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《三维设计》2017届高三英语(人教版新课标)一轮复习导学案必修二 UNIT 3 COMPUTERS WORD版含答案.doc

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1、高考资源网() 您身边的高考专家必修二 Unit 3Computers写得准用得活积得多1.anyhow adv.无论如何;即使如此2.download vt. 下载3.signal vi.& vt. 发信号 n. 信号4.arise vi. 出现;发生5.character n. 性格;特点6.solve vt.解决;解答solution n解决7.operator n(电脑)操作员;接线员operate v操作;经营operation n操作;经营8.simplify vt.简化simple adj.简单的9.intelligent adj.智能的;聪明的intelligence n智力;

2、聪明;智能10.total adj.总的;整个的 n总数;合计 vt.共计;总计;把加起来totally adv.完全地;整个地11.personal adj.私人的;个人的;亲自的personally adv.就个人而言;亲自personality n个性;人格;风云人物;名人12.application n应用;用途;申请apply v应用;涉及;申请applicant n申请人;求职者13.finance n金融;财经financial adj.财政的;金融的;资金的14.explore vt.& vi.探索;探测;探究explorer n探险家;勘探者exploration n探索15

3、.appearance n外观;外貌;出现appear vi.出现16.technology n工艺;科技;技术technological adj.科技的用所给词的适当形式填空1.Try to simplify (simple) your explanation to the students to help them understand better.2.There is another kind of beauty that has nothing to do with appearance (appear), but comes from the heart.3.Young peopl

4、e want something totally (total) different from the old ways.4.It may take a long time to find a solution (solve) to the problem.5.A team of explorers will explore the valley and the exploration will last 10 days.(explore)6.Humans or animals of high intelligence are always intelligent.(intelligence)

5、7.After the president made an official announcement, she expressed her personal opinion. Personally speaking, I agreed with what she said.(person)8.Any applicant who would like to apply to become an assistant in our company should send us an application before December 10, 2016.(apply)1.“互联网”家族downl

6、oad vt.下载click vt. 点击connect vt. 连接surf vi.&vt. 浏览network n. 网络database n. 数据库;资料库2.以后缀“ify”结尾的动词荟萃simplify 简化beautify 美化purify 净化identify 鉴定;识别出classify 分类horrify 使恐惧modify 修改;修饰electrify 使电气化3.后缀“ology”高频名词一览technology 科技biology 生物学ecology 生态学geology 地理/质学psychology 心理学sociology 社会学physiology 生理学a

7、rcheology 考古学写得准用得活积得多1.from_._on 从时起2.in_a_way 在某种程度上 3.with_the_help_of 在的帮助下4.deal_with 处理;安排;对付5.watch_over 看守;监视;照管6.provide_._for_. 给提供7.have_sth._in_common 有共同之处8.share_._with_. 与分享 9.as_a_result 结果10.make_up 弥补;编造;打扮;构成11.after_all 毕竟;终究选用左栏短语填空1.You should be patient to Jenny. After_all she

8、 is only a child.2.My friend Martin was very sick with a strange fever. As_a_result,_he could neither eat nor sleep.3.To watch_over the child who was ill, she remained awake most of the night and only slept for a couple of hours.4.Can I leave early this afternoon and make_up the time tomorrow?5.Now

9、they can go to school with_the_help_of Project Hope.1.“v. . with .”结构面面观share . with . 与分享cover . with . 用覆盖equip . with . 使具有mix . with . 把和混合connect . with . 把与连接起来2.all相关短语大全after all毕竟,终究above all 首先,最重要的是in all 全部,合计at all (否定句)一点也不;到底,究竟first of all 首先,第背原句记句式会仿用1.I developed very slowly and i

10、t took nearly two hundred years before I was built as an analytical machine by Charles Babbage.我发展缓慢,差不多到两百年后,查尔斯巴比奇才把我制成了一台分析机。before引导时间状语从句,意为“之后才”。政府已采取措施克服供电不足,但是几个月之后我们才能有充足的电力资源。Our government has taken some measures to overcome the lack of electricity, but it_will_be_several_months_before we

11、 have enough power.2.As time went by, I was made smaller.随着时间的推移,我被做得更小了。as引导时间状语从句,意为“随着”。随着互联网的普及,我们和朋友面对面的交流变少了。As_the_Internet_is_becoming_more_and_more_popular,_we have fewer facetoface talks with our friends.3.And my memory became so large that even I couldnt believe it!我的存储量变得如此之大,连我自己都不能相信!s

