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本文(2011年高考大纲版英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测:第三册UNIT 11KEV TO SUCCESS.doc)为本站会员(高****)主动上传,免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知免费在线备课命题出卷组卷网(发送邮件至service@ketangku.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!

2011年高考大纲版英语总复习知识点精讲精析与高考试题预测:第三册UNIT 11KEV TO SUCCESS.doc

1、第 三册Unit 11 Kev to successI单元知识点全览 工欲善其事 必先利其器高考须掌握的词汇:1criteria 2summarize 3expect 4divjde 5ambitjon 6codgratuJaton 7cornbine 8definition9actually 1Osmoothly高考须掌握的短语:1with 2through 3out 4in 5sake 6on 7account/consideration 8whoIe 9once 10up11with 12than 13of 14by考点过关 过关斩将 一马平川考点详解 精剖细解 入巿三分一、重点词汇 1

2、suspect vt猜疑;怀疑;猜想n嫌疑犯eg: We suspected him to beill我们猜想他病了。 She suspected him of taking her watch她怀疑他拿走了她的手表。 The police arrested the suspect yesterday警察昨天逮捕了那个嫌疑犯。相关键接:suspicion n怀疑 suspicious adj怀疑的;疑心的用法拓展:suspect sbof(doing)sth怀疑某人(做)某事特别提醒:suspect后不接双宾语,应用suspect sbof sth。案例剖析 旁征博引 举一反三考题1 (典型例

3、题分) -Johnson was taken by police yesterday. -Sure. It is said that he was of a theft. A, charged B. suspected C. caught D. questioned考题1点拨;答案为B。考查动词词义辨析。根据题意,应表示“被怀疑有偷窃行为”。suspect sbof sth“怀疑某人做某事”,而 charge sbwith sth“指控某人做某事”。c、D无此搭配。故选B。句意为:“约翰逊昨天被警察带走了。是的,据说他被怀疑有偷窃行为。” 总结提示;suspect sbof(doing)sth

4、怀疑某人有某罪(做了莱事)2shame n羞愧;遗憾的事;可耻的事eg: Its a shtime to take the money for doing such easy work 做那么容易的工作而拿钱真难为情。 what a shtime to deceive thegirl!欺骗那个女孩真是可耻! Its a shtime that you missed that wonderfuI film你错过那场精彩电影真遗憾。相关链接:shameful adj丢脸的可耻的 shameless adj无耻的;不要脸的用法拓展:feel shtime at/for感到羞耻bring shame

5、on sb给某人带来耻辱 what a shame to do sth=what a shame that做某事真丢人(遗憾) Its a shame to do/doing sth做某事真可惜(遗憾)eg: Its a shame!真遗憾!真可惜! what a shamewhat a pity真可惜;真遗憾(表示对不能做成某事而表示惋惜)特别提醒:what a shame相当于what a pity表示“遗憾 可惜”。考题2 ( 典型例题 分 ) You should practice more often its a to waste such talent. A. fun B. sha

6、me C. surprise D. worry考题2点拨:答案为B。fun既不符合语境,其前也不能带a;surprise和worry均不符合语意。shame在此表示“遗憾的事”。句意为: “你应该多练练,浪费那样的才能是件遗憾的事。”总结提示:Its a shame to do sth“干某事是遗憾的事”。3congratulate vt况贺;庆贺 eg:I warmly congratulated him on getting the first place in the competition我热烈地庆贺他在竞赛中获得第一名。 Lets congratuIate you on the bi

7、rth of your daughter让我们祝贺你喜获千金。相关链接:congratulation n祝贺(常用复数)用法拓展:congratulate s1)on(doing)sth祝贺某人干某事 congratulations to sbon(doing)sth祝贺某人干某事 offer s1)ones congratulations on(doing)sth祝贺某人做某事特别提醒:congratulation表示“祝贺”通常用复数,即:Congratulations!或 CongratuIations to s1)on(doing)sth考题3 (典型例题 分)-Tonny, Im g

