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2013届高三英语名校试题精品汇编巨献(第1期)专题13 特殊句式(教师版).doc

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1、2013届高三英语名校试题巨献(教师版)第14讲 特殊句式 解题指导(12.5-6)1强调句型: 句型结构形式:It iswasthatwho be的时态:thatwho前面be的时态一般是一般现在时,当它后面的句子为过去时时,才用过去时。 判断方法:将(It iswas)(thatwho)括号中的词同时去掉,看剩下的部分是否仍然成立。若成立,则是强调句型;若不成立,则为状语从句、定语从句或主语从句。 5There be句型:注意动词的形式;注意能用于这一句型的抽象特殊名词及动词的抽象形式;注意主语补足语的形式。 6倒装句:倒装分为全部倒装和部分倒装。 全部倒装:地点副词或介词短语+动词+主语

2、(名词);地点副词或介词短语+主语(代词)+动词。 部分倒装:(1)否定词或半否定词+助动词情态动词+主语+谓语动词+其它。 (2)only+副词(状语)SO+助动词情态动词+主语+谓语动词+其它。 (3)让步状语从句的倒装。 (4)非真实条件句的倒装。 (5)结果、目的状语从句中的such,SO提到句首时的倒装。 考点解析高中英语涉及的特殊句型包括强调句、倒装句、省略句和反意疑问句。高考对于这四种句型的考查很灵活。学习的关键是记准确各个句型出现的条件。2013年高考考生应特别注意1、基本的句型条件;2、句型中的时态。交际用语的考查重点应注重文化差异,在平时的学习中注意英语的交际规则和交际模式

3、,防止母语思维定势的干扰和影响,形成英语思维方式。强调 在使用英语时,有时要突出或强调某个词、词组或句子,这时就要用到强调结构。1、It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do _ benefits our work most. 【C】Awho Bwhich Cthat Dwhat2、Have you seen the film Under the Hawthorn Tree? Of course, I haveIt was in our village it was made【A】Athat Bwhere

4、Cwhen Dwhich3、Was it on a lonely island he was saved one month after the boat went famous【B】Awhere Bthat Cwhich Dwhat2、not until 也可用于强调句型4、 It was _ he came bank from Africa that year _ he met the girl he would like to marry. 【C】 A. when; then B. not; until C. not until; that D. only; when 5、借助助动词do

5、对谓语动词的强调要借助于助动词do加动词原形,而且do有人称、时态和数的变化。这种强调形式主要用于祈使句以及一般现在时和一般过去时的肯定句中。5、If you have a job, yourself to it and finally youll succeed【A】 Ado devote Bdont devote Cdevoting Dnot devoting二、倒装句英语通常的语序是主语在前,谓语在后。如果谓语的一部分或者全部提到主语之前,这种语序就是倒装。如果把全部谓语放在主语之前,就称为完全倒装;如果只把助动词或情态动词放在主语之前,则称为部分倒装。完全倒装2、部分倒装1)、用在省略

6、了if的虚拟条件句中(把were, had或should移至主语前),采用部分倒装。Were she here, she would help us.(=If she were here, she would help us.)2)、在表示祝愿的句子里,谓语动词或谓语动词的一部分,要放在主语的前面。May you succeed!3)、用在以so开头、表示谓语所述情况也适用于另一个人或另一事物的肯定句中,表示“也一样”,“也这样”。结构为:so + 系动词/助动词/情态动词+主语或者由neither, nor引导的,表示前面所说情况也适用于另一人(或东西)的句子(否定句),表示“也不”He c

7、an speak English, so can we.They havent prepared their lessons. Nor/Neither have I.注意:so + 人称代词(同一主语)+ 助动词,这种结构中的主谓是正常语序,用以重述前面的情况,以表示赞同或强调。-It was cold yesterday. -So it was.8、-Its niceNever before such a special drink!-Im glad you like it【C】AI have had BI had Chave I had Dhad I9、 Not until he left

8、 his home _ to know how important the family was for him.【A】A did he begin B had he begun C he began D he had begun三、省略在语言运用中,尤其是在口语中,省略是常见的语言现象。1、在某些表虚拟语气的主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句中,从句谓语动词中的should可以省略。这些句子一般包含如下动词一及其派生词:一坚持(insist),二命令(order, command),三建议(suggest, propose, advise),四要求(demand, require, r

9、equest, ask)Janes pale face suggested that she was ill and her parents suggested that she have a medical examination.It is necessary (important, impossible, strange, natural, a pity, no wonder) that.等主语从句中。It is necessary that the problem be solved at once. 2、定语从句中的省略(1)在限制性定语从句中,作宾语的关系代词that, which

10、, who (whom)常可以省略。The man I saw is called Tom.Where is the pen I bought this morning?(2)关系副词when, where, why及that在the time when, the place where, the reason why, the way that结构中引导限制性定语从句时,在非正式场合下,可以省略关系副词when, where, why和that等。I shall never forget the day we first met.The reason he came so early is

11、his own affair. I dont like the way you speak to your mother.4)在can not but, can not choose but, can do nothing but., cant help but., prefer to do rather than do., would do. rather than. 之后的动词不定式一般不带to;but之前有实义动词do的某个形式do, does, did, done 而且其宾语是something,nothing,anything和everything等不定代词时,也不带to, 否则要带

12、to。We have nothing to do now but wait. I can not but admire his courage. He has no choice but to accept the fact.8)动词不定式中动词原形部分是否省略,主要看句子前面是否已出现过同样的动词。如果句子前面出现过同样的动词,为了避免重复,句子后面的不定式常省略动词原形,而保留不定式符号to。Dont go till I tell you to.9)动词不定式在ask,warn,tell,advise,force,wish,expect,allow,permit , invite, per

