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上海外国语大学附属外国语学校2017届高三上学期周练(六)英语试题 WORD版含答案.doc

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1、Exercise 61. Up till 1905 _ no railway in China.A. there has beenB. there had beenC. had itD. there was2. Mary will not be able to come to the birthday party as she is _ with a cold.A. laid outB. laid downC. laid byD. laid up3. His changes were _ by what had happened to him.A. brought outB. brought

2、upC. brought aboutD. brought to4. Ten oclock is _ for a child of his age to stay up.A. a too late hourB. very much late an hourC. too late an hourD. a so late hour5. The size of the class, _ we had expected, was normal.A. thatB. whomC. whoD. as.6. _ she to see you, hed be surprised.A. WasB. WereC. B

3、eD. Is7. The weather during our holiday was bad ; otherwise we a trip to the countryside.A. tookB. would takeC. had takenD. would have taken8. Mother asked me to cut the water melon _.A. into halfB. in halvesC. to halfD. into halves9. He wonders why people who _ promotion at work while he doesnt.A.

4、are less intelligent than he is getB. are more intelligent than he getC. are intelligent but getD. are less intelligent than him get10. “What _ you want?” John said to me.A. it isB. is thatC. is itD. is it that11. Teachers are advised not to assign pupils more homework than _.A. being necessaryB. is

5、 necessaryC. it is necessaryD. what necessary12. Do you think the thief entered through the back door? No, if he had, I dont believe _ broken the living-rooms window.A. would have heB. he hadC. he would haveD. he has13. They arrived _, chatting merrily.A. in threes and twosB. in three and twoC. in t

6、wos and threesD. in two and three14. The scientist was forced to give up the research project because he had no time _ fund to carry it out.A. as wellB. andC. and in additionD. or15. The nations economy is looking _ and it will be further improved.A. toB. on IC. upD. in16. That organization has prom

7、ised to _ an offer of financial support to the project.A. haveB. doC. makeD. give17. What do you advise me _? I advise _ patiently for another chance.A. to do . waitingB. doing . to waitC. do. to waitD. doing . waiting18. Most animals have little connection with _ animals of _ different kind unless

8、they kill them for food.A. the . aB. / aC. the theD. / the19. Its important that the parents of their sons disappearance.A. be informedB. are informedC. will be informedD. must be informed20. The paper _ bamboo is made is especially fine.A. whichB. from whichC. into whichD. of which21. If you wont d

9、o as I tell you to, you _ go to the party.A. wontB. shantC. shouldntD. cant22. You will succeed in the end _ you give up halfway.A. even ifB. as thoughC. as long asD. unless23. _ students or teachers went to the cinema that evening.A. NoB. NotC. NoneD. Both24. I am going to invite a few friends of m

10、ine a farewell dinner next Wednesday.A. NoB. NotC. NoneD. Both25. Id rather you _ the task we have assigned you today, if you can.A. finishB. will finishC. finishedD. would finish26. While still a young boy, he knew _ the piano well and as he grew older, he wrot operas.A. to playB. how to playC. pla

11、yingD. to have played27. There is a new restaurant nearby and I have reserved a table for two _ the comer.A. inB. atC. onD. by28. _ in a correct way, he might have been able to make this experiment.A. Worked heB. If he workedC. Had he workedD. If he were to work29. The survivors of the plane crash w

12、ere able to hold _ till help came.A. backB. up toC. outD. to30. We caught the enemy officer _ in the battle.A. livelyB. livingC. aliveD. live31. To our disappointment, he didnt live up to had been expected of him.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. how32. He said that he forgot both of the _.A. rooms numbersB.

13、 room numberC. rooms numberD. room numbers33. _ does the doctor visit your father? Every other week.A. How longB. How soonC. How oftenD. How much time34. The war broke out in the year _ he and his twin brother were born in.A. whenB. whichC. during whichD. at which35. _ I like the color of the hat, I

14、 do not like its shape.A. AsB. WhenC. WhileD. Because36. The villagers wish the flood _ them heavy losses.A. will not costB. calls upC. hadnt costD. hasnt cost37. To fly big passenger airliners _ long training and experience.A. calls forB. calls upC. calls onD. calls out38. Dont make any noise; ther

15、e is baby here.A. an asleepB. a sleepingC. a sleepyD. a slept39. _ has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.A. WhoB. The oneC. AnyoneD. Whoever40. This must be the material they have promised to provide us with, _?A. isnt itB. mustnt itC. neednt itD. is it41. He reminded me of the day

16、we had appointed.A. whichB. on whichC. by whichD. when42. We intend to _ with the old system as soon as we have developed a better one.A. do upB. do awayC. do inD. do out43. Dont _ all the books on your table. The class is not over yet.A. put upB. put awayC. put downD. put off44. The ice cream serve

17、d at dinner was the most delicious one I _.A. would haveB. had never hadC. haveD. had ever hat45. It is your advantage to go.A. atB. toC. forD. in46. The young trees require _ after carefully.A. lookB. to lookC. lookedD. looking47. That guest has just been here.A. foreign tall youngB. tall young for

18、eignC. young tall foreignD. foreign young tall48. Was _ announced at the meeting that there would be some changes in the programme?A. thatB. whatC. itD. which49. Would you please come here _?A. some other timeB. other some timeC. other timeD. some time else50. The dictionary _ be in your desk. It _

19、be anywhere else.A. must cantB. may isnt able toC. can mustntD. must mustnt51. I learned of his success _ the radio.A. inB. atC. onD. from52. What a pleasant surprise! I _ you _ in this city.A. dont know wereB. didnt know wereC. havent known areD. dont know are53. He cannot break himself _ the bad h