12、o .that .引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以至于”。今天的阳光如此明媚,我真想去大海里游泳The sunshine today is so_beautiful_that Id like to go swimming in the sea.。1total adj.总的;整个的n.总数;合计经典例句You got 47 points on the written examination and 18 on the oral, making a total of 65.(牛津P1868)你笔试得了47分,口试得了18分,总分65分。(1)a total of总数为in totalin all 总

13、计;总共(2)totally adv. 完全地;整个地How much do you have to pay in_total/in_all if the four of you go together?如果你们四个一起去的话你总共需要支付多少钱?I totally (total) agree with what Susan says about the best present.(2014重庆高考写作)我完全同意苏珊就最好的礼物所说的那些话。2signal vi.& vt.发信号n.信号教材原句For example, I have learned to signal to my teamm

14、ates in computer language to give me the ball when I am open and have a good shot for a goal. 例如,当我启动的时候,我可以用计算机语言向队友示意把球传给我,这样可以有一个漂亮的射门。 (1)signal (to) sb. to do sth.示意某人做某事signal (to) sb. that . 示意(某人)(2)a traffic signal 交通信号send out a signal 发出信号In order not to be heard, she pointed her finger u

15、pwards to_signal (signal) that someone was moving about upstairs.(2015湖北高考多选)为了不让别人听到,她竖起手指示意有人正在楼上走动。The police signalled (to) the driver to_stop (stop) his car by raising his hand.警察举手示意司机停车。Body language can give away a lot about your mood, so standing with your arms folded can send_out_a_signal

16、that you are being defensive.(2015浙江高考单选)身势语能够泄露很多你的情绪,因此双臂交叠站着能发出你正在防卫的信号。形象记忆(信号) (象征)(标志)(标记)3arise vi.出现;发生;起身;起床教材原句Then she prepares reliable moves to use if a new situation arises. 然后她把在新情况下能用得上的可靠动作准备好。一词多义写出下列句中arise的含义When I arose from the chair, my father and Johns father were in deep con

17、versation.起身A number of high buildings have arisen where there was nothing a year ago but ruins. (2012山东高考单选)出现It cant be too careful while driving.Accidents often arise from carelessness.发生辨析比较arise, arouse, rise, raise试一试选用上述单词完成下列语段As we all know, the problems between parents and children have ar

18、isen from lack of communication. Although the standard of living was raised,_Tom couldnt get along well with his mother. His mother got up the moment the sun rose in the east. She worked hard day and night to support the family. As a result, she was badly ill, which aroused Tom eventually.众所周知,父母与子女

19、间的问题是由于缺乏交流而引起的。尽管生活水平提高了,但汤姆与母亲相处不好。母亲在太阳一从东方升起就起床,她日夜辛勤工作养活家人,结果她病得很重,这最终唤醒了汤姆。辨一辨原形过去式过去分词现在分词arise vi.出现;发生;起因于;起床arosearisenarisingarouse vt.唤醒;激起arousedarousedarousingrise vi.升起;起身;增长;上升roserisenrisingraise vt.举起;唤起;提高;饲养raisedraisedraising.基础点全练单句语法填空/补全句子1A man stood up and crossed his arms

20、over his head, signaling (signal) that he was strongly opposed.2I cannot totally (total) agree with you, but I think what you said just now is partly reasonable.3Have you filled in the application (apply) form for a new passport?4You neednt worry about your appearance (appear) you look fine.5Many pe

21、ople thought highly of what he said, but personally (person), I thought he just showed himself off.6The ability to give good advice at the right time involves a great deal of intelligence (intelligent)7The appearance of a spaceship makes it possible for us to_explore_the_moon_ (探索月球)8To be honest, I

22、m at a loss how_to_solve_the_difficult_problem (如何解决这个难题).重难点多练arise多棱镜(1)用arise, rise, arouse, raise的适当形式填空As is known to us, the sun rises in the east and sets in the west.Years of experience in driving made Mr Black convinced that he could deal with emergencies arising at any time.Give your child

23、 some old machines such as a broken radio or TV set to play with and it will arouse his curiosity.To raise peoples awareness of protecting the environment, we launched a campaign.(2)一句多译(每空一词)休息时,我们的班主任开始处理课上出现的问题。At break, our headteacher got down to dealing with the matter arising from his class.(