8、oing to get married next month. ! A. Congratulation B. Celebrate you C. Congratulate D. Congratulations考题3点拨:答案为D。congratulation表示“祝贺”常用复数即congratulations。而celebrate表示祝贺,后面宾语为物而不是人。即celebrate sth。congratulate后接祝贺的人。句意为:“托尼,下个月我就要结婚了。祝贺你!”总结提示:congratulation名词表示“祝贺”一般用复数形式,后接on引起的短语表示原因。二、重点短语4stick

9、with坚持下去;继续支持;不离开eg: Practising is tiresomebut stick with it and some day you will be la good pianist练习 是很烦人的事,但是只要不停地练下去,总有一天你会成为优秀的钢琴家的。 Stick with me until we get out of the crowd在我们走出人群前,不要离开我。 Ill always stick with you however hard our work is无论工作多么艰难,我都会支持你的。用法拓展:stick out伸出,忍下去snck to坚持;遵循特别提

10、醒:stick to后接某人的立场,观点,意见stick with后接某物,表示“坚持下去”。考题4 (典型例题)You have fi-nished most of the work and it. A. stick with B. stick to C. refer to D. turn to考题4点拨:答案为A。根据题意表示“坚持下去”,故选stick with。句意为,你已级完成了大部分工作,坚持下去。”总结提示:stick with“坚持下去,继续支持”。5keep an eye on照料;照看 eg: will you keep an eye on my children for

11、a while?你能替我照看一下孩子吗?用法拓展:keep an eye on照看;注视 keep an eye out for当心,留意 keep ones eyes open密切注意特别提醒;辨析keep an eye on与keep an eye out for考题5 (典型例题 分 )Sorry I have to be away for a moment; please keep on my shop while I am absent. A. a notice B. a watch C. an attention D. an eye考题5点拨;答案为D。考查keep an eye

12、on“照看;照料”。句意为:“很抱欺,我要外出一会儿,我不在的时候,请帮我照看一下铺子。”总结提示:keep an eye on“照看;照料”。keep watch over“注意;留心”。 三、重点交际用语6Sports team are made up of运动队由组成 be made up of由构成的,其主动形式为make up. eg:A car is made up of thousands of parts一辆汽车通常是由成千上万个零件组成的。 Six students make up this team六个学生组成这个队。用法拓展;be mflde up of=consist

13、of由构成(组成)make up=form组成,构成特别提醒:make up除表示“组成;构成”还可以表示“化妆;化装;捏造;虚构(故事;诗);弥补;整理;收拾”等含义。 eg:She mflde up her face to look prettier她化了妆以便看上去更漂亮些。 They hurried on to make up for lost time他们加快速度以补回所失去的时间。考题6 (典型例题分)At the end of 典型例题ere around 3,000 foreign printing companies, around 2 percent of national

14、 total. A. made up B. making up of C. making up D. made up of考题6点拨:答案为c。根据题意:“到典型例题0家外资印刷公司,组成全国总数的2。”表示“组成,构成”应用“make up,而“be made up of”由组成的,与题意不符。 总结提示:区分make up与be made up of的用法。 用法拓展:由what构成的短语如: So what?那又怎么样?what about?怎么办?怎么样? what for/whatfor?为什么? what though?即使又有什么关系?特别提醒:记住与what构成的省略形式的固定

15、句式。四、重点句型 7what if you feel comfortable doing a task by yourself?如果你想自己做事怎么办? what if是一个省略句式,意思是“如果怎么办?”或“即使又有什么关系?” eg:what if he gets angry?即使他生气又有什么关系呢? what if a“lens should invade our earth?如果有外星人袭击地球该怎么办呢? what if it rains tomorrow?如果明天下雨怎么办?考题7 ( 典型例题 分 )-Alice hasnt turned up so far. if she