20、abit.A. awayB. fromC. ofD. with54. Do you feel like _ to the beach when summer comes?A. goB. to goC. goingD. to be going55. She has 20, but that will not be _ enough for an evening dress like that.A. nearlyB. hardlyC. almostD. mostly56. It doesnt matter much _ new techniques are introduced in the pr

21、oduction.A. how whatB. whatC. whyD. both A and B57. Put the cup at _ end of the desk, please.A. bothB. everyC. eitherD. other58. When things are at their worst, you must be prepared _ anything to happen.A. aboutB. againstC. forD. to59. Its absolutely essential that you _ your paper before the end of

22、 June.A. must completeB. should completeC. will completeD. have completed60. Being _the times, my parents are not interested in modem music.A. beforeB. afterC. behindD. back61. The benefit of goats milk lies in the fact that it is more easily _ by infants than is cows milk.A. to digestB. digestingC.

23、 being digestedD. to be digested62. Ann _ writing the essay without an overall plan, but she did.A. should startB. shouldnt startC. shouldnt have statedD. should have started63. Robert took _ going for a walk after supper every evening.A. atB. inC. toD. with64. Where _ you _ the picture _?A. have ha

24、d tookB. had had takenC. did have takenD. have took /65. Bob looked so surprised I could not keep _ laughing.A. fromB. onC. aboutD. at66. Would you be to show me the way to the Shanghai Museum?A. enough kindB. so kindC. so kind asD. kindly enough67. Would you be do it for me, please?A. kind enough t

25、oB. kind as toC. as kind so toD. sis kind as to68. Either the Browns or the Smiths to take on the management of the factory.A. isB. are goingC. is goingD. was69. I have listened to the opinions of both sides, but I dont believe _.A. eitherB. bothC. allD. neither70. _ so many people been out of work

26、as today.A. More than ever beforeB. Never before haveC. In the past, there never haveD. Formerly, there never were71. How long is it _ the class _?A. when beginsB. when beganC. since had begunD. since began72. There isnt any difference between the two. I really dont know _.A. how to chooseB. which t

27、o chooseC. what to chooseD. to choose which73. Why not light a lamp there? Theres a _ lamp already.A. lightingB. litC. lightedD. lit up74. The car _ at the present speed until it reaches the foot of the mountain at about ten oclock tonight.A. goesB. will have goneC. would goD. will be going75. There

28、 are, _ mentioned in the previous passage, several ways of sending messages over long distances.A. whichB. whatC. asD. how76. There _ a lot of rain these days which the crops need.A. isB. wasC. has beenD. were77. Eggs are sold _ the dozen.A. withB. forC. atD. by78. There was so much noise in the roo

29、m that the speaker couldnt make himself _.A. being heardB. hearingC. heard、 be79. The teacher often works _ into the night that all of us are _ moved.A. deep deepB. deep deeplyC. deeply deeplyD. deeply deep80. Dr. Smith has ten more years before retirement. By then he _ a cure for the disease.A. has

30、 discoveredB. must have discoveredC. had discoveredD. will have discovered81. _, I must do another experiment in the laboratory.A. Be it ever so lateB. It is ever so lateC. It be ever so lateD. So late it be ever82. He went to the supermarket to find that these kinds of food _ sold out.A. areB. were

31、C. wasD. is83. They sat there quietly, _ the game to start.A. longing forB. looking forC. expecting forD. hoping for84. The last time Peter _ to me was three days before he returned.A. has writtenB. was writingC. had writtenD. wrote85. Mary was made _ with the housework when she was young.A. helpB.

32、to helpC. helpingD. helped86. The man was so _ at the voice that he ran away as fast as _.A. fearful he canB. dreadful possibleC. terrible mightD. scared he could87. We have eaten some of the butter and the rest _ kept for supper.A. hasB. haveC. isD. are88. We like to have somewhere to go after the

33、movie finishes, maybe a restaurant where we can discuss it _ dinner.A. overB. onC. inD. with7 89. Much _ we admire Shakespeares comedies, we cannot agree that they are superior to the tragedies.A. althoughB. asC. /D.90. Your plans are not carved in stone, and can be changed as _.A. need beB. need be

34、ingC. it needsD. need to be91. The new material, being water _, wont absorb water.A. resistedB. resistantC. resistD. resistance92. The challenges we face here are quite similar _ what we see in other marketplaces.A. ofB. inC. withD. to93. When the new republic was born, all the old regulations were

35、done _.A. away withB. overC. awayD. up to94. You neednt as regards the cost of the operation.A. to worryB. worry aboutC. worryD. be worried about95. I felt so tired that I could no longer holdA. inB. onC. atD. out96. He went straight _ to the office where the manager was.A. upB. atC. inD. towards97.

36、 They stared at one mother, not daring _ out loud.A. to speakB. to be spokenC. speakD. speaking98. He sees very well, _ that he is sixty years of age.A. considerB. consideringC. to considerD. considered99. The boy has a gift _ music and he will become a good pianist.A. aboutB. atC. forD. of100. When

37、 he saw the boy running towards him, he _ his car to a stop.A. tookB. broughtC. madeD. carriedKeys:1-5BDCCD 6-10BDDAD 11-15BCCDC 16-20CABAC 21-25(21.B/D)DACC26-30BACCC 31-35ADCBC 36-40CABDA 41-45ABBDB 46-50DBCAA51-55CBCCA 56-60DCCBC 61-65DCCCA 66-70CABAB 71-75DBCDC76-80CDCBD 81-85ABADB 86-90DCABA 91-95BDACB 96-100ACBCB


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