24、分词作定语)At break, our headteacher got down to dealing with the matter which arose from his class.(定语从句).阅读词汇专练根据语境选出名词character的词义(A)角色;人物(B)品质;性格(C)特色;特性 (D)文字Kindness and violence can shape ones character._B_They are the two main characters in the play._A_The town is so beautiful! I just love it.Me

25、too. The character of the town is well preserved._C_There are 80,000 Chinese characters, most of which are seldom used today._D_1as a result 结果高考佳句As a result, they agreed to my advice, and everything went well as planned.(2015浙江高考满分作文)结果,他们赞同我的建议,一切按计划进展顺利。as a result of 由于;作为的结果result from 由引起resu

26、lt in 导致;结果Jenny nearly missed the flight as_a_result_of doing too much shopping.詹妮因为购物太多差点错过了航班。Its generally believed that his cancer resulted from the overfull tiredness.普遍认为他是因为过度的劳累而得了癌症。You might learn that haste makes waste if you do something so fast, resulting (result) in mistakes.如果你做事只求速度

27、而导致错误,你或许会明白“欲速则不达”。写作联想例句的其他表达方式Its generally believed that the overfull tiredness resulted in his cancer.Its generally believed that he suffered from cancer as a result of the overfull tiredness.Its generally believed that the overfull tiredness led to his cancer.2in a way从某一角度看;在某种程度上教材原句 In a wa

28、y our programmer is like our coach.从某种程度上看,我们的程序员就像我们的教练。all the way一路上;自始至终;完全by the way 顺便说一下in no way 一点也不;决不(位于句首,句子应使用倒装)in this way 用这种方法in the way 挡道;碍事on the way 在途中No way! 俚别想!没门!In_a_way,_it is a good thing that I did not get the post I had applied for, though I must admit that I was disap

29、pointed at that time.尽管我必须承认我当时很失望,但在某种程度上,我没有得到我所申请的职位是一件好事。Mrs. Smith finds it hard to clear up the mess, as her children are always in_the_way whenever she tries to.(2013福建高考单选)史密斯夫人发现清理杂物很难,因为无论何时她要去做的时候,孩子们总是碍事。In no way should_you_lose_heart when you are faced with difficulties.面对困难时,你决不应该失去信心

30、。3deal with处理;对付;论及;涉及;与打交道、做买卖 高考佳句Although serious problems still remain and need to be dealt with, the world is a safer and healthier place.(2014新课标全国卷)尽管严重的问题还有且需要被处理,但是这个世界还是一个更安全和更健康的地方。一词多义写出下列句中deal with的含义As a child, he never left his parents, so he didnt get used to dealing with everything

31、 in school independently.处理;应付Its a book dealing with life in the United States.论及;涉及His work experience equipped him to deal with all kinds of people.与打交道名师指津deal with表示“处理”时,常与连接副词how连用。do with表示“处理”时,常与连接代词what连用。I dont know how they will deal with the problem.I dont know what they will do with t

32、he problem.我不知道他们将如何处理这个问题。4As time went by, I was made smaller.随着时间的推移,我被做得更小了。as意为“随着”,引导时间状语从句。As the worlds population continues (continue) to grow, the supply of food becomes more and more of a concern.(2013浙江高考单选)随着世界人口的不断增加,食品供应问题越来越受到人们的关注。As time_went_by,_I gradually adapted myself to the s

33、chool life.随着时间的推移,我逐渐适应了学校生活。名师指津as是连词,意为“随着”,引导时间状语从句;with是介词,意为“随着”,后接名词或代词等构成with短语或with复合结构。例句可以改为:With time going (go) by, I gradually adapted myself to the school life.5And my memory became so large that even I couldnt believe it!我的存储量变得如此之大,连我自己都不能相信!so/such .that .引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以至于”。(1) so

34、.that .句型的常见形式: soadj./adv.that .,soadj.a(n)n.(单数可数名词)that .,somany/few/much/little (少) .n.that ., (2)such .that .句型的基本结构:, sucha(n)adj.n.(单数可数名词)that .,suchadj.n.(复数可数名词/不可数名词)that .Keeping a learning diary every day is so_important_that I would like to introduce it to you.(2013四川高考书面表达)每天坚持写学习日记是如

35、此重要,所以我想把这种学习方法介绍给你们。There were so_many_cars_on_the_road_that I couldnt get through.路上的车很多以至于我过不去。Dalian is such an_attractive_place that lots of tourists visit the city every year.Dalian is so_attractive_a_place that lots of tourists visit the city every year.大连是一个如此吸引人的地方以至于每年都有很多游客来观光旅游。名师指津当so形容

