1、开封五县高一期末联考英语试卷考生注意:本试卷分第 I卷(选择题)和 第 H卷(非选择题)两 部分。总分 120分,考试时间为 120分 钟。请在答题卷上作答,答在其它地方一律无效。第I卷第一部分:阅 读理解(共 两节,满分 硐 分)第一节(共 15小 题;每 小题 2分,共 30分)阅 读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,选 出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AIfyou wantto Choosc a sui tabl e school for your ki ds,there aFe some choi ces壬or you,Bambi i、age ontessori
2、 Preschool615-405-4778/3夕999D沏”Jng纟.cOP99Bambi ni、11agc Montcssori Preschool s goal i s to l ead ch drcn to di scover thei r o、vn uni quepotcnti al(潜力)i n a real Montcssori envi ronment。Ot】r mai n goal s are to enri ch a chi 1ds al l-si dccducati on mental l y,physi cal l y,spi ri tual l y(精神上的 nd m
3、oral l y(道德上)prepari ng ot1r studcntsfor a j oy1i t】l l i fel ong Ic盯血 ng and academ忆 cxccl l cncc whl e encot】ra酊ng dC Cl opment ofi ndcpendence and scIf-cncouragement。Battl e Ground ACademy(BGA)615-794-3501/b刃r 召 罗o仞刀d c四d纟.rgBGA i s a co11ege prcparatory sChoo1.The motto of“2haracter schol arshi
4、p Exce11ence”i scvi dence of our studcnts on thc 丘 el ds,on stage,i n cO11umuni ty sen汀ce acti v“i es or through ourti 1nc-honored tradi ti ons。Studcnts create fel ong nocndshi ps and enter coege ahead of thei rpccrs(同龄人).BGA dCvC1ops a scnse of commun妤and a war1n,wel comi ng甜mosphere,Itprovi dcs fl
5、 nanci a1hcl p for students whose fami es arc poor。Epi scopaI school of Nashv 1e(615)51 3668/召s刀夕s加 fJ杨 rgEpi scopal school of Nashv1e i s changi ng伍c suauon of educati on i n Nashvl e。opcni ng i nEast Nashvi 11c i n thc fal l of2016,wc arc a Prc-k(学前班)through cl ementary school that bel i eveseduca
6、ti on shoul d bc spual 炒enri chi ng as wc1l as Inental 1y chal l cngi ng.Led by enthusi asti c andG引ong teachers,Epi scopal studcnts arc cncouraged to expl orc thci r ctl ri osy,take ri sks,and l eam tosol vc prob1cms i n creati vc、vays.It al so provi des after-school programs for students of Prc-k
7、from230-s30pm.FOr$6.50per hour.21,Whati s the rnai n purposc ofBambi ni 11age 压ontcssori Preschool?A.To di scovcr c1cvcr chndren.B.T。ei ch chdrens after-school hfe.高一期末联考卷 英语试卷 第 1页 共 8页C.To keep children staying in good health only.D.To provide students with all-side education.22.If Mary from a poo
8、r family wants to continue her study in BGA,she-.A.must givg up her study to earn money.B.can apply for financial help from school.C.should leam how to perform better than her peers.D.can develop her character through developing friendships.23.IfJohns son takes part in after-school programs for 5 da
9、ys,2 hours per day in Episcopal Schoolof Nashville,he should pay_.A。$13B.$65C。$90D,$130Bonc rnomi ng oral Lce Brown stopped by a l ocal store to makc her usual shoppi ng.A l i ttl e gi rlcar【e up to her,aski ng for乃cen“.Bccause dl shc had was a$5bnl(纸币),Brown i nvi ted thc钆l c gi rl to go w h her to
10、 the storc.Insi de thc store,BrOwn tol d the l tl c gi rl she coul d pi ck outanyt“ng she wantcd.Instcad of choosi ng candy or a toy,whi ch wOul d have becn thc fl rst choi cc for most hds,thcl i ttl c鲈 rl i mmedatcl y ran for a bag of bread.And shc shyl y thankcd BrOwn and qui ckl y dsappearcdaroun
11、d the comer。That ni g酞,BrOwn coul dnt sl ecp,dcci di ng that she had to fl nd tl l e l i ttl e gi rl to hel p her。Shcwcnt to山e school the gi rl wOul d most l i kel y attend,but shc ncver found hcr.Instead,she foundmany other chi l drcn,i nss tl l an eal(理 想的)ndi ti ons。BrOwn deci ded to%dopt(领养 r a