16、is absent today? We dont even have the key yet. A. How B. Why C. What D. When考题7点拨:答案为c。What if?是一个固定句型,不可随意改动。句意为:“如果今天她不来怎么办,我们甚至没有钥匙。”总结提示:What if?固定搭配。8Considering that she had been ill for eight weeks,her exam results were not so bad af-ter all考虑到她病了八周,她的考试成绩还不那么糟糕。 considering that考虑到,就而论consi

17、dering用作介词,后接名词或从句。eg:Considering that he has worked seven hours,he must be very tired考虑到他已经工作了七个小时,他一定是累坏了。 Considering his age,he is very strong就他年龄而论,他算得上是很强壮的。 类似句式还有:suppose/supposing eg:Suppose(Supposing)he is absent, what shall we do?假如他不在,我们该怎么办?用法拓展:considering sth/that考虑到 takeinto consider

18、ation考虑;体谅takeinto account考虑;体谅特别提醒:considering sth/that为固定搭配,不受句子主语的限制。考题8 (典型例题) the rough weather, we had better put our plan off. A. To consider B. Having considered C. Considered D. Considering考题8点拨:答案为D。考查considering sth/that“考虑到”为固定搭配,considering在此句型中用作介词。句意为:“考虑到恶劣的天气,我们最好将计划推迟。” 总结提示:consid

19、ering sth/that为固定搭配。五、词语辨析9ashamedshameful ashamed adj“羞愧的”常用于修饰人。而shameful adj“羞愧的,丢人的” 用于修饰某个行为或事物。 eg:She felt ashamed of doing that and tears ran down her cheek做了那件事她非常羞愧,眼泪顺着脸颊流了下来。 It is a shameful thing to tell a lie撒谎是一件不光彩的事情。特别提醒:feel/be ashamed for sth为感到羞耻,而shameful表示“令人羞耻的”。考题9(典型例题用 as

20、hamed, shame-ful 的适当形式填空 (1) I feel that I have done so little for him. (2)It is to steal. (3)He is of himself to be that man. (4)It is a _ conduct to cheat the little chil-dren.考题9点拨:(1)ashamed(2)shameful(3)ashamed(4)shameful总结提示:ashamed“羞愧的”只用来作表语,而shameful既可作表语,也可用作定语。 语法归纳 精通规则 游刃有余本单元的语法重点是主动形式

21、表被动意义详见SB3 Unit 12IV专题探究 由点及面 由表及里专题探究:充分利用逗号,巧解高考试题 专题详解:逗号虽小作用挺大,不信?本文就谈谈充分利用逗号巧解高考试题。相信读后你再也不敢小看逗号的作用了。1利用逗号巧解定语从句关系词定语从句有限制性和非限制性定语从句之分,非限制性定语从句前面必须有逗号,与主句隔开。在非限制性定语从句中,先行词可构成整个主句且在定语从句中作主语或宾语,定语从句的关系词由which(as)不用that引导。2用逗号巧定非谓语动词 (1)分词作状语表伴随时,常用逗号与主句隔开,此时若表示主动动作,用现在分词,若表示被动动作,应用过去分词。 (2)分词作非限制

22、性定语时,常常用逗号与主句分开,此时若表主动,用现在分词,若表被动,用过去分词。3用逗号确定副词,too,either,though用作副词放在句末,前面用逗号与主句隔开。4根据逗号巧定同位语 同位语前常有逗号与先行词隔开。考题1 She heard a terrible noise, brought her heart into her mouth. A. it B. which C. this D. that考题2 The visiting Minister expressed his satisfaction with the talks, that he had enjoyed his

23、 stay here. A. having, added B. to add C. adding D. added考题3 The computer center, last year, is very popular among the students in this School. A. open B. opening C. having opened D. opened考题4 Ive a bit of cold.- Its nothing much, A. while B. however C. yet D. though考题5 Greenland, island in the worl

24、d, covers two million square kilometres. A. it is the largest B. that is the largest C. is the largest D. the largest考题1点拨:答案为B。逗号表明该句为非限制性定语从句,先行词a terrible noise在从句中作主语,应用which引导非限制性定语从句。考题2点拨:答案为C。根据逗号的提示及语境不难发现,该空应用现在分词adding作伴随状语。考题3点拨:答案为D。根据逗号提示、语境及句子结构不难发现该空应填过去分词opened作后置定语,表“被开办”。考题4点拨:答案为

