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本文(2022-2023学年新教材高中英语 Unit 4 Looking Good,Feeling Good Lesson5 Integrated skills (II)教案 牛津译林版必修第一册.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2022-2023学年新教材高中英语 Unit 4 Looking Good,Feeling Good Lesson5 Integrated skills (II)教案 牛津译林版必修第一册.doc

1、Unit 4 Looking good, feeling goodIntegrated skills ()I. Learning objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students will be able to:1. express their opinions about plastic surgery by using the given expressions;2. master the way to write an argument essay.II. Key competence focus1. Express their opinions

2、appropriately.2. Master the way to write an argument essay.III. Predicted area of difficulty1. Express opinions appropriately.2. Write an argument essay.IV. Teaching proceduresStep 1 Revision1. T asks Ss to review what they learnt by asking the following questions: What are the advantages and disadv

3、antages of plastic surgery?2. T helps Ss to review by filling the blanks.【设计意图:让学生回顾上节课有关整容手术的优缺点,迅速地进入本课的主题,并能为下来的讨论提供铺垫。】Step 2 Talk in pairs1. T asks Ss to discuss with the partner about the following two questions: Are you for or against plastic surgery? Why? What examples can you think of to su

4、pport your opinion?2. T presents Ss some useful expressions for their reference and illustrates the way to begin the discussion.【设计意图:为学生提供有用的短语和开头方式,引导学生对整容手术这一话题进行有效的讨论。】Step 3 Presentation1. T asks some pairs to present their discussion and remind them to use the useful expressions learned before

5、.2. T asks the rest of the students to listen carefully to collect creative idea as many as possible.【设计意图:鼓励学生积极地表达自己对整容手术的看法,巩固相关短语的应用,同时培养学生的英语表达能力和逻辑思维能力。】3. T asks Ss to write down their reasons for or against plastic surgery.Step 4 Writing1. T explains the information about the argument essay,

6、 including the text type, the structure and the language. 2. T gives Ss some tips on writing an argument essay. Give a clear thesis statement.T: Your thesis statement will be a concise idea that sums up your view on the issue. It is not merely a statement of a fact; instead, it sums up your views on

7、 the issue. You need to make the thesis statement clear and concise. It usually appears at the end of the introductory paragraph. Having this idea in mind early on will help guide your reader through the rest of the argument essay. Give a mix of evidence.T: We can use reasoning, facts, quotes of exp

8、erts, statistics from studies or surveys and examples to support our points. Remember that your evidence should be relevant. That is, your evidence should be able to support your argument. Also, your evidence should be reliable and believable. Use convincing language. T: Here are some sentence struc

9、tures for showing opinion, for reasoning and for giving examples and drawing a conclusion. 3. T asks the students to write an argument essay by using the collected ideas. Meanwhile, remind the students to pay attention to following three aspects: Structure Language Handwriting【设计意图:介绍议论文的定义,结构与语言特点,

10、让学生对议论文有所了解,并为接下来的写作打下基础。让学生写一篇对整容手术的看法的议论文。】Step 5 Presentation1. T invites several Ss to show their writings to the whole class.2. T evaluates their writing in terms of structure and language and handwriting. 3. T asks Ss to give some suggestions to improve the writings.【设计意图:通过展示与评价,让学生对议论文的写作有更进

11、一步的了解,并发现自己的问题所在。】Step 6 Appreciation1. T presents the possible version to students and appreciates the argument essay with Ss.2. T asks Ss to find out the authors opinion in the passage.3. T asks Ss to figure out the structure of the argument essay. Para. 1: I think people should never have plastic

12、 surgery. (Main point)Para. 2: First, people do not always get satisfactory results from plastic surgery. (Reason 1)Para. 3: In addition, plastic surgery can be dangerous. (Reason 2)Para. 4: Moreover, people may get addicted to plastic surgery. (Reason 3)Para. 5: For these reasons, people should nev

13、er have plastic surgery. (Summary)【设计意图:分析范例,回顾议论文的写法,进一步感知议论文的结构和语言特点。】Step 7 Checking1. T asks Ss to check their own writing in terms of the six aspects: punctuation, spelling, grammar, choice of words, style (formal/informal) and structure.2. T asks Ss to do peer review. 【设计意图:对自己的写作分别进行自评和他评,从自我反思和他人评价中进一步提升自己的议论文写作能力,培养合作的意识。】V. HomeworkRewrite your argument essay.

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