12、dassof23East oakl and,Cafo1i a,fIrst-gradcrs。she tol d thenStay i n school,and Il l send you tocol l ege。”To ach忆ve th“goal,Brown bcgan sa说ng moncy,putti ng adc$10000per ycar from her$45000sal ary,Starti ng that day,BrOwn bccamc a benefactor,mcntor(导丿币)and second mothcr to those23丘rst-graders,begi n
13、i ng wi d1regul ar vi ss,Saturday mtori al s and parent rneeti ngs。Shc tracked cachchd sa钆 endance and grades,bought伍el 11Chri stmas gi fts and bought suppl 抬s。Ni neteen of thcstudcnts i n that fIrst c1ass a仗 ended cocge,and thrcc Others、vent i nto trade school s.Those studcntsal l graduatcd fron1co
14、l l ege i n2003and2004。BrOwn i s now on hcr si xth cl ass ofadopted”studcnts,In total,morc than 125young peopl ehave gai ncd her hel p。some of these studcnts-nOw i n coege-rcport that i f i t hadnt been forBrOwn,thcy woul d nevcr havc been g1ven an opporl un1ty for thi s ki nd ofcducati on。24.Nhat c
15、an be inferred about the little girl?A.She had no interest in candy or toys.C.She dared not pick expensive food.25.Why did Brown go to the school to find the little girl?B.She had spent all her pocket money.D.She was in a poor living condition.高一期末联考卷 英语试卷 第 2页 共 8页A.Because she wanted to help the l
16、ittle girl;C.Because she wanted to adopt the little girl.26.The underlined word benefactor means a person who_.A.a person who teaches children at homeB.a person who organizes a charity activityC.a person who gives money for a good purposeD.a person who offers homes to children27.Without Brown,some o
17、f those adopted childrenA.might not have the chance to go to schoolB.might not have received the college educationC.would have been unable to grow up healthilyD.would have been homeless at a young ageCCapuchi n monkcys(僧 帽 猴)usual l y makc a l ot of noi sc when thcy nd food.Thcy sh ek(尖口丬)and ycl l
18、and scrcam。They arc l c“i ng thei r fami l i es knOw whcre the food k。onc day,Dr,1汪ari o,a sci enti st saw a monkey kecp qui ct when i t found food.The monkcydi dn t l ct thc Other rnonkeys knOw about the bananas,Dr.压aoo wondercd why。t l ooked l i ke shcwas tryi ng to keep her bananas hi dden from t
19、he othcr rnonkeys,hc sai d.Some soent悠ts uscd to tnk that ani mal s coul dnt control tl l e sounds comi ng from thormouths。Ths wOul d mcan th肫monkeys wOul d make nsc cven i f山crc was not cnough food toshare。Ho、vever,Dr,江ari o had a di fferent i dca,Capuchi n monkeys l ove to eat bananas.so Dr.Mari o
20、 put sO1ne bananas on a pl atfoI】I1i n thCtrces whcrc thc monkcys hved。somcti mes he put many bananas qn the pl atfo.I11so that there wOul dbc enOugh for the monkcys to share.someti mes hc put onl y a few so matthere woul d not be enoughbananas for cveryone.Dr.引O di d thi s for a whol c year。Each th
21、ne Dr.1汪ari o put bananas on thc pl atfoIn】,hc、vatchcd carefuy.IIc wanted to scc i fthe monkeys someti mcs kept qui ct、vhen thcy found bananas,Dr.Mari o found three thi ngs that madc monkeys morc hkel y to rcmai n scnt.Fi rs1 whcnmonkeys found onl y a fcw bananas,they often dn t te11thei r fami l 忆
22、s.sccond,i n scasons when thcforest provi ded on1y a l i ttl e bi t of food,monkeys tended to keep qui ct when they found bananas.Thi rd,rnonkcys were morc l i kel y to stay qui et whcn they had many n。ends ncarby and woul d nothave enough food for cveryone.Dr。Maros banana test-howcd th乱monkeys can