25、D。根据逗号提示及语境分析,该空应填though,表示“然而”。 考题5点拨:答案为D。根据逗号及语境分析,该空应填一个修饰island的词同island一起作Greenland的同位语,应填the largest。总结提示:注意分析逗号的作用,巧解病考试题。 V考题类型一网打尽 蓦然回首 灯火阑珊回顾1 测试考点 7 (典型例题- Susan, will you please go and empty that drawer.? ? A. What for B. What is it C. How is it D. How come1A点拨:根据will you please go and

26、empty that drawer?可判断出“倒空抽屉有什么用”?what for为何用”而其他三项不符合题意。 回顾2 测试考点 6 (典型例题Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and _ jokes. A. turning up B. putting up C. making up D. showing up2C点拨:考查动词词组辨析。turn up出现,把(音量)调大”;put up张贴,挂起”;show up出席;到场;显露”;make up“虚 构;构成”,由题意“村子里每个人都喜欢他。

27、因为他擅长讲笑话和编故事”可知选c。2011年高考题预测 高瞻远瞩 占尽先机一、考情预测 预测1:suspect 预测根据:suspect的词性较多,属于高考必掌握的词汇,随着新课标的实施,在以后的高考中,suspect,rob,cheat之类的词会成为高考的热点。 命题角度预测:suspect一般用作及物动词,注意其后的复合宾语结构,命题者多是利用学生这方面的弱点在语法和词汇知识,短文改错中进行考查。预测2:shame 预测根据:shame是高考大纲里使用频繁的一个单词,在各类考试中出现率比较高,尤其它在交际用语中的使用,更是高考命题者经常锁定的目标。 命题角度预测:shame常用于下列句型

28、:Its a shame to do sth;Its a shame thatWhat a shameI Its a shame等句型。 这些句型同学们很容易混淆,这一点又会被高考命题者所利用。预测3:considering 预测根据:consider作为动词的用法,同学们对此并不陌生,但是considering作为介词使用是学生们所忽视的一个考点。所以它的这种用法经常在语法和词汇知识,短文改错中体现。 命题角度预测:considering作介词后接名词或that从句不受主语的影响。学生的这个弱点恰恰会被命题者所利用。预测4:what if 预测根据:what if是一个省略的连词,它是考查交

29、际用语时经常锁定的一个目标。通常在语法和词汇知识中考查。 命题角度预测:what Ifwhat for;vhat about;what though的意思与用法记忆不牢,经常混淆。这点往往会被命题者所利用。预测5:话题:社会行为和社会关系 预测根据:东西方社会差异很大在社会行为和社会关系方面也有很大不同,故同学们在乎日的学习中除了学习语言知识外,也要了解一些国外的风俗习惯、社会差异等方面的知识。爷题角度预测:这类题材的文章通常出现在阅读理解题中,有时也出现在听力题中。内容多是关于社会差异、人际关系等方面的文章。 二、考题预测备考1测试考点 3 - I won the first place i

30、n the exam, mum. - to you !A. Coflgratulations B. Good luck C. Best wishes D. Well-done1_A点拨:考查交际用语。当某人取得很好的成绩时,应向别人表示祝贺,故选A,而B表示祝某人好运。 备考2测试考点 2 Yesterday, it was raining all day, which ruined our holiday. A. Bad luck B. Thats all right C. What a shame D. Never mind2c点拨:题意:“大雨破坏了我们的假期,是一个令人遗憾的事情”。W

31、hat a shame!表示“真遗憾”,而Bad luck“真倒霉”不符合语境。 备考3测试考点 7 The plane is due to take off at 8:00 from the airport. we cant get there in time.- Fry to take another flight then. A. As if B. Even if C. Only if D. What if3D点拨:考查连词用法,as if“似乎,好像”,even if即使”,what if“如果怎么办”。根据下文try to take another flight可推断出上文为“如果我