13、suade, order, would like, forbid等动词后作宾语补足语或主语补足语时,常可省略。Youd better give a performance if you are asked to He didnt come, though we had invited him to. 四、反意疑问句1、反意疑问句的结构形式:反意疑问句提出情况或看法,问对方同不同意,这种问句都由两部分组成,前一部分用陈述句的形式,后一部分是一个附着在前一部分上的简短问句,中间用逗号隔开,如前一部分为肯定形式,后一部分通常用否定形式,前一部分为否定形式,后一部分就用肯定形式,两部分的时态要一致。Y

14、ou are to go home via Hongkong, arent you?(肯定的陈述句+否定的反意疑问句)They didnt raise many questions at the press conference, did they?(否定的陈述句+肯定的反意疑问句)2、反意疑问句的答语在回答反意疑问句时,应根据事实来回答,如果事实是肯定的,前面要用yes,否则用no, 在第一部分为否定句时要特别注意,这时英语回答和汉语回答是不一致的。-You are not going out today, are you?-No, I am not.你今天不出去,是吗?是的,我今天不出去。

15、(“不出去”属于否定的事实,所以在英语中应用“no”来表示此义,不要用 “yes”来回答。)构成反意疑问句时应注意的问题:5)、当陈述部分是there be结构时, 反意疑问部分用there,省略主语代词。There used to be a shop, didnt there?6)、当陈述部分含有seldom, hardly, never, rarely, few, little, nowhere, nothing等否定词或半否定词时,反意疑问部分的动词应用肯定形式。Few people know him, do they? Bob rarely got drunk, did he? You

16、 have nothing else to say, have you?11)、当陈述部分含有have,而且have作“有”解时,反意疑问部分用have/has或借助助动词do, does, did等来完成;如果陈述部分中的have是实义动词,则反意疑问部分应需借助助动词do, does, did等来完成。He hasnt a lot of time to spare, has he?He doesnt have an English dictionary, does he?12)、当陈述部分的谓语动词包括have to, had to时,反意疑问部分通常用do的适当形式。You had to

17、 take the early bus, didnt you? We have to do it, dont we?13)、当陈述部分含有情态动词used to时,反意疑问部分可用used to形式或did形式。He used to get up late, didnt/ usednt he?16)、当陈述句部分是强调句或类似强调句的结构时,反意疑问部分常和句首的It is/was保持一致。It is the first time that he has gone there, isnt it? 17)、当陈述句部分为感叹句时,反意疑问句部分常用否定形式,且问句部分的动词常用be.What a

18、 cold day, isnt it? 19)、当陈述部分含有情态动词mustnt表示“禁止”时,反意疑问部分常用must.You mustnt walk on grass, must you? 20)、当陈述部分含有情态动词need, dare时,反意疑问部分有两种形式:作情态动词时保留自身;作实义动词时反意疑问句应借助于助动词do/does/did来完成。He needs to start at once, doesnt he?She dare not go out alone at night, dare she?21)、当陈述部分含有情态动词ought to时,反意疑问部分常用ough

19、tnt (有时也可用shouldnt.)The child ought to be punished, oughtnt he?名校模拟试题汇编训练(10分钟)3.【2012届安徽高考最后一卷】35. Jack, can you tell me you are always late for school recently?A. Why is it that B. When is it that C. What is it that D.Why it is that【答案】 D【解析】本题考查强调句型的宾语从句形式。本题宾语从句部分句式为It is . . .that . . .强调句型的特殊疑

20、问句,应是就because原因状语从句提问演变而来。“为什么最近你老是到校迟到?”宾语从句应该用陈述句的形式。6.【2012届天津一中高三第五次月考】6. - Its awfully cold this morning. - Yes, but its not colder than it was yesterday, _it?A. wasntB. isntC. isD. was【答案】C【解析】考查反义疑问句的用法。前文是否定形式,所以后用肯定形式,时态用一般现在时。7.【2012届天津一中高三第五次月考】12. - What did the boss want to know, Jack ?

21、 - that we could finish our job .A. What it was B. What was it C. When was it D. When it was 【答案】D【解析】考查强调句型。此处问的是know的内容,即know的宾语从句,所以用陈述句语序。10.【2012届西安八校联考二】20MrMike doesnt understand _ made his wife so upset this morningAhow that was Bwhat it was thatCwhat was it Dwhy it was that【答案】B【解析】考查强调句型及宾

22、语从句。此处understand之后为宾语从句,宾语从句中含义强调句型。13.【2012届江西临川一中冲刺卷】27. What we have to admit is that never in the past thirty years _ so greatly as today.A、did China changeB、China has changedC、has China changedD、China had changed【答案】C【解析】考查倒装和时态。语意:我们不得不承认的是在过去的三十年里,中国从未像今天这样变化巨大。否定词never 放在首句时句子要倒装。又由in the pa

23、st thirty years 可知应用现在完成时,故选C。14.【2012届四川成都市树德协进中学5月月考】25. _ it two days ago when you arrived home late that you came across her?A. Did B. Was C. Does D. Is16.【2012届福建漳州市四地七校第四次联考】24. _in his school that many of his fans want to get close to him. A. So is he popular B. So popular is he C. So popular he is D. So he is popular【答案】B【解析】考查倒装句。含有so。that的句型,如果把so强调的部分置于句首,主句部分倒装。


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