23、control thcsounds co1i ng fron thci r rnouths It seems that they know when to kccp qui et and when to ca i nthe fami l y,B.Because she wanted to visit her teachers.D.Because she wanted to find the truth.高一期末联考卷 英语试卷 第 3页 共 8页28.When finding food,capuchin monkeys yell and scream in order to29.How did
24、 Dr.Mario make monkeys behave differently in the test?A.By changing the number of bananasB.By changing the location of the platformC.By controlling the sounds from other monkeysD.By letting other monkeys know about the bananas.30.The banana test given by Dr.Mario shows monkeys_.A.like to remain sile
25、ntC.prefer to eat bananas31.The passage mai nl y te1l s us_ JA,whcrc monkeys vcB.how momceys fl nd fOodC。when1nonkeys kcep qui et aftcr they fl nd foodD,how monkeys rnake sounds whcn they cal 1thefa1n i esDHcrder(放牧人)Buchu Bom has tO wal k tens of ki l ometers h search of grassl and for sani mal s d
26、uri ng ti mes of drought(=干旱)but he ont sure whcthcr he w succccd or not,“Somebody tel l s you that thcre i s grassl and but on ai vi ng,you dont丘 nd any,sai d山 c herder.Butwhcn the rai ns nl ncxt ti 1ne,he wi 11have a new mobe phonc app Whi ch wl hel p hi n1movc hi san“nal s to grassl and wi thoutt
27、oo much cost or wastc ofthne,Thc An匚 sc。ut app,whi ch uses satce i mages to fl nd where thcrc i s grass and water,cIahns tobe bettcr than wh肘pcopi n A ca are used to,Wi th the app,会mcan herdcw be very surewherc thc grassl and wi th water心and thcn they wi 11j ust head there.Afri scout that rcduccs th
28、e unccrtai nti es associ atcd wi th the Joumcys can hel p protect herds al l di ncomcs,rnaki ng fami es more adaptabl e to thc scvcre condi ti ons.Afrkc。ut,dcvcl oped by ProJect Conccm htematonal(PCI,a Cal i fomi a-based devcIopmentorgani zati on,was fl rst rel eased i n Borus arca i n February.Thc
29、app so far has had about3,000usersi n Kenya,but PCI hopes to i ncrcase the number to4,000once i t fl ni shes rnappi ng Samburu Country,home to the sambum her山ng commu血ty.It i s a eady used i n Tanzaa and Etho,a and PCI pl ansto expand i t i n othcr Anocan c。untri es l i ke Ri gcr soon,sai d Brenda W
30、andera,the organi zati onsacti ng rcpresentati vc i n Kenya,A.show their satisfactionC.find the placeB.send signals to their familiesD.threaten their enemiesB.dont share their foodD.can control their sounds高一期末联考卷 英语试卷 第 4页 共 8页A.To harvest some grass.C.To search for drinkable water.33.What do we kn
31、ow about Afriscout?A.It was released in California at first.However,the new app faces a few challenges,including limited mobile phone connectivity insome areas,and broad use of old-style mobile phones rather than smart phones.Now,few herders inthe region own smart phones-but that may change if they
32、find the app useful.32.Why dose Boru walk a long distance during drought?B.To move to a new place.D.To find food for his animals.B.It can take photos of a satellite.C.It will be used in more African countries D.It eases Kenyan environmental problems.34.From which section of a website is the text pro
33、bably taken?A.Environment.B.Technology.C.Lifestyle.D.Economy.35,、1i ch one can be the bestti dc ofthc text?A.h-tcch can protcct ani mal s and i ncomcs。B.AnHsc。ut faces somc chacnges i n Kenya。C.An app hcl ps herders cut ri sk frOIyl drought.D。An organi zati on i nvented an app for the poor。第二节(共 5小