32、们不能及时赶到怎么办?”故选D。 备考4测试考点 9 I behaved badly yesterday and I am of myself up to now. A. shameful B. ashamed C. shameless D. shame4B点拨:根据题意:“我昨天表现太差了,直到现在我还为自己感到羞愧”。be ashamed of对感到羞愧”,而shameful一般用来修饰某件事或某种形式。 备考5测试考点 4 If you it, your performance will gradually get better. A. insist on 13. stick out C

33、. stick with D. used to5 C点拨:题意:“如果你继续坚持下去,你的表演会越来越好”,stick with“坚持下去”,stick out“伸出去”,而insist on do-ing sth“坚持做某事”,故选c。 备考6测试考点 1 - My bag is missing. So who do you of taking it? A. charge B. speak C. suspect D. refer6c点拨:题意;“我的包丢了。那么你怀疑谁拿了你的包?”suspect sbdoing“怀疑某人做”,而charge sbwith doing sth“指控某人做某事

34、”,故选C。 备考7测试考点 5 I will be away for a holiday. Could you keep on my pet dog?A. an attention B. an eye C. toucH D. care7B点拨:题意:“我要外出度假,你能帮我照看一下我的宠物狗吗?keep an eye on一“照看;照顾”,为固定搭配。 备考8测试考点 6 -Whose turn is it to the story? Its Tom.A. add up B. make up C. let out D. wind up8B点拨add up“把加起来”;make up“构成;虚

35、构”;let out“泄露”,wind up“卷起来”,由题意“轮到谁来编故事了”。可判断B为正确选项。备考9测试考点8 that he is very young, he cant be left alone at home. A. Having considered B. Considering C. To consider D. Consider9.B点拨:根据题意:“考虑到他这么小,不能把他单独留在家里”,considering that“考虑到”,为固定句型。 备考10测试考点 7 Well, Im afraid itll be crowded if you spend your h

36、oliday by the seaside at this time of year. I go to the countryside? - Itll be more enjoyable, I think. A. What if B. How do you like C. Would you suggest D. How about10A 点拨:B、D两项后面不能接从句,故排除掉,而C项 Would you suggest?与答语Itll be more enjoyable相矛 盾。故选A,表示“如果我去海边怎么样”?“我认为会比较舒适”。符合题意。 备考11高考新题型:阅读填空题 Mark

37、Lui:Star Record Producer Mark Lui is one of Hong Kongs most famous record produc-ers. Since 1972, he has worked with some of the biggest stars in the Hong Kong music industry. Why did you get invoivd in the music industry. Mark? ld been a huge fan of music since I was young, so it was natural for me

38、 to get involved in the creative side of the music industry as a producer. What exactly is the role( 角色 ) of a prucer? A record producer is like a film director. He is responsible for(哦为负责任 ) the whole record making process. I com- po;e a lot of music for the singers. I produce, and I usually play g

39、uitar or keyboards on the records. When I record singers and musicians, my role is to help them give their best performance. And the past few yeae have very sueessful for you, havent they? Yes. they have. Ive been fortunate enough to win around 40 awards over the past few years. Leon Lais 1996 album

40、 Perhaps won awards for song of the Year, Album of the Year, and the Best Composer. In 1997, I won the Best Film song award for Wind. Flowers and Snow. which was sung by Kelly Chert. How long does it, take to make an album? It usually takes about tWO months to complete an album of 10 songs. Finally,

41、 Mark, what do you want to do in the future? Music is my life. I just want to continue making music that I love and that I can be proud of. (1) Mark Lui is a famous (2) He got involved in the music industry because he music. (3)As a record producer. Mark , plays and records music. (4)Mark has been extremely over the past few years. (5)h usually takes Mark Lui to complete an album of 10 songs.11(1)Hong Kongs record producer(2)loves(3)composes (4)successful(5)tWO months 点拨:答案可以从文中直接找到。

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