always had a very clean and tidy environment! I strongly suggest that measures (should) be taken to stop pollution. 第三步让文章浑然天成(用时2周)俗话说得好:好的开头是成功的一半(Well begun is half done);结尾好,一切都好(All is well that ends well)。一篇英语作文的开头如果写得好,就会给阅卷老师良好的印象,吸引他继续读下去;如果结尾又写得好,就会进一步强化阅卷老师对你所写文章的好感。如果再利用好衔接词汇使文章流畅自然,那么高分作文离我们还会远吗?


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