34、题,每小题 2分,满分 10分)根据短文 内容,从短文后的选项中选 出能填入空 白处的最佳选项,选 项中有两项为多余选项。Waysto Put Dow YOur smartphoneFor rnost peopl e,when thcy wake up i n曲c momi ng,the f1rst thi ng cOn1i ng to thci r 1i nd i s tofl nd thor smartphone.r怎 the samc to you,i t心ti mc for you to put your smartphone down,36Pi ck up a newspaperRe
35、ad a ncwspaper and bc amazcd at ho、v rel axi ng i t i s to read through the day s news.We wi 11fl nd our attenti on has i ncreased and wc wi l l e刂oy readi ng i t.37 Evcn the New York Ti mes恣onl y$9a wcck for homc dcl hcry,phs山鲈 tal aCcCss.38Take your ol d radi o out agai n,pl ug i t i n,and be amaz
36、ed at how va1radi o sti 11can bc.Morei mpoMntl y,you wOntbc a打aCted to chcck other apps and wcbsi tes.Cut off soci al medi a ti esWc l ove Facebook or Twi tter to conuni Cate wh fri cnds and rel ati ons.39 And tum offapp and emai nfoI Iati on at some other ti mc i n any othcr pl aces,so you arcnt at
37、tracted by thcm.Pe up your phonesToday,seems ncarl y i mposs北l c to put your phonc down for60mi nutcs。HOweVer,whc伍erd血 ng at homc Or out on thc tOwn,sti Ck to(坚拮;)a no-de说ce pol 忆 y.40 Ecn better,you Canal so havc a、vai ter pl acc them out of si tc,so no one Can break thc pohcy.高一期末联考卷 英语试卷 第 5页 共 8
38、页A。Here are thc resus of gi vi ng up usi ng your smartphone。B,Here are some qui ck and casy ways to putthcn1asi de.C,And dontbe won匚ed aboutthe cost。D。Li stcn to伍e news repoE,Just check i n at your l unch brcak or atthe go【n.F.To make i t sti ck,you can pl ace phoncs i n the center ofthc tabl e.G。Li
39、 stcn to the radi o第二部分:英语语言知识运用(共 三节,满分 45分)第一节 完形填空(共 小题;每 小题 1分,满分 分)阅读下面短文,从 短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,选 出可 以填人空 白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。口1hen we prai sc chdren for thci r i ntc11i gence or somc Other tal ents,thcy are happy about i t.They thi nk they rc tal ented because mcy are b。rn、vh i t。As doi ng
40、 somethi ng comes 41 to thcm,they thi nk they nced not make any 42 for i t,They take the 坨 w that tal ented peopl c need not wOrk hard and efforts are meant for 43peopl e onl y。Putti ng i n effo s and swc甜(汗水)l ooks sti gmati c(侮辱的)to them。ozI,theydon dke to putthr hard wOrk i nto thor studyThe 45 o
41、f bei ng tal ented takcs thei r sel i esteem(自尊)very hgh.so hgh that伍ey paymore a钆 enton to thor 46。They wantto m缸n“n thor i mage at any cost,When they have acl ass test,they 47 1ess on cfforts,mOre on thor rank.They are more cOncemed aboutcompeti ton,l ess about preparaton。When they 48 1ower than i
42、 t h expectcd,they te1l esi nnati ng(叻弭勖 thor marks。They dof teven try to do thi ngs 49 those they are namral l y goodat。y?Becausc they are afr缸d of 50 wch i n thor ooon WOul d spol thor i mage.Iftakes a httl e l onger ti me to 51 somethi ng,thcy ghe up too q“ckl y,wi 伍 out maki ng enoughefforts。Thc
43、y thi nk伍ey arcn t namral l y good at i t,sO w11y even 52“.Thi s takes them awayfrom many good aCti vi ti es tO hcl p chi l dren i ntel l ectual l y and 53 伍 em tO wOrk eci entl y,They tend to become perfectk1心t.FOr them ei ther do 54 or donf teven ghea try,They dont accept 55 perfoIIIance,They want
44、to show thatthey are 56 at whatever theydo,because they arc geni uses(天才).For them bei ng average i s 57,As a resul t,they havea 58 perscverance(毅力)vcl。These chi l dren dont take i ni ti ati ve(主动)j ust because of59 the embaJassment of fai l ure。F缸 hres make thcm 60 condence easi l y.Do you want to