36、词/副词及such .放在句首时,主句要用部分倒装。So_excited_was_I that I couldnt wait to try my hand at riding the bicycle.(2014福建高考书面表达)我非常兴奋,迫不及待地想尝试骑自行车。.基础点全练1单句语法填空As children get older, they become more and more interested in the things around them.With so many things to_deal (deal) with, I have to work late into th

37、e night.They are friends and have a lot in common, so they are willing to have a talk with each other.Only in this way can we successfully build a harmonious society.The farmers there use specially trained dogs to watch over their sheep at night.David had a car accident a year ago and has suffered f

38、rom back pain from then on.2一句多译(1)随着社会的快速发展,我们和朋友的聚会变少了。As_our_society_develops_quickly,_we find less time to gather with our friends.(as)With_our_society_developing_quickly,_we find less time to gather with our friends.(with)(2)因为越来越多的污染,很多物种正在灭绝。(result)There is more and more pollution.As_a_resul

39、t,_many species are dying out.As_a_result_of more and more pollution, many species are dying out.More and more pollution has resulted_in many species dying out.The fact that many species are dying out results_from more and more pollution.3运用所学短语完成下列语段Faced with so many problems arising_from (由产生) la

40、ck of communication, I dont know how to deal_with (处理) them independently. After_all (毕竟), I have never left my parents. As_a_result (因此), I cant adapt to my new school life. Luckily, with_my_teachers_help (在我的老师的帮助下), I have got along well with my classmates and made great progress in my study.重难点多

41、练so/such . that .面面观(1)单句语法填空He was so absorbed in watching the car passing by that he didnt notice his friends coming.He made so little progress that his parents felt disappointed.It is such lovely weather that we all want to go out for a walk.(2)一句多译天气非常寒冷,以至于街上没有人。It was so_cold_a_day_that there

42、was nobody on the street.(so)It was such_a_cold_day_that there was nobody on the street.(such)Such_a_cold_day_was_it_that there was nobody on the street.(such倒装句)So_cold_a_day_was_it_that there was nobody on the street.(so倒装句).单句语法填空1I was told the Learning Center provides help for students and Im a

43、nxious to get help from you.2With many problems arising (arise), he didnt know what to do next.3The students are looking forward to having an opportunity to_explore (explore) society for reallife experience.4With global warming becoming more and more serious, it wont be long before some coastal citi

44、es disappear.5The manager required that the business letter (should)_be_typed (type) out before 12 oclock.6As technology develops, we find more and more time to entertain.7We should not judge a person by his appearance (appear) but people make that mistake from time to time.8George was responsible f

45、or the accident because he didnt give a signal to other drivers.9Linda, the phone in your office cant be connected all the time. Why?Oh, sorry, Miss Miles. The service has_been_stopped (stop) since last Wednesday.10(2014重庆高考满分作文)Personally (person), I think the best present is not necessarily the mo

46、st expensive one.单句改错1It wont be long before we will know the result of the experiment.去掉will2With the wealth of the country increases, more waste will be produced.WithAs或increasesincreasing3In the way, Im glad you made that mistake, for it will serve as a warning to you.thea4Dont blame him for brea

47、king that vase; at all he is still a child.atafter5The environment of Hong Kong is very outstanding that it is chosen as one of the worlds most livable cities.veryso6Can you give me some advice on what to deal with this difficulty?whathow或dealdo.用本单元所学知识完成下列写作训练(一)依据提示补全短文As the Internet develops ra

48、pidly, more and more applications (apply) have been found for computers. People use them to type, signal solve_all_kinds_of_problems (解决各种问题) and even handle some things that seem incredible, for example, exploring_the_moon (探索月球). In_a_way (在某种程度上), computers have changed our life. However (but/the

49、refore/however), many new problems have come into being. Many students become very crazy about computers and they spend too much time on them.Therefore, some of them fail the exams. Anyhow (somehow/anyhow), computers play_an_important_part_in (在中起着很重要的作用) our life.(二)按要求将词汇句式升级1用本单元高级词汇替换加黑单词或短语(1)h

50、andledeal_with(2)come into beingarisen(3)ThereforeAs_a_result2按要求改写句式(1)用with短语改写句With_the_rapid_development_of_the_Internet_/With_the_Internet_developing_rapidly,_more and more applications have been found for computers.(2)用so .that .句型改写句Many_students_become_so_crazy_about_computers_that they spend too much time on them. 版权所有高考资源网诚招驻站老师,联系QQ2355394696


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