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《名校推荐》北京市第四中学人教版高中英语选修7 UNIT 1 LIVING WELL 词汇精讲.doc

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《名校推荐》北京市第四中学人教版高中英语选修7 UNIT 1 LIVING WELL 词汇精讲.doc_第1页
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《名校推荐》北京市第四中学人教版高中英语选修7 UNIT 1 LIVING WELL 词汇精讲.doc_第2页
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《名校推荐》北京市第四中学人教版高中英语选修7 UNIT 1 LIVING WELL 词汇精讲.doc_第3页
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1、 Living well -词汇精讲 按照要求填空:l 汉译英: 1. 笨拙的 adj. c_2. 有益的 adj. b_3. 缺席n. a_4. 足够的,充分的 adj. a_5. 惹恼 v.a _l 词性转换: 1. hand n./v. _ adj. 方便的 2. ambition n. _ adj. 有雄心的 3. approve v. _ adj. 赞成的 4. assistance n. _ v. 帮助 5. architecture n. _ n. 建筑师 l 词组 1. _(换而言之), the objection is to avoid losing.He became, _

2、(换而言之), a great hero. 请写出以下短语:总而言之_; 信守诺言_; 插嘴 _ 2. 请使用adapt to 或be adapted from.翻译句子 1) 你应该把你自己适应到新环境中去。 2) The world will be different, (我们不得不准备好去适应变化).3) 这部小说已经被从英文原版小说改编为电视剧了。(have been done) 3. She was_ (喘不过气来,上气不接下气)from climbing the stairs.词组:一口气_ _; 深地吸一口气_ _; (因恐惧或激动)屏息_ _; 喘不过气来_ _; 使某人大为惊

3、讶或感动_ _4. _(总的来说), I think it has been a very successful conference. 5.嘲笑那些口吃的人是件残忍的事情。(make fun of) .6. 将以下含有meet with的句子翻译为中文。1)They are meeting with Russian leaders to try to end the crisis. 2)She met with an accident yesterday. 3)The idea met with a cool response from them. l 词汇精讲 写出划线的词语在句中的意思1

4、. I am here to accept the award on Ms. Winglets behalf.(_)2. Eventually Stella persuaded her to accept an offer of marriage.(_)3. Our clients will never accept this proposal. (_) 4. Mexico was accepted as a member of the OECD in 1994. (_)5.He invented the technique that allows scientists to examine

5、DNA. (_)6. Chaplin invented his own unique style of comedy. (_)7. She would invent any excuse to avoid seeing people. (_)8. Stronger measures will have to be taken to bring own unemployment. (_)9. When you are attacked, you take defensive measures against the attacker. (_)10.The huge volume of mail

6、is a measure of her popularity. (_)11.The room measures approximately 12 feet by 13 feet. (_)12.Success is not measured by how much money you have. (_)13.I decided to conduct an experiment.(=carry out) (_)14.He has conducted himself with dignity. (_) 15.Two players were sent off for violent conduct. (_)16.Many observers criticized the conduct of the trial. (_)17. The only access to the farmhouse is across the fields. (_) 18. The island is accessible only by boat. (_)19. A manager should be accessible to his staff. (_)20. The information ought to be made more accessible. (_)


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