45、be such ki nd of chdren?I thi nk your answer i sT(or If s。,pl ease put yourefforti ntO whatever you do!You know why,dont you?高一期末联考卷 英语试卷 第 6页 共 8页41.A.quickly42.A.efforts43.A.special44.A.Besides45.A.feeling46.A.tun47.A.focus48.A.score49.A.rather than50.A.wonies51.A.stress52.A.go for53.A.wear54.A.se
46、parately55.A.popular56.A.hardworking57.A.unreliables8.A.hish59.A.putting60.A.liftB.suddenlyB.plansB.poorB.ThereforeB.trickB.intelligenceB.countB.occupyB.more thanB.failureB.learnB.care forB.translateB.cautiouslyB.humorousB.amazingB.inesponsibleB.lowB.seekingB.leaveC.badl yC.desi gnsC,angC。HowcverC,h
47、abC,appearanceC.takeC。pu11C.except forC。d四 l tyC.corectC.acCount壬orC.encourageC。perfccuyC.professi onalC。demandi ngC。macccptabl eC。regul arC.avOIdi ngC.sl i deD.naturallyD.progressD.averageD.StillD.experienceD.imageD.switchD.whisperD.less thanD.challengesD.enjoyD.answer forD.promiseD.frequentlyD.ord
48、inaryD.disappointingD.harmlessD.steadyD.sufferingD.lose第 卷第二节(共 10小 题;每 小题 1.5分,满分 15分)阅读下面材料,在空 白处填入适当的内容(1个 单词)或括号内单词的正确形式,并将答案填写在答题卡相应的位置上。Learni ng any l anguage needs practi cel ots of practi ce!It i s of great 61 Cmportant,topracti se Engl i sh on a dai l y baso,62 wm hel p you make a hab to s
49、tudy Engl i sh.Li stcn to and read Enghh eery day。There 63 (be)many begi nner-l evel l i steni ng andreadhg materi ak that you can use.Books 64(wri te)for伍 cch1drcn are al so a great ea,Open your mouth and speak even i f you onl y speak to 65(you).speak out l oud,Try toqui ckl y su11ma ze(总结)“you ha
50、ve heard or read。of course,i t s be钆 er i f you can do thi s67 aHend.Fi nd a i i end and ta1k i n Enghsh togcther a few thnes a week.高一期末联考卷 英语试卷 第 7页 共 8页Take thhty mi nutes every day 68 at l east fo【l r ti mes a week 69 racti se)your Engl i sh!Ifyou cont1nueto do d1i s,yo讧 70(fl nd)how ama莎ngl y y
51、our Enghsh i mproVes!第三节(共 10小 题;每 小题 1分,满 分 10分)根据句意,用 单词的适当形式填空。7 I.You should b-yourself when you are in public.72.Does life(frft)on other Planets?73.Pl ease dont tel l a1 and you mustte the1ruth。74.氓伍the ho day a,what do you wantto do?.75.I have been,ckCd outto (代表)the whol e tcam.76.He wi n my
52、earthat he was afrai d,77,somcthi ng gave me the si eng山to_(克丹艮)the di ffl cul ty。78,The success or f ofthe pl an depends on you。”。I don t (后悔)W腕tI sa。80.YOu may_to(查阅)your notes ryou want。I第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 35分)第一节 短文改错(满分 10分)文中共有 10处 语言错误,每 句中最多有两处。错误涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。增加:在 缺词处加一个漏词符号(),并 在其下面写出该加 的词。删
53、除:把 多余的词用斜线()划 掉。修改:在错的词下划一横线(),并 在该词下面写出修改后的词。注意:1。每处错误及修改均仅限一词;2.只 允许修改 10处,多 者(从第 11处起)不 计分。Noti ce 一There i s a l ecmre。I wOu1d l i ke to i nvi te you attend thc l ecture on Chi nese tea cul ture。The l ecture,gi、en by Professor Tang from Zh苟i ang U血 verty,wm be schedul ed i n the l ecture ha11i
54、n May13曲,It wi be l ast two hours fro1n9a,m,to11a。m,Duri ng the l ecture you can take part i n avari ety of acti vi ty,such as1i steni ng to the1ece,appreci ati ng a tea sho、v and tasti ng v引oous ki nds ofteaon a spot.In tradi ti ona11y Chi nese cuure,dri 1ong tea was of great benefl t.Not on1y can
55、i t protect youreyesi ght,andcan reduce山e ri sk of cancer as We11,I wOul d apprec讯e them i f you coul dme andj onus,Looki ng forward toj oi n us!第二节 书面表达(满分 25分)“绿水青 山就是金 山银山”理念的提出,足见环境对于人们生活的重要性。作为高中生,我们应如何保护环境昵?请你以“Lets Protect the Envi ronment Together!为题写一篇演讲稿,内 容包括:1.保 护环境的重要性;2.保 护环境应采取的措施。注意:1,词数100左右;2.可适当增加细节,以 使行文连贯。Let s Protect the Envi ronment Together!Dear boys and gi r1s,鬲一期末联考卷 英语试卷 第 8页 共 8页